9. EXPRESSCLUSTER command reference

This chapter describes commands that are used on EXPRESSCLUSTER.

This chapter covers:

9.1. Operating the cluster from the command line

EXPRESSCLUSTER provides various commands to operate a cluster by the command line. These commands are useful for things like constructing a cluster or when you cannot use the Cluster WebUI. You can perform greater number of operations using the command line than Cluster WebUI.


When you have configured a group resource (examples: disk resource and exec resource) as a recovery target in the settings of error detection by a monitor resource, and the monitor resource detects an error, do not perform the following actions by commands related to the actions or by the Cluster WebUI while recovery (reactivation -> failover -> final action) is ongoing.

  • terminate/suspend the cluster

  • start/terminate/migrate a group

If you perform the actions mentioned above against the cluster while the recovery caused by detection of an error by a monitor resource is ongoing, other group resources of that group may not terminate. However, you can perform these actions as long as the final action has been executed, even if a monitor resource detected an error.


The installation directory contains executable-format files and script files that are not listed in this guide. Do not execute these files by programs or applications other than EXPRESSCLUSTER. Any problems caused by not using EXPRESSCLUSTER will not be supported.

9.2. EXPRESSCLUSTER commands

Commands for configuring a cluster





Distributes configuration data created by the Cluster WebUI to servers.
Backs up the cluster configuration data to be used by the Cluster WebUI.



Manages the product or trial version license of this product.



Checks the cluster configuration data.



Converts an old version of a cluster configuration data file into the current version.



Creates a cluster configuration data file.



Encrypts a character string.



Adds a firewall rule.


Commands for displaying status





Displays the cluster status and configuration information.



Check the process health.


Commands for cluster operation





Starts, stops, suspends, or resumes the EXPRESSCLUSTER daemon.



Stops the EXPRESSCLUSTER daemon and shuts down the server.



Stops the EXPRESSCLUSTER daemon across the whole cluster and shuts down all servers.



Starts, stops, or moves groups.



Extends or displays the various time-out values of all servers in the cluster.



Modifies and displays I/O permission of a shared disk partition device.



Controls monitor resources.



Displays or initializes the reboot count on a single server.



Stops or resumes group resources



Requests that an EXPRESSCLUSTER server execute a process from external monitoring.



Controls the cluster activation synchronization wait processing.


Log-related commands





Collects logs and OS information.



Modifies and displays a configuration of log level and the file size of log output.



Displays the cluster statistics data about groups and monitor resources.


Script-related commands





Writes texts in the exec resource script to create a desired message to the output destination


Mirror-related commands (when the Replicator is used)





Displays a mirroring status and configuration information.



Executes various operations such as mirror recovery and the activation/deactivation of mirror disk resources.
Displays or modifies the maximum number of the request queues.



Initializes the cluster partition of a mirror disk resource.
Creates a file system on the data partition of a mirror disk resource.



Allows a partition to be mirrored to be backed up to a disk image.



Allows a restored mirror disk image to be enabled.


Hybrid disk-related commands (when the Replicator DR is used)





Displays the hybrid disk status and configuration information.



Executes various operations such as mirror recovery and the activation/deactivation of hybrid disk resources.
Displays or modifies the maximum number of the request queues.



Initializes the cluster partition of a hybrid disk resource.



Allows a partition to be mirrored to be backed up to a disk image.



Allows a restored mirror disk image to be enabled.


DB rest point-related commands





Controls the securing/release of the rest point of DB2.



Controls the securing/release of the rest point of MySQL.



Controls the securing/release of the rest point of Oracle.



Controls the securing/release of the rest point of PostgreSQL.



Controls the securing/release of the rest point of SQL Server.


Other commands





Lights off the warning light of the specified server.


9.3. Displaying the cluster status (clpstat command)

the clpstat command displays cluster status and configuration information.

Command line
clpstat -s [--long] [-h hostname]
clpstat -g [-h hostname]
clpstat -m [-h hostname]
clpstat -n [-h hostname]
clpstat -f [-h hostname]
clpstat -i [--detail] [-h hostname]
clpstat --cl [--detail] [-h hostname]
clpstat --sv [server_name] [--detail] [-h hostname]
clpstat --hb [hb_name] [--detail] [-h hostname]
clpstat --fnc [fnc_name] [--detail] [-h hostname]
clpstat --svg [servergroup_name] [--detail] [-h hostname]
clpstat --grp [group_name] [--detail] [-h hostname]
clpstat --rsc [resource_name] [--detail] [-h hostname]
clpstat --mon [monitor_name] [--detail] [-h hostname]
clpstat --xcl [xclname] [--detail] [-h hostname]
clpstat --local

This command line displays a cluster status and configuration data.

No option

Displays a cluster status.


Displays a name of the cluster name and resource name until the end.


Displays a cluster group map.


Displays status of each monitor resource on each server.


Displays each heartbeat resource status on each server.


Displays the status of fencing function (network partition resolution and forced stop resource) on each server.


Displays the configuration information of the whole cluster.


Displays the cluster configuration data. Displays the Mirror Agent information as well for the Replicator, Replicator DR.

--sv [server_name]

Displays the server configuration information. By specifying the name of a server, you can display information of the specified server.

--hb [hb_name]

Displays heartbeat resource configuration information. By specifying the name of a heartbeat resource, you can display only the information on the specified heartbeat.

--fnc [fnc_name]

Displays the configuration information on the fencing function (the network partition resolution resource and the forced stop resource). By specifying the resource name, you can display only the information on the specified network partition resolution resource or the specified forced stop resource.

--svg [servergroup_name]

Displays server group configuration information. By specifying the name of a server group, you can display only the information on the specified server group.

--rsc [resource_name]

Displays group resource configuration information. By specifying the name of a group resource, you can display only the information on the specified group resource.

--mon [monitor_name]

Displays monitor resource configuration information. By specifying the name of a monitor resource, you can display only the information on the specified resource.

--xcl [xclname]

Displays configuration information of exclusion rules.By specifying exclusion rule name, only the specified exclusion name information can be displayed.


Displays more detailed information on the setting.

-h hostname

Acquires information from the server specified with hostname. Acquires information from the command running server (local server) when the -h option is omitted.


Displays the cluster status. This option displays the same information when -s option is specified or when no option is specified. However, this option displays only information of the server on which this command is executed, without communicating with other servers.

Return Value

When the -s option is not specified



Other than the above



According to the combination of options, configuration information shows information in various forms.

"*" alongside the server name, displayed after executing this command, represents the server that executed this command.

  • Run this command as the root user.

  • This command cannot be double launched.

  • When you specify the name of a server for the -h option, the server should be in the cluster.

  • For the language used for command output, see "Cluster properties - Info tab" in "2. Parameter details" in this guide.

  • When you run the clpstat command with the -s option or without any option, names such as a cluster or a resource will not be displayed halfway.

Example of Execution

Examples of information displayed after running these commands are provided in the next topic.

Error Messages



Log in as root.

Log on as the root user.

Invalid configuration file. Create valid cluster configuration data.

Create valid cluster configuration data by using the Cluster WebUI.

Invalid option.

Specify a valid option.

Could not connect to the server. Check if the cluster daemon is active.

Check if the EXPRESSCLUSTER Information Base service is started.

Invalid server status.

Check if the cluster daemon is started.

Server is not active. Check if the cluster daemon is active.

Check if the cluster daemon is started.

Invalid server name. Specify a valid server name in the cluster.

Specify the valid name of a server in the cluster.

Invalid heartbeat resource name. Specify a valid heartbeat resource name in the cluster.

Specify the valid name of a heartbeat resource in the cluster.

Invalid network partition resource name.
Specify a valid network partition resource name in the cluster.

Specify the valid name of a network partition resolution resource in the cluster.

Invalid group name. Specify a valid group name in the cluster.

Specify the valid name of a group in the cluster.

Invalid group resource name. Specify a valid group resource name in the cluster.

Specify the valid name of a group resource in the cluster.

Invalid monitor resource name. Specify a valid monitor resource name in the cluster.

Specify the valid name of a monitor resource in the cluster.

Connection was lost. Check if there is a server where the cluster daemon is stopped in the cluster.

Check if there is any server on which the cluster daemon has stopped in the cluster.

Invalid parameter.

The value specified as a command parameter may be invalid.

Internal communication timeout has occurred in the cluster server. If it occurs frequently, set the longer timeout.

A time-out occurred in the EXPRESSCLUSTER internal communication.
If time-out keeps occurring, set the internal communication time-out longer.

Internal error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Invalid server group name. Specify a valid server group name in the cluster.

Specify the correct server group name in the cluster.

The cluster is not created.

Create and apply the cluster configuration data.

Could not connect to the server. Internal error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Cluster is stopped. Check if the cluster daemon is active.

Check if the cluster daemon is started.

Cluster is suspended. To display the cluster status, use --local option.

Cluster is suspended. To display the cluster status, use --local option.

9.3.1. Common entry examples

9.3.2. Displaying the status of the cluster (-s option)

The following is an example of display when you run the clpstat command with the -s option or without any option:

Example of a command entry
# clpstat -s
Example of the display after running the command
===================== CLUSTER STATUS ======================
Cluster : cluster
 *server1............: Online server1
   lanhb1            : Normal LAN Heartbeat
   lanhb2            : Normal LAN Heartbeat
   diskhb1           : Normal Disk Heartbeat
   witnesshb1        : Normal Witness Heartbeat
   pingnp1           : Normal ping resolution
   pingnp2           : Normal ping resolution
   httpnp1           : Normal http resolution
   forcestop1        : Normal Forced stop

 server2.............: Online server2
   lanhb1            : Normal LAN Heartbeat
   lanhb2            : Normal LAN Heartbeat
   diskhb1           : Normal Disk Heartbeat
   witnesshb1        : Normal Witness Heartbeat
   pingnp1           : Normal ping resolution
   pingnp2           : Normal ping resolution
   httpnp1           : Normal http resolution
   forcestop1        : Normal Forced stop

  failover1..........: Online failover group1
   current           : server1
   disk1             : Online /dev/sdb5
   exec1             : Online exec resource1
   fip1              : Online
  failover2..........: Online failover group2
   current           : server2
   disk2             : Online /dev/sdb6
   exec2             : Online exec resource2
   fip2              : Online
  diskw1             : Normal disk monitor1
  diskw2             : Normal disk monitor2
  ipw1               : Normal ip monitor1
  pidw1              : Normal pidw1
  userw              : Normal usermode monitor
  sraw               : Normal sra monitor

Information on each status is provided in "Status Descriptions".

9.3.3. Displaying a group map (-g option)

To display a group map, run the clpstat command with the -g option.

Example of a command entry
# clpstat -g
Example of the display after running the command
===================== GROUPMAP INFORMATION =================
Cluster : cluster
 *server0 : server1
  server1 : server2
  server0 [o] : failover1[o] failover2[o]
  server1 [o] : failover3[o]
  • Groups that are not running are not displayed.

  • Information on each status is provided in "Status Descriptions".

9.3.4. Displaying the status of monitor resources (-m option)

To display the status of monitor resources, run the clpstat command with the -m option.

Example of a command entry
# clpstat -m
Example of the display after running the command
=================== MONITOR RESOURCE STATUS =================
Cluster : cluster
 *server0 : server1
  server1 : server2
 Monitor0 [diskw1 : Normal]
  server0 [o] : Online
  server1 [o] : Online
 Monitor1 [diskw2 : Normal]
  server0 [o] : Online
  server1 [o] : Online
 Monitor2 [ipw1 : Normal]
  server0 [o] : Online
  server1 [o] : Online
 Monitor3 [pidw1 : Normal]
  server0 [o] : Online
  server1 [o] : Offline
 Monitor4 [userw : Normal]
  server0 [o] : Online
  server1 [o] : Online
 Monitor5 [sraw : Normal]
  server0 [o] : Online
  server1 [o] : Online

Information on each status is provided in "Status Descriptions".

9.3.5. Displaying the status of heartbeat resources (-n option)

To display the status of heartbeat resources, run clpstat command with the -n option.

Example of a command entry
# clpstat -n
Example of the display after running the command
================== HEARTBEAT RESOURCE STATUS ====================
Cluster : cluster
 *server0 : server1
  server1 : server2

  HB0 : lanhb1
  HB1 : lanhb2
  HB2 : diskhb1
  HB3 : witnesshb1

 [on server0 : Online]
        HB   0  1  2  3
   server0 : o  o  o  o
   server1 : o  o  x  x

 [on server1 : Online]
       HB   0  1  2  3
  server0 : o  o  x  o
  server1 : o  o  o  o

Detailed information on each status is provided in "Status Descriptions".

The status of the example shown above

The example above presents the status of all heartbeat resources seen from server0 and server1 when the disk heartbeat resource is disconnected.

Because diskhb1, a disk heartbeat resource, is not able to communicate from both servers, communication to server1 on server0 or communication to server0 on server1 is unavailable.

The rest of heartbeat resources on both servers are in the status allowing communications.

9.3.6. Displaying the status of fencing function (-f option)

To display the status of fencing function (network partition resolution resources or a forced stop resource), run clpstat command with the -f option.

Example of a command entry
# clpstat -f
Example of the display after running the command
======================== FENCING STATUS =========================
Cluster : cluster
 *server0 : server1
  server1 : server2
  NP0 : pingnp1
  NP1 : pingnp2
  NP2 : httpnp1
  FST : forcestop1

  [on server0 : Caution]
   NP/FST   0 1 2 F
  server0 : o x o o
  server1 : o x o -

  [on server1 : Caution]
   NP/FST   0 1 2 F
  server0 : o x o -
  server1 : o x o o

Detailed information on each status is provided in "Status Descriptions".

The status of the example shown above

The example above presents the status of all the network partition resolution resources seen from server0 and server1 when the device to which ping of the network partition resolution resource pingnp2 is sent is down.

9.3.7. Displaying the cluster configuration data (--cl option)

To display the configuration data of a cluster, run the clpstat command with the -i, --cl, --svg, --hb, --grp, --rsc, --mon, or --xcl option. You can see more detailed information by specifying the --detail option.

For details of each item of the list, see "Cluster properties" in "2. Parameter details" in this guide.

To display the cluster configuration data, run the clpstat command with the --cl option.

Example of a command entry
# clpstat --cl
Example of the display after running the command
===================== CLUSTER INFORMATION ==================
[Cluster : cluster]
Comment  : failover cluster

9.3.8. Displaying only the configuration data of certain servers (--sv option)

When you want to display only the cluster configuration data on a specified server, specify the name of the server after the --sv option in the clpstat command. If you want to see the details, specify the --detail option. When the name of the server is not specified, cluster configuration data of all servers are displayed.

Example of a command entry
# clpstat --sv server1
Example of the display after running the command
===================== CLUSTER INFORMATION ==================
 [Server0 : server1]
   Comment                : server1
   Virtual Infrastructure : vSphere
   Product                : EXPRESSCLUSTER X 5.0 for Linux
   Internal Version       : 5.0.0-1
   Edition                : X
   Platform               : Linux

9.3.9. Displaying only the resource information of certain heartbeats (--hb option)

When you want to display only the cluster configuration data on a specified heartbeat resource, specify the name of the heartbeat resource after the --hb option in the clpstat command. If you want to see the details, specify the --detail option.

Example of a command entry

For a LAN heartbeat resource:

# clpstat --hb lanhb1
Example of the display after running the command
==================== CLUSTER INFORMATION ===================
[HB0 : lanhb1]
   Type                 : lanhb
   Comment              : LAN Heartbeat
Example of a command entry

For disk heartbeat resource:

# clpstat --hb diskhb
Example of the display after running the command
===================== CLUSTER INFORMATION ==================
[HB2 : diskhb1]
Type                     : diskhb
Comment                  : Disk Heartbeat
Example of a command entry

For kernel mode LAN heartbeat resource:

# clpstat --hb lankhb
Example of the display after running the command
===================== CLUSTER INFORMATION ==================
[HB4 : lankhb1]
   Type                  : lankhb
   Comment               : Kernel Mode LAN Heartbeat

By using the --sv option and the --hb option together, you can see the information as follows.

Example of a command entry
# clpstat --sv --hb
Example of the display after running the command:
===================== CLUSTER INFORMATION =================
 [Server0 : server1]
  Comment                : server1
  Virtual Infrastructure :
  Product                : EXPRESSCLUSTER X 5.0 for Linux
  Internal Version       : 5.0.0-1
  Edition                : X
  Platform               : Linux
 [HB0 : lanhb1]
  Type                   : lanhb
  Comment                : LAN Heartbeat
 [HB1 : lanhb2]
  Type                   : lanhb
  Comment                : LAN Heartbeat
 [HB2 : diskhb1]
  Type                   : diskhb
  Comment                : Disk Heartbeat
 [HB3 : witnesshb]
  Type                   : witnesshb
  Comment                : Witness Heartbeat
 [Server1 : server2]
  Comment                : server2
  Virtual Infrastructure :
  Product                : EXPRESSCLUSTER X 5.0 for Linux
  Internal Version       : 5.0.0-1
  Edition                : X
  Platform               : Linux
 [HB0 : lanhb1]
  Type                   : lanhb
  Comment                : LAN Heartbeat
 [HB1 : lanhb2]
  Type                   : lanhb
  Comment                : LAN Heartbeat
 [HB2 : diskhb1]
  Type                   : diskhb
  Comment                : Disk Heartbeat
 [HB3 : witnesshb]
  Type                   : witnesshb
  Comment                : Witness Heartbeat

9.3.10. Displaying only the configuration data of certain fencing function (--fnc option)

When you want to display only the cluster configuration data on a specified fencing function (network partition resolution resource and forced stop resource), specify the name of the network partition resolution resource or the forced stop resource after the --fnc option in the clpstat command. If you want to see the details, specify the --detail option. If the network partition name or the forced stop resource name is not specified, the cluster configuration data on all the fencing function is displayed.

Example of a command entry

For a PING network partition resolution resource:

# clpstat --fnc pingnp1
Example of the display after running the command
===================== CLUSTER INFORMATION =====================
 [NP0 : pingnp1]
   Type                  : pingnp
   Comment               : ping resolution
Example of a command entry

For a HTTP network partition resolution resource:

# clpstat --fnc httpnp1
Example of the display after running the command
===================== CLUSTER INFORMATION =====================
 [NP0 : httpnp1]
   Type                  : httpnp
   Comment               : http resolution
Example of a command entry

For a forced stop resource:

# clpstat --fnc forcestop1
Example of the display after running the command
===================== CLUSTER INFORMATION =====================
 [FST : forcestop1]
   Type                  : bmc
   Comment               : Forced stop

9.3.11. Displaying only the configuration data of certain server group (--svg option)

To display only the cluster configuration data on a specified server group, specify the name of server group after --svg option in the clpstat command. When you do not specify the name of server group, the cluster configuration data of all the server groups is displayed.

Example of a command entry
# clpstat --svg servergroup1
Example of the display after running the command
===================== CLUSTER INFORMATION =====================
 [ServerGroup0 : servergroup1]
   server0               : server1
   server1               : server2
   server2               : server3

9.3.12. Displaying only the configuration data of certain groups (--grp option)

When you want to display only the cluster configuration data on a specified group, specify the name of the group after the --grp option in the clpstat command. If you want to see the details, specify the --detail option. When you do not specify the name of group, the cluster configuration data of all the groups is displayed.

Example of a command entry
# clpstat --grp failover1
Example of the display after running the command
===================== CLUSTER INFORMATION ==================
[Group0 : failover1]
   Type                  : failover
   Comment               : failover group1

9.3.13. Displaying only the configuration data of a certain group resource (--rsc option)

When you want to display only the cluster configuration data on a specified group resource, specify the group resource after the --rsc option in the clpstat command. If you want to see the details, specify the --detail option. When you do not specify the name of server group, the cluster configuration data of all the group resources is displayed.

Example of a command entry

For floating IP resource:

# clpstat --rsc fip1
Example of the display after running the command
===================== CLUSTER INFORMATION =====================
 [Resource2 : fip1]
   Type                  : fip
   Comment               :
   IP Address            :

By using the --grp option and the --rsc option together, you can display the information as follows.

Example of a command entry
# clpstat --grp --rsc
Example of the display after running the command
===================== CLUSTER INFORMATION ==================
 [Group0 : failover1]
  Type                      : failover
  Comment                   : failover group1
 [Resource0 : disk1]
  Type                      : disk
  Comment                   : /dev/sdb5
  Disk Type                 : disk
  File System               : ext2
  Device Name               : /dev/sdb5
  Raw Device Name           :
  Mount Point               : /mnt/sdb5
 [Resource1 : exec1]
  Type                      : exec
  Comment                   : exec resource1
  Start Script Path         : /opt/userpp/start1.sh
  Stop Script Path          : /opt/userpp/stop1.sh
 [Resource2 : fip1]
  Type                      : fip
  Comment                   :
  IP Address                :
 [Group1 : failover2]
  Type                      : failover
  Comment                   : failover group2
 [Resource0 : disk2]
  Type                      : disk
  Comment                   : /dev/sdb6
  Disk Type                 : disk
  File System               : ext2
  Device Name               : /dev/sdb6
  Raw Device Name           :
  Mount Point               : /mnt/sdb6
 [Resource1 : exec2]
  Type                      : exec
  Comment                   : exec resource2
  Start Script Path         : /opt/userpp/start2.sh
  Stop Script Path          : /opt/userpp/stop2.sh
 [Resource2 : fip2]
  Type                      : fip
  Comment                   :
  IP Address                :

9.3.14. Displaying only the configuration data of a certain monitor resource (--mon option)

When you want to display only the cluster configuration data on a specified monitor resource, specify the name of the monitor resource after the --mon option in the clpstat command. If you want to see the details, specify --detail option. When you do not specify the name of monitor resource, the cluster configuration data of all monitor resources is displayed.

Example of a command entry

For floating IP monitor resource:

# clpstat --mon fipw1
Example of the display after running the command:
===================== CLUSTER INFORMATION =====================
[Monitor2 : fipw1]
Type                          : fipw
Comment                       : fip monitor1

9.3.15. Displaying the configuration data of a resource specified for an individual server (--rsc option or --mon option)

When you want to display the configuration data on a resource specified for an individual server, specify the name of the resource after the --rsc or --mon option in the clpstat command.

Example of a command entry

When the monitor target IP address of the IP monitor resource is set to an individual server:

# clpstat --mon ipw1
Example of the display after running the command:
===================== CLUSTER INFORMATION =====================
 [Monitor2 : ipw1]
  Type                        : ipw
  Comment                     : ip monitor1
  IP Addresses                : Refer to server's setting
  IP Addresses                :
  IP Addresses                :

9.3.16. Displaying only the configuration data of specific exclusion rules (--xcl option)

When you want to display only the cluster configuration data on a specified exclusion rules, specify the exclusive rule name after the --xcl option in the clpstat command.

Example of a command entry
# clpstat --xcl excl1
Example of the display after running the command
===================== CLUSTER INFORMATION =====================
 [Exclusive Rule0 : excl1]
  Exclusive Attribute         : Normal
  group0                      : failover1
  group1                      : failover2

9.3.17. Displaying all configuration data (-i option)

By specifying the -i option, you can display the configuration information that is shown when --cl, --sv, --hb, --svg, --grp, --rsc, --mon, and --xcl options are all specified.

If you run the command with the -i option and the --detail option together, all the detailed cluster configuration data is displayed. Because this option displays large amount of information at a time, use a command, such as the less command, and pipe, or redirect the output in a file for the output.


Specifying the -i option displays all the information on a console. If you want to display some of the information, it is useful to combine the --cl, --sv, --hb, --svg, --grp, --rsc, and/or --mon option. For example, you can use these options as follows:

Example of a command entry

If you want to display the detailed information of the server whose name is "server0," the group whose name is "failover1," and the group resources of the specified group, enter:

# clpstat --sv server0 --grp failover1 --rsc --detail

9.3.18. Displaying the status of the cluster (--local option)

By specifying the --local option, you can display only information of the server on which you execute the clpstat command, without communicating with other servers.

Example of a command entry
# clpstat --local
Example of the display after running the command
===================== CLUSTER STATUS ======================
  Cluster : cluster
   cluster..........: Start        cluster
  *server1..........: Online       server1
  lanhb1            : Normal       LAN Heartbeat
  lanhb2            : Normal       LAN Heartbeat
  diskhb1           : Normal       DISK Heartbeat
  witnesshb1        : Normal       Witness Heartbeat
  pingnp1           : Normal       ping resolution
  pingnp2           : Normal       ping resolution
  httpnp1           : Normal       http resolution
  forcestop1        : Normal       Forced stop

  server2...........: Online       server2
  lanhb1            : -            LAN Heartbeat
  lanhb2            : -            LAN Heartbeat
  diskhb1           : -            DISK Heartbeat
  witnesshb1        : -            Witness Heartbeat
  pingnp1           : -            ping resolution
  pingnp2           : -            ping resolution
  httpnp1           : -            http resolution
  forcestop1        : -            Forced stop

  failover1.........: Online       failover group1
  current           : server1
  disk1             : Online       /dev/sdb5
  exec1             : Online       exec resource1
  fip1              : Online
  failover2.........: -            failover group2
  current           : server2
  disk2             : -            /dev/sdb6
  exec2             : -            exec resource2
  fip2              : -  
  diskw1            : Online       disk monitor1
  diskw2            : Online       disk monitor2
  ipw1              : Online       ip monitor1
  pidw1             : Online       pidw1
  userw             : Online       usermode monitor
  sraw              : Online       sra monitor

Information on each status is provided in "Status Descriptions".

9.3.19. Status Descriptions





Status display (--local)




Being suspended


Offline Pending


Status unknown





Status display
Heartbeat resource status display




Offline Pending

Online Pending

Now being started

Offline Pending

Now being stopped


Heartbeat resource failure


Status unknown


Status unknown

Group map display
Monitor resource status display




Offline Pending


Status unknown

Heartbeat Resource




Status display




Failure (Some)


Failure (All)


Not used




Status unknown

Heartbeat resource status display


Able to communicate


Unable to communicate


Not used or status unknown

Network Partition Resolution Resource and Forced Stop Resource




Status display






Not used


Status unknown


Status unknown

Network partition resolution /
Forced stop resource
status display


Able to communicate


Unable to communicate


Not used or status unknown





Status display





Online Pending

Now being started

Offline Pending

Now being stopped




Status unknown


Status unknown

Group map display






Now being started/stopped

Group Resource




Status display





Online Pending

Now being started

Offline Pending

Now being stopped

Online Failure

Starting failed

Offline Failure

Stopping failed


Status unknown


Status unknown

Monitor Resource




Status Display




Error (Some)


Error (All)

Not Used

Not Used


Status Unknown

Status display (--local)
Monitor Resource Status Display


Started and normal






Stopped temporary

Online Pending

Now being started

Offline Pending

Now being stopped

Online Failure


Offline Failure

Stopping failed

Not used

Not used


Status unknown


Status unknown

9.4. Operating the cluster (clpcl command)

the clpcl command operates a cluster

Command line
clpcl -s [-a] [-h hostname]
clpcl -t [-a] [-h hostname] [-w timeout] [--apito timeout]
clpcl -r [-a] [-h hostname] [-w timeout] [--apito timeout]
clpcl --suspend [--force] [-w timeout] [--apito timeout]
clpcl --resume

This command starts, stops, suspends, or resumes the cluster daemon.


Starts the cluster daemon.


Stops the cluster daemon.


Restarts the cluster daemon.


Suspends the entire cluster

-w timeout

clpcl command specifies the wait time to stop or suspend the cluster daemon to be completed when -t, -r, or --suspend option is used. The unit of time is second.

When a time-out is not specified, it waits for unlimited time.

When "0 (zero)" is specified, it does not wait.

When -w option is not specified, it waits for (heartbeat time-out x 2) seconds.


Resumes the entire cluster. The status of group resource of the cluster when suspended is kept.


Executed the command on all servers

-h hostname

Makes a request to run the command to the server specified in hostname. Makes a processing request to the server on which this command runs (local server) if the -h option is omitted.


When used with the --suspend option, forcefully suspends the cluster regardless of the status of all the servers in the cluster.

--apito timeout
Specify the interval (internal communication timeout) to wait for the EXPRESSCLUSTER daemon start or stop in seconds. A value from 1 to 9999 can be specified.
If the --apito option is not specified, waiting for the EXPRESSCLUSTER daemon start or stop is performed according to the value set to the internal communication timeout of the cluster properties.
Return Value



Other than 0


When this command is executed with the -s or --resume option specified, it returns control when processing starts on the target server.
When this command is executed with the -t or --suspend option specified, it returns control after waiting for the processing to complete.
When this command is executed with the -r option specified, it returns control when the EXPRESSCLUSTER daemon restarts on the target server after stopping once.

Run the clpstat command to display the started or resumed status of the EXPRESSCLUSTER daemon.


Run this command as the root user.

This command cannot be executed while a group is being started or stopped.

For the name of a server for the -h option, specify the name of a server in the cluster.

When you suspend the cluster, the cluster daemon should be started in all servers in the cluster. When the --force option is used, the cluster is forcefully suspended even if there is any stopped server in the cluster.

When you start up or resume the cluster, access the servers in the cluster in the order below, and use one of the paths that allowed successful access.

  1. via the IP address on the interconnect LAN

  2. via the IP address on the public LAN

When you resume the cluster, use the clpstat command to see there is no activated server in the cluster.

This command starts, stops, restarts, suspends, or resumes only the EXPRESSCLUSTER daemon. The mirror agent and the like are not started, stopped, restarted, suspended, or resumed together.

Example of a command entry

Example 1: Activating the cluster daemon in the local server

# clpcl -s

Example 2: Activating the cluster daemon in server1 from server0

# clpcl -s -h server1

Start server1 : Command succeeded.

If a server name is specified, the display after running the command should look similar to above.

Start hostname : Execution result

(If the activation fails, cause of the failure is displayed)

Example 3: Activating the cluster daemon in all servers

# clpcl -s -a

Start server0 : Command succeeded.

Start server1 : Performed startup processing to the active cluster daemon. When all the servers are activated, the display after running the command should look similar to above. Start hostname : Execution result

(If the activation fails, cause of the failure is displayed)

Example 4: Stopping the cluster daemon in all servers

# clpcl -t -a

If the cluster daemon stops on all the servers, it waits till the EXPRESSCLUSTER daemons stop on all the servers.

If stopping fails, an error message is displayed.

Error Messages



Log in as root.

Log on as the root user.

Invalid configuration file. Create valid cluster configuration data.

Create valid cluster configuration data using the Cluster WebUI.

Invalid option.

Specify a valid option

Performed stop processing to the stopped cluster daemon.

The stopping process has been executed on the stopped cluster daemon.

Performed startup processing to the active cluster daemon.

The startup process has been executed on the activated cluster daemon.

Could not connect to the server. Check if the cluster daemon is active.

Check if the cluster daemon is started.

Could not connect to the data transfer server. Check if the server has started up.

Check if the server is running.

Failed to obtain the list of nodes.
Specify a valid server name in the cluster.

Specify the valid name of a server in the cluster.

Failed to obtain the daemon name.

Failed to obtain the cluster name.

Failed to operate the daemon.

Failed to control the cluster.

Resumed the daemon that is not suspended.

Performed the resume process for the HA Cluster daemon that is not suspended.

Invalid server status.

Check that the cluster daemon is started.

Server is busy. Check if this command is already run.

This command may have already been run.

Server is not active. Check if the cluster daemon is active.

Check if the cluster daemon is started.

There is one or more servers of which cluster daemon is active. If you want to perform resume, check if there is any server whose cluster daemon is active in the cluster.

When you execute the command to resume, check if there is no server in the cluster on which the cluster daemon is started.

All servers must be activated. When suspending the server, the cluster daemon need to be started on all servers in the cluster.

When you execute the command to suspend, the cluster daemon must be started in all servers in the cluster.

Resume the server because there is one or more suspended servers in the cluster.

Execute the command to resume because some server(s) in the cluster is in the suspend status.

Invalid server name. Specify a valid server name in the cluster.

Specify the valid name of a server in the cluster.

Connection was lost. Check if there is a server where the cluster daemon is stopped in the cluster.

Check if there is any server on which the cluster daemon is stopped in the cluster.

Invalid parameter.

The value specified as a command parameter may be invalid.

Internal communication timeout has occurred in the cluster server. If it occurs frequently, set the longer timeout.

A time-out occurred in the HA Cluster internal communication.
If time-out keeps occurring, set the internal communication time-out longer.

Processing failed on some servers. Check the status of failed servers.

If stopping has been executed with all the servers specified, there is one of more servers on which the stopping process has failed.
Check the status of the server(s) on which the stopping process has failed.

Internal error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

There is a server that is not suspended in cluster. Check the status of each server.

There is a server that is not suspended in the cluster. Check the status of each server.

Suspend %s : Could not suspend in time.

The server failed to complete the suspending process of the cluster daemon within the time-out period. Check the status of the server.

Stop %s : Could not stop in time.

The server failed to complete the stopping process of the cluster daemon within the time-out period. Check the status of the server.

Stop %s : Server was suspended.
Could not connect to the server. Check if the cluster daemon is active.

The request to stop the cluster daemon was made. However the server was suspended.

Could not connect to the server. Check if the cluster daemon is active.

The request to stop the cluster daemon was made. However connecting to the server failed. Check the status of the server.

Suspend %s : Server already suspended.
Could not connect to the server. Check if the cluster daemon is active.

The request to suspend the cluster daemon was made. However the server was suspended.

Event service is not started.

Event service is not started. Check it.

Mirror Agent is not started.

Mirror Agent is not started. Check it.

Event service and Mirror Agent are not started.

Event service and Mirror Agent are not started. Check them.

Some invalid status. Check the status of cluster.

The status of a group may be changing. Try again after the status change of the group is complete.

Failed to shut down the server.

Failed to shut down or reboot the server.

9.5. Shutting down a specified server (clpdown command)

the clpdown command shuts down a specified server.

Command line

clpdown [-r] [-h hostname]


This command stops the cluster daemon and shuts down a server.


Shuts down a server.


Reboots the server.

-h hostname

Makes a processing request to the server specified in hostname. Makes a processing request to the server on which this command runs (local server) if the -h option is omitted.

Return Value



Other than 0


This command runs the following commands internally after stopping the cluster daemon.
Without any option specified shutdown
With the -r option specified reboot

This command returns control when the group stop processing is completed.

This command shuts down the server even when the EXPRESSCLUSTER daemon is stopped.


Run this command as the root user.

This command cannot be executed while a group is being started or stopped.

Do not use this command while a cluster is suspended.

For the name of a server for the -h option, specify the name of a server in the cluster.

Example of a command entry

Example 1: Stopping and shutting down the cluster daemon in the local server

# clpdown

Example 2: Shutting down and rebooting server1 from server0

# clpdown -r -h server1
Error Message

See "Operating the cluster (clpcl command)".

9.6. Shutting down the entire cluster (clpstdn command)

the clpstdn command shuts down the entire cluster

Command line

clpstdn [-r] [-h hostname]


This command stops the cluster daemon in the entire cluster and shuts down all servers.


Executes cluster shutdown.


Executes cluster shutdown reboot.

-h hostname

Makes a processing request to the server specified in hostname. Makes a processing request to the server on which this command runs (local server) if the -h option is omitted.

Return Value



Other than 0



This command returns control when the group stop processing is completed.


Run this command as the root user.

This command cannot be executed while a group is being started or stopped.

For the name of a server for the -h option, specify the name of a server in the cluster.

A server that cannot be accessed from the server that runs the command (for example, a server with all LAN heartbeat resources are off-line.) will not shut down.

Example of a command entry

Example 1: Shutting down the cluster

# clpstdn

Example 2: Performing the cluster shutdown reboot

# clpstdn -r
Error Message

See "Operating the cluster (clpcl command)".

9.7. Operating groups (clpgrp command)

the clpgrp command operates groups

Command line
clpgrp -s [group_name] [-h hostname] [-f] [--apito timeout]
clpgrp -t [group_name] [-h hostname] [-f] [--apito timeout]
clpgrp -m [group_name] [-h hostname] [-a hostname] [--apito timeout]

This command starts, deactivates or moves groups.

-s [group_name]

Starts groups. When you specify the name of a group, only the specified group starts up. If no group name is specified, all groups start up.

-t [group_name]

Stops groups. When you specify the name of a group, only the specified group stops. If no group name is specified, all groups stop.

-m [group_name]

Moves a specified group. If no group name is specified, all the groups are moved. The status of the group resource of the moved group is kept.

-h hostname

Makes a processing request to the server specified in hostname. Makes a processing request to the server on which this command runs (local server) if the -h option is omitted.

-a hostname

Defines the server which is specified by hostname as a destination to which a group will be moved. When the -a option is omitted, the group will be moved according to the failover policy

If you use this option with the -s option against a group activated on a remote server, it will forcefully be started on the server that requested the process.
If this command is used with the -t option, the group will be stopped forcefully.
-n group_name

Displays the name of the server on which the group has been started.

--apito timeout
Specify the interval (internal communication timeout) to wait for the group resource start or stop in seconds. A value from 1 to 9999 can be specified.
If the --apito option is not specified, waiting for the group resource start or stop is performed according to the value set to the internal communication timeout of the cluster properties.
Return Value



Other than 0



Run this command as the root user.

The cluster daemon must be started on the server that runs this command

Specify a server in the cluster when you specify the name of server name for the -h and -a options.

Make sure to specify a group name, when you use the -m option.

Moving a group by using the -m option is considered to have succeeded (the value 0 is returned), with the group start process started on the destination server; even so, be careful of a possible failure in resource activation there.
To judge from a returned value the result of the group start process on the destination server, move the group by executing the following command:
# clpgrp -s [group_name] [-h hostname] -f

In order to move a group belonging to exclusion rules whose exclusion attribute is set to "Normal" by using the [-m] option, explicitly specify a server to which the group is moved by the [-a] option.

With the [-a] option omitted, moving a group fails if a group belonging to exclusion rules whose exclusion attribute is set to "Normal" is activated in all the movable servers.

Example of Execution

The following is an example of status transition when operating the groups.

Example: The cluster has two servers and two groups.

Failover policy of group

groupA server1 -> server2
groupB server2 -> server1
  1. Both groups are stopped.

    Two servers and two groups

    Fig. 9.1 Run-time state of the clpgrp command (1)

  2. Run the following command on server1.

    # clpgrp -s groupA

    GroupA starts in server1.

    Two servers and two groups

    Fig. 9.2 Run-time state of the clpgrp command (2)

  3. Run the following command in server2.

    # clpgrp -s

    All groups that are currently stopped but can be started start in server2.

    Two servers and two groups

    Fig. 9.3 Run-time state of the clpgrp command (3)

  4. Run the following command in server1

    # clpgrp -m groupA

    GroupA moves to server2.

    Two servers and two groups

    Fig. 9.4 Run-time state of the clpgrp command (4)

  5. Run the following command in server1

    # clpgrp -t groupA -h server2

    GroupA stops.

    Two servers and two groups

    Fig. 9.5 Run-time state of the clpgrp command (5)

  6. Run the following command in server1.

    # clpgrp -t
    Command Succeeded.

    When the command is executed, there is no group running on server1. So, "Command Succeeded." appears.

  7. Add -f to the command you have run in Step 6 and execute it on server1.

    # clpgrp -t -f

    Groups which were started in server2 can be forcefully deactivated from server1.

    Two servers and two groups

    Fig. 9.6 Run-time state of the clpgrp command (6)

Error message



Log in as root.

Log on as the root user.

Invalid configuration file. Create valid cluster configuration data.

Create valid cluster configuration data using the Cluster WebUI

Invalid option.

Specify a valid option

Could not connect to the server. Check if the cluster daemon is active.

Check if the cluster daemon is started.

Invalid server status.

Check if the cluster daemon is started.

Server is not active. Check if the cluster daemon is active.

Check if the cluster daemon is started.

Invalid server name. Specify a valid server name in the cluster.

Specify the valid name of server in the cluster.

Connection was lost. Check if there is a server where the cluster daemon is stopped in the cluster.

Check if there is any server on which the cluster daemon has stopped in the cluster.

Invalid parameter.

The value specified as a command parameter may be invalid.

Internal communication timeout has occurred in the cluster server. If it occurs frequently, set the longer timeout.

A time-out occurred in the EXPRESSCLUSTER internal communication.
If time-out keeps occurring, set the internal communication time-out longer.

Invalid server. Specify a server that can run and stop the group, or a server that can be a target when you move the group.

The server that starts/stops the group or to which the group is moved is invalid.
Specify a valid server.

Could not start the group. Try it again after the other server is started, or after the Wait Synchronization time is timed out.

Start up the group after waiting for the remote server to start up, or after waiting for the time-out of the start-up wait time.

No operable group exists in the server.

Check if there is any group that is operable in the server which requested the process.

The group has already been started on the local server.

Check the status of the group by using the Cluster WebUI or the clpstat command.

The group has already been started on the other server. To start/stop the group on the local server, use -f option.

Check the status of the group by using the Cluster WebUI or the clpstat command.
If you want to start up or stop a group which was started in a remote server from the local server, move the group or run the command with the -f option.

The group has already been started on the other server. To move the group, use "-h <hostname>" option.

Check the status of the group by using the Cluster WebUI or clpstat command.
If you want to move a group which was started on a remote server, run the command with the -h hostname option.

The group has already been stopped.

Check the status of the group by using the Cluster WebUI or the clpstat command.

Failed to start one or more group resources. Check the status of group

Check the status of group by using Cluster WebUI or the clpstat command.

Failed to stop one or more group resources. Check the status of group

Check the status of group by using the Cluster WebUI or the clpstat command.

The group is busy. Try again later.

Wait for a while and then try again because the group is now being started up or stopped.

An error occurred on one or more groups. Check the status of group

Check the status of the group by using the Cluster WebUI or the clpstat command.

Invalid group name. Specify a valid group name in the cluster.

Specify the valid name of a group in the cluster.

Server is not in a condition to start group or any critical monitor error is detected.

Check the status of the server by using the Cluster WebUI or clpstat command.
An error is detected in a critical monitor on the server on which an attempt was made to start a group.

There is no appropriate destination for the group. Other servers are not in a condition to start group or any critical monitor error is detected.

Check the status of the server by using the Cluster WebUI or clpstat command.
An error is detected in a critical monitor on all other servers.

The group has been started on the other server. To migrate the group, use "-h <hostname>" option.

Check the status of the group by using the Cluster WebUI or clpstat command.
If you want to move a group which was started on a remote server, run the command with the -h hostname option.

Some invalid status. Check the status of cluster.

Invalid status for some sort of reason. Check the status of the cluster.

Internal error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

9.8. Collecting logs (clplogcc command)

the clplogcc command collects logs.

Command line

clplogcc [ [-h hostname] | [-n targetnode1 -n targetnode2 ......] ] [-t collect_type] [-r syslog_rotate_number] [-o path] [-l]


This command collects information including logs and the OS information by accessing the data transfer server.


Collects logs in the cluster.

-h hostname

Specifies the name of the access destination server for collecting cluster node information

-t collect_type

Specifies a log collection pattern. When this option is omitted, a log collection pattern will be type1. Information on log collection types is provided in "Collecting logs by specifying a type (-t option)".

-r syslog_rotate _number

Specifies how many generations of syslog will be collected. When this option is omitted, only one generation will be collected.

-o path

Specifies the output destination of collector files. When this option is skipped, logs are output under tmp of the installation path.

-n targetnode

Specifies the name of a server that collects logs. With this specification, logs of the specified server, rather than of the entire cluster, will be collected.

Collects logs on the local server without going through the data transfer server.
The -h option and the -n option cannot be specified at the same time.
Return Value



Other than 0



Since log files are compressed by tar.gz, add the xzf option to the tar command to decompress them.


Run this command as the root user.

For the name of server for the -h option, specify the name of a server in the cluster that allows name resolution.

For the name of server for the -n option, specify the name of server that allows name resolution. If name resolution is not possible, specify the interconnect or public LAN address.

In executing this command, the IP addresses of cluster servers are tried to be connected in order of interconnect priority, then a successful route is used.

If the log files collected on Linux OS (pax format of the tar command's compression) are decompressed with gnutar format of the tar command, a PaxHeaders.X folder is generated. However, it does not affect the operation.

Example of command execution

Example 1: Collecting logs from all servers in the cluster

# clplogcc
Collect Log server1 : Success
Collect Log server2 : Success

Log collection results (server status) of servers on which log collection is executed are displayed.

Process hostname: result of loc collection (server status)

Execution Result

For this command, the following processes are displayed.

Steps in Process



Displayed when the access fails.

Get File size

Displayed when acquiring the file size fails.

Collect Log

Displayed with the file acquisition result.

The following results (server status) are displayed:

Result (server status)





Time-out occurred.


The server is busy.

Not Exist File

The file does not exist.

No Free space

No free space on the disk.


Failure caused by other errors.

Error Message



Log in as root.

Log on as the root user.

Invalid configuration file. Create valid cluster configuration data.

Create valid cluster configuration data using the Cluster WebUI.

Invalid option.

Specify a valid option.

Specify a number in a valid range.

Specify a number within a valid range.

Specify a correct number.

Specify a valid number.

Specify correct generation number of syslog.

Specify a valid number for the syslog generation.

Collect type must be specified 'type1' or 'type2' or 'type3' or 'type4' or 'type5' or 'type6'. Incorrect collection type is specified.

Invalid collection type has been specified.

Specify an absolute path as the destination of the files to be collected.

Specify an absolute path for the output destination of collected files.

Specifiable number of servers are the max number of servers that can constitute a cluster.

The number of servers you can specify is within the maximum number of servers for cluster configuration.

Could not connect to the server. Check if the cluster daemon is active.

Check if the cluster daemon is started.

Failed to obtain the list of nodes.

Specify a valid server name in the cluster.

Specify the valid name of a server in the cluster.

Invalid server status.

Check if the cluster daemon is started.

Server is busy. Check if this command is already run.

This command may have been already activated. Check the status.

Internal error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

9.8.1. Collecting logs by specifying a type (-t option)

To collect only the specified types of logs, run the clplogcc command with the -t option.

Specify a type from 1 through 6 for the log collection.







  1. Default collection information



  1. syslog




  1. core file




  1. OS information



  1. script










  1. HA Logs






  1. Mirror statistics information






  1. Cluster statistics information






  1. System resource statistics information


Run this command from the command line as follows.

Example: When collecting logs using type2

# clplogcc -t type2

When no option is specified, a log type will be type 1.

  1. Information to be collected by default

    Information on the following is collected by default:

    • Logs of each module in the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server

    • Alert logs

    • Attribute of each module (ls -l) in the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server

      • In bin, lib

      • In cloud

      • In alert/bin, webmgr/bin

      • In ha/jra/bin, ha/sra/bin, ha/jra/lib, ha/sra/lib

      • In drivers/md

      • In drivers/khb

      • In drivers/ka

    • All installed packages (rpm -qa expresscls execution result)

    • EXPRESSCLUSTER version

    • distribution (/etc/*-release)

    • License information

    • Cluster configuration data file

    • Policy file

    • Cloud environment configuration directory

    • Dump of shared memory used by EXPRESSCLUSTER

    • Local node status of EXPRESSCLUSTER (clpstat --local execution results)

    • Process and thread information (ps, top execution result)

    • PCI device information (lspci execution result)

    • Service information (execution results of the commands such as systemctl, chkconfig, and ls)

    • Output result of kernel parameter (result of running sysctl -a)

    • glibc version (rpm -qi glibc execution result)

    • Kernel loadable module configuration (/etc/modules.conf. /etc/modprobe.conf)

    • File system (/etc/fstab)

    • IPC resource (ipcs execution result)

    • System (uname -a execution result)

    • Network statistics (netstat, ss execution result IPv4/IPv6)

    • ip (execution results of the command ip addr, link, maddr, route or -s l)

    • All network interfaces (ethtool execution result)

    • Information collected at an emergency OS shutdown (See "Collecting information when a failure occurs".)

    • libxml2 version (rpm -qi libxml2 execution result)

    • Static host table (/etc/hosts)

    • File system export table (exportfs -v execution result)

    • User resource limitations (ulimit -a execution result)

    • File system exported by kernel-based NFS (/etc/exports)

    • OS locale

    • Terminal session environment value (export execution result)

    • Language locale (/etc/sysconfig/i18n)

    • Time zone (env - date execution result)

    • Work area of EXPRESSCLUSTER server

    • Monitoring options
      This information is collected if options are installed.
    • Collected dump information when the monitor resource timeout occurred

    • Collected Oracle detailed information when Oracle monitor resource abnormity was detected

    • Operation log of Cluster WebUI (see "Maintenance Guide" -> "The system maintenance information" -> "Function for outputting the operation log of Cluster WebUI")

    • AWS-related information

      Results of executing the following commands:

      • which aws

      • aws --version

      • aws configure list

      • aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces

      • aws ec2 describe-instance-attribute --attribute disableApiStop

  2. syslog

    • syslog (/var/log/messages)

    • syslog (/var/log/syslog)

    • Syslogs for the number of generations specified (/var/log/messages.x)

    • journal log (such as files in /var/run/log/journal/)

  3. core file

    • core file of EXPRESSCLUSTER module
      Stored in /opt/nec/clusterpro/log by the following archive names.

      Alert related:


      The WebManager server related:


      EXPRESSCLUSTER core related:




      yyyymmdd indicates the date when the logs are collected. x is a sequence number.

  4. OS information

    OS information on the following is collected by default:

    • Kernel mode LAN heartbeat, keep alive

      • /proc/khb_moninfo

      • /proc/ka_moninfo

    • /proc/devices

    • /proc/mdstat

    • /proc/modules

    • /proc/mounts

    • /proc/meminfo

    • /proc/cpuinfo

    • /proc/partitions

    • /proc/pci

    • /proc/version

    • /proc/ksyms

    • /proc/net/bond*

    • all files of /proc/scsi/ all files in the directory

    • all files of /proc/ide/ all files in the directory

    • /etc/fstab

    • /etc/rc*.d

    • /etc/syslog.conf

    • /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf

    • /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf

    • Kernel ring buffer (dmesg execution result)

    • ifconfig (the result of running ifconfig)

    • iptables (the result of running iptables -L)

    • ipchains (the result of running ipchains -L)

    • df (the result of running df)

    • raw device information (the result of running raw -qa)

    • kernel module load information (the result of running lsmod)

    • host name, domain name information (the result of running hostname, domainname)

    • dmidecode (the result of running dmidecode)

    • LVM device information (the result of running vgdisplay -v)

    • snmpd version information (snmpd -v execution result)

    • Virtual Infrastructure information (the result of running virt-what)

    • blockdev (the result of running blockdev --report)

    When you collect logs, you may find the following message on the console. This does not mean failure. The logs are collected normally.

    hd#: bad special flag: 0x03
    ip_tables: (C) 2000-2002 Netfilter core team

    (Where hd# is the name of the IDE device that exists on the server)

  5. Script

    Start/stop script for a group that was created with the Cluster WebUI.

    If you specify a user-defined script other than the above (/opt/nec/clusterpro/scripts), it is not included in the log collection information. It must be collected separately.

  6. ESMPRO/AC Related logs

    Files that are collected by running the acupslog command.

  7. HA logs

    • System resource information

    • JVM monitor log

    • System monitor log

  8. Mirror statistics information

    • Mirror statistics information

      • In perf/disk

  9. Cluster statistics information

    • Cluster statistics information

      • In perf/cluster

  10. System resource statistics information

    • System resource statistics information

      • In perf/system

9.8.2. Syslog generations (-r option)

To collect syslogs for the number of generations specified, run the following command.

Example: Collecting logs for the 3 generations

# clplogcc -r 3

The following syslogs are included in the collected logs.

  • When no option is specified, only /var/log/messages is collected.

  • You can collect logs for 0 to 99 generations.

  • When 0 is specified, all syslogs are collected.

Number of Generation

Number of generations to be acquired


All Generations




Current + Generation 1


Current + Generation 1 to 2




Current + Generation 1 to (x-1)

9.8.3. Output paths of log files (-o option)

  • Log file is named and be saved as "server name-log.tar.gz"

  • If an IP address is specified for the -n option, a log file is named and saved as "IP address-log.tar.gz."

  • Since log files are compressed by tar.gz, decompress them by adding the xzf option to the tar command.

If not specifying -o option

Logs are output in tmp of installation path.

# clplogcc
Collect Log hostname : Success
# ls /opt/nec/clusterpro/tmp

When the -o option is not specified:

If you run the command as follows, logs are located in the specified /home/log directory.

# clplogcc -o /home/log
Collect Log hostname: Success
# ls /home/log

9.8.4. Specifying log collector server (-n option)

By using the -n option, you can collect logs only from the specified server.

Example: Collecting logs from Server1 and Server3 in the cluster.

# clplogcc -n Server1 -n Server3
  • Specify a server in the same cluster.

  • The number of servers you can specify is within the maximum number of servers in the cluster configuration.

9.8.5. Collecting information when a failure occurs

When the following failure occurs, the information for analyzing the failure is collected.

  • When a cluster daemon configuring the cluster abnormally terminates due to interruption by a signal (core dump) or internal status error etc.

  • When a group resource activation error or deactivation error occurs

  • When monitoring error occurs in a monitor resource

Information to be collected is as follows:

  • Cluster information

    • Some module logs in EXPRESSCLUSTER servers

    • Dump files in the shared memory used by EXPRESSCLUSTER

    • Cluster configuration information files

  • OS information (/proc/*)

    • /proc/devices

    • /proc/partitions

    • /proc/mdstat

    • /proc/modules

    • /proc/mounts

    • /proc/meminfo

    • /proc/net/bond*

  • Information created by running a command

    • Results of the sysctl -a

    • Results of the ps

    • Results of the top

    • Results of the ipcs

    • Results of the netstat -in

    • Results of the netstat -apn

    • Results of the netstat -gn

    • Results of the netstat -rn

    • Results of the ifconfig

    • Results of the ip addr

    • Results of the ip -s l

    • Results of the df

    • Results of the raw -qa

    • journalctl -e execution result

These are collected by default in the log collection. You do not need to collect them separately.

9.9. Changing, backing up, and checking cluster configuration data (clpcfctrl command)

9.9.1. Creating a cluster and changing the cluster configuration data

the clpcfctrl --push command delivers cluster configuration data to servers.

Command line

clpcfctrl --push [-h hostname|IP] [-p portnumber] [-x directory] [--force] [--nocheck]


This command delivers the configuration data created by the Cluster WebUI to servers.


Specify this option when delivering the data. You cannot omit this option.

-h hostname | IP
Specifies a server to which configuration data is delivered. Specify host name or IP address.
If this option is omitted, configuration data is delivered to all servers.
-p portnumber
Specifies a port number of data transfer port.
When this option is omitted, the default value will be used. In general, it is not necessary to specify this option.
-x directory
Specify this option when delivering configuration data to the specified directory.

Even if there is a server that has not started, the configuration data is delivered forcefully.


When this option is specified, cluster configuration data is not checked.

Return Value



Other than 0



To deliver the cluster configuration data file exported from Cluster WebUI, to cluster servers by executing the clpcfctrl --push command, follow these steps:

  1. Start Cluster WebUI, then switch to Config Mode.

  2. If necessary, change the cluster configuration in Cluster WebUI.

  3. In Cluster WebUI, select Export, then export the cluster configuration data file (in zip format) to any folder.

  4. In any folder accessible from the cluster servers, unzip the exported zip file.

  5. On any of the cluster servers, start Command Prompt, then execute the clpcfctrl --push command.


Run this command as the root user.

When you run this command, access the servers in the order below, and use one of the paths that allowed successful access.

  1. via the IP address on the interconnect LAN

  2. via the IP address on the public LAN

Before uploading cluster configuration data with one or more servers removed, uninstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server on the servers that will be removed from the cluster configuration.

Example of command execution

Example 1: Delivering configuration data that was saved on the file system using the Cluster WebUI on Linux

# clpcfctrl --push -x /mnt/config
file delivery to server success.
file delivery to server success.
The upload is completed successfully.(cfmgr:0)
Command succeeded.(code:0)

Example 2: Delivering the configuration data to the server which has been reinstalled.

# clpcfctrl --push -h server2
The upload is completed successfully.(cfmgr:0)
Command succeeded.(code:0)
Error Message



Log in as root.

Log on as the root user.

This command is already run.

This command has been already started.

Invalid option.

The option is invalid.
Check the option.
Invalid mode.
Check if --push is specified.

Check if the --push option is specified.

The target directory does not exist.

The specified directory is not found.

Invalid host name.
Server specified by -h option is not included in the configuration data
The server specified with -h is not included in configuration data.
Check if the specified server name or IP address is valid.


Displayed when anything other than "y" is entered for command inquiry.

Failed to initialize the xml library. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to load the configuration file.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Same as above.

Failed to change the configuration file.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Same as above.

Failed to load the policy files.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to load the cfctrl policy file.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to get the install path.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to get the cfctrl path.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to get the list of group.

Failed to acquire the list of group.

Failed to get the list of resource.

Failed to acquire the list of resource.

Failed to initialize the trncl library.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to connect to server %s.
Check if the other server is active and then run the command again.
Accessing the server has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.
Run the command again after the server has started up.
Failed to connect to trnsv.
Check if the other server is active.

Accessing the server has failed. Check that other server has been started up.

Failed to get the collect size.

Getting the size of the collector file has failed.
Check if other server(s) has been started.

Failed to collect the file.

Collecting of the file has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.

Failed to get the list of node.
Check if the server name or ip addresses are correct.

Check if the server name and the IP address in the configuration information have been set correctly.

Failed to check server property.
Check if the server name or ip addresses are correct.

Check if the server name and the IP address in the configuration information have been set correctly.

File delivery failed. Failed to deliver the configuration data.
Check if the other server is active and run the command again.
Delivering configuration data has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.
Run the command again after the server has started up.
Multi file delivery failed. Failed to deliver the configuration data.
Check if the other server is active and run the command again.
Delivering configuration data has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.
Run the command again after the server has started up.
Failed to deliver the configuration data.
Check if the other server is active and run the command again.
Delivering configuration data has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.
Run the command again after the server has started up.
The directory "/work" is not found.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to make a working directory.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

The directory does not exist.

Check if the path to the cluster configuration data file is correct.

This is not a directory.

Check if the path to the cluster configuration data file is correct.

The source file does not exist.

Check if the path to the cluster configuration data file is correct.

The source file is a directory.

Check if the path to the cluster configuration data file is correct.

The source directory does not exist.

Check if the path to the cluster configuration data file is correct.

The source file is not a directory.

Check if the path to the cluster configuration data file is correct.

Failed to change the character code set (EUC to SJIS).

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to change the character code set (SJIS to EUC).

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Command error.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to initialize the cfmgr library.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to get size from the cfmgr library.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to allocate memory.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to change the directory.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to run the command.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to make a directory.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to remove the directory.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to remove the file.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to open the file.

Check if the path to the cluster configuration data file is correct.

Failed to read the file.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to write the file.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Internal error.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

The upload is completed successfully.
To start the cluster, refer to "How to create a cluster"
in the Installation and Configuration Guide.
The upload is successfully completed.
To start the cluster, refer to "Creating a cluster" in "Creating the cluster configuration data"
The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, shutdown and reboot the cluster.

The upload is successfully completed. To apply the changes you made, shut down the cluster, and reboot it.

The upload was stopped.
To upload the cluster configuration data, stop the cluster.

The upload was stopped. To upload the cluster configuration data, stop the cluster.

The upload was stopped.
To upload the cluster configuration data, stop the Mirror Agent.
The upload was stopped.
To upload the cluster configuration data, stop the Mirror Agent.
The upload was stopped.
To upload the cluster configuration data, stop the resources to which you made changes.
The upload was stopped.
To upload the cluster configuration data, stop the resources to which you made changes.
The upload was stopped.
To upload the cluster configuration data, stop the groups to which you made changes.

The upload was stopped. To upload the cluster configuration data, suspend the cluster. To upload, stop the group to which you made changes.

The upload was stopped.
To upload the cluster configuration data, suspend the cluster.

The upload was stopped. To upload the cluster configuration data, suspend the cluster.

The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, restart the Alert Sync service.
To apply the changes you made, restart the WebManager service.
The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, restart the Alert Sync service.
To apply the changes you made, restart the WebManager service.
The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, restart the Information Base service.
The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, restart the Information Base service.
The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, restart the API service.
The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, restart the API service.
The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, restart the Node Manager service.
The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, restart the Node Manager service.
Internal error.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

The upload is completed successfully.

The upload is successfully completed.

The upload was stopped.
Failed to deliver the configuration data.
Check if the other server is active and run the command again.
The upload was stopped.
Failed to deliver the configuration data.
Check if the other server is active and run the command again.
The upload was stopped.
There is one or more servers that cannot be connected to.
To apply cluster configuration information forcibly, run the command again with "--force" option.

The upload was stopped. The server that cannot connect exists. To forcibly upload the cluster configuration information, run the command again with the --force option.

9.9.2. Backing up the Cluster configuration data

the clpcfctrl --pull command backups cluster configuration data.

Command line

clpcfctrl --pull -l|-w [-h hostname|IP] [-p portnumber] [-x directory]


This command backs up cluster configuration data to be used for the Cluster WebUI.


Specify this option when performing backup. You cannot omit this option.

Specify this option when backing up configuration data that is used for the Cluster WebUI on Linux.
You cannot specify both -l and -w together.
Specify this option when backing up configuration data that is used for the Cluster WebUI on Windows.
You cannot specify both -l and -w together.
-h hostname | IP
Specifies the source server for backup. Specify a host name or IP address.
When this option is omitted, the configuration data on the server running the command is used.
-p portnumber
Specifies a port number of data transfer port.
When this option is omitted, the default value is used. In general, it is not necessary to specify this option.
-x directory
Backs up the configuration data in the specified directory.
Use this option with either -l or -w.
When -l is specified, configuration data is backed up in the format which can be loaded by the Cluster WebUI on Linux.
When -w is specified, configuration data is saved in the format which can be loaded by the Cluster WebUI on Windows.
Return Value



Other than 0



To deliver the cluster configuration data file obtained by executing the clpcfctrl --pull command, from Cluster WebUI to cluster servers, follow these steps:

  1. Execute the clpcfctrl --pull command to save the cluster configuration data file (in zip format) to any folder.

  2. Unzip the zip file, select the clp.conf file and the scripts folder, and then create a zipped file (named freely).

  3. Start Cluster WebUI, switch to Config Mode, and then click Import to import the file created in Step 2.

  4. If necessary, change the cluster configuration in Cluster WebUI, then click Apply the Configuration File.


Run this command as the root user.

When you run this command, access the servers in the cluster in the order below, and use one of the paths that allowed successful access.

  1. via the IP address on the interconnect LAN

  2. via the IP address on the public LAN

Example of command execution

Example 1: Backing up configuration data to the specified directory so that the data can be loaded by the Cluster WebUI on Linux

# clpcfctrl --pull -l -x /mnt/config
Command succeeded.(code:0)
Error Message



Log in as root.

Log on as the root user.

This command is already run.

This command has been already started.

Invalid option.

The option is invalid. Check the option.

Invalid mode.
Check if --push or --pull option is specified.

Check to see if the --pull is specified.

The target directory does not exist.

The specified directory does not exist.


Displayed when anything other than "y" is entered for command inquiry.

Failed to initialize the xml library.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to load the configuration file.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Same as above.

Failed to change the configuration file.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Same as above.

Failed to load the all.pol file.
Reinstall the RPM

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to load the cfctrl.pol file.
Reinstall the RPM

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to get the install path.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to get the cfctrl path.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM

Failed to initialize the trncl library.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to connect to server %1.

Accessing the server has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.

Check if the other server is active and then run the command again.

Run the command again after the server has started up.

Failed to connect to trnsv.
Check if the other server is active.

Accessing the server has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.

Failed to get configuration data.
Check if the other server is active.

Acquiring configuration data has failed. Check if other(s) server has been started.

The directory "/work" is not found.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM

Failed to make a working directory.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

The directory does not exist.

Same as above.

This is not a directory.

Same as above.

The source file does not exist.

Same as above.

The source file is a directory.

Same as above.

The source directory does not exist.

Same as above.

The source file is not a directory.

Same as above.

Failed to change the character code set (EUC to SJIS).

Same as above.

Failed to change the character code set (SJIS to EUC).

Same as above.

Command error.

Same as above.

Failed to initialize the cfmgr library.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to get size from the cfmgr library.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to allocate memory.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to change the directory.

Same as above.

Failed to run the command.

Same as above.

Failed to make a directory.

Same as above.

Failed to remove the directory.

Same as above.

Failed to remove the file.

Same as above.

Failed to open the file.

Same as above.

Failed to read the file.

Same as above.

Failed to write the file.

Same as above.

Internal error.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

9.9.3. Adding a resource without stopping the group

the clpcfctrl --dpush command adds a resource without stopping the group.

Command line

clpcfctrl --dpush [-p portnumber] [-x directory] [--force]


This command dynamically adds a resource without stopping the group.


Specify this option when dynamically adding a resource. You cannot omit this option.

-p portnumber
Specifies a port number of data transfer port.
When this option is omitted, the default value will be used. In general, it is not necessary to specify this option.
-x directory
Specify this option when delivering configuration data to the specified directory.

Even if there is a server that has not started, the configuration data is delivered forcefully.

Return Value



Other than 0



Run this command as the root user.

When you run this command, access the servers in the order below, and use one of the paths that allowed successful access.

  1. via the IP address on the interconnect LAN

  2. via the IP address on the public LAN

For details on resources that support dynamic resource addition, refer to "How to add a resource without stopping the group" in "The system maintenance information" in the "Maintenance Guide".

To use this command, the internal version of EXPRESSCLUSTER of all the nodes in the cluster must be 3.2.1-1 or later.

While the dynamic resource addition command is running, do not resume the command. Otherwise, the cluster configuration data may become inconsistent, and the cluster may stop or the server may shut down.

If you abort the dynamic resource addition command, the activation status of the resource to be added may become undefined. In this case, run the command again or reboot the cluster manually.

Example of command execution

Example 1: Dynamically adding a resource using configuration data that was saved on the file system using the Cluster WebUI on Linux

# clpcfctrl --dpush -x /mnt/config
file delivery to server success.
file delivery to server success.
The upload is completed successfully.(cfmgr:0)
Command succeeded.(code:0)
Error Message



Log in as root.

Log on as the root user.

This command is already run.

This command has been already started.

Invalid option.

The option is invalid.
Check the option.
Invalid mode.
Check if --push or --pull option is specified.

Check if the --push option is specified.

The target directory does not exist.

The specified directory is not found.

Invalid host name.
Server specified by -h option is not included in the configuration data.

The server specified with -h is not included in configuration data. Check if the specified server name or IP address is valid.


Displayed when anything other than "y" is entered for command inquiry.

Failed to initialize the xml library.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to load the configuration file.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Same as above.

Failed to change the configuration file.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Same as above.

Failed to load the all.pol file.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to load the cfctrl.pol file.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to get the install path.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to get the cfctrl path.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to get the list of group.

Failed to acquire the list of groups.

Failed to get the list of resource.

Failed to acquire the list of resources.

Failed to initialize the trncl library.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to connect to server %1.
Check if the other server is active and then run the command again.
Accessing the server has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.
Run the command again after the server has started up.
Failed to connect to trnsv.
Check if the other server is active.

Accessing the server has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started up.

Failed to get the collect size.

Getting the size of the collector file has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.

Failed to collect the file.

Collecting the file has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.

Failed to check server property.
Check if the server name or ip addresses are correct.

Check if the server name and the IP address in the configuration information have been set correctly.

File delivery failed.
Failed to deliver the configuration data. Check if the other server is active and run the command again.
Delivering configuration data has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.
Run the command again after the server has started up.
Multi file delivery failed.
Failed to deliver the configuration data. Check if the other server is active and run the command again.
Delivering configuration data has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.
Run the command again after the server has started up.
Failed to deliver the configuration data.
Check if the other server is active and run the command again.
Delivering configuration data has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.
Run the command again after the server has started up.
The directory "work" is not found.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to make a working directory.

Check if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

The directory does not exist.

Same as above.

This is not a directory.

Same as above.

The source file does not exist.

Same as above.

The source file is a directory.

Same as above.

The source directory does not exist.

Same as above.

The source file is not a directory.

Same as above.

Failed to change the character code set (EUC to SJIS).

Same as above.

Failed to change the character code set (SJIS to EUC).

Same as above.

Command error.

Same as above.

Failed to initialize the cfmgr library.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to get size from the cfmgr library.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to allocate memory.

Check if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to change the directory.

Same as above.

Failed to run the command.

Same as above.

Failed to make a directory.

Same as above.

Failed to remove the directory.

Same as above.

Failed to remove the file.

Same as above.

Failed to open the file.

Same as above.

Failed to read the file.

Same as above.

Failed to write the file.

Same as above.

Internal error.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

The upload is completed successfully.
To start the cluster, refer to "How to create a cluster"
in the Installation and Configuration Guide.
The upload is successfully completed.
The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, shutdown and reboot the cluster.

The upload is successfully completed. To apply the changes you made, shut down the cluster, and reboot it.

The upload was stopped.
To upload the cluster configuration data, stop the cluster.

The upload was stopped. To upload the cluster configuration data, stop the cluster.

The upload was stopped.
To upload the cluster configuration data, stop the Mirror Agent.

The upload was stopped. To upload the cluster configuration data, stop the Mirror Agent.

The upload was stopped.
To upload the cluster configuration data, stop the resources to which you made changes.

The uploaded was stopped. To upload the cluster configuration data, stop the resource to which you made changes.

The upload was stopped.
To upload the cluster configuration data, stop the groups to which you made changes.

The upload was stopped. To upload the cluster configuration data, suspend the cluster. To upload, stop the group to which you made changes.

The upload was stopped.
To upload the cluster configuration data, suspend the cluster.

The upload was stopped. To upload the cluster configuration data, suspend the cluster.

The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, restart the Alert Sync service.
To apply the changes you made, restart the WebManager service.
The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, restart the Alert Sync service.
To apply the changes you made, restart the WebManager service.
The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, restart the Information Base service.
The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, restart the Information Base service.
The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, restart the API service.
The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, restart the API service.
The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, restart the Node Manager service.
The upload is completed successfully.
To apply the changes you made, restart the Node Manager service.

The upload is completed successfully.

The upload is successfully completed.

The upload was stopped.
Failed to deliver the configuration data.
Check if the other server is active and run the command again.

The upload was stopped. Failed to deliver the cluster configuration data. Check if the other server is active and run the command again.

The upload was stopped.
There is one or more servers that cannot be connected to.
To apply cluster configuration information forcibly, run the command again with "--force" option.

The upload was stopped. The server that cannot connect exists. To forcibly upload the cluster configuration information, run the command again with the --force option.

The upload was stopped.
Failed to active resource.
Please check the setting of resource.

The upload was stopped. Failed to activate the resource. Check the setting of the resource.

9.9.4. Checking cluster configuration data when dynamically adding a group resource

This command checks the cluster configuration data when dynamically adding a group resource.

Command line

clpcfctrl --compcheck [-x directory]


This command checks if there is no problem with the cluster configuration data when dynamically adding a resource without stopping the group.

Specify this option when checking configuration data.
You cannot omit this option.
-x directory
Specify this option when delivering configuration data to the specified directory.
Return Value



Other than 0



Run this command as the root user.

When you run this command, access the cluster servers in the order below, and use one of the paths that allowed successful access.

  1. Via the IP address on the interconnect LAN

  2. Via the IP address on the public LAN

This command finds the difference between the new and existing configuration data, and checks the resource configuration data in the added configuration data.

Example of command execution

Example 1: Checking configuration data that was saved on the file system using the Cluster WebUI on Linux

# clpcfctrl --compcheck -x /mnt/config
The check is completed successfully.(cfmgr:0)
Command succeeded.(code:0)
Error Message



Log in as root.

Log in as the root user.

This command is already run.

This command has been already started.

Invalid option.

The option is invalid.
Check the option.

The target directory does not exist.

The specified directory is not found.


Displayed when anything other than "y" is entered for command inquiry.

Failed to initialize the xml library.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to load the configuration file.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Same as above.

Failed to change the configuration file.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Same as above.

Failed to load the all.pol file.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to load the cfctrl.pol file.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to get the install path.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to get the cfctrl path.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to get the list of group.

Failed to acquire the list of group.

Failed to get the list of resource.

Failed to acquire the list of resource.

Failed to initialize the trncl library.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to connect to server %1.
Check if the other server is active and then run the command again.
Accessing the server has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.
Run the command again after the server has started up.
Failed to connect to trnsv.
Check if the other server is active.

Accessing the server has failed. Check that other server has been started up.

Failed to get the collect size.

Getting the size of the collector file has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.

Failed to collect the file.

Collecting of the file has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.

Failed to get the list of node.
Check if the server name or ip addresses are correct.

Check if the server name and the IP address in the configuration information have been set correctly.

Failed to check server property.
Check if the server name or ip addresses are correct.

Check if the server name and the IP address in the configuration information have been set correctly.

File delivery failed.
Failed to deliver the configuration data. Check if the other server is active and run the command again.
Delivering configuration data has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.
Run the command again after the server has started up.
Multi file delivery failed.
Failed to deliver the configuration data. Check if the other server is active and run the command again.
Delivering configuration data has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.
Run the command again after the server has started up.
Failed to deliver the configuration data.
Check if the other server is active and run the command again.
Delivering configuration data has failed. Check if other server(s) has been started.
Run the command again after the server has started up.
The directory "work" is not found.
Reinstall the RPM.

Reinstall the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server RPM.

Failed to make a working directory.

Check if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

The directory does not exist.

Same as above.

This is not a directory.

Same as above.

The source file does not exist.

Same as above.

The source file is a directory.

Same as above.

The source directory does not exist.

Same as above.

The source file is not a directory.

Same as above.

Failed to change the character code set (EUC to SJIS).

Same as above.

Failed to change the character code set (SJIS to EUC).

Same as above.

Command error.

Failed to initialize the cfmgr library.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to get size from the cfmgr library.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to allocate memory.

Check if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to change the directory.

Same as above.

Failed to run the command.

Same as above.

Failed to make a directory.

Same as above.

Failed to remove the directory.

Same as above.

Failed to remove the file.

Same as above.

Failed to open the file.

Same as above.

Failed to read the file.

Same as above.

Failed to write the file.

Same as above.

Internal error.
Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

9.10. Adjusting time-out temporarily (clptoratio command)

the clptoratio command extends or displays the current time-out ratio.

Command line
clptoratio -r ratio -t time
clptoratio -i
clptoratio -s

This command displays or temporarily extends the various time-out values of the following on all servers in the cluster.

  • Monitor resource

  • Heartbeat resource

  • Mirror Agent

  • Mirror driver

  • Alert synchronous service

  • WebManager service

-r ratio
Specifies the time-out ratio. Use 1 or larger integer. The maxim time-out ratio is 10,000.
If you specify "1," you can return the modified time-out ratio to the original as you can do so when you are using the -i option.
-t time
Specifies the extension period.
You can specify minutes for m, hours for h, and days for d. The maximum period of time is 30 days.
Example: 2m, 3h, 4d

Sets back the modified time-out ratio.


Refers to the current time-out ratio.

Return Value



Other than 0



When the cluster is shutdown, the time-out ratio you have set will become ineffective. However, if any server in the cluster is not shutdown, the time-out ratio and the extension period that you have set will be maintained.

With the -s option, you can only refer to the current time-out ratio. You cannot see other information such as remaining time of extended period.

You can see the original time-out value by using the status display command.

Heartbeat time-out

# clpstat --cl --detail

Monitor resource time-out

# clpstat --mon monitor resource name --detail

Run this command as the root user.

Make sure that the cluster daemon is started in all servers in the cluster.

When you set the time-out ratio, make sure to specify the extension period. However, if you set "1" for the time-out ratio, you cannot specify the extension period.

You cannot specify a combination such as "2m3h," for the extension period.

When the server restarts within the ratio extension period, the time-out ratio is not returned to the original even after the extension period. In this case, run the clptoratio -i command to return it to the original.

This command does not support the time-out values of forced stop resources.

Example of a command entry

Example 1: Doubling the time-out ratio for three days

# clptoratio -r 2 -t 3d

Example 2: Setting back the time-out ratio to original

# clptoratio -i

Example 3: Referring to the current time-out ratio

# clptoratio -s
present toratio : 2

The current time-out ratio is set to 2.

Error Message



Log in as root.

Log on as the root user.

Invalid configuration file. Create valid cluster configuration data.

Create valid cluster configuration data by using the Cluster WebUI.

Invalid option.

Specify a valid option.

Specify a number in a valid range.

Specify a number within a valid range.

Specify a correct number.

Specify a valid number.

Scale factor must be specified by integer value of 1 or more.

Specify 1 or larger integer for ratio.

Specify scale factor in a range less than the maximum scale factor.

Specify a ratio that is not larger than the maximum ratio.

Set the correct extension period.

Set a valid extension period.

Ex) 2m, 3h, 4d

Set the extension period which does not exceed the maximum ratio.

Set the extension period in a range less than the maximum extension period.

Check if the cluster daemon is started.

Could not connect to the server. Check if the cluster daemon is active.

Check if the cluster daemon is started.

Server is not active.
Check if the cluster daemon is active.

Check if there is any server in the cluster with the cluster daemon stopped.

Connection was lost.
Check if there is a server where the cluster daemon is stopped in the cluster.

Check if there is any server in the cluster with the cluster daemon stopped.

Invalid parameter.

The value specified as a parameter of the command may be invalid.

Internal communication timeout has occurred in the cluster server.
If it occurs frequently, set the longer timeout.
Time-out has occurred in the internal communication of EXPRESSCLUSTER.
If it occurs frequently, set the internal communication time-out longer.

Processing failed on some servers. Check the status of failed servers.

There are servers that failed in processing. Check the status of server in the cluster.
Operate it while all the servers in the cluster are up and running.

Internal error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

9.11. Modifying the log level and size (clplogcf command)

the clplogcf command modifies and displays log level and log output file size.

Command line

clplogcf -t type -l level -s size


This command modifies the log level and log output file size, or displays the values currently configured.

-t type
Specifies a module type whose settings will be changed.
If both -l and -s are omitted, the information set to the specified module will be displayed. For the types which can be specified, see the list of "Types that can be specified for the -t option".
-l level
Specifies a log level.
You can specify one of the following for a log level.
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
You can see more detailed information as the log level increases.
-s size
Specifies the size of a file for log output.
The unit is byte.

None Displays the entire configuration information currently set.

Return Value



Other than 0



Each type of output logs from EXPRESSCLUSTER uses four log files. Therefore, it is necessary to have the disk space that is four times larger than what is specified by -s.


Run this command as the root user.

To run this command, the EXPRESSCLUSTER event service must be started.

The changes made are effective only for the server on which this command was run.
The settings revert to the default values when the server restarts.
Example of command execution

Example 1: Modifying the pm log level

# clplogcf -t pm -l 8

Example 2:Seeing the pm log level and log file size

# clplogcf -t pm
pm, 8, 1000000

Example 3: Displaying the values currently configured

# clplogcf
trnsv, 4, 1000000
xml, 4, 1000000
logcf, 4, 1000000
Error Message



Log in as root.

Log on as the root user.

Invalid option.

The option is invalid. Check the option.

Failed to change the configuration. Check if clpevent is running.

clpevent may not have been started.

Invalid level

The specified level is invalid.

Invalid size

The specified size is invalid.

Failed to load the configuration file. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Non-clustered server

Failed to initialize the xml library. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to print the configuration. Check if clpevent is running.

clpevent may not be started yet.

Types that can be specified for the -t option (y=yes, n=no)






Replicator DR



API client library






API server






Cluster startup and stop command






Cluster generation, cluster information and backup command






Cluster configuration data operation library






Server stopping command






Group startup, stop, and move command






Group resource startup and stop command






Shutdown monitoring






Process health check command






Information Base server






License library






License registration command






Collect Logs command






Log level and size modification command






Alert producing command






Mail Report






SNMP coordination library






External monitoring coordination library






Monitoring control command






Node map management






Process management






Group and group resource management






Reboot count control library






Reboot count control command






Monitor management






Disk control






Process kill command






Script log rotation command






Status display command






Cluster shutdown command






Time-out ratio modification command






SNMP trap command






Transaction library






External monitoring link processing request command






Cluster activation synchronization wait processing control command






Transaction server












WebManager server






Alert synchronization






Process for smart failover






Library for smart failover






Disk resource






Disk resource






Exec resource






FIP resource






FIP monitor resource






Volume manager resource






Virtual IP resource






Dynamic DNS resource






ARP monitor resource






Disk monitor resource






IP monitor resource






NIC link up/down monitor resource






Multi target monitor resource






PID monitor resource






Volume manager monitor resource






User-mode monitor resource






Virtual IP monitor resource






Dynamic DNS monitor resource






Message receive monitor resource






Custom monitor resource





libclp snmpmgr

SNMP trap reception library






Disk heartbeat






LAN heartbeat






Kernel mode LAN heartbeat






PING network partition resolution






PING network partition resolution






Mirror disk admin library






Mirror disk function library






Mirror agent






Mirror disk resource operation command






Mirror disk initialization command






Mirror status display command






Hybrid disk resource operation command






Hybrid disk resource initialization command






Hybrid status display command






Mirror disk resource






Mirror disk resource






Mirror disk monitor resource






Mirror disk connect monitor resource






Hybrid disk resource






Hybrid disk resource






Hybrid disk monitor resource






Hybrid disk connect monitor resource






Oracle monitor resource






DB2 monitor resource






PostgreSQL monitor resource






MySQL monitor resource






ODBC monitor resource






SQL Server monitor resource






Samba monitor resource






NFS monitor resource






HTTP monitor resource






FTP monitor resource






SMTP monitor resource






POP3 monitor resource






IMAP4 monitor resource






Tuxedo monitor resource






WebLogic monitor resource






WebSphere monitor resource






WebOTX monitor resource






JVM monitor resource






System monitor resource






Process resource monitor resource






Process name monitor resource






Disk related information






VMCtrl library






AWS Elastic IP resource






AWS DNS resource






AWS Elastic IP monitor resource






AWS AZ monitor resource






AWS DNS monitor resource






Azure probe port resource






Azure DNS resource






Azure probe port monitor resource






Azure load balance monitor resource






Azure DNS monitor resource






Google Cloud Virtual IP resource






Google Cloud Virtual IP monitor resource






Google Cloud load balance monitor resource






Oracle Cloud Virtual IP resource






Oracle Cloud Virtual IP monitor resource






Oracle Cloud load balance monitor resource






Cluster statistics information display command






Cluster configuration information check command




9.12. Managing licenses (clplcnsc command)

the clplcnsc command manages licenses.

Command line
clplcnsc -i [licensefile...]
clplcnsc -l [-a]
clplcnsc -d serialno [-q]
clplcnsc -d -t [-q]
clplcnsc -d -a [-q]
clplcnsc --distribute
clplcnsc --reregister licensefile...

This command registers, refers to and remove the licenses of the product version and trial version of this product.

-i [licensefile...]

When a license file is specified, license information is acquired from the file for registration. You can specify multiple licenses. You can also specify a wildcard. If nothing is specified, you need to enter license information interactively.

-l [-a]

References the registered license. The name of displayed items are as follows.



Serial No

Serial number (product version only)

User name

User name (trial version only)


License key

Licensed Number of CPU

The number of license (per CPU)

Licensed Number of Computers

The number of license (per node)

Start date

Start date of valid period 1 2

End date

End date of valid period 1 2


Status of the license










Before valid period 1 2


After valid period 1 2


Displayed in the case of the fixed term license


Displayed in the case of the license of trial version

When -a option not specified, the license status of "invalid", "unknown" and "expired" are not displayed.

When specifying -a option, all the licenses are displayed regardless of the license status.

-d <param>



Deletes the license with the specified serial number.


Deletes all the registered licenses of the trial version.


Deletes all the registered licenses.


Deletes licenses without displaying a warning message. This is used with -d option.


License files are delivered to all servers in the cluster. Generally, it is not necessary to run the command with this option.

--reregister licensefile...

Reregisters the fixed term license. Generally, it is not necessary to run the command with this option.

Return Value


Normal termination




Normal termination (with licenses not synchronized)

* This means that license synchronization failed in the cluster at the time of license registration.

For the actions to be taken, refer to "Troubleshooting for licensing" in Appendix A "Troubleshooting" in the "Installation and Configuration Guide".


Initialization error


Invalid option


Other internal error

Example of a command entry
  • for registration

    • Registering the license interactively

      # clplcnsc -i

    Product Version/Product Version (Fixed Term)

    Select a product division

    Selection of License Version
      1. Product Version
      2. Trial Version
      e. Exit
    Select License Version. [1, 2, or e (default:1)] ...

    Enter a serial number

    Enter serial number [ Ex. XXXXXXXX000000] .

    Enter a license key

    Enter license key

    Trial Version

    Select a product division

    Selection of License Version
      1. Product Version
      2. Trial Version
      e. Exit
    Select License Version. [1, 2, or e (default:1)] ...

    Enter a user name

    Enter user name [ 1 to 63byte ] .

    Enter a license key

    Enter license key
    • Specify a license file

      # clplcnsc -i /tmp/cpulcns.key
  • for referring to the license

    # clplcnsc -l

Product version

Seq... 1
    Key..... A1234567-B1234567-C1234567-D1234567
    Licensed Number of CPU... 2
    Status... valid
Seq... 2
    Serial No..... AAAAAAAA000002
    Key..... E1234567-F1234567-G1234567-H1234567
    Licensed Number of Computers... 1
    Status... valid

Product version (fixed term)


Seq... 1
    Serial No..... AAAAAAAA000001
    Key..... A1234567-B1234567-C1234567-D1234567
    Start date..... 2018/01/01
    End date...... 2018/01/31
    Status........... valid
Seq... 2
    Serial No..... AAAAAAAA000002
    Key..... E1234567-F1234567-G1234567-H1234567
    Status........... inactive

Trial version

Seq... 1
    Key..... A1234567-B1234567-C1234567-D1234567
    User name... NEC
    Start date..... 2018/01/01
    End date...... 2018/02/28
    Status........... valid
  • for deleting the license

    # clplcnsc -d AAAAAAAA000001 -q
  • for referring to deleting the license

    # clplcnsc -d -t -q
  • for deleting the license

    # clplcnsc -d -a

Deletion confirmation

Are you sure to remove the license? [y/n] ...

Run this command as the root user.

When you register a license, verify that the data transfer server is started up and a cluster has been generated for license synchronization.

In license synchronization, the IP addresses of cluster servers are tried to be connected in order of interconnect priority, then a successful route is used.

When you delete a license, only the license information on the server where this command was run is deleted. The license information on other servers is not deleted. To delete the license information in the entire cluster, run this command in all servers.

Furthermore, when you use -d option and -a option together, all the trial version licenses and product version licenses will be deleted. To delete only the trial license, also specify the -t option. If the licenses including the product license have been deleted, register the product license again.

When you refer to a license which includes multiple licenses, all included licenses information are displayed.

If one or more servers in the cluster are not working, it may take time to execute this command.

Error Messages



Processed license num
(success : %d error : %d).
The number of processed licenses (success:%d error:%d)
If error is not 0, check if the license information is correct.

Command succeeded.

The command ran successfully.

Command failed.

The command did not run successfully.

Command succeeded.
But the license was not applied to all the servers in the cluster
because there are one or more servers that are not started up.
There is one or more server that is not running in the cluster.
Perform the cluster generation steps in all servers in the cluster.
Refer to "Installing EXPRESSCLUSTER" the "Installation and Configuration Guide" for information on cluster generation.

Log in as root.

You are not authorized to run this command. Log on as the root user.

Invalid cluster configuration data. Check the cluster configuration information.

The cluster configuration data is invalid. Check the cluster configuration data by using the Cluster WebUI.

Initialization error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

The command is already run.

The command is already running. Check the running status by using a command such as the ps command.

The license is not registered.

The license has not been registered yet.

Could not open the license file. Check if the license file exists on the specified path.

Input/Output cannot be done to the license file. Check to see if the license file exists in the specified path.

Could not read the license file. Check if the license file exists on the specified path.

Same as above.

The field format of the license file is invalid. The license file may be corrupted. Check the destination from where the file is sent.

The field format of the license file is invalid. The license file may be corrupted. Check it with the file sender.

The cluster configuration data may be invalid or not registered.

The cluster configuration data may be invalid or not registered. Check the configuration data.

Failed to terminate the library. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Failed to register the license. Check if the entered license information is correct.

Check to see if the entered license information is correct.

Failed to open the license. Check if the entered license information is correct.

Same as above.

Failed to remove the license.

License deletion failed. Parameter error may have occurred or resources (memory or OS) may not be sufficient.

This license is already registered.

This license has already been registered.
Check the registered license.

This license is already activated.

This license has already been activated.
Check the registered license.

This license is unavailable for this product.

This license is unavailable for this product.
Check the license.

The maximum number of licenses was reached.

The maximum number of registrable licenses was reached.
Delete the expired licenses.

Internal error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

9.13. Locking disk I/O (clproset command)

the clproset command modifies and displays I/O permission of the partition device.

Command line
clproset -o [-d device_name | -r resource_name -t resource_type | -a]
clproset -w [-d device_name | -r resource_name -t resource_type | -a]
clproset -s [-d device_name | -r resource_name -t resource_type | -a]

This command configures the partition device I/O permission of a shared disk to ReadOnly/ReadWrite possible.

This command displays the configured I/O permission status of the partition device.


Sets the partition device I/O to ReadOnly. When ReadOnly is set to a partition device, you cannot write the data into the partition device.


Sets the partition device I/O to ReadWrite possible. When ReadWrite is set to a partition device, you may read from and write the data into the partition device.


Displays the I/O permission status of the partition device.

-d device_name

Specifies a partition device.

-r resource_name

Specifies a disk resource name.

-t resource_type

Specifies a group resource type. For the current EXPRESSCLUSTER version, always specify "disk" as group resource type.


Runs this command against all disk resources.

Return Value



Other than 0



Run this command as the root user.

This command can only be used on shared disk resources. It cannot be used for mirror disk resources and hybrid disk resources.

Make sure to specify a group resource type when specifying a resource name.

Example of command execution

Example 1: When changing the I/O of disk resource name, disk1, to RW:

# clproset -w -r disk1 -t disk
/dev/sdb5 : succeeded (disk1)

Example 2:When acquiring I/O information of all resources:

# clproset -s -a
/dev/sdb5 : rw (disk)
/dev/sdb6 : ro (raw)
Error Messages



Log in as root.

Log on as the root user.

Invalid configuration file. Create valid cluster configuration data.

Create valid cluster configuration data by using the Cluster WebUI.

Invalid option.

Specify a valid option.

The -t option must be specified for the -r option.

Be sure to specify the -t option when using the -r option.

Specify 'disk' or 'raw to specify a group resource.

Specify "disk" or "raw" when specifying a group resource type.

Invalid group resource name. Specify a valid group resource name in the cluster.

Specify a valid group resource name.

Invalid device name.

Specify a valid device name.

Command timeout.

The OS may be heavily loaded. Check to see how heavily it is loaded.

Internal error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.


Do not use this command for the purposes other than those mentioned in "Verifying operation" in the "Installation and Configuration Guide".
If you run this command while the cluster daemon is started, the file system may get corrupted.

9.16. Outputting messages (clplogcmd command)

the clplogcmd command registers the specified message with syslog and alert, reports the message by mail, or sends it as an SNMP trap.

Command line

clplogcmd -m message [--syslog] [--alert] [--mail] [--trap] [-i eventID] [-l level]


Generally, it is not necessary to run this command for constructing or operating the cluster. You need to write the command in the exec resource script.


Write this command in the exec resource script and output messages you want to send to the destination.

-m message
Specifies a message. This option cannot be omitted. The maximum size of message is 511 bytes. (When syslog is specified as an output destination, the maximum size is 485 bytes.) The message exceeding the maximum size will not be shown.
You may use alphabets, numbers, and symbols. See below 7 for notes on them.

Specify the output destination from syslog, alert, mail, and trap. (Multiple destinations can be specified.)

This parameter can be omitted. The syslog and alert will be the output destinations when the parameter is omitted.

For more information on output destinations, see "Directory structure of EXPRESSCLUSTER" in "The system maintenance information" in the "Maintenance Guide".

-i eventID

Specify event ID. The maximum value of event ID is 10000.

This parameter can be omitted. The default value 1 is set when the parameter is omitted.

-l level

Select a level of alert output from ERR, WARN, or INFO. The icon on the alert logs of the Cluster WebUI is determined according to the level you select here.

This parameter can be omitted. The default value INFO is set when the parameter is omitted. For more information, see the online manual.


Notes on using symbols in the message:

The symbols below must be enclosed in double quotes (" "):

# & ' ( ) ~ | ; : * < > , .

(For example, if you specify "#" in the message, # is produced.)

The symbols below must have a backslash \ in the beginning:

\ ! " & ' ( ) ~ | ; : * < > , .

(For example, if you specify \\ in the message, \ is produced.)

The symbol that must be enclosed in double quotes (" ") and have a backslash \ in the beginning:

(For example, if you specify "\`" in the message, ` will is produced.)

  • When there is a space in the message, it must be placed in enclosed in double quotes (" ").

  • The symbol % cannot be used in the message.

Return Value



Other than 0



Run this command as the root user.

When mail is specified as the output destination, you need to make the settings to send mails by using the mail command.

Example of command execution

Example 1: When specifying only message (output destinations are syslog and alert):

When the following is written in the exec resource script, the message is produced in syslog and alert.

clplogcmd -m test1.

The following log is the log output in syslog:

Sep 1 14:00:00 server1 expresscls: <type: logcmd><event: 1> test1

Example 2: When specifying message, output destination, event ID, and level (output destination is mail):

When the following is written in the exec resource script, the message is sent to the mail address set in the Cluster Properties. For more information on the mail address settings, see "Alert Service tab" in "Cluster properties" in "2. Parameter details" in this guide.

clplogcmd -m test2 --mail -i 100 -l ERR

The following information is sent to the mail destination:

Type: logcmd
ID: 100
Host: server1
Date: 2004/09/01 14:00:00

Example 3: When specifying a message, output destination, event ID, and level (output destination is trap):

When the following is written in the exec resource script, the message is set to the SNMP trap destination set in Cluster Properties of the Cluster WebUI. For more information on the SNMP trap destination settings, see "Alert Service tab" in "Cluster properties" in "2. Parameter details" in this guide.

clplogcmd -m test3 --trap -i 200 -l ERR

The following information is sent to the SNMP trap destination:

Trap OID: clusterEventError
Attached data 1: clusterEventMessage = test3
Attached data 2: clusterEventID = 200
Attached data 3: clusterEventDateTime = 2011/08/01 09:00:00
Attached data 4: clusterEventServerName = server1
Attached data 5: clusterEventModuleName = logcmd

9.17. Controlling monitor resources (clpmonctrl command)

the clpmonctrl command controls the monitor resources.

Command line
clpmonctrl -s [-h <hostname>] [-m resource_name] [-w wait_time]
clpmonctrl -r [-h <hostname>] [-m resource_name] [-w wait_time]
clpmonctrl -c [-m resource_name]
clpmonctrl -v [-m resource_name]
clpmonctrl -e [-h <hostname>] -m resource_name
clpmonctrl -n [-h <hostname>] [-m resource_name]


The -c and -v options must be run on all servers that control monitoring because the command controls the monitor resources on a single server.
It is recommended to use the Cluster WebUI if you suspend or resume monitor resources on all the servers in a cluster.

This command suspends and/or resumes the monitor resources, displays and/or resets the times counter of the recovery action, and enable and/or disable Dummy Failure.


Suspends monitoring


Resumes monitoring


Resets the times counter of the recovery action.


Displays the times counter of the recovery action.


Enables the Dummy Failure. Be sure to specify a monitor resource name with the -m option.


Disables the Dummy Failure. When a monitor resource name is specified with the -m option, the function is disabled only for the resource. When the -m option is omitted, the function is disabled for all monitor resources.

-m resource_name
Specifies a monitor resource to be controlled.
This option can be omitted. All monitor resources are controlled when the option is omitted.
-w wait_time
Waits for control monitoring on a monitor resource basis (in seconds).
This option can be omitted. The default value 5 is set when the option is omitted.

Makes a processing request to the server specified in hostname. Makes a processing request to the server on which this command runs (local server) if the -h option is omitted. The -c and -v options cannot specify the server.

Return Value


Normal termination


Privilege for execution is invalid


The option is invalid


Initialization error


The cluster configuration data is invalid


Monitor resource is not registered.


The specified monitor resource is invalid


The cluster is not activated


The cluster daemon is suspended


Waiting for cluster synchronization


Monitoring control wait time-out


Duplicated activation


Server connection error


Invalid status


Invalid server name


Other internal error

Example of command execution

Example 1: When suspending all monitor resources:

# clpmonctrl -s
Command succeeded.

Example 2: When resuming all monitor resources:

# clpmonctrl -r
Command succeeded.

If you suspend a monitor resource that is already suspended or resume that is already resumed, this command terminates with error, without changing the status of the monitor resource.


Run this command as the root user.

Check the status of monitor resource by using the status display clpstat command or Cluster WebUI.

Before you run this command, use the clpstat command or Cluster WebUI to verify that the status of monitor resources is in either "Online" or "Suspend."

If the recovery action for the monitor resource is set as follows, "Final Action Count", which displayed by the -v option, means the number of times "Execute Script before Final Action" is executed.

  • Execute Script before Final Action: Enable

  • final action: No Operation

Error Messages



Command succeeded.

The command ran successfully.

Log in as root.

You are not authorized to run this command. Log on as the root user.

Initialization error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Invalid cluster configuration data. Check the cluster configuration information.

The cluster configuration data is invalid. Check the cluster configuration data by using the Cluster WebUI.

Monitor resource is not registered.

The monitor resource is not registered.

Specified monitor resource is not registered. Check the cluster configuration information.

The specified monitor resource is not registered.
Check the cluster configuration data by using the Cluster WebUI.

The cluster has been stopped. Check the active status of the cluster daemon by using the command such as ps command.

The cluster has been stopped.
Check the activation status of the cluster daemon by using a command such as ps command.

The cluster has been suspended. The cluster daemon has been suspended. Check activation status of the cluster daemon by using a command such as the ps command.

The cluster daemon has been suspended. Check the activation status of the cluster daemon by using a command such as ps command.

Waiting for synchronization of the cluster. The cluster is waiting for synchronization. Wait for a while and try again.

Synchronization of the cluster is awaited.
Try again after cluster synchronization is completed.
Monitor %1 was unregistered, ignored. The specified monitor resources %1 is not registered, but continue processing. Check the cluster configuration data.
There is an unregistered monitor resource in the specified monitor resources but it is ignored and the process is continued
Check the cluster configuration data by using the Cluster WebUI.
%1: Monitor resource name

Monitor %1 denied control permission, ignored. but continue processing.

The specified monitor resources contain the monitor resource which cannot be controlled, but it does not affect the process.
%1: Monitor resource name

This command is already run.

The command is already running. Check the running status by using a command such as ps command.

Internal error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Could not connect to the server.
Check if the cluster service is active.

Check if the cluster service has started.

Some invalid status.
Check the status of cluster.
The status is invalid.
Check the status of the cluster.

Invalid server name. Specify a valid server name in the cluster.

Specify the valid server name in the cluster.

Monitor resource types that can be specified for the -m option


Suspending/resuming monitoring

Resetting the times counter of the recovery action


Dummy Failure
































































9.18. Controlling group resources (clprsc command)

the clprsc command controls group resources

Command line
clprsc -s resource_name [-h hostname] [-f] [--apito timeout]
clprsc -t resource_name [-h hostname] [-f] [--apito timeout]
clprsc -n resource_name
clprsc -v resource_name

This command starts and stops group resources.


Starts group resources.


Stops group resources.


Requests processing to the server specified by the hostname.

When this option is skipped, request for processing is made to the following servers.

  • When the group is offline, the command execution server (local server).

  • When the group is online, the server where group is activated.


When the group resource is online, all group resources that the specified group resource depends starts up.

When the group resource is offline, all group resources that the specified group resource depends stop.


Displays the name of the server on which the group resource has been started.

--apito timeout

Specify the interval (internal communication timeout) to wait for the group resource start or stop in seconds. A value from 1 to 9999 can be specified.

If the --apito option is not specified, waiting for the group resource start or stop is performed according to the value set to the internal communication timeout of the cluster properties.


Displays the failover counter of the group resource.

Return Value



Other than 0



Group resource configuration

# clpstat

=========== CLUSTER STATUS ===========
 Cluster : cluster
  *server1..................: Online
     lanhb1                 : Normal
     lanhb2                 : Normal
     pingnp1                : Normal
   server2..................: Online
     lanhb1                 : Normal
     lanhb2                 : Normal
     pingnp1                : Normal
     ManagementGroup........: Online
      current               : server1
      ManagementIP          : Online
     failover1..............: Online
      current               : server1
      fip1                  : Online
      md1                   : Online
      exec1                 : Online
     failover2..............: Online
      current               : server2
      fip2                  : Online
      md2                   : Online
      exec2                 : Online
     ipw1                   : Normal
     mdnw1                  : Normal
     mdnw2                  : Normal
     mdw1                   : Normal
     mdw2                   : Normal

Example 1: When stopping the resource (fip1) of the group (failover 1)

# clprsc -t fip1
Command succeeded.

========== CLUSTER STATUS =============
     ManagementGroup........: Online
      current               : server1
      ManagementIP          : Online
      current               : server1
      fip1                  : Offline
      md1                   : Online
      exec1                 : Online
     failover2..............: Online
      current               : server2
      fip2                  : Online
      md2                   : Online
      exec2                 : Online

Example 2: When starting the resource (fip1) of the group(failover 1)

# clprsc -s fip1
Command succeeded.
# clpstat

========== CLUSTER STATUS ============
      ManagementGroup.......: Online
       current              : server1
       ManagementIP         : Online
      failover1.............: Online
       current              : server1
       fip1                 : Online
       md1                  : Online
       exect1               : Online
      failover2.............: Online
       current              : server2
       fip2                 : Online
       md2                  : Online
       exec2                : Online

Run this command as a user with root privileges.

Check the status of the group resources by the status display or the Cluster WebUI.

When there is an active group resource in the group, the group resources that are offline cannot be started on another server.

Error Messages



Log in as root.

Run this command as a user with root privileges.

Invalid cluster configuration data. Check the cluster configuration information.

The cluster construction information is not correct. Check the cluster construction information by Cluster WebUI.

Invalid option.

Specify a correct option.

Could not connect server. Check if the cluster service is active.

Check if the EXPRESSCLUSTER is activated.

Invalid server status. Check if the cluster service is active.

Check if the EXPRESSCLUSTER is activated.

Server is not active. Check if the cluster service is active.

Check if the EXPRESSCLUSTER is activated.

Invalid server name. Specify a valid server name in the cluster.

Specify a correct server name in the cluster.

Connection was lost. Check if there is a server where the cluster service is stopped in the cluster.

Check if there is any server with EXPRESSCLUSTER service stopped in the cluster,

Internal communication timeout has occurred in the cluster server. If it occurs frequently, set the longer timeout.

Timeout has occurred in internal communication in the EXPRESSCLUSTER.
Set the internal communication timeout longer if this error occurs frequently.

The group resource is busy. Try again later.

Because the group resource is in the process of starting or stopping, wait for a while and try again.

An error occurred on group resource. Check the status of group resource.

Check the group resource status by using the Cluster WebUI or the clpstat command.

Could not start the group resource. Try it again after the other server is started, or after the Wait Synchronization time is timed out.

Wait until the other server starts or the wait time times out, and then start the group resources.

No operable group resource exists in the server.

Check there is a processable group resource on the specified server.

The group resource has already been started on the local server.

Check the group resource status by using the Cluster WebUI or clpstat command.

The group resource has already been started on the other server.

Check the group resource status by using the Cluster WebUI or clpstat command.
Stop the group to start the group resources on the local server.

The group resource has already been stopped.

Check the group resource status by using the Cluster WebUI or clpstat command.

Failed to start group resource. Check the status of group resource.

Check the group resource status by using the Cluster WebUI or clpstat command.

Failed to stop resource. Check the status of group resource.

Check the group resource status by using the Cluster WebUI or clpstat command.

Depended resource is not offline. Check the status of resource.

Because the status of the depended group resource is not offline, the group resource cannot be stopped. Stop the depended group resource or specify the -f option.

Depending resource is not online. Check the status of resource.

Because the status of the depended group is not online, the group resource cannot be started. Start the depended group resource or specify the -f option.

Invalid group resource name. Specify a valid group resource name in the cluster.

The group resource is not registered.

Server is not in a condition to start resource or any critical monitor error is detected.

Check the group resource status by using the Cluster WebUI or clpstat command.
An error is detected in a critical monitor on the server on which an attempt to start a group resource was made.

Internal error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Memory or OS resources may be insufficient. Check them.

9.19. Controlling reboot count (clpregctrl command)

the clpregctrl command controls reboot count limitation.

Command line
clpregctrl --get
clpregctrl -g
clpregctrl --clear -t type -r registry
clpregctrl -c -t type -r registry


This command must be run on all servers that control the reboot count limitation because the command controls the reboot count limitation on a single server.


This command displays and/or initializes reboot count on a single server.

-g, --get

Displays reboot count information.

-c, --clear

Initializes reboot count.

-t type

Specifies the type to initialize the reboot count. The type that can be specified is rc or rm.

-r registry

Specifies the registry name. The registry name that can be specified is haltcount.

Return Value


Normal termination


Privilege for execution is invalid


Duplicated activation


Option is invalid


The cluster configuration data is invalid

10 to 17

Internal error

20 to 22

Obtaining reboot count information has failed.


Allocating memory has failed.


Changing the work directory as failed.

Example of command execution

Display of reboot count information

# clpregctrl -g

   type       : rc
   registry   : haltcount
   comment    : halt count
   kind       : int
   value      : 0
   default    : 0

   type       : rm
   registry   : haltcount
   comment    : halt count
   kind       : int
   value      : 3
   default    : 0

Command succeeded.(code:0)

The reboot count is initialized in the following examples.

Run this command on server2 when you want to control the reboot count of server2.

Example1: When initializing the count of reboots caused by group resource error:

# clpregctrl -c -t rc -r haltcount
Command succeeded.(code:0)

Example2: When initializing the count of reboots caused by monitor resource error:

# clpregctrl -c -t rm -r haltcount
Command succeeded.(code:0)

For information on the reboot count limit, see "Attributes common to group resources" "Reboot count limit" in "3. Group resource details" in this guide.


Run this command as the root user.

Error Messages



Command succeeded.

The command ran successfully.

Log in as root.

You are not authorized to run this command. Log on as the root user.

The command is already executed. Check the execution state by using the "ps" command or some other command.

The command is already running. Check the running status by using a command such as ps command.

Invalid option.

Specify a valid option.

Internal error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

9.20. Turning off warning light (clplamp command)

The clplamp command turns the warning light off.

Command line

clplamp -h hostname


Turns the warning light of the specified server off.

If the reproduction of audio file is set, audio file reproduction is stopped.

-h hostname

Specify a server whose warning light you want to turn off.

Return Value


Normal termination

Other than 0

Abnormal termination


Example 1: When turning off the warning light and audio alert for server1

# clplamp -h server1
Command succeeded

This command should be performed by the user with root privilege.

9.21. Requesting processing to cluster servers (clprexec command)

This command requests a server to execute a process.

Command line
clprexec --failover ( [group_name] | [-r resource_name] ) -h IP [-w timeout] [-p port_number] [-o logfile_path]
clprexec --script script_file -h IP [-p port_number] [-w timeout] [-o logfile_path]
clprexec --notice ( [mrw_name] | [-k category[.keyword]] ) -h IP [-p port_number] [-w timeout] [-o logfile_path]
clprexec --clear ( [mrw_name] | [-k category[.keyword]] ) -h IP [-p port_number] [-w timeout] [-o logfile_path]

The command issues the request to execute specified process to the server in another cluster.


Requests group failover. Specify a group name for group_name.

When not specifying the group name, specify the name of a resource that belongs to the group by using the -r option.

--script script_name

Requests script execution.

For script_name, specify the file name of the script to execute (such as a shell script or executable file).

The script must be created in the work/rexec directory, which is in the directory where EXPRESSCLUSTER is installed, on each server specified using -h.


Sends an error message to the EXPRESSCLUSTER server.

Specify a message receive monitor resource name for mrw_name.

When not specifying the monitor resource name, specify the category and keyword of the message receive monitor resource by using the -k option.


Requests changing the status of the message receive monitor resource from "Abnormal" to "Normal."

Specify a message receive monitor resource name for mrw_name.

When not specifying the monitor resource name, specify the category and keyword of the message receive monitor resource by using the -k option.

-h IP Address

Specify the IP addresses of EXPRESSCLUSTER servers that receive the processing request.

Up to 32 IP addresses can be specified by separating them with commas.

* If this option is omitted, the processing request is issued to the local server.

-r resource_name

Specify the name of a resource that belongs to the target group for the processing request when the --failover option is specified.

-k category[.keyword]

For category, specify the category specified for the message receive monitor when the --notice or --clear option is specified.

To specify the keyword of the message receive monitor resource, specify them by separating them with dot after category.

-p port_number

Specify the port number.

For port_number, specify the data transfer port number specified for the server that receives the processing request.

The default value, 29002, is used if this option is omitted.

-o logfile_path

For logfile_path, specify the file path along which the detailed log of this command is output.

The file contains the log of one command execution.

* If this option is not specified on a server where EXPRESSCLUSTER is not installed, the log is always output to the standard output.

-w timeout

Specify the command timeout time. The default, 180 seconds, is used if this option is not specified.

A value from 5 to MAXINT can be specified.

Return Value


Completed successfully.

Other than 0

Terminated due to a failure.


When issuing error messages by using the clprexec command, the message receive monitor resources for which an action to take in EXPRESSCLUSTER server when an error occurs is specified must be registered and started.

The server that has the IP address specified for the -h option must satisfy the following conditions:

  • EXPRESSCLUSTER X3.0 or later must be installed.

  • EXPRESSCLUSTER must be running.
    (When an option other than --script is used)
  • mrw must be set up and running.
    (When the --notice or --clear option is used)

When using the Controlling connection by using client IP address function, add the IP address of the device in which the clprexec command is executed to the IP Addresses of the Accessible Clients list.

For details of the Controlling connection by using client IP address function, see "WebManager tab" in "Cluster properties" in "2. Parameter details" in this guide.


Example 1: This example shows how to issue a request to fail over the group failover1 to EXPRESSCLUSTER server 1 (

# clprexec --failover failover1 -h -p 29002

Example 2: This example shows how to issue a request to fail over the group to which the group resource (exec1) belongs to EXPRESSCLUSTER server 1 (

# clprexec --failover -r exec1 -h

Example 3: This example shows how to issue a request to execute the script (script1.sh) on EXPRESSCLUSTER server 1 (

# clprexec --script script1.sh -h

Example 4: This example shows how to issue an error message to EXPRESSCLUSTER server 1 (

*mrw1 set, category: earthquake, keyword: scale3

  • This example shows how to specify a message receive monitor resource name:

    # clprexec --notice mrw1 -h -w 30 -p /tmp/clprexec/ lprexec.log
  • This example shows how to specify the category and keyword specified for the message receive monitor resource:

    # clprexec --notice -k earthquake.scale3 -h -w 30 -p /tmp/clprexec/clprexec.log

Example 5: This example shows how to issue a request to change the monitor status of mrw1 to EXPRESSCLUSTER server 1 (

*mrw1 set, category: earthquake, keyword: scale3

  • This example shows how to specify a message receive monitor resource name:

    # clprexec --clear mrw1 -h
  • This example shows how to specify the category and keyword specified for the message receive monitor resource:

    # clprexec --clear -k earthquake.scale3 -h
Error messages





%s %s : %s succeeded.


%s %s : %s will be executed from now.

Check the processing result on the server that received the request.

%s %s : Group Failover did not execute because Group(%s) is offline.


%s %s : Group migration did not execute because Group(%s) is offline.


Invalid option.

Check the command argument.

Could not connect to the data transfer servers. Check if the servers have started up.

Check whether the specified IP address is correct and whether the server that has the IP address is running.

Command timeout.

Check whether the processing is complete on the server that has the specified IP address.

All servers are busy.Check if this command is already run.

This command might already be running. Check whether this is so.

%s %s : This server is not permitted to execute clprexec.

Check whether the IP address of the server that executes the command is registered in the list of client IP addresses that are not allowed to connect to the Cluster WebUI.

%s %s : Specified monitor resource(%s) does not exist.

Check the command argument.

%s %s : Specified resource(Category:%s, Keyword:%s) does not exist.

Check the command argument.

%s failed in execute.

Check the status of the EXPRESSCLUSTER server that received the request.

9.22. Controlling cluster activation synchronization wait processing (clpbwctrl command)

The clpbwctrl command controls the cluster activation synchronization wait processing.

Command line
clpbwctrl -c
clpbwctrl --np [on|off]
clpbwctrl -h


The command with the --np option must be executed on all the servers that control the processing because the command controls the processing on a single server.

This command skips the cluster activation synchronization wait time that occurs if the server is started when the cluster services for all the servers in the cluster are stopped.
Specifies whether to execute the NP resolution process when the cluster is started on a single server.
-c, --cancel

Cancels the cluster activation synchronization wait processing.

--np [on|off]
Specifies whether to execute the NP resolution process when the cluster is started. When "on" is specified, the NP resolution process is executed. When "off" is specified, it is not executed.
[on|off] is optional. When omitted, the current setting is displayed.

Displays the usage.

Return Value


Completed successfully.

Other than 0

Terminated due to a failure.


This command must be executed by a user with root privileges.


This example shows how to cancel the cluster activation synchronization wait processing:

# clpbwctrl -c
Command succeeded.

The NP resolution process is not performed at the cluster startup:

# clpbwctrl --np off
Command succeeded.

# clpbwctrl --np
Resolve network partition on startup : off
Error messages



Log in as root

Log in as a root user.

Invalid option.

The command option is invalid.
Specify correct option.

Cluster service has already been started.

The cluster has already been started. It is not in startup synchronization waiting status.

The cluster is not waiting for synchronization.

The cluster is not in startup synchronization waiting processing. The cluster service stop or other causes are possible.

Command Timeout.

Command execution timeout.

Internal error.

Internal error occurred.

9.23. Checking the process health (clphealthchk command)

Checks the process health.

Command line

clphealthchk [ -t pm | -t rc | -t rm | -t nm | -h ]


This command must be run on the server whose process health is to be checked because this command checks the process health of a single server.


This command checks the process health of a single server.


Checks the health of all of clppm, clprc, clprm, and clpnm.

-t <process>



Checks the health of clppm.


Checks the health of clprc.


Checks the health of clprm.


Checks the health of clpnm.


Displays the usage.

Return Value


Normal termination


Privilege for execution is invalid


Duplicated activation


Initialization error


The option is invalid


The process stall monitoring function has not been enabled.


The cluster is not activated (waiting for the cluster to start or the cluster has been stopped.)


The cluster daemon is suspended


There is a process whose health information has not been updated within a certain period.

If the -t option is specified, the health information of the specified process is not updated within a certain period.


Other internal error


Example 1: When the processes are healthy

# clphealthchk
pm OK
rc NG
rm OK
nm OK

Example 2: When clprc is stalled

# clphealthchk
pm OK
rc NG
rm OK
nm OK
# clphealthchk -t rc
rc NG

Example 3: When the cluster has been stopped

# clphealthchk
The cluster has been stopped

If the cluster has been stopped or suspended, the process is also stopped.


Run this command as the root user.

Error Messages



Log in as root.

You are not authorized to run this command. Log on as the root user.

Initialization error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Invalid option.

Specify a valid option.

The function of process stall monitor is disabled.

The process stall monitoring function has not been enabled.

The cluster has been stopped.

The cluster has been stopped.

The cluster has been suspended.

The cluster has been suspended.

This command is already run.

The command has already been started. Check the running status by using a command such as ps command.

Internal error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check to see if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

9.24. Controlling the rest point of DB2 (clpdb2still command)

Controls the rest point of DB2.

Command line
clpdb2still -d databasename -u username -s
clpdb2still -d databasename -u username -r

Controls the securing/release of the rest point of DB2.

-d databasename

Specifies the name of the target database for the rest point control.

-u username

Specifies the name of a user who executes the rest point control.


Secures the rest point.


Releases the rest point.

Return Value


Normal completion


Invalid command option


Failed to secure the rest point.


Failed to release the rest point.

# clpdb2still -d sample -u db2inst1 -s

Database Connection Information

Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 11.1.0
SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1
Local database alias = SAMPLE

DB20000I The SET WRITE command completed successfully.
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
DB20000I The SQL DISCONNECT command completed successfully.
# clpdb2still -d sample -u db2inst1 -r

Database Connection Information

Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 11.1.0
SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1
Local database alias = SAMPLE

DB20000I The SET WRITE command completed successfully.
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
DB20000I The SQL DISCONNECT command completed successfully.

Run this command as the root user.

A user specified in the -u option needs to have the privilege to run the SET WRITE command of DB2.

Error Messages



invalid database name

The database name is invalid.
Check the database name.

invalid user name

The user name is invalid.
Check the user name.

missing database name

No database name is specified.
Specify a database name.

missing user name

No user name is specified.
Specify a user name.

missing operation '-s' or '-r'

Neither the securing nor release of the rest point is specified.
Specify either the securing or release of the rest point.

suspend command return code = n

Failed to secure the rest point.
If an error message of the su command is output at the last minute, check the user name and password. Additionally, if an error message of the db2 command is output, take appropriate actions based on the error message.

resume command return code = n

Failed to release the rest point.
If an error message of the su command is output at the last minute, check the user name and password. Additionally, if an error message of the db2 command is output, take appropriate actions based on the error message.

9.25. Controlling the rest point of MySQL (clpmysqlstill command)

Controls the rest point of MySQL.

Command line
clpmysqlstill -d databasename [-u username] -s
clmypsqlstill -d databasename -r

Controls the securing/release of the rest point of MySQL.

-d databasename

Specifies the name of the target database for rest point control.

-u username

Specifies the name of the database user who executes rest point control. This option can be specified only when the -s option is specified. If it is omitted, root is automatically set as a default user.


Secures the rest point.


Releases the rest point.

Return Value


Normal completion


Invalid command option


DB connection error


Authentication error for the user specified in the -u option


Failed to secure the rest point.


Failed to release the rest point.


Internal error

# clpmysqlstill -d mysql -u root -s
Command succeeded.
# clpmysqlstill -d mysql -r
Command succeeded.

Run this command as the root user.

Configure a directory, where libmysqlclient.so client library of MySQL exists, to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, an environment variable.

Preliminarily configure the password of a user specified in the -u option, in the stillpoint.conf file of the etc directory under EXPRESSCLUSTER install directory. Use the following format for the password. Put a colon ":" at the end of the row.

"User name:Password:"

Example of file path: /opt/nec/clusterpro/etc/stillpoint.conf

Example of password setting: root:password:

A user specified in the -u option needs to have privileges to execute FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK statement of MySQL.

If the rest point has been secured by running the command for securing the rest point with the -s option, the control is not returned while the command remains resident. By running the command for releasing the rest point with the -r option at a different process, the resident command for securing the rest point finishes and the control is returned.

Error Messages



Invalid option.

Invalid command option.
Check the command option.

Cannot connect to database.

Failed to connect to the database.
Check the name and the status of the database.

Username or password is not correct.

User authentication failed.
Check your user name and password.

Suspend database failed.

Failed to secure the rest point.
Check the user privileges and the database settings.

Resume database failed.

Failed to release the rest point.
Check the user privileges and the database settings.

Internal error.

An internal error has occurred.

9.26. Controlling the rest point of Oracle (clporclstill command)

Controls the rest point of Oracle.

Command line
clporclstill -d connectionstring [-u username] -s
clporclstill -d connectionstring -r

Controls the securing/release of the rest point of Oracle.

-d connectionstring

Specifies the connection string for the target database for rest point control.

-u username

Specifies the name of a database user who executes rest point control. This option can be specified only when the -s option is specified. If it is omitted, OS authentication is used.


Secures the rest point.


Releases the rest point.

Return Value


Normal completion


Invalid command option


DB connection error


User authentication error


Failed to secure the rest point.


Failed to release the rest point.


Internal error

# clporclstill -d orcl -u oracle -s
Command succeeded.
# clporclstill -d orcl -r
Command succeeded.

Run this command as the root user.

Configure a directory, where libclntsh.so client library of Oracle exists, to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, an environment variable.

Additionally, configure the home directory of Oracle to ORACLE_HOME, an environment variable.

If OS authentication is used without specifying the -u option, a user who runs this command needs to belong to the dba group, in order to gain administrative privileges for Oracle.

Preliminarily configure the password of a user specified in the -u option, in the stillpoint.conf file of the etc directory under EXPRESSCLUSTER install directory. Use the following format for the password. Put a colon ":" at the end of the row.

"User name:Password:"

Example of file path: /opt/nec/clusterpro/etc/stillpoint.conf

Example of password setting: root:password:

A user specified in the -u option needs to have administrative privileges for Oracle.

If the rest point has been secured by running the command for securing the rest point with the -s option, the control is not returned while the command remains resident. By running the command for releasing the rest point with the -r option at a different process, the resident command for securing the rest point finishes and the control is returned.

Configure Oracle in the ARCHIVELOG mode in advance to run this command.

If an Oracle data file is acquired while this command is used to secure the rest point, the backup mode will be set for the data file. To restore and use the data file, disable the backup mode on Oracle to restore the data file.

Error Messages



Invalid option.

Invalid command option.
Check the command option.

Cannot connect to database.

Failed to connect to the database.
Check the name and the status of the database.

Username or password is not correct.

User authentication failed.
Check your user name and password.

Suspend database failed.

Failed to secure the rest point.
Check the user privileges and the database settings.

Resume database failed.

Failed to release the rest point.
Check the user privileges and the database settings.

Internal error.

An internal error has occurred.

9.27. Controlling the rest point of PostgreSQL (clppsqlstill command)

Controls the rest point of PostgreSQL.

Command line
clppsqlstill -d databasename -u username -s
clppsqlstill -d databasename -r

Controls the securing/release of the rest point of PostgreSQL.

-d databasename

Specifies the name of the target database for rest point control.

-u username

Specifies the name of the database user who executes rest point control.


Secures the rest point.


Releases the rest point.

Return Value


Normal completion


Invalid command option


DB connection error


Authentication error for the user specified in the -u option


Failed to secure the rest point.


Failed to release the rest point.


Internal error

# clppsqlstill -d postgres -u postgres -s
Command succeeded.
# clppsqlstill -d postgres -r
Command succeeded.

Run this command as the root user.

Configure a directory, where libpq.so client library of PostgreSQL exists, to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, an environment variable.

If any number other than the default value (5432) is set to the port number connected to PostgreSQL, configure the port number in PQPORT, an environment variable.

Preliminarily configure the password of a user specified in the -u option, in the stillpoint.conf file of the etc directory under EXPRESSCLUSTER install directory. Use the following format for the password. Put a colon ":" at the end of the row.

"User name:Password:"

Example of file path: /opt/nec/clusterpro/etc/stillpoint.conf

Example of password setting: root:password:

A user specified in the -u option needs to have superuser privileges for PostgreSQL.

Enable WAL archive of PostgreSQL in advance to run this command.

If the rest point has been secured by running the command for securing the rest point with the -s option, the control is not returned while the command remains resident. By running the command for releasing the rest point with the -r option at a different process, the resident command for securing the rest point finishes and the control is returned.

Error Messages



Invalid option.

Invalid command option.
Check the command option.

Cannot connect to database.

Failed to connect to the database.
Check the name and the status of the database.

Username or password is not correct.

User authentication failed.
Check your user name and password.

Suspend database failed.

Failed to secure the rest point.
Check the user privileges and the database settings.

Resume database failed.

Failed to release the rest point.
Check the user privileges and the database settings.

Internal error.

An internal error has occurred.

9.28. Controlling the rest point of SQL Server (clpmssqlstill command)

Controls the rest point of SQL Server.

Command line
clpmssqlstill -d databasename -u username -v vdiusername -s
clpmssqlstill -d databasename -v vdiusername -r

Controls the securing/release of the rest point of SQL Server.

-d databasename

Specifies the name of the target database for rest point control.

-u username

Specifies the name of the database user who executes rest point control.

-v vdiusername

Specifies the name of an OS user who executes vdi


Secures the rest point.


Releases the rest point.

Return Value


Normal completion


Invalid command option


DB connection error


Authentication error for the user specified in the -u option


Failed to secure the rest point.


Failed to release the rest point.


Timeout error


Internal error

# clpmssqlstill -d userdb -u sa -v mssql -s
Command succeeded.
# clpmssqlstill -d userdb -v mssql -r
Command succeeded.

Run this command as the root user.

Configure directories, where libsqlvdi.so VDI client library of SQL Server and libodbc.so ODBC library exist, to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, an environment variable.

Preliminarily configure the password of a user specified in the -u option, in the stillpoint.conf file of the etc directory under EXPRESSCLUSTER install directory. Use the following format for the password. Put a colon ":" at the end of the row.

"User name:Password:"

Example of file path: /opt/nec/clusterpro/etc/stillpoint.conf

Example of password setting: sa:password:

A user specified in the -u option needs to have privileges to execute the BACKUP DATABASE statement of SQL Server.

An OS user specified in the -v option needs to have privileges to execute VDI client.

You need to preliminarily configure the timeout value of this command in the stillpoint.conf file of the etc directory under EXPRESSCLUSTER install directory. Use the following format for the timeout time. Put a colon ":" at the last row. Unless it is set, the value described in the following example will be used as the default value.

"Timeout name: number of seconds:"

Example of file path: /opt/nec/clusterpro/etc/stillpoint.conf

Example of time-out (GetConfiguration) configured: cfgtimeout:1:

Example of time-out (GetCommand) configured: cmdtimeout:90:

Example of time-out (SQL) configured: sqltimeout:60:

You need to preliminarily configure the ODBC driver used for operating the database, in the stillpoint.conf file of the etc directory under EXPRESSCLUSTER install directory. Use the following format for the ODBC driver. Put a colon ":" at the end of the row. Unless it is set, the value described in the following example is used as the default value.

"ODBC driver: Name of ODBC driver to be used:"

Example of file path: /opt/nec/clusterpro/etc/stillpoint.conf

Example of ODBC driver: odbcdriver:ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server:

If the rest point has been secured by running the command for securing the rest point with the -s option, the control is not returned while the command remains resident. By running the command for releasing the rest point with the -r option at a different process, the resident command for securing the rest point finishes and the control is returned.

Error Messages



Invalid option.

Invalid command option.
Check the command option.

Cannot connect to database.

Failed to connect to the database.
Check the name and the status of the database.

Username or password is not correct.

User authentication failed.
Check your user name and password.

Suspend database failed.

Failed to secure the rest point.
Check the user privileges and the database settings.

Resume database failed.

Failed to release the rest point.
Check the user privileges and the database settings.


The command timed out.

Internal error.

An internal error has occurred.

9.29. Displaying the cluster statistics information (clpperfc command)

the clpperfc command displays the cluster statistics information.

Command line
clpperfc --starttime -g group_name
clpperfc --stoptime -g group_name
clpperfc -g [group_name]
clpperfc -m monitor_name

This command displays the median values (millisecond) of the group start time and group stop time.

This command displays the monitoring processing time (millisecond) of the monitor resource.

--starttime -g group_name

Displays the median value of the group start time.

--stoptime -g group_name

Displays the median value of the group stop time.

-g [group_name]

Displays the each median value of the group start time and group stop time.

If groupname is omitted, it displays the each median value of the start time and stop time of all the groups.

-m monitor_name

Displays the last monitor processing time of the monitor resource.

Return value


Normal termination


Invalid command option


User authentication error


Configuration information load error


Configuration information load error


Initialization error


Internal error


Internal communication initialization error


Internal communication connection error


Internal communication processing error


Target group check error


Timeout error

Example of Execution

When displaying the median value of the group start time:

# clpperfc --starttime -g failover1

When displaying each median value of the start time and stop time of the specific group:

# clpperfc -g failover1
            start time    stop time
failover1          200          150

When displaying the monitor processing time of the monitor resource:

# clpperfc -m monitor1

The time is output in millisecond by this commands.

If the valid start time or stop time of the group was not obtained, - is displayed.

If the valid monitoring time of the monitor resource was not obtained, 0 is displayed.


Execute this command as a root user.

Error Messages



Log in as root.

Run this command as the root user.

Invalid option.

The command option is invalid. Check the command option.

Command timeout.

Command execution timed out.

Internal error.

Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

9.30. Checking the cluster configuration information (clpcfchk command)

This command checks the cluster configuration information.

Command line
clpcfchk -o path [-i conf_path]

This command checks the validness of the setting values based on the cluster configuration information.

-o path

Specifies the directory to store the check results.

-i conf_path

Specifies the directory which stored the configuration information to check.

If this option is omitted, the applied configuration information is checked.

Return Value


Normal termination


than 0 Termination with an error

Example of Execution

When checking the applied configuration information:

# clpcfchk -o /tmp
server1 : PASS
server2 : PASS

When checking the stored configuration information:

# clpcfchk -o /tmp -i /tmp/config
server1 : PASS
server2 : FAIL
Execution Result

For this command, the following check results (total results) are displayed.

Check Results (Total Results)



No error found.


An error found.
Check the check results.

Only the total results of each server are displayed.


Run this command as a root user.

When checking the configuration information exported through Cluster WebUI, decompress it in advance.

Error Messages



Log in as root.

Log in as a root user.

Invalid option.

Specify a valid option.

Could not opened the configuration file. Check if the configuration file exists on the specified path.

The specified path does not exist. Specify a valid path.

Server is busy. Check if this command is already run.

This command has been already activated.

Failed to obtain properties.

Failed to obtain the properties.

Failed to check validation.

Failed to check the cluster configuration.

Internal error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

The amount of memory or OS resources may be insufficient. Check for any insufficiency.

9.31. Converting a cluster configuration data file (clpcfconv.sh command)

Converts a cluster configuration data file.

Command line
clpcfconv.sh -i <input-path> [-o <output-path>]

Converts an old version of a cluster configuration data file into the current version.

-i <input-path>

Specifies a directory where an old version of a cluster configuration data file exists.

-o <output-path>
Specifies a directory where the converted cluster configuration data file is outputted.
If this option is omitted, the converted cluster configuration data file is outputted to the current directory.
Return value


Normal termination


than 0 Termination with an error


Run this command as a root user.

This command converts only clp.conf among cluster configuration data files.

This command cannot be executed right under <installation destination directory>/etc.

This command does not support any cluster configuration data file created with a version older than EXPRESSCLUSTER X 3.3 for Linux (internal version: 3.3.5-1).

If a password was set on the cluster password method with a version older than EXPRESSCLUSTER X 5.0 for Linux, executing this command clears the password.
After applying the converted cluster configuration data, set the password again by using Cluster WebUI.
For information on how to set a password, see this guide: "2. Parameter details" -> "Cluster properties" -> "WebManager tab".
Example of Execution

When the conversion succeeds

# clpcfconv.sh -i /tmp/config_x430 -o /tmp/config_new
Command succeeded.

When the conversion succeeds and the password is cleared

# clpcfconv.sh -i /tmp/config_x430 -o /tmp/config_new
Command succeeded.

Password for Operation has been initialized.
Password for Reference has been initialized.
Please set the password again by using Cluster WebUI.
Error Messages



Command succeeded.

The command ran successfully.

Password for Operation has been initialized.

The operation password set on the cluster password method has been cleared.

Password for Reference has been initialized.

The reference password set on the cluster password method has been cleared.

Please set the password again by using Cluster WebUI.

Set the cleared password again by using Cluster WebUI.

Log in as root.

Log in as a root user.

Not available in this directory.

This command cannot be executed right under <installation destination directory>/etc.
Change the current directory to a different directory (other than <installation destination directory>/etc).

Could not opened the configuration file. Check if the configuration file exists on the specified path.

The cluster configuration data file (clp.conf) does not exist on the path specified with the -i option.
Check if the cluster configuration data file exists on the specified path.

The specified output-path does not exist.

The path specified with the -o option does not exist.
Specify the right path.

Invalid configuration file.

The cluster configuration data file is invalid.
Check the cluster configuration data file.

The version of this configuration data file is not supported. Convert it with Builder for offline use (internal version 3.3.5-1), then retry.

The version of the cluster configuration data file is not supported by this command.
Convert it with Builder for offline use (internal version: 3.3.5-1), then retry.

%1 : Command failed. code:%2

The command (%1) failed.
Check the returned value (%2) of the command, or the error message displayed just before this error message.

Command failed.

This command failed.
Check for any error message displayed immediately before this error message appears.

9.32. Creating a cluster configuration data file (clpcfset, clpcfadm.py command)

9.32.1. clpcfset command

Creates a cluster configuration data file.

Command line
clpcfset {create|--create} clustername charset [encode] [serveros]
clpcfset {add|--add} clsparam tagname parameter
clpcfset {add|--add} srv servername priority
clpcfset {add|--add} device servername type id info [extend]
clpcfset {add|--add} forcestop env
clpcfset {add|--add} hb lankhb deviceid priority
clpcfset {add|--add} hb lanhb deviceid priority
clpcfset {add|--add} hb diskhb deviceid priority
clpcfset {add|--add} hb witnesshb deviceid priority host
clpcfset {add|--add} np pingnp deviceid priority groupid listid ipadress
clpcfset {add|--add} np httpnp deviceid priority [host]
clpcfset {add|--add} grp grouptype groupname
clpcfset {add|--add} grpparam groupname tagname parameter
clpcfset {add|--add} rsc groupname resourcetype resourcename
clpcfset {add|--add} rscparam resourcetype resourcename tagname parameter
clpcfset {add|--add} rscdep resourcetype resourcename dependresourcename
clpcfset {add|--add} mon monitortype resourcename
clpcfset {add|--add} monparam monitortype resourcename tagname parameter
clpcfset {del|--del} clsparam tagname
clpcfset {del|--del} srv servername
clpcfset {del|--del} device servername id
clpcfset {del|--del} forcestop
clpcfset {del|--del} hb lankhb deviceid
clpcfset {del|--del} hb lanhb deviceid
clpcfset {del|--del} hb diskhb deviceid
clpcfset {del|--del} hb witnesshb deviceid
clpcfset {del|--del} np pingnp deviceid
clpcfset {del|--del} np httpnp deviceid
clpcfset {del|--del} grp groupname
clpcfset {del|--del} grpparam groupname tagname
clpcfset {del|--del} rsc groupname resourcetype resourcename
clpcfset {del|--del} rscparam resourcetype resourcename tagname
clpcfset {del|--del} rscdep resourcetype resourcename [dependresourcename]
clpcfset {del|--del} mon monitortype resourcename
clpcfset {del|--del} monparam monitortype resourcename tagname

Creates a cluster configuration data file to be outputted to a file.

{create|--create} clustername [charset] [encode]

Specifies a cluster name and an encoding to create a new cluster.

For clustername, specify a cluster name. For charset, depending on the language used in EXPRESSCLUSTER, specify EUC-JP for Japanese, ASCII for English, and GB2312 for Chinese, respectively.

encode is a parameter to be determined by the OS for a server where WebUI operates and the language used in EXPRESSCLUSTER, in creating the configuration data in WebUI. When omitted, the settings are the same as those for charset.

OS is Windows: SJIS

OS is Linux and in Japanese: EUC-JP

OS is Linux and in English: ASCII

OS is Linux and in Chinese: GB2312

In serveros, specify "windows" when creating cluster configuration data for a Windows environment. If you omit it, "linux" is set.
For information on creating cluster configuration data for a Windows environment, see "EXPRESSCLUSTER X for Windows Reference Guide".
{add|--add} <param>


clsparam tagname parameter
Specifies a tag name and parameters of a cluster to set its properties.
For information on tagname or parameter, see "Parameters list (clpcfset, clpcfadm.py command)".
srv servername priority
Specifies a server name and its priority to add the server.
Specify a server name as servername.
The priority number for the master server is 0. For other servers, the priority number is incremented by one.
device servername type id info [extend]
Specifies a server name and its type to add a device.
Specify type from lan, mdc, disk, witness, ping, or http.
id starts with 0, being incremented by one.
If lan or mdc is specified as type, specify the IP address as info.
If disk is specified as type, specify the path to the device as info.
If witness is specified as type, specify 0 (not used) or 1 (used) as info, and specify the host address and the port (address:port) of the witness server to be connected to, as extend.
If ping or http is specified as type, specify 0 (not used) or 1 (used) as info.
forcestop env
Adds a forced stop resource with an environment type specified.
For env, specify bmc, vcenter, aws, oci, or custom.
hb lankhb deviceid priority
Specifies the device ID and priority to add a kernel mode LAN heartbeat.
For deviceid, use the ID specified by "add device".
priority of the heartbeat starts with 0, being incremented by one.
hb lanhb deviceid priority
Specifies the device ID and the priority to add a user-mode LAN heartbeat.
For deviceid, use the ID specified by "add device".
priority of the heartbeat starts with 0, being incremented by one.
hb diskhb deviceid priority
Specifies the device ID and the priority to add a disk heartbeat.
For deviceid, use the ID specified by "add device".
priority of the heartbeat starts with 0, being incremented by one.
hb witnesshb deviceid priority host
Specifies the device ID, priority, and target host to add a witness heartbeat.
For deviceid, use the ID specified by "add device".
priority of the heartbeat starts with 0, being incremented by one.
For host, specify the host address and the port (address:port) of the witness server to be connected to.
np pingnp deviceid priority groupid listid ipadress
Specifies the priority, device ID, group ID, list ID, and IP address to add the PING NP resolution resource.
For deviceid, use the ID specified by "add device".
priority, groupid, and listid start with 0, being incremented by one.
For ipadress, specify the IP address to be used for the NP resolution resource.
np httpnp priority deviceid [host]
Specifies the device ID, priority, and target host to add the HTTP NP resolution resource.
For deviceid, use the ID specified by "add device".
priority of the NP resolution resource starts with 0, being incremented by one.
For [host], specify the host address and the port (address:port) of the witness server to be connected to.
When [host] is omitted, use the settings of the witness HB resource.
grp grouptype groupname
Specifies a group type and group name to add the group.
For grouptype, specify failover or ManagementGroup.
grpparam groupname tagname parameter
Specifies a group name, tag name, and parameters to set the properties of the group.
For information on tagname or parameter, see "Parameters list (clpcfset, clpcfadm.py command)".
rsc groupname resourcetype resourcename
Specifies a group name, resource type, and resource name to add the resource.
rscparam resourcetype resourcename tagname paramter
Specifies a resource type, resource name, tag name, and parameters to set the properties of the resource.
For information on tagname or parameter, see "Parameters list (clpcfset, clpcfadm.py command)".
rscdep resourcetype resourcename dependresourcename
Specifies a resource name to add the dependencies of the resource.
Specify a resource type and resource name as resourcetype and resourcename, respectively, and specify a dependent resource as dependresourcename.
If the dependencies are set for the group resource, the group resource (i.e., resourcename) starts to activate after completing the activation of dependresourcename, and dependresourcename starts to deactivate after completing the deactivation of the group resource (i.e., resourcename).
The following shows an example of the dependencies for the resources belonging to the corresponding group:

Floating IP resource, disk resource, and EXEC resource

Fig. 9.7 Activation order

Floating IP resource, disk resource, and EXEC resource

Fig. 9.8 Deactivation order

mon monitortype monitorresource
Specifies a monitor resource type and monitor resource name to add the monitor resource.
monparam monitortype monitorresource tagname paramter
Specifies a monitor resource type, monitor resource name, tag name, and parameters to set the properties of the monitor resource.
For information on tagname or parameter, see "Parameters list (clpcfset, clpcfadm.py command)".
{del|--del} <param>


clsparam tagname
Specifies a tag name of a cluster to delete its properties.
For information on tagname, see "Parameters list (clpcfset, clpcfadm.py command)".
srv servername
Specifies the name of a server to be deleted.
device servername id
Specifies a server name, and the ID of a device to be deleted. 8
Deletes the forced stop resource.
hb lankhb deviceid
Specifies a device ID to delete a kernel mode LAN heartbeat. 8
hb lanhb deviceid
Specifies a device ID to delete a user-mode LAN heartbeat. 8
hb diskhb deviceid
Specifies a device ID to delete a disk heartbeat. 8
hb witnesshb deviceid
Specifies a device ID to delete a Witness heartbeat. 8
np pingnp deviceid
Specifies a device ID to delete the PING NP resolution resource. 8
np httpnp deviceid
Specifies a device ID to delete the HTTP NP resolution resource. 8
grp groupname
Specifies the name of a group to be deleted.
grpparam groupname tagname
Specifies the group name and tag name of a group to delete its properties.
For information on tagname, see "Parameters list (clpcfset, clpcfadm.py command)".
rsc groupname resourcetype resourcename
Specifies the group name, resource type, and resource name of a group resource to be deleted.
rscparam resourcetype resourcename tagname
Specifies the type, name, and tag name of a group resource to delete its properties.
For information on tagname, see "Parameters list (clpcfset, clpcfadm.py command)".
rscdep resourcetype resourcename [dependresourcename]
Specifies the type and name of a group resource, and the name of another group resource on which it depends, to delete the dependency between those group resources.
For resourcetype and resourcename, specify the type and name of a group resource respectively; for dependresourcename, specify the name of another group resource on which it depends.
If dependresourcename is omitted, all dependency is deleted and changed to predefined dependency.
mon monitortype monitorresource
Specifies the type and name of a monitor resource to be deleted.
monparam monitortype monitorresource tagname
Specifies the type, name, and tag name of a monitor resource to delete its properties.
For information on tagname, see "Parameters list (clpcfset, clpcfadm.py command)".
When specifying a device ID for the above deletion, use a value which is set in the cluster configuration data.
The value of a device ID specified for this command with the del device option is applied as follows, depending on the device type:













Return value



Other than 0



Run this command as a root user.

For information on input-enabled or forbidden character strings for each parameter, see "the corresponding chapters of this guide".

This command creates only clp.conf among the cluster configuration data files. You need to manually create a script file for an EXEC resource or a customized monitor resource.

Before executing this command, place the cluster configuration data file (clp.conf) in the current directory.


Placing the scripts for the script resource of script1 belonging to the failover group of failover1, and the scripts for the customized monitor resource of genw1:

 |   +--exec1
 |          start.sh
 |          stop.sh

Use xmlint for formatting the clp.conf created with this command. Depending on the environment, xmlint needs to be installed.

The following shows an example of formatting an XML document to be outputted to a file:

xmllint --format --output <File path of formatted clp.conf> <File path of clp.conf not yet formatted>
Example of Execution

Adding a cluster:

# clpcfset create cluster ASCII SJIS
# clpcfset create cluster ASCII windows

Adding or changing cluster properties:

# clpcfset add clsparam pm/exec0/recover 7
# clpcfset add clsparam pm/exec1/recover 7
# clpcfset add clsparam pm/exec2/recover 7

Deleting cluster properties:

# clpcfset del clsparam pm/exec0/recover
# clpcfset del clsparam pm/exec1/recover
# clpcfset del clsparam pm/exec2/recover

Adding a server:

# clpcfset add srv server1 0

Deleting a server:

# clpcfset del srv server1

Adding a kernel mode LAN heartbeat:

# clpcfset add device server1 lan 0
# clpcfset add hb lankhb 0 0

Deleting a kernel mode LAN heartbeat:

# clpcfset del device server1 0
# clpcfset del hb lankhb 0

Adding a user-mode LAN heartbeat:

# clpcfset add device server1 lan 0
# clpcfset add hb lanhb 1 1

Deleting a user-mode LAN heartbeat:

# clpcfset del device server1 0
# clpcfset del hb lanhb 0

Adding a disk heartbeat:

# clpcfset add device server1 disk 0 /dev/sdc1
# clpcfset add hb diskhb 0 2

Deleting a disk heartbeat:

# clpcfset del device server1 300
# clpcfset del hb diskhb 300

Adding a Witness heartbeat:

# clpcfset add device server1 witness 0 1
# clpcfset add hb witnesshb 0 3

Deleting a Witness heartbeat:

# clpcfset del device server1 700
# clpcfset del hb witnesshb 700

Adding the PING NP resolution resource:

# clpcfset add device server1 ping 0 1
# clpcfset add np pingnp 0 1 0 0

Deleting the PING NP resolution resource:

# clpcfset del device server1 10200
# clpcfset del np pingnp 1020

Adding the HTTP NP resolution resource:

Using the settings of the Witness HB resource:

# clpcfset add device server1 http 0 1
# clpcfset add np httpnp 0 2

Adding the HTTP NP resolution resource:

Not using the settings of the Witness HB resource:

# clpcfset add device server1 http 0 1
# clpcfset add np httpnp 0 2

Deleting the HTTP NP resolution resource:

# clpcfset del device server1 10700
# clpcfset del np httpnp 10700

Adding a forced stop resource (bmc):

# clpcfset add forcestop bmc

Deleting the forced stop resource:

# clpcfset del forcestop

Adding a group:

# clpcfset add grp failover failover1

Adding or changing group properties:

# clpcfset add grpparam failover1 policy@server1/order 0
# clpcfset add grpparam failover1 policy@server2/order 1

Deleting group properties:

# clpcfset del grpparam failover1 policy@server1/order
# clpcfset del grpparam failover1 policy@server2/order

Deleting a group:

# clpcfset del grp failover1

Adding a group resource:

# clpcfset add rsc failover1 fip fip1

Adding or changing group resource properties:

# clpcfset add rscparam fip fip1 parameters/ip

Deleting group resource properties:

# clpcfset del rscparam fip fip1 parameters/ip

Deleting a group resource:

# clpcfset del rsc failover1 fip fip1

Adding the dependencies of resources:

# clpcfset add rscdep fip fip1 ddns1

Deleting group resources' dependency:

Deleting dependency on a case-by-case basis:

# clpcfset del rscdep fip fip1 ddns1

Deleting all dependency to restore predefined dependency:

# clpcfset del rscdep fip fip1

Adding a monitor resource:

# clpcfset add mon fipw fipw1

Adding or changing monitor resource properties:

# clpcfset add monparam fipw fipw1 target fip1

Deleting monitor resource properties:

# clpcfset del monparam fipw fipw1 target

Deleting a monitor resource:

# clpcfset del mon fipw fipw1
Error Messages



Log in as root.

Log in as a root user.

Invalid option.

Specify a valid option.

Invalid configuration file. Use the create option.

Execute the command with the create option:

Invalid parameter.

The parameter is invalid. Check if there is any error in its format or parameter.

Parameter length error.

Too long character strings specified for an argument to the command.

Specify a number in a valid range.

Specify a number within a valid range.

The specified path does not exist.

Specify the right path.

Failed to save the configuration file.

Check if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

Internal error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient.

Check if the memory or OS resource is sufficient.

9.32.2. clpcfadm.py command

Creates a cluster configuration data file.
This is the succeeding command of "clpcfset command".
Command line
clpcfadm.py {create} clustername charset [-e encode] [-s serveros]
clpcfadm.py {add} srv servername priority
clpcfadm.py {add} device servername type id info [extend]
clpcfadm.py {add} forcestop env
clpcfadm.py {add} hb lankhb deviceid priority
clpcfadm.py {add} hb lanhb deviceid priority
clpcfadm.py {add} hb diskhb deviceid priority
clpcfadm.py {add} hb witnesshb deviceid priority host
clpcfadm.py {add} np pingnp deviceid priority groupid listid ipadress
clpcfadm.py {add} np httpnp deviceid priority [--host host]
clpcfadm.py {add} grp grouptype groupname
clpcfadm.py {add} rsc groupname resourcetype resourcename
clpcfadm.py {add} rscdep resourcetype resourcename dependresourcename
clpcfadm.py {add} mon monitortype resourcename
clpcfadm.py {del} srv servername
clpcfadm.py {del} device servername id
clpcfadm.py {del} forcestop
clpcfadm.py {del} hb lankhb deviceid
clpcfadm.py {del} hb lanhb deviceid
clpcfadm.py {del} hb diskhb deviceid
clpcfadm.py {del} hb witnesshb deviceid
clpcfadm.py {del} np pingnp deviceid
clpcfadm.py {del} np httpnp deviceid
clpcfadm.py {del} grp groupname
clpcfadm.py {del} rsc groupname resourcetype resourcename
clpcfadm.py {del} rscdep resourcetype resourcename
clpcfadm.py {del} mon monitortype resourcename
clpcfadm.py {mod} -t [tagname] [--set parameter] [--delete] [--nocheck]
  • Creates a cluster configuration data file to be outputted to a file.

  • Lists tag names which can be specified in command lines.

{create|--create} clustername charset [-e encode] [-s serveros]

Specifies a cluster name and an encoding to create a new cluster.

For clustername, specify a cluster name. For charset, depending on the language used in EXPRESSCLUSTER, specify SJIS for Japanese, ASCII for English, and GB2312 for Chinese, respectively.

encode is a parameter to be determined by the OS for a server where WebUI operates and the language used in EXPRESSCLUSTER, in creating the configuration data in WebUI. When omitted, the settings are the same as those for charset.

OS is Windows: SJIS

OS is Linux and in Japanese: EUC-JP

OS is Linux and in English: ASCII

OS is Linux and in Chinese: GB2312

In serveros, specify "windows" when creating cluster configuration data for a Windows environment. If you omit it, "linux" is set.
For information on creating cluster configuration data for a Windows environment, see "EXPRESSCLUSTER X for Windows Reference Guide".
{add|--add} <param>


srv servername priority
Specifies a server name and its priority to add the server.
Specify a server name as servername.
The priority number for the master server is 0. For other servers, the priority number is incremented by one.
device servername type id info [extend]
Specifies a server name and its type to add a device.
Specify type from lan, mdc, disk, witness, ping, or http.
id starts with 0, being incremented by one.
If lan or mdc is specified as type, specify the IP address as info.
If disk is specified as type, specify the path to the device as info.
If witness is specified as type, specify 0 (not used) or 1 (used) as info, and specify the host address and the port (address:port) of the witness server to be connected to, as extend.
If ping or http is specified as type, specify 0 (not used) or 1 (used) as info.
forcestop env
Adds a forced stop resource with an environment type specified.
For env, specify bmc, vcenter, aws, oci, or custom.
hb lankhb deviceid priority
Specifies the device ID and priority to add a kernel mode LAN heartbeat.
For deviceid, use the ID specified by "add device".
priority of the heartbeat starts with 0, being incremented by one.
hb lanhb deviceid priority
Specifies the device ID and the priority to add a user-mode LAN heartbeat.
For deviceid, use the ID specified by "add device".
priority of the heartbeat starts with 0, being incremented by one.
hb diskhb deviceid priority
Specifies the device ID and the priority to add a disk heartbeat.
For deviceid, use the ID specified by "add device".
priority of the heartbeat starts with 0, being incremented by one.
hb witnesshb deviceid priority host
Specifies the device ID, priority, and target host to add a witness heartbeat.
For deviceid, use the ID specified by "add device".
priority of the heartbeat starts with 0, being incremented by one.
For host, specify the host address and the port (address:port) of the witness server to be connected to.
np pingnp deviceid priority groupid listid ipadress
Specifies the priority, device ID, group ID, list ID, and IP address to add the PING NP resolution resource.
For deviceid, use the ID specified by "add device".
priority, groupid, and listid start with 0, being incremented by one.
For ipadress, specify the IP address to be used for the NP resolution resource.
np httpnp priority deviceid [--host host]
Specifies the device ID, priority, and target host to add the HTTP NP resolution resource.
For deviceid, use the ID specified by "add device".
priority of the NP resolution resource starts with 0, being incremented by one.
For [host], specify the host address and the port (address:port) of the witness server to be connected to.
When [host] is omitted, use the settings of the witness HB resource.
grp grouptype groupname
Specifies a group type and group name to add the group.
For grouptype, specify failover or ManagementGroup.
rsc groupname resourcetype resourcename
Specifies a group name, resource type, and resource name to add the resource.
rscdep resourcetype resourcename dependresourcename
Specifies a resource name to add the dependencies of the resource.
Specify a resource type and resource name as resourcetype and resourcename, respectively, and specify a dependent resource as dependresourcename.
If the dependencies are set for the group resource, the group resource (i.e., resourcename) starts to activate after completing the activation of dependresourcename, and dependresourcename starts to deactivate after completing the deactivation of the group resource (i.e., resourcename).
The following shows an example of the dependencies for the resources belonging to the corresponding group:

Floating IP resource, disk resource, and EXEC resource

Fig. 9.9 Activation order

Floating IP resource, disk resource, and EXEC resource

Fig. 9.10 Deactivation order

mon monitortype monitorresource
Specifies a monitor resource type and monitor resource name to add the monitor resource.
{del|--del} <param>


srv servername
Specifies the name of a server to be deleted.
device servername id
Specifies a server name, and the ID of a device to be deleted. 9
Deletes the forced stop resource.
hb lankhb deviceid
Specifies a device ID to delete a kernel mode LAN heartbeat. 9
hb lanhb deviceid
Specifies a device ID to delete a user-mode LAN heartbeat. 9
hb diskhb deviceid
Specifies a device ID to delete a disk heartbeat. 9
hb witnesshb deviceid
Specifies a device ID to delete a Witness heartbeat. 9
np pingnp deviceid
Specifies a device ID to delete the PING NP resolution resource. 9
np httpnp deviceid
Specifies a device ID to delete the HTTP NP resolution resource. 9
grp groupname
Specifies the name of a group to be deleted.
rsc groupname resourcetype resourcename
Specifies the group name, resource type, and resource name of a group resource to be deleted.
rscdep resourcetype resourcename
Specifies the type and name of a group resource, and the name of another group resource on which it depends, to delete the dependency between those group resources.
For resourcetype and resourcename, specify the type and name of a group resource respectively; for dependresourcename, specify the name of another group resource on which it depends.
If dependresourcename is omitted, all dependency is deleted and changed to predefined dependency.
mon monitortype monitorresource
Specifies the type and name of a monitor resource to be deleted.
{mod} -t [tagname] [--set param] [--delete] [--nocheck]
-t [tagname]
This option is mandatory. For tagname, specify a tag name. If you omit it, the root element is specified.
If the --set option or the --delete option is not specified, the child elements of tagname are listed.
If you specify the --set option, and a tag name for tagname which does not exist in the child elements, specify the --nocheck option.
For information on tagname, see "Parameters list (clpcfset, clpcfadm.py command)".
[--set param]

Changes a parameter. For param, specify the value that is set for tagname.


Deletes tagname from the cluster configuration data.


Causes no error even if tagname does not exist. Use this option together with the --set option.

When specifying a device ID for the above deletion, use a value which is set in the cluster configuration data.
The value of a device ID specified for this command with the del device option is applied as follows, depending on the device type:













Return value



Other than 0


Operation environment

Run this command as a root user.

For information on input-enabled or forbidden character strings for each parameter, see "the corresponding chapters of this guide".

This command creates only clp.conf among the cluster configuration data files. The script files for a script resource/EXE resource or customized monitor resource must be created manually.

Before executing this command, place the cluster configuration data file (clp.conf) in the current directory.


Placing the scripts for the script resource of script1 belonging to the failover group of failover1, and the scripts for the customized monitor resource of genw1:

 |   +--exec1
 |          start.sh
 |          stop.sh

Use xmlint for formatting the clp.conf created with this command. Depending on the environment, xmlint needs to be installed.

The following shows an example of formatting an XML document to be outputted to a file:

xmllint --format --output <File path of formatted clp.conf> <File path of clp.conf not yet formatted>
Example of Execution

Listing tag names (child elements of /root):

# clpcfadm.py mod -t

Display example:
# all
# cluster
# messages
# pm
# rm
# webalert
# webmgr

Listing tag names (child elements of /root/pm/exec0):

# clpcfadm.py mod -t pm/exec0

Display example: (value in []: current setting)
# recover [5]
# retry [5]
# type [rc]
# wait [1800]

Adding a cluster:

# clpcfadm.py create cluster ASCII -e SJIS
# clpcfadm.py create cluster ASCII -s windows

Adding or changing cluster properties:

# clpcfadm.py mod -t pm/exec0/recover --set 7
# clpcfadm.py mod -t pm/exec1/recover --set 7
# clpcfadm.py mod -t pm/exec2/recover --set 7

Deleting cluster properties:

# clpcfadm.py mod -t pm/exec0/recover --delete
# clpcfadm.py mod -t pm/exec1/recover --delete
# clpcfadm.py mod -t pm/exec2/recover --delete

Adding a server:

# clpcfadm.py add srv server1 0

Deleting a server:

# clpcfadm.py del srv server1

Adding a kernel mode LAN heartbeat:

# clpcfadm.py add device server1 lan 0
# clpcfadm.py add hb lankhb 0 0

Deleting a kernel mode LAN heartbeat:

# clpcfadm.py del device server1 0
# clpcfadm.py del hb lankhb 0

Adding a user-mode LAN heartbeat:

# clpcfadm.py add device server1 lan 0
# clpcfadm.py add hb lanhb 0 1

Deleting a user-mode LAN heartbeat:

# clpcfadm.py del device server1 0
# clpcfadm.py del hb lanhb 0

Adding a disk heartbeat:

# clpcfadm.py add device server1 disk 0 /dev/sdc1
# clpcfadm.py add hb diskhb 0 2

Deleting a disk heartbeat:

# clpcfadm.py del device server1 300
# clpcfadm.py del hb diskhb 300

Adding a Witness heartbeat:

# clpcfadm.py add device server1 witness 0 1
# clpcfadm.py add hb witnesshb 0 3

Deleting a Witness heartbeat:

# clpcfadm.py del device server1 700
# clpcfadm.py del hb witnesshb 700

Adding the PING NP resolution resource:

# clpcfadm.py add device server1 ping 0 1
# clpcfadm.py add np pingnp 0 1 0 0

Deleting the PING NP resolution resource:

# clpcfadm.py del device server1 10200
# clpcfadm.py del np pingnp 10200

Adding the HTTP NP resolution resource:

Using the settings of the Witness HB resource:

# clpcfadm.py add device server1 http 0 1
# clpcfadm.py add np httpnp 0 2

Adding the HTTP NP resolution resource:

Not using the settings of the Witness HB resource:

# clpcfadm.py add device server1 http 0 1
# clpcfadm.py add np httpnp 0 2 --host

Deleting the HTTP NP resolution resource:

# clpcfadm.py del device server1 10700
# clpcfadm.py del np httpnp 10700

Adding a forced stop resource (bmc):

# clpcfadm.py add forcestop bmc

Deleting the forced stop resource:

# clpcfadm.py del forcestop

Adding a group:

# clpcfadm.py add grp failover failover1

Adding or changing group properties:

# clpcfadm.py mod -t group@failover1/start --set 0

Deleting group properties:

# clpcfadm.py mod -t group@failover1/start --delete

Deleting a group:

# clpcfadm.py del grp failover1

Adding a group resource:

# clpcfadm.py add rsc failover1 fip fip1

Adding or changing group resource properties:

# clpcfadm.py mod -t resource/fip@fip1/parameters/ip --set

Deleting group resource properties:

# clpcfadm.py mod -t resource/fip@fip1/parameters/ip --delete

Deleting a group resource:

# clpcfadm.py del rsc failover1 fip fip1

Adding the dependencies of resources:

# clpcfadm.py add rscdep fip fip1 ddns1

Deleting group resources' dependency:

Deleting dependency on a case-by-case basis:

# clpcfadm.py mod -t resource/fip@fip1/depend@ddns1 --delete

Deleting group resources' dependency:

Deleting all dependency to restore predefined dependency:

# clpcfadm.py del rscdep fip fip1

Adding a monitor resource:

# clpcfadm.py add mon fipw fipw1

Adding or changing monitor resource properties:

# clpcfadm.py mod -t monitor/fipw@fipw1/target --set fip1

Deleting monitor resource properties:

# clpcfadm.py mod -t monitor/fipw@fipw1/target --delete

Deleting a monitor resource:

# clpcfadm.py del mon fipw fipw1

Using the --nocheck option to add a parameter:

# clpcfadm.py mod -t webmgr/security/clientlist/ip --set --nocheck
# clpcfadm.py mod -t group@failover1/policy@server1/order --set 0 --nocheck
# clpcfadm.py mod -t resource/fip@fip1/server@server1/parameters/ip --set --nocheck
# clpcfadm.py mod -t monitor/fipw@fipw1/relation/name --set LocalServer --nocheck
Error Messages



Log in as root.

Log in as a root user.

'%1' is not found.

The file (%1) is not found.

The specified object does not exist. '%1'

The specified object (%1) does not exist.

The specified element '%1' does not exist in '%2'.

The specified element (%1) does not exist in %2.

The specified path does not exist in a config file.

The specified path does not exist in the cluster configuration data.

Invalid config file. Use the 'create' option.

Execute this command with the create option.

The config file already exists.

The cluster configuration data already exists.

Non-configurable elements specified.

The tag name cannot be specified.

Invalid value specified. Specify as follows: <resource type>@<resource name>

Specify a value in the form of <type of group resource>@<name of group resource>.

Invalid path specified.

The specified path is invalid.

Cannot register a '%1' any more.

%1 has already reached the upper limit of registration.

The following arguments are required :%1

Specify %1.

Argument %1: allowed only with argument '%2'

The %1 option is effective only with %2.

Argument %1: invalid choice: '%2' (choose from %3)

%2 specified in %1 is invalid. Choose a value from %3.

Argument %1: invalid value: '%2' (The value must be in the range [%3, %4])

%2 specified in %1 is invalid. Specify a numeric value between %3 and %4.

Argument %1: invalid value: '%2' (The length must be less than %3)

%2 specified in %1 is too long in the string. Shorten it to less than %3.

Argument %1: '%2' already exists.

%2 already exists in %1.

Argument %1: '%2' does not exist.

%2 does not exist in %1.

Argument %1: cannot specify a dependency to the same object.

%1 specifies dependency on the same object. Specify a different object.

Argument %1: does not appear to be an IPv4.

%1 is invalid. Specify it in IPv4 format.

Invalid value: '%1' (The value must be greater than 0)

%1 is invalid. Specify a numeric value greater than 0.

9.32.3. Parameters list (clpcfset, clpcfadm.py command)

Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Cluster Properties        
Info Tab        
Cluster Name -      
Comment -      
Language English      
Interconnect Tab        
Communication Path (Add, Remove) -      
Kernel mode, User mode, IP Address        
DISK Device        
Witness HB Use        
Mirror Communication Only        
MDC Use        
Server Down Notification On      
Server Reset Notification Off      
Execute Server Alive Check Off      
Timeout 1 seconds      
Witness Heart Beat Properties        
Target Host        
Service Port 80      
Use SSL Off      
Use Proxy Off      
HTTP Timeout 10 seconds      
Heart Beat I/F Tuning Properties        
DISK tab        
Open/Close Timing        
Bind Check        
Fencing Tab        
Ping Target        
Ping NP Properties        
Interval 5 seconds      
Timeout 3 seconds      
Retry Count 3 times      
HTTP NP Properties        
Use Witness HB Resource Settings        
Target Host        
Service Port 80      
Use SSL Off      
Use Proxy Off      
Interval 5 seconds      
Timeout 20 seconds      
HTTP Timeout 10 seconds      
Network Partition Resolution Tuning Properties        
  Action at NP Occurrence Shutdown cluster/networkpartition/npaction 1 to 10 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: Stop the cluster service
2: Stop the cluster service and shutdown OS
3: Stop the cluster service and reboot OS
4: Sysrq Panic
5: Keepalive Reset
6: Keepalive Panic
7: BMC Reset
8: BMC Power Off
9: BMC Power Cycle
Forced Stop Type Do Not Use      
BMC Forced-Stop Properties        
Server List Tab        
Servers (Add, Remove, Edit) forcestop/bmc/server@<Server Name>/use 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Do not use
1: Use
Enter BMC        
IP Address forcestop/bmc/server@<Server Name>/parameters/ip Character String In the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server.
Specify a parameter value for the IP address.
User Name   forcestop/bmc/server@<Server Name>/parameters/user Character String In the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server.
Specify a parameter value for the user name.
Password   forcestop/bmc/server@<Server Name>/parameters/password Character String In the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server.
Specify a parameter value for the password.
Forced Stop Tab        
Forced Stop Action BMC Power Off forcestop/bmc/parameters/action Character String The following parameter values can be specified:
poweroff: BMC Power Off
powercycle: BMC Power Cycle
reset: BMC Reset
nmi: BMC NMI
Forced Stop Timeout 5 seconds forcestop/bmc/exec/timeout 5999  Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Time to Wait for Stop to Be Completed 10 seconds forcestop/bmc/wait/timeout 5999  Specify a parameter value for the time to wait (in seconds).
Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start 10 seconds forcestop/bmc/wait/fodelay 5999  Specify a parameter value for the lead time (in seconds).
Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start Off forcestop/bmc/suppression 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Off
1: On
vCenter Forced-Stop Properties        
Server List Tab        
Servers (Add, Remove, Edit) forcestop/bmc/server@<Server Name>/use 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Do not use
1: Use
Input for Virtual Machine Name        
Virtual Machine Name forcestop/vcenter/server@<Server Name>/parameters/vmname Character String In the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server.
Specify a parameter value for the virtual machine name .
Data Center forcestop/vcenter/server@<Server Name>/parameters/datacenter Character String In the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server.
Specify a parameter value for the data center.
Forced Stop Tab        
Forced Stop Action Power Off forcestop/vcenter/parameters/action Character String The following parameter values can be specified:
poweroff: Power Off
reset: Reset
Forced Stop Timeout 10 seconds forcestop/vcenter/exec/timeout 5999  Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Time to Wait for Stop to Be Completed 10 seconds forcestop/vcenter/wait/timeout 5999  Specify a parameter value for the time to wait (in seconds).
Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start 10 seconds forcestop/vcenter/wait/fodelay 5999  Specify a parameter value for the lead time (in seconds).
Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start Off forcestop/vcenter/suppression 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Off
1: On
Center Tab        
Method of performing forced stop  vSphere Automation API forcestop/vcenter/parameters/method Character String The following parameter values can be specified:
restapi: vSphere Automation API
vcli: VMware vSphere CLI
VMware vSphere CLI Installation Path /usr/lib/vmware-vcli forcestop/vcenter/server@<Server Name>/parameters/commandpath Character String In the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server.
Specify a parameter value for the VMware vSphere CLI Installation path.
Host Name forcestop/vcenter/parameters/ip Character String Specify a parameter value for the IP address.
User Name forcestop/vcenter/parameters/user Character String Specify a parameter value for the user name.
Password forcestop/vcenter/parameters/password Character String Specify a parameter value for the password.
AWS Forced-Stop Properties        
Server List Tab        
Servers (Add, Remove, Edit) forcestop/aws/server@<Server Name>/use 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Do not use
1: Use
Input of Instance        
Instance ID forcestop/aws/server@<Server Name>/parameters/id Character String In the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server.
Specify a parameter value for the instance ID.
Forced Stop Tab        
Forced Stop Action stop forcestop/aws/parameters/action Character String The following parameter values can be specified:
stop: stop
reboot: reboot
Forced Stop Timeout 10 seconds forcestopaws/exec/timeout 5999  Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Time to Wait for Stop to Be Completed 180 seconds forcestopaws/wait/timeout 5999  Specify a parameter value for the time to wait (in seconds).
Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start 120 seconds forcestop/aws/wait/fodelay 5999  Specify a parameter value for the lead time (in seconds).
Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start Off forcestop/aws/suppression 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Off
1: On
Azure Forced-Stop Properties        
Server List Tab        
Servers (Add, Remove, Edit) forcestop/aws/server@<Server Name>/use 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Do not use
1: Use
Input for Virtual Machine Name        
Virtual Machine Name forcestop/azure/server@<Server Name>/parameters/vmname Character String In the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server.
Specify a parameter value for the virtual machine name .
Forced Stop Tab        
Forced Stop Action stop forcestop/azure/parameters/action Character String The following parameter values can be specified:
stop: stop
reboot: reboot
Forced Stop Timeout 10 seconds forcestop/azure/exec/timeout 5999  Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Time to Wait for Stop to Be Completed 10 seconds forcestop/azure/wait/timeout 5999  Specify a parameter value for the time to wait (in seconds).
Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start 10 seconds forcestop/azure/wait/fodelay 5999  Specify a parameter value for the lead time (in seconds).
Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start Off forcestop/azure/suppression 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Off
1: On
Azure Tab        
User URI forcestop/azure/server@<Server Name>/parameters/useruri Character String Specify a parameter value for the User URI.
Tenant ID forcestop/azure/server@<Server Name>/parameters/tenantid Character String Specify a parameter value for the Tenant ID.
File Path of Service Principal forcestop/azure/server@<Server Name>/parameters/certfile Character String Specify a parameter value for the File Path of Service Principal.
Resource Group Name forcestop/azure/server@<Server Name>/parameters/rscgrp Character String Specify a parameter value for the Resource Group Name.
OCI Forced-Stop Properties        
Server List Tab        
Servers (Add, Remove, Edit) forcestop/oci/server@<Server Name>/use 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Do not use
1: Use
Input of Instance        
Instance ID forcestop/oci/server@<Server Name>/parameters/id Character String In the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server.
Specify a parameter value for the instance ID.
Forced Stop Tab        
Forced Stop Action stop forcestop/oci/parameters/action Character String The following parameter values can be specified:
stop: stop
reboot: reboot
Forced Stop Timeout 15 seconds forcestop/oci/exec/timeout 5999  Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Time to Wait for Stop to Be Completed 180 seconds forcestop/oci/wait/timeout 5999  Specify a parameter value for the time to wait (in seconds).
Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start 120 seconds forcestop/oci/wait/fodelay 5999  Specify a parameter value for the lead time (in seconds).
Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start Off forcestop/oci/suppression 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Off
1: On
Custom Forced-Stop Properties        
Server List Tab        
Servers (Add, Remove) forcestop/custom/server@<Server Name>/use 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Do not use
1: Use
Forced Stop Tab        
Forced Stop Timeout 10 seconds forcestop/custom/exec/timeout 5999  Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start Off forcestop/custom/suppression 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Off
1: On
Script Tab        
Select User Application
 Enter application path (Edit)
Select Script created with this product
 Add, Remove, Edit, Replace
forcestop.sh forcestop/custom/parameters/path Character String Specify a parameter value for the script path (forcestop.sh).
MDC Tab        
Timeout Tab        
Service Startup Delay Time 0 seconds      
Server Sync Wait Time 5 minutes      
Heartbeat Interval 3 seconds cluster/heartbeat/interval 1000 to 99000 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in milliseconds).
Heartbeat Timeout 90 seconds cluster/heartbeat/timeout 20000 to 99990000 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in milliseconds).
This time-out should be longer than the interval.
Server Internal Timeout 180 seconds      
Port No. Tab        
Server Internal Port Number 29001      
Information Base Port Number 29008      
Data Transfer Port Number  29002      
WebManager HTTP Port Number  29003      
API HTTP Port Number 29009      
API Server Internal Port Number 29010      
Heartbeat Port Number 29002      
Kernel Mode Heartbeat Port Number 29006      
Alert Sync Port Number 29003      
Port No. (Mirror) Tab [1]        
Mirror Agent Port Number 29004      
Port No. (Log) Tab        
Communication Method for Internal Logs Unix Domain      
Port Number -      
Monitor Tab        
Shutdown Monitor Execute when the group deactivation has been failed      
Method keepalive      
Operation at Timeout Detection RESET      
Enable SIGTERM handler On      
Timeout Use Heartbeat Timeout      
Set Timeout 90 seconds      
Recovery Tab        
Action for Cluster Service Process Error OS shutdown pm/exec0/recover
2, 3, 5 to 11 Specify the same parameter value for all the paths.
The following parameter values can be specified:
2: Shut down the OS
3: Reboot the OS
5: Sysrq Panic
6: Keepalive Reset
7: Keepalive Panic
8: BMC Reset
9: BMC Power Off
10: BMC Power Cycle
Max Restart Count 3 times      
Recovery Action over Max Restart Count No operation      
Action at Group Resource Activation or Deactivation Stall Stop the cluster service and shutdown OS cluster/rsctimeout/rsctoaction  0, 2, 3, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Operates as an activity or deactivity failure)
2: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
3: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Disable the Final Action when OS Stops Due to        
Failure Detection
Group Resource When Activation Failure Detected Off      
Group Resource When Deactivation Failure Detected Off      
Monitor Resource When Failure Detected Off      
Disable Shutdown When Multi-Failover-Service Detected        
Server Group Survives When Multi-Failover-Service Detected -      
Server doesn't Shutdown When Multi-Failover-Service Detected -      
Alert Service Tab        
Enable Alert Setting Off      
E-mail Address Blank (Function disabled)      
Mail Method MAIL      
Output the log level to syslog On      
User Network Warning Light[2] Off      
Alert Destination Tab        
Messages (Add, Remove, Edit) -      
Message Tab        
Category Core Modules      
Module Type apisv      
Event ID -      
Destination System Log On      
Destination Alert Logs On      
Destination Mail Report Off      
Destination SNMP Trap Off      
Destination Message Topic Off      
Destination Alert Extension Off      
Command (Add, Remove, Edit) -      
SMTP Settings Tab        
Mail Charset -      
Send Mail Timeout 30 seconds      
Subject Encode Off      
SMTP Server -      
SMTP Server List (Add, Remove) -      
Enter the SMTP Server        
SMTP Server -      
Use SSL Off      
Connection Method SMTPS      
SMTP Port 25      
Sender Address -      
Enable SMTP Authentication Off      
Authority Method LOGIN      
User Name -      
Password -      
Behavior Tab        
Destination (Add, Remove, Edit) -      
Destination Tab        
Destination Server -      
SNMP Port No. 162      
SNMP Version v2c      
SNMP Community Name public      
WebManager Tab        
Enable WebManager Service On      
Communication Method HTTP      
Number of sessions which can be established simultaneously 64      
Control connection by using client IP address Off webmgr/security/clientlist/iprest  0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Off
1: On
IP Addresses of the Accessible Clients (Add, Remove, Edit)  - webmgr/security/clientlist/ip@<IP Addresses> "" In the XPATH expression, specify the IP address of a client to allow connection.
 - IP address:
 - Network address:

As the parameter value, specify the null character ("").
Operation On      
Cluster Password Method / OS Authentication Method Cluster Password Method      
Cluster Password Method        
Password for Operation -      
Password for Reference -      
OS Authentication Method        
Authorized Group List(Add, Remove, Edit)  -      
Operation On      
Login Session Lifetime Period 1440 minutes      
Automatic Logout Time Period 60 minutes      
Lockout Threshold 0 time      
Lockout Time 10 minutes      
Cluster WebUI Operation Log        
Output Cluster WebUI Operation Log On      
Log output path -      
File Size 1 megabyte      
IP address for Integrated WebManager        
IP address        
WebManager Tuning Properties        
Behavior Tab        
Client Session Timeout 30 seconds      
Reload Interval 90 seconds      
Mirror Agent Tab 120 seconds      
Time Limit For Keeping Log Files 600 seconds      
Use Time Information Display Function On      
API Tab        
Enable API Service Off      
Communication Method HTTP      
Control connection by using client IP address Off      
IP Addresses of the Accessible Clients (Add, Remove, Edit)  -      
API Tuning Properties          
Authentication Lockout Threshold 3 times      
HTTP Server Start Retry Count 3 times      
HTTP Server Start Interval 5 seconds      
Encryption Tab        
Certificate File -      
Private Key File -      
SSL Library -      
Crypto Library -      
Alert Log Tab        
Enable Alert Service On      
Max. Number to Save Alert Records 10000      
Alert Sync Method Unicast (fixed)      
Alert Sync Communication Timeout 30 seconds      
Delay Warning Tab        
Heartbeat Delay Warning 80%      
Monitor Delay Warning 80%      
Mirror Agent Tab [3]        
Auto Mirror Recovery On      
Receive Timeout 10 seconds      
Send Timeout 120 seconds      
Recovery Data Size 4096 kilobytes      
Recovery Limitation Off      
Start Wait Time 10 seconds      
Cluster Partition I/O Timeout 30 seconds      
Mirror Driver Tab [4]        
Max. Number of Request Queues 2048      
Difference Bitmap Size 1 [MB]      
Difference Bitmap Refresh Interval 100 seconds      
Mirror Recovery I/O Size 64 kilobytes      
History Recording Area Size in Asynchronous Mode 100 megabytes      
Operation at I/O Error Detection RESET      
Cluster Partition
Operation at I/O Error Detection RESET      
Data Partition
JVM monitor Tab[5]        
Java Installation Path -      
Maximum Java Heap Size 16 megabytes      
Java VM Additional Option -      
Action Timeout 60 seconds      
Log Output Settings        
Log Level INFO      
Generation 10 generations      
Rotation Type File capacity      
Rotation Type, File Capacity, Max Size 3072 kilobytes      
Rotation Type, Period, Start Time 0:00      
Rotation Type, Period, Interval 24 hours      
Resource Measurement Settings [Common]        
Retry Count 10 times      
Error Threshold 5 times      
Interval, Memory Usage, Active Threads 60 seconds      
Interval, The time and count in Full GC 120 seconds      
Resource Measurement Settings [WebLogic]        
Retry Count 3 times      
Error Threshold 5 times      
Interval, The number of request 60 seconds      
Interval, The average number of the request 300 seconds      
Connection Settings        
Management Port 25500      
Retry Count 3 times      
Waiting time for reconnection 60 seconds      
Cloud Tab        
Enable Amazon SNS linkage function Off      
TopicArn -      
Enable Amazon CloudWatch linkage function Off      
Namespace -      
Interval for Sending Metrics 60 seconds      
Environment variables at the time of performing AWS-related features        
Name -      
Value -      
AWS CLI Command line options        
aws cloudwatch -      
aws ec2 -      
aws route53 -      
aws sns -      
Statistics Tab        
Cluster Statistics Heartbeat Resource On      
Cluster Statistics File Size 50 megabyte      
Cluster Statistics Group On      
Cluster Statistics File Size 1 megabyte      
Cluster Statistics Group Resource On      
Cluster Statistics File Size 1 megabyte      
Cluster Statistics Monitor Resource On      
Cluster Statistics File Size 10 megabytes      
Mirror Statistics
 Collect Statistics
System Resource Statistics
 Collect Statistics
Extension Tab        
Max Reboot Count 3 times      
Max Reboot Count Reset Time 60 minutes      
Start Automatically After System Down On      
Exclude Mount/Unmount Commands On      
Grace period of server group failover policy 0 seconds      
Change from OS Stop to OS Restart Off      
Disable cluster operation        
Group Automatic Startup Off      
Recovery operation when a group resource activation error is detected Off      
Recovery operation when a group resource deactivation error is detected Off      
Recovery action when a monitor resource error is detected Off      
Failover when Server Failure Detected Off      
[1] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
[2] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
[3] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
[4] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
[5] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Server Common Properties        
Master Server Tab        
Order -      
Server Group Definition        
Server Group Tab        
Add The order you added to "Servers that can run the Group."     Add by specifying the order in [Server Group Definition].
Remove -      
Rename -      
Server Group Properties        
Add -     Set by specifying the order.
Remove -      
Order The order you added to "Servers that can run the Group." servergroup@<Server Group Name>/policy@<Server Name>/order 0, 1, 2, ... In the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server group and that of a server to be added.
Specify a parameter value for the priority order: Zero (0) means the highest priority order, being followed by numbers in increments of one.
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Add Server [7] -      
Remove Server [7] -      
Server Properties        
Info Tab        
Name [8] -      
Comment -      
Warning Light Tab        
I/F No. (Add, Remove) The order you added I/Fs      
IP Address (Edit) -      
Warning Light  DN-1000S / DN-1000R / DN-1300GL      
Alert When Server Starts Off      
Alert When Server Stops Off      
Voice File No. -      
Voice File No. -      
Disk I/O Lockout Tab        
I/F No. (Add, Remove) The order you added I/Fs      
Device (Edit) -      
Proxy Tab        
Proxy Scheme None      
Proxy Server -      
Proxy Port -      
[7] For details about how to add or remove a server, see the Maintenance Guide.
[8] Be careful when you change the host name or IP address of a server. For how to change the host name or IP address, see the Maintenance Guide.
[9] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
[10] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Group Common Properties        
Exclusion tab        
Exclusive Rule List        
Add -      
Remove -      
Rename -      
Properties -      
Exclusive Rule Properties        
Comment -      
Add -      
Remove -      
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Add Group -      
Remove Group -      
Group Properties        
Info Tab        
Use Server Group Settings(Changes to On) Off     You can change the setting to On by adding the order and name of [Startup Server Tab (Server Group)].
Use Server Group Settings(Changes to Off) Off      
Name failover      
Comment -      
Startup Server Tab(Server)        
Failover is possible on all servers (Changes to On) On     You can change the setting to Off by adding a server.
Failover is possible on all servers (Changes to Off) On      
Order The order you added to "Servers that can run the Group." policy@<Server Name>/order 0, 1, 2, ... In the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server that can be started.
Specify a parameter value for the priority order: Zero (0) means the highest priority order, being followed by numbers in increments of one.
When using the settings of a server group, add a server that was added to the server group.
Name (Add) -      
Name(Delete) -      
Startup Server Tab (Server Group)        
Order The order you added to "Servers that can run the Group." svgpolicy@<ID>/order 0, 1, 2, ... In the XPATH expression, specify an ID: the same parameter value as that of the priority order to be specified.
Specify a parameter value for the priority order: Zero (0) means the highest priority order, being followed by numbers in increments of one.
Name (Add) - svgpolicy@<ID>/svgname Character String In the XPATH expression, specify an ID: the same parameter value as that of the priority order to be specified.
Specify a parameter value for the name of a server group to be added.
Name(Delete) -      
Attributes Tab        
Startup Attribute Auto Startup      
Execute Multi-Failover-Service Check Off      
Timeout 300 seconds      
Failover Attribute Auto Failover       
- Use the startup server settings      
Prioritize failover policy in the server group Off      
Perform a Smart Failover Off      
Enable only manual failover among the server groups Off      
Exclude Server with Error Detected by Specified Monitor Resource, from Failover Destination Off      
Failover with Error Ignored If It Is Detected in All Servers Off      
Failback Attribute Manual Failback      
Monitor Resources for Excluding Server from Failover Destination IP monitor      
NIC Link Up/Down monitor      
Start Dependency Tab        
Dependent Group (Add) -      
Dependent Group (Delete) -      
Target group start wait time 1800 seconds      
Wait Only when on the Same Server Off      
Stop Dependency Tab        
Dependent Group (Add) -      
Dependent Group (Delete) -      
Target group stop wait time 1800 seconds      
Wait the Dependent Groups when a Cluster Stops On      
Wait the Dependent Groups when a Server Stops Off      
Wait the Dependent Groups when a Group Stops Off      
Group Resource (Common)
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Add Group Resource[11] -      
Remove Group Resource -      
Add Group Resource (Mirror Disk Resource, Hybrid Disk Resource)        
Remove Group Resource (Mirror Disk Resource, Hybrid Disk Resource)        
Group Resource Common Properties        
Info Tab        
Name Each resource default value      
Name (Mirror Disk Resource, Hybrid Disk Resource) Each resource default value      
Comment -      
Recovery Operation        
Execute Script before or after  Activation or Deactivation        
Execute Script before Activation Off      
Execute Script after Activation Off      
Execute Script before Deactivation Off      
Execute Script after Deactivation Off      
Edit Script        
Select User Application -      
Enter application path (Edit)
Select Script created with this product -      
Script content (Edit)
Timeout 30 seconds      
Edit Script before Final Action        
Select User Application -      
Enter application path (Edit)
Select Script created with this product -      
Script content (Edit)
Timeout 5 seconds      
[11] You can add a resource to support dynamic resource addition without stopping the group. For details, 
refer to "Adding a resource without stopping the group" in  "The system maintenance information" in the Maintenance guide.
Exec resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Exec Resource Properties        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
• floating IP resources      
• virtual IP resources      
• disk resources      
• mirror disk resources      
• hybrid disk resources      
• Dynamic DNS resource      
• Volume manager resource      
• AWS elastic ip resource      
• AWS virtual ip resource      
• AWS secondary ip resource      
• AWS DNS resource      
• Azure probe port resource      
• Azure DNS resource      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Retry Count at Activation Failure zero act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count 1 time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resources) act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster daemon and shut down OS. deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Details Tab        
Type (User Application, Script Created with this product) Script Created with this product parameters/act/path

Character String Specify a parameter value: start.sh.

Specify a parameter value: stop.sh.
User Application - parameters/act/path

Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of an executable file for the start of the EXEC resource. The name should begin with "/." Arguments can also be specified.

Specify a parameter value for the name of an executable file for the stop of the EXEC resource. The name should begin with "/." The stop script is optional.
  Enter the application path (Edit) 
Script Created with this product -      
  Script codes (Edit)
Exec Resource Tuning Properties        
Parameter Tab        
Start Script Synchronous, Asynchronous  Synchronous parameters/act/sync 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Asynchronous
1: Synchronous
Start Script Timeout 1800 seconds parameters/timeout/start 1 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for [Synchronous]: the timeout for awaiting a finish during the script execution. Entering the value requires [Synchronous] to be selected.
Start Script Execute on standby server Off      
Start Script Timeout (on standby server) 10 seconds parameters/deact/sync 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Asynchronous
1: Synchronous
Stop Script Synchronous, Asynchronous Synchronous parameters/timeout/stop 1 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for [Synchronous]: the timeout for awaiting a finish during the script execution. Entering the value requires [Synchronous] to be selected.
Stop Script Timeout 1800 seconds      
Stop Script Execute on standby server Off      
Stop Script Timeout (on standby server) 10 seconds      
Maintenance Tab        
Log Output Path Blank (/dev/null)      
Rotate Log Off      
Rotation Size 1000000      
Disk resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Disk Resource Properties        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
• floating IP resources      
• virtual IP resources      
Dynamic DNS resource      
• Volume manager resource      
• AWS elastic ip resource      
• AWS virtual ip resource      
• AWS secondary ip resource      
• AWS DNS resource      
• Azure probe port resource      
• Azure DNS resource      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Retry Count at Activation Failure zero act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count 1 time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resources) act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS. deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Details Tab        
Device Name - parameters/device

For setting servers individually
server@<Server Name>/parameters/device
Character String Specify a parameter value for the disk device name to be used for disk resources. When other than [zfs] is selected for File System, the name should begin with "/". If File System is [zfs], specify the ZFS data set name.

To specify an individual [Device Name] to servers, in the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server. Specify the [Device Name] of any server for the common XPATH and specify a [Device Name] for other servers individually.
Raw Device Name -      
Mount Point  - parameters/mount/point

For setting servers individually
server@<Server Name>/parameters/mount/point
Character String Specify a parameter value for the directory to mount the disk device. The name should begin with "/." This setting is necessary when the setting to Disk Type is other than raw.

To specify an individual [Mount Point] to servers, in the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server. Specify the [Mount Point] of any server for the common XPATH and specify a [Mount Point] for other servers individually.
File System - parameters/fs

For setting servers individually
server@<Server Name>/parameters/fs
Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of the file system created on the disk device.
 This setting is necessary when the setting to Disk Type is other than raw.
Select any of the following options:
 • ext3
 • ext4
 • xfs
 • reiserfs
 • vxfs
 • zfs

To specify an individual [File System] to servers, in the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server. Specify the [File System] of any server for the common XPATH and specify a [File System] for other servers individually.
Disk Type disk parameters/disktype Character String Specify a parameter value for the disk type.
Select any of the following options:
 • disk
 • raw
 • lvm
 • vxvm
Disk Resource Tuning Properties        
Mount Tab        
Mount Option rw      
Timeout 180 seconds      
Retry Count 3 times      
Unmount Tab        
Timeout 120 seconds      
Retry Count 3 times      
Retry Interval 5 seconds      
Forced operation when failure is detected kill      
Fsck Tab (when other than xfs is selected for File System)        
fsck Option -y      
fsck Timeout  7200 seconds      
fsck Action Before Mount Execute at Specified Count parameters/fsck/timing 0, 1, 2 Specify a parameter value for an fsck action before mounting file system on a disk device.
The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Not Execute
1: Always Execute
2: Execute at Specified Count
Count 10 times parameters/fsck/interval 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the Specified Count.
fsck Action When Mount Failed On      
Rebuilding of reiserfs Off      
xfs_repair Tab (when xfs is selected for File System)        
xfs_repair Option -      
xfs_repair Timeout  7200 seconds      
xfs_repair Action When Mount Failed Off      
Floating IP resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
FIP Resource Tuning Properties        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On (No default is set)      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove)  -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count 1 time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Next resources are not activated). act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS. deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Details Tab        
IP Address -


For setting servers individually
server@<Server Name>/parameters/ip
Character String Specify a parameter value for  the floating IP address to be used.

Example for bonding

For an IPv6 address, be sure to specify /number_of_mask_bits.
Example of [/number of mask bits]

Example for explicitly specifying a network interface

Example for VLAN tagging

To specify an individual [IP Address] to servers, in the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server. Specify the [IP Address] of any server for the common XPATH and specify a [IP Address] for other servers individually.
FIP Resource Tuning Properties        
Parameter Tab        
Ifconfig Timeout 60 seconds      
ping Interval 1 second      
ping Timeout 1 second      
ping Retry Count zero      
ping Forced FIP Activation Off      
ARP Send Count 1 time      
Judge NIC Link Down as Failure Off      
Deactivity Check Tab        
Confirm I/F Deletion On      
Status at Failure Not Failure      
Confirm I/F Response On      
Status at Failure Not Failure      
Virtual IP resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Virtual IP Resource Properties        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
(No default dependence)      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Retry Count at Activation Failure 1 time act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count 1 time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Next resources are not activated). act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure 1 time deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS. deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Details Tab        
IP Address -      
NIC Alias Name -      
Destination IP Address -      
Source IP Address  -      
Send Interval 10 seconds      
Use Routing Protocol  -      
Virtual IP Resource Tuning Properties        
Parameter Tab        
ifconfig Timeout 60 seconds      
Ping Interval 1 second      
Ping Timeout 1 second      
Ping Retry Count Zero      
Ping Forced VIP Activation Off      
ARP Send Count 1 time      
Judge NIC Link Down as Failure Off      
Deactivity Check Tab        
Confirm I/F Deletion On      
Status at Failure Not Failure      
Confirm I/F Response On      
Status at Failure Not Failure      
RIP Tab        
Metric 1      
Port Number 520      
RIPng Tab        
Metric 1      
Port Number 521      
Mirror disk resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Mirror Disk Resource Properties [12]        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
• floating IP resources      
• virtual IP resources      
• AWS elastic ip resource      
• AWS virtual ip resource      
• AWS secondary ip resource      
• Azure probe port resource      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Retry Count at Activation Failure Zero act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count 1 time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resource) act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure Zero deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shutdown OS deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Details Tab        
Mirror Partition Device Name /dev/NMP1~ parameters/nmppath Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a mirror partition device to be associated with the mirror partition. For the device name, any of the values 1 to 32 can be specified.
/dev/NMP1 to /dev/NMP32
You cannot specify any device name which is already set for the mirror disk resource or hybrid disk resource.
Mount Point - parameters/mount/point

For setting servers individually
server@<Server Name>/parameters/
Character String Specify a parameter value for the directory in which the mirror partition device is to be mounted. The name should begin with "/."

To specify an individual [Mount Point] to servers, in the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server. Specify the [Mount Point] of any server for the common XPATH and specify a [Mount Point] for other servers individually.
Data Partition Device Name - parameters/diskdev/dppath

For setting servers individually
server@<Server Name>/parameters/diskdev/dppath
Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a data partition device to be used as a disk resource. The name should begin with "/."

To specify an individual [Data Partition Device Name] to servers, in the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server. Specify the [Data Partition Device Name] of any server for the common XPATH and specify a [Data Partition Device Name] for other servers individually.
Cluster Partition Device Name - parameters/diskdev/cppath

For setting servers individually
server@<Server Name>/parameters/diskdev/cppath
Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a cluster partition device to be paired with the data partition. The name should begin with "/."

To specify an individual [Cluster Partition Device Name] to servers, in the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server. Specify the [Cluster Partition Device Name] of any server for the common XPATH and specify a [Cluster Partition Device Name] for other servers individually.
File System ext3 parameters/fs Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a file system to be used in the mirror partition.
Select any of the following options:
 • ext2
 • ext3
 • ext4
 • xfs
 • jfs
 • reiserfs
 • none (no file system)
Selection of Mirror Disk Connect        
Mirror Disk Connect Tab        
I/F No. (Add, Remove) Top two I/F No. on the mirror disk connect I/F tab of the server properties parameters/netdev@<ID>/priority


0, 1, 2, ...

1 to 16

Character String
In the XPATH expression, specify an ID: the same parameter value as that of the priority order to be specified.
Specify a parameter value for the priority order: Zero (0) means the highest priority order, being followed by numbers in increments of one.

In the XPATH expression, specify an ID: the same parameter value as that of the priority order to be specified.
Specify a parameter value for the device ID.
Specify the ID that was specified in setting the MDC.

In the XPATH expression, specify an ID: the same parameter value as that of the priority order to be specified.
Specify a parameter value for the name of the MDC to be added.
Mirror Disk Resource Tuning Properties        
Mount Tab        
Mount Option rw      
Timeout 120 seconds      
Retry Count 3 times      
Unmount Tab        
Timeout 120 seconds      
Retry Count 3 times      
Retry Interval 5 seconds      
Forced operation when failure is detected kill      
Fsck Tab (when other than xfs is selected for File System)        
fsck Option -y      
fsck Timeout 7200 seconds      
fsck Action Before Mount Execute at Specified Count      
Count 10 times      
fsck Action When Mount Failed Execute      
Rebuilding of Reiserfs  Off      
xfs_repair Tab (when xfs is selected for File System)        
xfs_repair Option -      
xfs_repair Timeout  7200 seconds      
xfs_repair Action When Mount Failed Off      
Mirror Tab        
Execute the initial mirror construction On (valid only for the  initial mirror construction)      
Execute initial mkfs Off      
Perform Data Synchronization On      
Mode Synchronous      
Number of Queues Set Number 2048      
Rate limitation of Mirror Connect Off (Unlimited)      
History Files Store Directory Blank      
Size Limitation of History File 0 megabytes (Unlimited)      
Compress data Off      
Compress data when recovering Off      
Mirror Driver Tab        
Mirror Data Port Number 29051~ parameters/mddriver/port 1 to 65535 Specify a parameter value for the TCP port number to be used for the transmission and reception of disk data by the mirror driver between the servers.
In Cluster WebUI, the default number 29051 is set for the initially created mirror disk resource or hybrid disk resource. From a second mirror disk resource or the hybrid disk resource, the value increased by one from default (29052,29053,...) is set accordingly.
Heartbeat Port Number 29031~ parameters/mddriver/hbport 1 to 65535 Specify a parameter value for the TCP port number to be used for the communication of control data by the mirror driver between the servers.
In Cluster WebUI, the default number 29031 is set for the initially created mirror disk resource or hybrid disk resource. From a second mirror disk resource or the hybrid disk resource, the value increased by one from default (29032, 29033,...) is set accordingly.
ACK2 Port Number 29071~ parameters/mddriver/ack2port 1 to 65535 Specify a parameter value for the TCP port number to be used for the communication of control data by the mirror driver between the servers.
In Cluster WebUI, the default number 29031 is set for the initially created mirror disk resource or hybrid disk resource. From a second mirror disk resource or the hybrid disk resource, the value increased by one from default (29072, 29073,...) is set accordingly.
Send Timeout 30 seconds      
Connection Timeout 10 seconds      
Ack Timeout 100 seconds      
Receive Timeout 100 seconds      
Heartbeat Interval 10 seconds      
ICMP Echo Reply Receive Timeout 2 seconds      
ICMP Echo Request Retry Count 8 times      
[12] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Hybrid disk resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Hybrid Disk Resource Properties [13]        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
• floating IP resources      
• virtual IP resources      
• AWS elastic ip resource      
• AWS virtual ip resource      
• AWS secondary ip resource      
• Azure probe port resource      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Retry Count at Activation Failure Zero act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count 1 time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resource) act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure Zero deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shutdown OS deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Details Tab        
Mirror Partition Device Name /dev/NMP1~      
Mount Point -      
Data Partition Device Name -      
Cluster Partition Device Name -      
File System ext3      
Selection of Mirror Disk Connect        
Mirror Disk Connect Tab        
I/F No. (Add, Remove) Top two I/F No. on the mirror disk connect I/F tab of the server properties      
Hybrid Disk Resource Tuning Properties        
Mount Tab        
Mount Option rw      
Timeout 120 seconds      
Retry Count 3 times      
Unmount Tab        
Timeout 120 seconds      
Retry Count 3 times      
Retry Interval 5 seconds      
Forced operation when error is detected kill      
Fsck Tab (when other than xfs is selected for File System)        
fsck Option -y      
fsck Timeout 7200 seconds      
fsck Action Before Mount Execute at Specified Count      
Count 10 times      
fsck Action When Mount Failed Execute      
Rebuilding of reiserfs  Off      
xfs_repair Tab (when xfs is selected for File System)        
xfs_repair Option -      
xfs_repair Timeout  7200 seconds      
xfs_repair Action When Mount Failed Off      
Mirror Tab        
Execute the initial mirror construction On (valid only for the  initial mirror construction)      
Perform Data Synchronization On      
Mode Synchronous      
Number of Queues Set Number 2048      
Rate limitation of Mirror Connect Off (Unlimited)      
History Files Store Directory Blank      
Size Limitation of History File 0 megabytes (Unlimited)      
Compress data Off      
Compress data when recovering Off      
Mirror Driver Tab        
Mirror Data Port Number 29051~      
Heartbeat Port Number 29031~      
ACK2 Port Number 29071~      
Send Timeout 30 seconds      
Connection Timeout 10 seconds      
Ack Timeout 100 seconds      
Receive Timeout 100 seconds      
Heartbeat Interval 10 seconds      
ICMP Echo Reply Receive Timeout 2 seconds      
ICMP Echo Request Retry Count 8 times      
[13] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Volume manager resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Volume Manager Resource Properties        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
• Floating IP resources      
• Virtual IP resources      
• Dynamic DNS resources      
• AWS elastic ip resource      
• AWS virtual ip resource      
• AWS secondary ip resource      
• AWS DNS resource      
• Azure probe port resource      
• Azure DNS resource      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Activation Retry Threshold 0 times act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count One time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No operation (Do not activate the next resource.) act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure 0 times deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down the OS. deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Details Tab        
Volume Manager LVM parameters/type Character String Specify a parameter value for the volume manager to use.
The following volume managers can be selected:

 • lvm (LVM volume group control)
 • vxvm (VxVM disk group control)
 • zfspool (ZFS storage pool control)
Target Name - parameters/devname Character String Specify a parameter value for the volume name in the form of <VG name> (only the target name).
When the volume manager is lvm, it's possible to control multiple volumes together. More than one volume is delimited with an one-byte space.
Volume Manager Resource Tuning Properties (When other than [zfspool] is selected for [Volume Manager])        
Import Tab        
Import Timeout 300 seconds      
Start Volume Timeout 60 seconds      
Volume Status Check Timeout 60 seconds      
Clear Host ID On      
Force Option at Import On      
Export Tab        
Stop Volume Timeout 60 seconds      
Flush Timeout 60 seconds      
Export Timeout 300 seconds      
Volume Status Check Timeout 60 seconds      
Volume Manager Resource Tuning Properties (When [zfspool] is selected for [Volume Manager])        
Import Tab        
Import Timeout 300 seconds      
Forced Import On      
Execute Ping Check On      
Export Tab        
Export Timeout 300 seconds      
Forced Export On      
VM resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
VM Resource Properties[14]        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
disk resource      
mirror disk resource      
hybrid disk resource      
•Volume manager resource      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Activation Retry Threshold 0 times act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count One time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No operation (Do not activate the next resource.) act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Deactivation Retry Threshold 0 times deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down the OS. deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Details Tab (when the virtual machine type is vSphere and the cluster service installation destination is host OS)        
Virtual Machine Name -      
Data Store Name -      
VM Configuration File Path -      
IP Address of Host -      
User Name -      
Password -      
Use vCenter Off      
vCenter -      
User Name for vCenter -      
Password for vCenter -      
Resource Pool Name -      
Details Tab (when the virtual machine type is vSphere and the cluster service installation destination is guest)        
Virtual Machine Name -      
Data Store Name -      
IP Address of Host -      
User Name -      
Password -      
Use vCenter On (uneditable)      
vCenter -      
User Name for vCenter -      
Password for vCenter -      
Resource Pool Name -      
Details Tab (when the virtual machine type is XenServer)        
Virtual Machine Name -      
UUID -      
Library Path -      
User Name -      
Password -      
Details Tab (when the virtual machine type is KVM)        
Virtual Machine Name -      
UUID -      
Library Path -      
VM Resource Tuning Properties        
Parameter Tab        
Request Timeout 30 seconds      
Virtual Machine Start Waiting Time 0 seconds      
Virtual Machine Stop Waiting Time 240 seconds      
[14] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Dynamic DNS resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Dynamic DNS Resource Properties        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
• Floating IP resources      
• Virtual IP resource3s      
• AWS elastic ip resource      
• AWS virtual ip resource      
• AWS secondary ip resource      
• Azure probe port resource      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Activation Retry Threshold One time act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count One time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No operation (Do not activate the next resource.) act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure One time deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down the OS deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Details Tab        
Virtual Host Name -      
IP Address -      
DDNS Server -      
Port No. 53      
Authentication Key Name -      
Authentication Key Value -      
AWS Elastic IP resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
AWS elastic ip Resource Properties[15]        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
(No default dependence)      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count 1 time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
(Next resources are not activated.)
Execute Script before Final Action at Activation Failure Off      
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure  Stop the cluster service and shut down OS. deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action at Deactivation Failure Off      
Details Tab        
ENI ID -      
AWS elastic ip Resource Tuning Properties        
Parameter Tab        
AWS CLI Timeout 100 seconds      
[15] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
AWS Virtual IP resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
AWS virtual ip Resource Properties[16]        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
(No default dependence)      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count 1 time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
(Next resources are not activated.)
Execute Script before Final Action at Activation Failure Off      
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure  Stop the cluster service and shut down OS. deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action at Deactivation Failure Off      
Details Tab        
IP Address -      
VPC ID -      
ENI ID -      
AWS virtual ip Resource Tuning Properties        
Parameter Tab        
Start Timeout 300 seconds      
Stop Timeout 60 seconds      
[16] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
AWS Secondary IP resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
AWS secondary ip Resource Properties[63]        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
(No default dependence)      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count 1 time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
(Next resources are not activated.)
Execute Script before Final Action at Activation Failure Off      
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure  Stop the cluster service and shut down OS. deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action at Deactivation Failure Off      
Details Tab        
IP Address -      
ENI ID -      
AWS secondary ip Resource Tuning Properties        
Parameter Tab        
Start Timeout 180 seconds      
Stop Timeout 180 seconds      
[63] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
AWS DNS resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
AWS DNS Resource Properties[17]        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
(No default dependence)      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count 1 time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation  act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
(Next resources are not activated.)
Execute Script before Final Action at Activation Failure Off      
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action at Deactivation Failure Off      
Details Tab        
Hosted Zone ID - parameters/hostedzoneid Character String Specify a parameter value for a Hosted Zone ID of Amazon Route 53.
Resource Record Set Name - parameters/recordset Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of DNS A record. Put a dot (.) at the end of the name. When an escape character is included in Resource Record Set Name, a monitor error occurs. Set Resource Record Set Name with no escape character. Specify the value of Resource Record Set Name in lowercase letters.
IP Address - parameters/ip

For setting servers individually
server@<Server Name>/parameters/ip
Character String Specify a parameter value for the IP address corresponding to the virtual host name (DNS name) (IPv4).

To specify an individual [IP Address] to servers, in the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server. Specify the [IP Address] of any server for the common XPATH and specify a [IP Address] for other servers individually.
TTL 300 seconds      
Delete a resource record set at deactivation Off      
AWS DNS Resource Tuning Properties        
Parameter Tab        
AWS CLI Timeout 100 seconds      
[17] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Azure probe port resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Azure probe port Resource Properties[18]        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
(No default dependence)      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count 1 time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resources) act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster daemon and shut down OS. deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Details Tab        
Probeport -      
Azure probe port Resource Tuning Properties        
Parameter Tab        
Probe wait timeout 30 seconds      
[18] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Azure DNS resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Azure DNS Resource Properties[19]        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
(No default dependence)      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Retry Count at Activation Failure 1 time act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count 1 time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation  act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
(not activate next resource)
Execute Script before Final Action at Activation Failure Off      
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure Detection Stop the cluster service and shut down OS. deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action at Deactivation Failure Off      
Details Tab        
Record Set Name -      
Zone Name -      
IP Address -      
TTL 3600 seconds      
Resource Group Name -      
User URI -      
Tenant ID -      
File Path of Service Principal -      
Thumbprint of Service Principal -      
Azure CLI File Path -      
Delete a record set at deactivation On      
Azure DNS Resource Tuning Properties        
Parameter Tab        
Azure CLI Timeout 100 seconds      
[19] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Google Cloud Virtual IP resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Google Cloud Virtual IP Resource Properties[20]        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
(No default dependence)      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count 1 time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resources) act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster daemon and shut down OS. deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Details Tab        
Port Number -      
Google Cloud Virtual IP Resource Tuning Properties        
Parameter Tab        
Health check timeout 30 seconds      
[20] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Google Cloud DNS resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Google Cloud DNS Resource Properties[61]        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
(No default dependence)      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Retry Count at Activation Failure 1 time act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count 1 time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation  act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
(not activate next resource)
Execute Script before Final Action at Activation Failure Off      
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure Detection Stop the cluster service and shut down OS. deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action at Deactivation Failure Off      
Details Tab        
Zone Name -      
DNS Name -      
IP Address -      
TTL 3600 seconds      
Delete a record set at deactivation On      
[61] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Oracle Cloud Virtual IP resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Oracle Cloud Virtual IP Resource Properties[21]        
Dependency Tab        
Follow the default dependence On      
(No default dependence)      
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -      
Recovery Operation Tab        
Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times act/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times activation should be retried on activation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.
Maximum Failover Count 1 time act/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed on activation failure detection through the number of times of activation retry failure specified in [Retry Count at Activation Failure]. If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.
Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resources) act/action 0 to 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero deact/retry 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times deactivation should be retried on deactivation failure detection. If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.
Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster daemon and shut down OS. deact/action 0, 1, 4, 5, 8 to 14 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: No Operation (Activate next resource)
1: No Operation (Not activate next resource)
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Details Tab        
Port Number -      
Oracle Cloud Virtual IP Resource Tuning Properties        
Parameter Tab        
Health check timeout 30 seconds      
[21] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Monitor resource (common)
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Add monitor resource  -      
Remove Monitor Resource  -      
Monitor Resources Common Properties        
Info Tab        
Name -      
Comment -      
Recovery Action Tab        
Edit Script        
Select User Application -      
Enter application path (Edit)
Select Script created with this product -      
Script content (Edit)
Timeout 5 secconds      
Disk monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Disk Monitor Resource Properties        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval   60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count One time polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always polling/timing 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Always
1: Active
Target Resource - target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target application resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
Monitor(special) Tab        


For setting servers individually
server@<Server Name>/parameters/method
Character String Specify a parameter value for the method of monitoring the disk device.
Select any of the following options:
 • TUR
 • TUR (generic)
 • TUR (legacy)

To specify an individual [Method] to servers, in the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server. Specify the [Method] of any server for the common XPATH and specify a [Method] for other servers individually.
Monitor Target -

For setting servers individually
server@<Server Name>/parameters/object
Character String Specify a parameter value for the target to be monitored.
For more information on how to specify the target, see "4.4. Understanding the disk monitor resources" in the Reference Guide.

To specify an individual [Monitor Target] to servers, in the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server. Specify the [Monitor Target] of any server for the common XPATH and specify a [Monitor Target] for other servers individually.
Monitor Target RAW Device Name -


For setting servers individually
server@<Server Name>/parameters/rawdevice
Character String This setting requires selecting [READ (RAW)] or [READ (VXVM)] from [Method].

With [READ (RAW)] selected from [Method], enter the name of the device for raw access. You cannot register any RAW device that is already registered in the Disk I/F list of the server properties. To monitor a VxVM volume RAW device, select [READ (VXVM)] from [Method].

With [READ (VXVM)] selected from [Method], specify the name of the VxVM volume RAW device. The READ (VXVM) monitoring method can be used only when the file system of the volume raw device is vxfs. The name must begin with a forward slash (/).

To specify an individual [Monitor Target RAW Device Name] to servers, in the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server. Specify the [Monitor Target RAW Device Name] of any server for the common XPATH and specify a [Monitor Target RAW Device Name] for other servers individually.
I/O size 512 bytes


For setting servers individually
server@<Server Name>/parameters/size
1 to 99999999 Specify a parameter value for the read or read/write size for monitoring.

When READ (RAW) , READ(O_DIRECT) or READ (VXVM) is specified, the I/O size text box is dim. A single sector is read from the target device.

To specify an individual [I/O size] to servers, in the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server. Specify the [I/O size] of any server for the common XPATH and specify a [I/O size] for other servers individually.
Action When Diskfull is Detected The recovery action enabled


For setting servers individually
server@<Server Name>/parameters/diskfullerr
0, 1 Specify a parameter value for the action with a disk full state (no capacity available on the monitored disk) detected, by selecting either of the following options:
0: Do not recover
1: Recover

To specify an individual [Action When Diskfull is Detected] to servers, in the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server. Specify the [Action When Diskfull is Detected] of any server for the common XPATH and specify a [Action When Diskfull is Detected] for other servers individually.
IP monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
IP Monitor Resource Properties        
Interval   30 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout  30 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always polling/timing 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Always
1: Active
Target Resource - target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target application resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
IP Address(Add, Remove, Edit) -


For setting servers individually
server@<Server Name>/parameters/ip
Character String In the XPATH expression, specify an ID: id starts with 0, being incremented by one.

Specify a parameter value for an IP address or a host name to be monitored. The IP address or host name you enter here should be the one that exists on the public LAN. If a host name is set, the name resolution in the OS (such as adding an entry to /etc/hosts) should be configured.

To specify an individual [IP Address] to servers, in the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server. Specify the [IP Address] of any server for the common XPATH and specify a [IP Address] for other servers individually.
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
Virtual IP monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Virtual IP Monitor Resource Properties [22]        
Interval 3 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource Virtual IP resource name target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target Virtual IP resource name.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target  Virtual IP resource name relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[22] You can upload the data if a cluster is suspended. However, you need to stop and resume the cluster to apply the changed setting.
PID monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Pid Monitor Resource Properties        
Interval 5 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 60 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 3 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource - target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target EXEC resource name.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target  - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
User mode monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
User mode Monitor Resource Properties        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval   3 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 90 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Nice Value -20      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Use heartbeat interval and timeout On      
Method keepalive parameters/method Character String Specify a parameter value for the method of monitoring the user-mode monitor resource. You can not select a method which has already been used for other user-mode monitor resource.
Select any of the following options:
 • softdog
 • ipmi
 • keepalive
 • No Operation
Operation at Timeout Detection  RESET parameters/action Character String Specify a parameter value for the final action. This can be set only when the monitoring method is keepalive.
Select any of the following options:
Open/Close Temporary File Off      
Write Off      
Size 10000 bytes      
Create Temporary Thread Off      
NIC Link Up/Down monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
NIC Link Up/Down Monitor Resource Properties        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 10 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count 3 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always polling/timing 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Always
1: Active
Target Resource - target Character String For monitoring at activation, specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Recovery Target -


For setting servers individually
server@<Server Name>/parameters/object
Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of the NIC interface you want to monitor. You can monitor Bond devices (e.g. bond.600) and team devices (e.g. team0). You can also monitor VLAN and tagVLAN (setting example: eth0.8).

To specify an individual [Monitor Target] to servers, in the XPATH expression, specify the name of a server. Specify the [Monitor Target] of any server for the common XPATH and specify a [Monitor Target] for other servers individually.
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count zero emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
Multi target monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Multi Target Monitor Resource Properties        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 30 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 30 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always polling/timing 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Always
1: Active
Target Resource - target Character String For monitoring at activation, specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Recovery Target -      
Multi Target Monitor Resource Tuning Properties        
Parameter Tab        
Error Threshold Same as Number of Members      
Specify Number 64      
Warning Threshold Off      
Specify Number -      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
Mirror disk monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Mirror Disk Monitor Resource Properties [23]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 10 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 60 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always (fixed)      
Target Resource -      
Nice Value 0      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Mirror Disk Resource Mirror disk resource name parameters/object Character String Specify a parameter value for the mirror disk resource to be monitored.
Recovery Action Tab        
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
[23] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Mirror disk connect monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Mirror Disk Connect Monitor Resource Properties [24]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always (fixed)      
Target Resource -      
Nice Value 0      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Mirror Disk Resource Mirror disk resource name parameters/object Character String Specify a parameter value for the mirror disk resource to be monitored.
Recovery Action Tab        
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
[24] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Hybrid disk monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Hybrid Disk Monitor Resource Properties [25]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval   10 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout  60 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always (fixed)      
Target Resource -      
Nice Value 0      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Hybrid Disk Resource Hybrid disk resource name parameters/object Character String Specify a parameter value for the hybrid disk resource to be monitored.
Recovery Action Tab        
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
[25] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Hybrid disk connect monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Hybrid Disk Connect Monitor Resource Properties [26]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always (fixed)      
Target Resource -      
Nice Value 0      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Hybrid Disk Resource Hybrid disk resource name parameters/object Character String Specify a parameter value for the hybrid disk resource to be monitored.
Recovery Action Tab        
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
[26] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
ARP monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
ARP Monitor Resource Properties        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 30 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource - target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Target Resource -      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action  Off       
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
Custom monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Custom Monitor Resource Properties        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always (fixed) polling/timing 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Always
1: Active
Target Resource - target Character String For monitoring at activation, specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Monitor Script Path Type Script created with this product parameters/default

0, 1

Character String
The following parameter values can be specified:

0: User Application
1: Script created with this product

Specify a parameter value for the script to be executed: an executable shell script file or execution file on the server. For the file name, specify an absolute path or name of the executable file of the local disk on the server.
The executable file, not being included in the cluster configuration data, requires to be prepared on the server.
Monitor Script Type Synchronous      
Wait a period of time for Application/Script monitor to start 0      
Log Output Path Blank (/dev/null)      
Rotate Log Off      
Rotation Size 1000000      
Normal Return Value of Monitor Script 0      
Warning Return Value of Monitor Script -      
Wait for activation monitoring to stop before stopping the cluster Off      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action Stop group emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
Volume manager monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Volume Manager Monitor Resource Properties        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 1 polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active polling/timing 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Always
1: Active
Target Resource - target Character String For monitoring at activation, specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Volume Manager LVM      
Target Name - parameters/devname Character String Specify a parameter value for the target name in the form of <VG name> (only the target name).
When the volume manager is lvm, it's possible to control multiple volumes together.
More than one volume is delimited with an one-byte space.
When the volume manager is vxvm, this setting need not be entered.
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is not a cluster) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 0 times (if the recovery target is not a cluster) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action On      
Final Action No action is taken. emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
VM monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
VM Monitor Resource Properties[27]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 10 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 30 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always (fixed)      
Target Resource -      
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Wait Time When External Migration Occurs 15 seconds      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action On      
Final Action No action is taken. emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[27] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Message receive monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Message Receive Monitor Resource Properties        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 10 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always (fixed) polling/timing 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Always
1: Active
Target Resource - target Character String For monitoring at activation, specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Category NIC      
Keyword -      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Action Run failover for recovery target      
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Execute Failover to outside the Server Group Off      
Execute Script before Recovery Action Off      
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
Dynamic DNS monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Dynamic  DNS Monitor Resource Properties        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always (fixed)      
Target Resource Dynamic DNS resource name target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target dynamic DNS resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target Dynamic DNS resource name relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Three times emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count One time (if the recovery target is not a cluster) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No action is taken. emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
Process name monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Process Monitor Resource Properties         
Monitor(common) tab        
Interval 5 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 60 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 3 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always polling/timing 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Always
1: Active
Target Resource - target Character String For monitoring at activation, specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Process name - parameters/processname Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of the target process. The process name can be obtained by using the ps(1) command

Wild cards can be used to specify a process name by using one of the following three patterns. No other wild card pattern is permitted.

[prefix search]
<string included in the process name>*

[suffix search]
 *<string included in the process name>

[partial search]
 *<string included in the process name>*
Minimum Monitored Process Count 1      
Recovery Action tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (When the recovery target is other than the cluster) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
DB2 monitor resource 
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
DB2 Monitor Resource Properties[29]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 2 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed) target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Target Resource -      
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Monitor Level Level 2 (monitoring by update/select)      
Database Name -      
Instance db2inst1      
User Name db2inst1      
Password -      
Table  db2watch      
Character Set ja_JP.eucJP      
Library Path /opt/ibm/db2/V11.1/lib64/libdb2.so      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster daemon and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[29] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
FTP monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
FTP Monitor Resource Properties[30]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 3 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active polling/timing 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Always
1: Active
Target Resource - target Character String For monitoring at activation, specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove)        
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
IP Address      
Port Number 21      
User Name -      
Password -      
Protocol FTP      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[30] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
HTTP monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
HTTP Monitor Resource Properties[31]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 10 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 3 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active polling/timing 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Always
1: Active
Target Resource - target Character String For monitoring at activation, specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove)        
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Connecting Destination localhost      
Port 80      
Request URI -      
Protocol HTTP      
Request Type HEAD      
Authentication Method No authentication      
User Name -      
Password -      
Client Authentication Off      
Private Key -      
Client Certificate -      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[31] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
IMAP4 monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
IMAP4 Monitor Resource Properties[32]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 3 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed) polling/timing 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Always
1: Active
Target Resource - target Character String For monitoring at activation, specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
IP Address      
Port Number 3306      
User Name -      
Password -      
Authentication Method AUTHENTICATE LOGIN      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[32] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
MySQL monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
MySQL Monitor Resource Properties[33]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 2 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource - target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Monitor Level Level 2 (monitoring by update/select)      
Database Name -      
IP Address      
Port  3306      
User Name -      
Password -      
Table mysqlwatch      
Storage Engine InnoDB      
Library Path /usr/lib64/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.20      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[33] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
NFS monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
NFS Monitor Resource Properties[34]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 30 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 60 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 5 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active polling/timing 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Always
1: Active
Target Resource - target Character String For monitoring at activation, specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove)        
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Share Directory -      
NFS Server      
NFS Version v4      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[34] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
ODBC monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
ODBC Monitor Resource Properties        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 2 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource - target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove)        
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Monitor Level Level 2 (monitoring by update/select)      
Database Name -      
User Name -      
Password -      
Table odbcwatch      
Message Character Set UTF-8      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
Oracle monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Oracle Monitor Resource Properties[35]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 2 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource - target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove)        
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Monitor Type listener and instance monitor      
Monitor Level Level 2 (monitoring by update/select)      
Connect Command - parameters/database Character String Specify a parameter value for the connect string for the database. You must specify the connect string.
User Name sys parameters/username Character String Specify a parameter value for the user name to log on to the database. You must specify the name.
Specify the Oracle user who can access the specified database.
Password - parameters/password Character String Specify a parameter value for the password to log on to the database.
Authority Method SYSDBA parameters/authority Character String Select the user authority to log on to the Oracle monitor.
Select any of the following options:
Table orawatch parameters/table Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a monitor table created on the database. You must specify the name.
Make sure not to specify the same name as the table used for operation because a monitor table will be created and deleted. Be sure to set the name different from the reserved word in SQL statements.
Some characters cannot be used to specify a monitor table name according to the database specifications. For details, refer to the database.
ORACLE_HOME - parameters/oraclehome Character String Specify a parameter value for the path name configured in [ORACLE_HOME]. Begin with [/]. This is used when Monitor Type is set to Monitor Listener only or Monitor Instance only.
Character Set - parameters/characterset Character String Specify a parameter value for the character set of Oracle. You must specify the character code.
Select any of the following options:
Library Path /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/libclntsh.so.12.1      
Collect detailed application information at failure occurrence disabled      
Collection Timeout 600 seconds      
Set error during Oracle initialization or shutdown disabled      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[35] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
POP3 monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
POP3 Monitor Resource Properties[38]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 3 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed) polling/timing 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Always
1: Active
Target Resource - target Character String For monitoring at activation, specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
IP Address      
Port Number 110      
User Name -      
Password -      
Authentication Method APOP      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[38] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
PostgreSQL monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
PostgreSQL Monitor Resource Properties[39]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 2 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource - target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Monitor Level Level 2 (monitoring by update/select)      
Database Name -      
IP Address      
Port 5432      
User Name postgres      
Password -      
Table psqlwatch      
Library Path /opt/PostgreSQL/10/lib/libpq.so.5.10      
Set error during PostgreSQL initialization or shutdown On      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[39] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Samba monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Samba Monitor Resource Properties[40]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 30 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 60 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 5 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active polling/timing 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Always
1: Active
Target Resource - target Character String For monitoring at activation, specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Share Name -      
IP Address      
Port 139      
User Name -      
Password -      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[40] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
SMTP monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
SMTP Monitor Resource Properties[41]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 3 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active polling/timing 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Always
1: Active
Target Resource - target Character String For monitoring at activation, specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
IP Address      
Port 25      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[41] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
SQL Server monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
SQL Server Monitor Resource Properties        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 2 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource - target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove)        
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Monitor Level Level 2 (monitoring by update/select)      
Database Name -      
Server Name Localhost      
User Name SA      
Password -      
Table sqlwatch      
ODBC Driver Name ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
Tuxedo monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Tuxedo Monitor Resource Properties[43]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 2 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource - target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove)        
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Application Server Name BBL      
Config File -      
Library Path /home/Oracle/tuxedo/tuxedo12.      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[43] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
WebLogic monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
WebLogic Monitor Resource Properties[44]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 2 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource - target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove)        
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
IP Address      
Port 7002      
Monitor Method RESTful API      
Protocol HTTP      
User Name weblogic      
Password -      
Account Shadow Off      
  On   Config File -      
  On   Key File -      
  Off   User Name weblogic      
  Off   Password weblogic      
Authority Method DemoTrust      
Key Store File -      
Domain Environment File /home/Oracle/product/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin/setDomainEnv.sh      
Additional Command Option -Dwlst.offline.log=disable -Duser.language=en_US      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[44] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
WebSphere monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
WebSphere Monitor Resource Properties[45]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 2 times polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource - target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove)        
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Application Server Name server1      
Profile Name default      
User Name -      
Password -      
Install Path /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[45] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
WebOTX monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Tuxedo Monitor Resource Properties[46]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count 1 time polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource - target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove)        
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Connecting Destination localhost      
Port 6212      
User Name -      
Password -      
Install Path /opt/WebOTX      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count Zero (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off       
Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[46] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
JVM monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
JVM Monitor Resource Properties[47]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump files of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active  polling/timing 0, 1 The following parameter values can be specified:
0: Always
1: Active
Target Resource - target Character String For monitoring at activation, specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Target -      
JVM Type -      
Identifier -      
Connection Port -      
Process Name -      
User -      
Password -      
Command -      
Memory Tab (when Oracle Java is selected for JVM Type)        
Monitor Heap Memory Rate On      
Total Usage 80[%]      
Eden Space 100[%]      
Survivor Space 100[%]      
Tenured Gen 80[%]      
Monitor Non-Heap Memory Rate On      
Total Usage 80[%]      
Code Cache 100[%]      
Perm Gen 80[%]      
Perm Gen[shared-ro] 80[%]      
Perm Gen[shared-rw] 80[%]      
Command -      
Memory Tab (when Oracle JRockit is selected for JVM Type)        
Monitor Heap Memory Rate On      
Total Usage 80[%]      
Nursery Space 80[%]      
Old Space 80[%]      
Monitor Non-Heap Memory Rate On      
Total Usage 80[%]      
Class Memory 100[%]      
Command -      
Memory Tab(when Oracle Java(usage monitoring) is selected for JVM Type)        
Monitor Heap Memory Usage Off      
Total Usage 0 megabytes      
Eden Space 0 megabytes      
Survivor Space 0 megabytes      
Tenured Gen(Old Gen) 0 megabytes      
Monitor Non-Heap Memory Usage Off      
Total Usage 0 megabytes      
Code Cache 0 megabytes      
CodeHeap non-nmethods 0 megabytes      
CodeHeap profiled 0 megabytes      
CodeHeap non-profiled 0 megabytes      
Compressed Class Space 0 megabytes      
Metaspace 0 megabytes      
Command -      
Thread Tab        
Monitor the number of Active Threads 65535 threads      
Command -      
GC Tab        
Monitor the time in Full GC 65535 milliseconds      
Monitor the count of Full GC execution 1 time      
Command -      
WebLogic Tab        
Monitor the requests in Work Manager Off      
Target Work Managers -      
The number 65535      
Average 65535      
Increment from the last 80[%]      
Monitor the requests in Thread Pool On      
Waiting Requests, The number 65535      
Waiting Requests, Average 65535      
Waiting Requests, Increment from the last 80[%]      
Executing Requests, The number 65535      
Executing Requests, Average 65535      
Executing Requests, Increment from the last 80[%]      
Command -      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                       (when the recovery target is other than the cluster) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time                       (when the recovery target is other than the cluster)  emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[47] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
System monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
System Monitor Resource Properties[48]         
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 30 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 60 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always      
Target Resource -      
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Monitoring CPU usage ON      
CPU usage 90[%]      
Duration time  60 minutes      
Monitoring total usage of memory ON      
Total usage of memory  90[%]      
Duration time  60 minutes      
Monitoring total usage of ON      
virtual memory
Total usage of virtual memory  90[%]      
Duration Time  60 minutes      
Monitoring total number of ON      
opening files
Total number of opening files (in a ratio comparing with the system upper limit) 90[%]      
Duration time  60 minutes      
Monitoring total number of  ON      
running threads
Total number of running threads  90[%]      
Duration time  60 minutes       
Monitoring number of  ON      
running processes for each user
Number of running processes for  90[%]      
each user 
Duration time  60 minutes       
Mount point         
Utilization rate ON      
Warning level 90%      
Notice level 80%      
Duration time 1440 minutes      
Free space ON      
Warning level 500 MB      
Notice level 1000 MB      
Duration time 1440 minutes      
i-node utilization rate Off      
Warning level 90%      
Notice level 80%      
Duration time 1440 minutes      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 0 times                       (when the recovery target is other than the cluster)  emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 0 times                       (when the recovery target is other than the cluster)  emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[48] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Process resource monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Process Resource Monitor Resource Properties[49]         
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 30 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 60 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence Off      
Retry Count zero polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always      
Target Resource -      
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Process Name -      
Monitoring CPU usage ON      
CPU usage 90[%]      
Duration time 1440 minutes      
Monitoring total usage of memory ON      
Rate of Increase from the First Monitoring Point 10[%]      
Maximum Update Count 1440 times      
Monitoring number of opening files(maximum number) ON      
Refresh Count 1000 times      
Monitoring number of opening files(kernel limit) ON      
Ratio 90[%]      
Monitoring number of running threads ON      
Duration time 1440 minutes      
Monitoring Zombie Processes ON      
Duration time 1440 minutes      
Monitoring Processes of the Same Name Off      
Count 100      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 0 times                       (when the recovery target is other than the cluster)  emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 0 times                       (when the recovery target is other than the cluster)  emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[49] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Floating IP monitor resources
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Floating IP Monitor Resource Properties         
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump files of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry count 1 time polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource - target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Monitor NIC Link Up/Down Off      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target  - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count 0 times      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
(when the recovery target is other than the cluster)
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
(when the recovery target is other than the cluster)
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
AWS Elastic IP monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
AWS elastic IP Monitor Resource Properties[50]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count 1 time polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource awseip target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can start (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Action when AWS CLI command failed to receive response Disable recovery action(Do nothing)      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action Do Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[50] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
AWS Virtual IP monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
AWS virtual ip Monitor Resource Properties[51]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count 1 time polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource awsvip target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can start (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Action when AWS CLI command failed to receive response Disable recovery action(Do nothing)      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action Do Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[51] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
AWS Secondary IP monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
AWS secondary ip Monitor Resource Properties[64]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 120 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count 1 time polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource awssip target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can start (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Action when AWS CLI command failed to receive response Disable recovery action(Do nothing)      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action Do Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[64] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
AWS AZ monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
AWS AZ Monitor Resource Properties[52]        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count 1 time polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always (fixed)      
Target Resource - target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run the group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Availability Zone -      
Action when AWS CLI command failed to receive response Disable recovery action(Do nothing)      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 0 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[52] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
AWS DNS monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
AWS DNS Monitor Resource Properties[53]        
Monitor (Common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count 1 time polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 60 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource awsdns target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor (Special) Tab        
Monitor Resource Record Set On      
Action when AWS CLI command failed to receive response Disable recovery action(Do nothing)      
Check Name Resolution On      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
(if the recovery target is other than clusters)
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
(if the recovery target is other than clusters)
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[53] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Azure probe port monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Azure probe port Monitor Resource Properties[54]        
Monitor (common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count 1 time polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource azurepp target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target Azure probe port resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Action when Probe port wait timeout Disable recovery action(Display warning)      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[54] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Azure load balance monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Azure load balance monitor resource  Properties[55]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count 1 time polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always (fixed))      
Target Resource -      
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Target Resource -      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[55] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Azure DNS monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Azure DNS Monitor Resource Properties[56]        
Monitor (Common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count 1 time polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 60 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource azuredns target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target Azure DNS resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor (Special) Tab        
Check Name Resolution On      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Action azuredns relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count 0 time      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
(if the recovery target is other than clusters)
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
(if the recovery target is other than clusters)
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[56] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Google Cloud Virtual IP monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Google Cloud Virtual IP Monitor Resource Properties[57]        
Monitor (common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count 1 time polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource gcvip target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target Google Cloud Virtual IP resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Action when Health check wait timeout Disable recovery action(Do nothing)      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[57] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Google Cloud load balance monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Google Cloud load balance monitor resource  Properties[58]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count 1 time polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always (fixed))      
Target Resource -      
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Target Resource -      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[58] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Google Cloud DNS monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Google Cloud DNS Monitor Resource Properties[62]        
Monitor (Common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count 1 time polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 60 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource gcdns target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target Google Cloud DNS resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Action gcdns relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count 0 time      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
(if the recovery target is other than clusters)
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
(if the recovery target is other than clusters)
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[62] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Oracle Cloud Virtual IP monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Oracle Cloud Virtual IP Monitor Resource Properties[59]        
Monitor (common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count 1 time polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Active (fixed)      
Target Resource ocvip target Character String Specify a parameter value for the name of a target Google Cloud Virtual IP resource.
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Action when Health check wait timeout Disable recovery action(Do nothing)      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[59] It does not apply to PPC64LE.
Oracle Cloud load balance monitor resource
Parameters Default XPATH Setting value Description
Oracle Cloud load balance monitor resource  Properties[60]        
Monitor(common) Tab        
Interval 60 seconds polling/interval 1 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the interval (in seconds) to check the status of a monitoring target.
Timeout 180 seconds polling/timeout 5 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the timeout (in seconds).
Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off      
Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On      
Do not Execute Recovery Action at Timeout Occurrence On      
Retry Count 1 time polling/reconfirmation 0 to 999 Specify a parameter value for the number of retry times.
If you set this to zero (0), the status is determined as error at the first detection of an error.
Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds firstmonwait 0 to 9999 Specify a parameter value for the time (in seconds) to await a start of monitoring.
Monitor Timing Always (fixed))      
Target Resource -      
Nice Value 0      
Failure Detection Server        
Failure Detection Server All Servers      
Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -      
Send polling time metrics Off      
Monitor(special) Tab        
Target Resource -      
Recovery Action Tab        
Recovery Target - relation/type

Character String Specify a parameter value for the type of a recovery target.
rsc: resource
grp: group
cls: LocalServer

Specify a parameter value for the name of the recovery target. For rsc, specify the resource name.
For grp, specify the group name. To set [ALL Groups], specify the null character ("").
For cls, specify LocalServer.
Recovery Script Execution Count zero      
Execute Script before Reactivation Off      
Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/restart 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times reactivation should be executed on failure detection.
If this is set to zero (0), no reactivation is executed. This is enabled when a group or group resource is selected as a recovery target.
Execute Script before Failover Off      
Maximum Failover Count 1 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters) emergency/threshold/fo 0 to 99 Specify a parameter value for how many times failover should be executed. If this is set to zero (0), no failover is executed. This can be settable when selecting "All Groups", a group or a group resource as the recovery target. 
Execute Script before Final Action Off      
Final Action No Operation emergency/action 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 16 The following parameter values can be specified:
1: No Operation
2: Stop Group
3: Stop cluster service
4: Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
5: Stop cluster service and reboot OS
6: Generate intentionally stop error
8: Sysrq Panic
9: Keepalive Reset
10: Keepalive Panic
11: BMC Reset
12: BMC Power Off
13: BMC Power Cycle
16: Stop Resource
[60] It does not apply to PPC64LE.

9.33. Performing encryption (clpencrypt command)

Encrypts a character string.

Command line

clpencrypt password


Encrypts the values required for cluster configuration data (e.g., passwords).


Specify a character string to be encrypted.

Return value



Other than 0


Example of Execution
# clpencrypt password
Display examples
Error Messages



Invalid parameter.

The parameter is invalid. Check if there is any error in its format or parameter.

9.34. Adding a firewall rule (clpfwctrl command)

Adds or deletes a firewall rule on servers for EXPRESSCLUSTER.

Command line
clpfwctrl.sh --add [--zone=<ZONE>]
clpfwctrl.sh --remove
clpfwctrl.sh --help


Before executing this command, start up the server firewall service.


This command adds a rule to or deletes it from a firewall zone on a single server, and therefore must be executed on every server for which you want the rule to be added or deleted.


Execute this command immediately after installing EXPRESSCLUSTER and directly after applying configuration data.


This command supports only environments where the firewall-cmd and firewall-offline-cmd commands can be used.

A rule can be added to a firewall zone for accessing port numbers for EXPRESSCLUSTER, and the added rule can be deleted from the zone.
For more information on port numbers to be specified with this command, and for that on protocols, see "Getting Started Guide" -> "Notes and Restrictions" -> "Before installing EXPRESSCLUSTER" -> "Communication port number".
Add a rule with the following name to a firewall zone. If the rule name is already used, first delete it, then add it again. Do not change the rule name.
  • Rule name

    • clusterpro

--add [--zone=<ZONE>]

Adds a firewall rule, to a zone (if specified). If no zone is specified, the rule is added to the default zone.


Deletes the added firewall rule.


Displays the usage.

Return value



Other than 0


Execute this command as root.
This command does not add an outbound firewall rule. Adding it requires a separate procedure.
Once a JVM monitor resource is registered, this command always allows the port number for managing the resource.
Executing this command discards the firewall configuration that is temporarily set on the memory.
Example of Execution

Adding a rule to the default zone:

# clpfwctrl.sh --add
Command succeeded.
Example of Execution

Adding a rule to the home zone:

# clpfwctrl.sh --add --zone=home
Command succeeded.
Example of Execution

Deleting the added rule:

# clpfwctrl.sh --remove
Command succeeded.
Error Messages



Log in as root.

Log in as a user with root privileges.

Invalid option.

Specify the right option.

Failed to register rule(CLUSTERPRO). Invalid port.

Check the configuration data, which includes an invalid port number.

Failed to register rule(CLUSTERPRO). Invalid zone.

Check the zone name, which is invalid.

Unsupported environment.

The OS is unsupported.

Could not read xmlpath. Check if xmlpath exists on the specified path. (%1)

Check if the xml path exists in the configuration data.
%1: xml path

Could not opened the configuration file. Check if the configuration file exists on the specified path. (%1)

Check if the policy file exists.
%1: xml path

Could not read type. Check if type exists on the policy file. (%1)

Check if the policy file exists.
%1: xml path

not exist xmlpath. (%1)

Check if the xml path exists in the configuration data.
%1: xml path

Failed to obtain properties. (%1)

Check if the xml path exists in the configuration data.
%1: xml path

Not exist java install path. (%1)

Check if the Java installation path exists.
%1: Java installation path

Internal error. Check if memory or OS resources are sufficient. (%1)

The possible cause is insufficient memory or insufficient OS resources. Check if these two are sufficient.
%1: xml path