1. Preface

1.1. Who Should Use This Guide

The EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe Legacy Feature Guide describes EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe 4.0 WebManager and Builder.

1.2. How This Guide Is Organized

1.3. Terms Used in This Guide

EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe, which is described in this guide, uses windows and commands common to those of the clustering software EXPRESSCLUSTER X to ensure high compatibility with EXPRESSCLUSTER X in terms of operation and other aspects. Therefore, cluster-related terms are used in parts of the guide.

The terms used in this guide are defined below.

Cluster, cluster system

A single server system using EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe

Cluster shutdown, reboot

Shutdown or reboot of a system using EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe

Cluster resource

A resource used in EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe

Cluster object

A resource object used in EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe

Failover group

A group of group resources (such as applications and services) used in EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe

1.4. EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe Documentation Set

The EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe documentation consists of the four guides below. The title and purpose of each guide is described below:

EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe Installation Guide

This guide is intended for system engineers who intend to introduce a system using EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe and describes how to install EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe.

EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe Configuration Guide

This guide is intended for system engineers who intend to introduce a system using EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe and system administrators who will operate and maintain the introduced system. It describes how to set up EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe.

EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe Operation Guide

This guide is intended for system administrators who will operate and maintain an introduced system that uses EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe. It describes how to operate EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe.

EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe Legacy Feature Guide

This guide is intended for system engineers who want to introduce systems using EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe and describes EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe 4.0 WebManager and Builder.

1.5. Conventions

In this guide, Note, Important, and See also are used as follows:


Used when the information given is important, but not related to the data loss and damage to the system and machine.


Used when the information given is necessary to avoid the data loss and damage to the system and machine.

See also

Used to describe the location of the information given at the reference destination.

The following conventions are used in this guide.




Indicates graphical objects, such as fields, list boxes, menu selections, buttons, labels, icons, etc.
In User Name, type your name.
On the File menu, click Open Database.

Angled bracket within the command line

Indicates that the value specified inside of the angled bracket can be omitted.

clpstat -s [-h host_name]


Prompt to indicate that a Linux user has logged in as root user.

# clpcl -s -a

Monospace (courier)

Indicates path names, commands, system output (message, prompt, etc), directory, file names, functions and parameters.


Monospace bold
Indicates the value that a user actually enters from a command line.
Enter the following:
clpcl -s -a
Monospace italic
Indicates that users should replace italicized part with values that they are actually working with.
rpm -i expressclssss-{<version_number>}-{<release_number>}.x86_64.rpm

1.6. Contacting NEC

For the latest product information, visit our website below:


2. Functions of the WebManager

This chapter describes the functions of the WebManager.

EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe uses windows common to those of the clustering software EXPRESSCLUSTER X to ensure high compatibility with EXPRESSCLUSTER X in terms of operation and other aspects.

This chapter covers:

2.1. Starting up the WebManager

Some of the windows and terms used to describe the WebManager in this chapter are the same as those for EXPRESSCLUSTER X WebManager. Therefore, cluster-related terms are used in parts of the chapter.
Read the guide, assuming that EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe is in a one-node cluster.


You cannot configure or display functions that have been added to or changed in versions later than EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe 4.0.

See also

For the system requirements of the WebManager, see the corresponding web page.

2.1.1. What is the WebManager?

The WebManager is a function for setting up EXPRESSCLUSTER, monitoring its status, starting and stopping servers and groups, and collecting operation logs through a Web browser. The overview of the WebManager is shown in the following figures.

The WebManager service on the EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe Server is set up to start up when the operating system starts up.

2.1.2. Setting up Java runtime environment to a management PC

To access the Java applet version of WebManager, a Java Plug-in (Java™ Runtime Environment Version 8.0 Update 162 (1.8.0_162) or later) must be installed in a browser on a management PC.
When the version of Java Plug-in is older than the version written above, the browser might prompt you to install Java. In this case, install the Java Plug-in of the version of which the operation is verified on EXPRESSCLUSTER WebManager.
To install Java Plug-in on a browser, refer to the browser's help and the JavaVM installation guide.
You have to add the Exception Site for Java on the machine connected to the WebManager. From Control Panel, open Java and add "URLs used to connect to the WebManager."

2.1.3. Starting the WebManager

The procedure for starting the WebManager is described below.

  1. Start your Web browser.

  2. Enter the IP address and port number of the server where EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe is installed in the browser address bar.


    In Java Runtime Enviroment Version 9.0 or later, WebManager can be launched by using Java Web Start. When starting the Java WebManager, change "main.htm" of the URL above to "main.jnlp" and then enter the modified URL in the Address bar.
  3. The WebManager starts.

See also

The Cluster WebManager supports encrypted communication (by using HTTPS). For details of encrypted communication, see "3.2.11. WebManager tab" in "3.2. Cluster properties" in "3. Function of the Builder" in this guide. Enter the following to perform encrypted communication.

2.2. Window of the WebManager

This chapter provides information about the WebManager window.


For the language used on the screen, see "Cluster properties - info tab" in "3. Function of the Builder" in this Guide.

2.2.1. Main WebManager window

The WebManager window consists of two bars and three views.

Menu bar

The menu bar has the five menus described below. The contents of these menus differ depending on the config mode and operation/reference mode. The menu items displayed in the operation/reference mode are described later in this chapter. For information about the menus displayed in the config mode, see the next chapter.

  • File menu

  • View menu

  • Service menu

  • Tool menu

  • Help menu


If you click the combo box and icons on the toolbar, you can perform the same operation as when selecting the corresponding item on the menu bar.



Refer to

Changes the WebManager to the operation mode. This is the same as clicking View on the menu bar and then selecting Operate Mode.

"2.2.2. Changing the WebManager operation mode"

Changes the WebManager to the config mode (online version of the Builder). This is the same as clicking View on the menu bar and then selecting Config Mode.

"2.2.2. Changing the WebManager operation mode"

Changes the WebManager to the reference mode. This is the same as clicking View on the menu bar and then selecting Reference Mode.

"2.2.2. Changing the WebManager operation mode"

Switches to WebManager verification mode. This is the same as clicking View on the menu bar and then selecting Verification Mode.

"2.2.2. Changing the WebManager operation mode"

Searches for an alert. This is the same as clicking Tool on the menu bar and then selecting Filter Alert.

"2.2.3. Searching for an alert by using the WebManager"

Collects logs. This is the same as clicking Tool on the menu bar and then selecting Collecting Logs.

"2.2.4. Collecting logs by using the WebManager"

Performs reloading. This is the same as clicking Tool on the menu bar and then selecting Reload.

"2.2.5. Updating the WebManager information"

Displays options. This is the same as clicking Tool on the menu bar and then selecting Option.

"2.2.6. Changing the screen layout on the WebManager"

Displays the time information. This is the same as clicking Tool on the menu bar and then selecting TimeInfo.
When the time information has been updated, the icon changes accordingly. The icon reverts to its original form when the time information dialog is displayed.

Displays Integrated WebManager. This is the same as clicking Tool on the menu bar and then selecting Integrated WebManager.

"2.2.8. Executing Integrated WebManager from the WebManager"

Tree view

The statuses of servers and group resources can be confirmed. For further information, see "2.3. Checking the status of each object in the tree view of WebManager".

List view

The upper part of the view provides information on the server or other resource selected in the tree view. The lower part lists the start/stop statuses and comments of each server, group resource, and monitor resource. If you click the Details button located on the upper right of the view, further information will be displayed in a dialog. For further information, see "2.4. Checking the cluster status by using the WebManager list view".

Alert view

The operation status of EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe is indicated by a message. For further information, see "2.5. Checking alerts by using the WebManager".

2.2.2. Changing the WebManager operation mode

The WebManager has the following four operation modes.

  • Operate Mode
    This mode allows the user to see the status of and operate the server.
    Select Operation Mode on the View menu or click the Operation Mode on the combo box ( ) on the toolbar to switch to the operation mode. However, if you used the reference mode password for login when starting the WebManager or connected to the WebManager from a client that is not allowed to perform operations, it is not possible to switch to the operation mode.
  • Config Mode
    This mode allows the user to set up the server and change the settings. The WebManager in the config mode is called Builder (online version). For details about operations in the config mode, see the next chapter.
    Select Config Mode on the View menu or click the Config Mode on the combo box ( ) on the toolbar to switch to the config mode. However, if you connected to the WebManager from a client that is not allowed to perform operations, it is not possible to switch to the config mode.
  • Reference Mode
    This mode allows the user to see the cluster status, but not to operate the server.
    Select Reference Mode on the View menu or click the Reference Mode on the combo box ( ) on the toolbar to switch to the reference mode.
  • Verification mode
    This mode allows the user to enable or disable dummy failure of monitor resource.
    Select Verification Mode on the View menu or click Verification Mode in the combo box ( ) on the toolbar to switch to verification mode. However, if you connected to the WebManager from a client that is not allowed to perform operations, it is not possible to switch to verification mode.
    If you switch from the verification mode to another mode, a dialog box asks if you want to cancel the enabled dummy failure of all the monitor resources. Select Yes to place all the monitor resources in the enabled dummy failure back in the normal monitored status. Select No to switch to another mode while keeping the monitor resources in the enabled dummy failure.


When the pop-up window is displayed for Operation Mode, Reference Mode, or Verification Mode in the WebManager, and if switching to Config Mode is performed, the open pop-up window closes.
The operation performed on the pop-up window continues.

2.2.3. Searching for an alert by using the WebManager

You can search for an alert by using the WebManager. Searching in this method is useful to view only a specific type alert.


For information bout alert logs, see "2.5. Checking alerts by using the WebManager".

To search for an alert, click Filter Alert on the Tool menu or click the alert search icon [] on the toolbar. The window for specifying alert log search conditions is displayed.

To search only the specified number of past alert logs:

  1. Select Display only the specified number of alerts.

  2. Enter the number of past alert logs to search, and then click OK. Past alert logs are displayed as many as you have specified.


    The maximum value to enter is the number specified for Max Number to Save Alert Records. To configure Max Number to Save Alert Records, right-click the cluster icon in the Builder, and then click Cluster Properties on the shortcut menu. In the properties dialog box, click the Alert Log tab.

To search by specifying search conditions:

  1. Click Select the filter option.

  2. Enter the search conditions in each field and start searching.

    • Alert Type: Select the type of alerts you want to see.

    • Module Name: Enter the module type you want to see.

    • Server Name: Type in the name of a server whose alerts you want to see.

    • Event ID: Type in an event ID whose alerts you want to see.
    • Start Time, Stop Time: Select this to search by the time of the event occurrence. Enter the values in Start Time and Stop Time.

  3. Enter the number of alerts to display on one page in The number of alerts to be displayed per page:, and then click OK. Research results are displayed based on the time an alert occurred.

  4. If the results of research are displayed on more than one page, move the page by clicking Back, Next, and Jump buttons.

2.2.4. Collecting logs by using the WebManager

Clicking Collect Cluster Logs on the Tool menu or clicking the log collection icon [] on the toolbar opens the log collection dialog box.

Check box

Select the check boxes of the servers that have the logs you want to collect.


Select the information to be collected. Specify one of Pattern 1 to Pattern 4 as the log collection pattern.





  1. Default collect Information





  1. syslog





  1. core





  1. OS Information





  1. script










  1. HA Logs





For (1)-(7) information, see "Collecting logs (clplogcc command)" in "EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe command reference" in the EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe Operation Guide.


Starts log collection and displays the dialog box of log collection progress.


Closes this dialog box.


Displays the information for each pattern.


Resets the selections of servers and collect patterns to default values.

The dialog box of the log collection progress


Updates the dialog box of the log collection progress.


Aborts the log collection.


Closes the Cluster Log Collection Progress dialog box. Log collection continues.
At this time, the display of Collect Cluster Logs in title view has changed to Progress. Click Progress to display the log collection progress dialog box again.

Collect Logs Results




Log collection succeeded.


Log collection was cancelled by user.

Invalid parameter

Internal error may have occurred.

Communication Error

Connecting error occurred.


Timeout occurred.


The server is busy.

Compression Error

Error occurred when compressing a file.

File I/O Error

File I/O failed.

Not Enough Free Space

No free space on the disk.

Unknown Error

Failure caused by other errors.

When the log collection completes, the browser displays a dialog box that asks where you want to save the logs. Download the logs to any location.


Logs may not be downloaded properly if nothing is changed for more than 10 minutes.

When you collect logs, the following message may be displayed in the server console.

hda: bad special flag: 0x03
ip_tables: (C) 2000-2002 Netfilter core team

This will not affect log collection. Ignore this message.


If other modal dialog box is displayed while collecting logs, the file saving dialog box for the log collection will not be displayed. To display the file saving dialog box, close the modal dialog box.

2.2.5. Updating the WebManager information

Click Reload on the Tool menu or click the reload icon [] on the toolbar to update the information displayed in the WebManager.


When RealTime is set for the client data update method, what is displayed for the WebManager is updated automatically.
When Polling is set for the client data update method, what is displayed for the WebManager is generally updated automatically, however, it does not always display the latest status because of the refresh interval configuration.
To display the latest information, click the reload icon or Reload on the Tool menu after performing an operation.
To configure the client data update method, from the shortcut menu, select Properties. In the properties dialog box, click the WebManager tab. Select the Client Data Update Method on Tuning.
To configure the automatic reload interval of the WebManager, from the shortcut menu, select Cluster Properties. In the properties dialog box, click the WebManager tab.
If communication with the connection destination is not available, or if EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe is not running at the connection destination, some objects might be grayed out.

2.2.6. Changing the screen layout on the WebManager

The WebManager screen layout can be changed by clicking the buttons of the split bars that divide the screen or by dragging the bars. This is useful to display only a specific view.
The split bars divide the views in the WebManager.
On the bar, click to maximize the view. Click to minimize it.
To change the display items on the tree view, click Option on the Tool menu or option icon
[] on the tool bar.
The following dialog is displayed. Check items you want to display.

2.2.7. Checking the time information from the WebManager

Check the time information from the WebManager by clicking Time info on the Tool menu or by clicking the time information icon [ ] on the toolbar.

Time information displayed on the Server tab

  • Cluster joined
    Displays the most recent time at which server joined the cluster.

Time information displayed on the Group tab

  • Last activation
    Displays the time at which the failover group was last activated on server.
  • Last activation error
    Displays the time at which an activation failure of a group resource was last detected on server.
  • Last deactivation
    Displays the time at which the failover group was last deactivated on server.
  • Last deactivation error
    Displays the time at which a deactivation failure of a group resource was last detected on server.

Time information displayed on the Monitor tab

  • Last error detection
    Displays the time at which each monitor resource last transitioned from normal status to abnormal status on server.


Deletes the time information displayed on the current tab.


Acquires the time information for all the tabs.


Closes the time information dialog box.


When Client Data Update Method is set to Polling, the time information icon on the toolbar may be blinked if you push Clear button. But it's not a problem.

2.2.8. Executing Integrated WebManager from the WebManager

To execute Integrated WebManager from the WebManager, click Integrated WebManager on the Tool menu or Integrated WebManager icon ( ) on the tool bar.

2.2.9. Operating cluster services from the WebManager

To operate cluster services from the WebManager, select each item from the following Service menu:

  • Suspend Cluster
    Suspends the server. This item can be selected only when the server is running.
  • Resume Cluster
    Resumes a suspended server. This item can be selected only when the server is suspended.
  • Start Cluster
    Starts the server. This item can be selected only when the server is stopped.
  • Stop Cluster
    Stops the server. This item can be selected only when the server is running.
  • Restart Manager
    Restarts a manager.

2.2.10. Confirming the license from the WebManager

To confirm the license from the WebManager, click License Info on the Help menu.

Registered License List

Displays the licenses registered on the connection destination server.
You can rearrange each item by selecting the field name from the list.
By default, the items are arranged in descending order of Product Name.


In case of license which includes multiple licenses, all included licenses information are displayed.

OK button

Closes the License Info dialog box.

2.3. Checking the status of each object in the tree view of WebManager

You can visually check the status of each object in the WebManager window.

  1. Start the webManager.

  2. On the left pane of the window, a tree is displayed. Check the status by looking at each icon and object color. The following is the brief overview of a tree.


The tree configuration depends on the version of and optional products used with EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe.

2.3.1. Operations that can be executed from the WebManager

You can operate a server by right-clicking Cluster, Individual server, Individual group, or VM resource.

Object of the cluster

When you right-click the cluster object, the following shortcut menu is displayed.
  • Shut down
    Shuts down the running server. When you select this operation, the following dialog box is displayed for confirmation.
  • Reboot
    Reboots the running server. When you selected this operation, the following dialog box is displayed for confirmation.
  • Service
    If you select Service, Suspend Cluster, Resume Cluster, Start Cluster, Stop Cluster and Restart Manager are displayed on the shortcut menu.

Individual server objects

When you right-click an individual server object, the following shortcut menu is displayed.
  • Shut down
    Shuts down the server. When you execute this command, the following confirmation dialog box is displayed:
  • Reboot
    Reboots the selected server. When you selected this operation, the following dialog box is displayed for confirmation.
  • Service
    Starts and stops the selected service. When you select this operation, the following dialog box is displayed for confirmation.
  • CPU frequency control
    Configures the CPU frequency control function of the selected server.
    • Highest Frequency
      Sets the CPU frequency to the highest.
    • Lowest Frequency
      Lowers the frequency to turn it to power-saving mode.
    • Auto
      Restores the CPU frequency control to the control by EXPRESSCLUSTER.

This function cannot be used when the Use CPU Frequency Control check box is not selected in the Extension tab in the Cluster Properties.

Individual group objects (when Failover group is selected)

When you right-click a monitor resource object, the following shortcut menu is displayed.
  • Start (enabled only when the group is stopped)
    Starts up the selected group. The dialog box for choosing a server that starts up the selected group is displayed.
  • Stop (enabled only when the group has been started up or when it has an error)
    Stops the selected group resource. When you selected this operation, the following dialog box is displayed for confirmation.
  • Move
    Not used.

Individual group resource objects (except VM resources)

When you right-click a monitor resource object, the following shortcut menu is displayed.
  • Start (enabled only when the group is stopped)
    Starts up the selected group resource. The dialog box for choosing a server that starts up the selected group is displayed.
  • Stop (enabled only when the group has been started up or when it has an error)
    Stops the selected group resource. When you selected this operation, the following dialog box is displayed for confirmation.

Individual group objects (when Virtual Machine is selected)

When you right-click a monitor resource object, the following shortcut menu is displayed.
  • Start (enabled only when the group is stopped)
    Starts up the selected group resource. The dialog box for choosing a server that starts up the selected group is displayed.
  • Stop (enabled only when the group has been started up or when it has an error)
    Stops the selected group resource. When you select this operation, the following dialog box is displayed for confirmation.
  • Move
    Not used.
  • Live Migration
    Not used.

Monitors object

When you right-click the Monitors object, the following shortcut menu is displayed.

When operation mode is selected

When verification mode is selected

  • Resume (enabled only when the monitor is suspended)
    Resumes all the monitor resources that are configured. This operation is not performed on the monitor resources where suspending/resuming the monitoring is not possible. The following dialog box for selecting the server where monitor resources are resumed is displayed.
  • Suspend (enabled only when the monitor is running)
    Suspends all the monitor resources that are configured. This operation is not performed on the monitor resources where suspending/resuming the monitoring is not possible. The following dialog box for selecting the server where monitor resources are suspended is displayed.
  • Disable Dummy Failure (available only when dummy failure is enabled)
    Disable dummy failure for all monitor resources. Select the server on which dummy failure for monitor resources is to cleared from the dialog box shown below.

Individual monitor resource objects

When you right-click an individual monitor resource object, the following shortcut menu is displayed.

When operation mode is selected

When verification mode is selected

  • Resume (enabled when the resource is stopped temporarily)
    Resumes a selected monitor resource. The dialog box for choosing the server on which the selected monitor resource is resumed.
  • Suspend (enabled when the resource is monitoring)
    Resumes the selected monitor resource. The dialog box for choosing the server on which the selected monitor resource is stopped temporarily.
  • Enable Dummy Failure (available only in verification mode)
    Enable dummy failure for a selected monitor resource. Dummy failure can be enabled only on a server on which Resource Status on Each Server of the relevant monitor resource indicates a status other than Error or Dummy Failure.
    Note, however, that the following monitor resources cannot be selected:
    • User space monitor resources

    • External coordination monitor resources

    • VM monitor resource
    Select the server on which to enable dummy failure for the selected monitor resource from the following dialog box.
  • Disable Dummy Failure (available only in verification mode)
    Dummy failure is disabled for the selected monitor resource. Select the server on which the dummy failure is to be disabled for the selected monitor resource from the dialog box shown below.

2.4. Checking the cluster status by using the WebManager list view

Details about the object selected in the WebManager tree view can be displayed in the list view.

2.4.1. To display information on the whole cluster

  1. Start the WebManager.

  2. In this tree view, click the object icon [] for the cluster. In the list view in the right pane of the window, the Group Status and Monitor Status are displayed.
  3. In the following dialog box, click the Details button to display the following information. A dialog box is displayed with the content shown below.

    Cluster name


    Comment for the cluster


    Status of the cluster

    Server Down Notification:

    Not used

    Action at NP Occurrence:

    Not used

    Server Sync Wait Time (sec):

    Not used

    Heartbeat Timeout (msec):

    Heartbeat time-out (in milliseconds)

    Heartbeat Interval (msec):

    The interval for sending heartbeats (in milliseconds)

    Server Internal Timeout (sec):

    Internal communication time-out (in seconds)

    Timeout Ratio:

    Current time-out ratio

    Server Internal Port Number:

    Port number for internal communication

    Data Transfer Port Number:

    Port number for data transfer

    Heartbeat Port Number:

    Port number for heartbeat

    Kernel Mode Heartbeat Port Number:

    Port number for kernel-mode heartbeat

    WebManager HTTP Port Number:

    Port number for WebManager

    Alert Sync Port Number:

    Port number for alert synchronization

    Communication method for Internal Logs:

    Communication method used for logs

    Port Number:

    Port number used for logs

    Shutdown Monitor:

    Whether or not to monitor shutdown

    Shutdown Monitoring Method:

    Method for monitoring shutdown


    Operation at time-out

    Enable SIGTERM Handler:

    Whether or not to enable SIGTERM

    Use HB Timeout:

    Whether or not to use HB time-out

    Timeout (sec):

    Timeout (in seconds)

    Collect System Resource Information:

    Whether or not to collect System Resource Information

    Action When the Cluster Service Process Is Failure:

    Action to be taken when a cluster service process fails

    Recovery Action for HA Agents: Max Restart Count:

    Maximum count to restart an HA process if the process fails

    Recovery Action for HA Agents: Recovery Action over Max Restart Count:

    Action to be taken when an HA process fails and the process cannot be restarted even after retrying restart of the process for the maximum number of retries

    Disable Recovery Action Caused by Monitor Resource Failure:

    Whether or not to disable the recovery action when the monitor resource fails

    Action at Group Resource Activation or Deactivation Stall:

    Action to be taken when group resource activation/deactivation is stalled

    When active group resource abnormality detected:

    Disable the Final Action When Activation Failure Detected

    When deactive group resource abnormality detected:

    Disable the Final Action When Deactivation Failure Detected

    When monitoring resource abnormality detected:

    Disable the Final Action When Failure Detected

    E-mail Address:

    Destination e-mail address for sending alerts

    Use Network Warning Light:

    Whether or not to use a network warning light

    Use Chassis Identify:

    Whether or not to use a chassis identify function

    Enable Alert Setting:

    Whether or not to use the alert setting

    Heartbeat Delay Warning:

    Heartbeat delay warning (%)

    Monitor Delay Warning:

    Monitor delay warning (%)

    Java Install Path:

    Java installation path

    Maximum Java Heap Size (MB):

    Maximum Java heap size (MB)

    Load Balancer Linkage Settings:

    Load balancer linkage settings

    Log Level:

    Log level

    Generation Count for Stored Log Files:

    Number of generations of log files to be stored

    Log Rotation Type:

    Log rotation type

    Log File Maximum Size (KB):

    Maximum log file size (KB)

    Time of First Log Rotation:

    Time of the first log rotation

    Log Rotation Interval (Hours):

    Log rotation interval (hours)

    Resource Measurement: Retry Count:

    Measurement retry count

    Resource Measurement: Threshold for Abnormal Judgment:

    Threshold for abnormal judgment

    Resource Measurement: Default Interval:

    Interval for memory and thread measurement (sec)

    Resource Measurement: The time and count in Full GC:

    Interval for Full GC measurement (sec)

    WebLogic Monitoring: Retry Count:

    Measurement retry count

    WebLogic Monitoring: Threshold for Abnormal Judgment:

    Threshold for abnormal judgment

    WebLogic Monitoring: Request Count Measurement Interval:

    Interval for measuring the number of requests (sec)

    WebLogic Monitoring: Interval for Average measurement:

    Interval for measuring the average (sec)

    Management Port:

    Management port number

    Connection Retry Count:

    Connection retry count

    Time until Reconnect:

    Time to wait for reconnection (sec)

    Management Port for Load Balancer Linkage:

    Management port number for load balancer linkage

    Health Check Linkage Function:

    Whether or not to use the health check linkage function

    HTML Path:

    HTML storage directory

    HTML File Name:

    HTML file name

    HTML Renamed File Name:

    Renamed HTML file name

    Retry Count:

    Retry count if renaming fails

    Retry Interval:

    Time to wait for a renaming retry (sec)

    Management IP address:

    BIG-IP LTM management IP address

    Connection Port:

    Communication port number for BIG-IP LTM

    Max Reboot Count:

    Maximum reboot count

    Max Reboot Count Reset Time (min):

    Maximum reboot count reset time (in minutes)

    Use Forced Stop:

    Whether or not to use a forced stop function

    Forced Stop Action:

    Forced stop action

    Forced Stop Timeout (sec):

    Wait time till the activation of failover group is started after a forced stop function is performed (in seconds)

    Execute Script for Forced Stop:

    Whether to execute a script for forced stop

    Use CPU Frequency Control:

    Whether or not to use CPU frequency control

    Start Automatically After System Down:

    Whether or not to prohibit automatic startup of the cluster service when it is stopped abnormally

    Exclude Mount/Unmount Commands:

    Whether or not to exclude a mount or unmount command

    Mirror Agent Port Number:

    Not used

    Auto Mirror Recovery:

    Not used

    Collect Mirror Statistics:

    Not used

    Receive Timeout (sec):

    Not used

    Send Timeout (sec):

    Not used

    Recovery Data Size (kbyte):

    Not used

    Recovery Retry Count:

    Not used

    Start Wait Time (sec):

    Not used

    Cluster Partition I/O Timeout (sec) :

    Not used

    Request Queue Maximum Number:

    Not used

    Difference Bitmap Size (MB):

    Not used

    Difference Bitmap Update Interval(sec):

    Not used

    Cluster Partition:

    Not used

    Data Partition:

    Not used

2.4.2. Checking an overview of the server status by using the WebManager list view

In the tree view, select the object icon []. In the upper part of the list view in the right pane of the window, Server Name, Type (master or not), and Status are displayed. In the lower part, Server Group Name and Server Name are displayed.

2.4.3. Checking the detailed server status by using the WebManager list view

  1. Start the WebManager.

  2. In the tree view, select the object of the server[]. The Server Comment, Virtual Infrastructure, Product, Version, Platform, Status of the server are displayed.

    Comment for the server

    Virtual Infrastructure:

    Virtual infrastructure name


    Product name


    Version (identical to the RPM version value)




    Status of the server

    When you click Details, the following information is displayed.


    Server name



    Mirror Disk Connect IP Address mdc:

    Not used

    Network Warning Light IP Address(Type):

    Not used

    Disk I/O Lockout Device:

    Not used

    BMC IP Address:

    Not used

    CPU Frequency Status:

    Current setting status of CPU frequency control

    No shutdown when double activation detected:

    Not used

2.4.4. Checking the status of the entire monitor in the WebManager list view

  1. Start the WebManager.

  2. In the tree view, select the object icon for the entire monitor []. In the list view, Monitor Name and a list of server statuses are displayed.

2.5. Checking alerts by using the WebManager

You can view alerts in the bottom part of the WebManager.
Each field of the alert view is configured as follows.

For meanings of alert messages, see "Error messages" in the "EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe Operation Guide".

For information about searching alert messages, see "2.2.3. Searching for an alert by using the WebManager" in this chapter.

2.5.1. Alert view fields

The meaning of each of the fields in the alert view of the WebManager are the following.

  1. Alert type icon

    Alert type


    Informational message

    Warning message

    Error message

  2. Alert received time
    The time the alert was received. The time in the server to which the WebManager connects is applied.
  3. Alert sent time
    The time the alert was sent from a server. The time in the alert sender server is used.
  4. Alert sender server
    The name of a server that sent the alert.
  5. Alert sender module
    The name of a module that sent the alert.
  6. Event ID
    The event ID number set to each alert.
  7. Alert message
    The alert messages.

2.5.2. Alert view operations

By clicking an item on the bar showing the name of each field, you can change the order of alerts.

Whenever you select an item, the or mark is displayed in each field.



Sorts alerts in the ascending order of the selected field.

Sorts alerts in the descending order of the selected field.

By default, alerts are displayed in the Time descending order.
By dragging a field name left or right, you can change the order in which the items are displayed.
When you right-click this bar, the following pop-up window is displayed so that you can select the items to be displayed. All items are selected by default.
When you double-click the displayed alert, the following window is displayed where you can check the detail of the alert.
When you right-click the alert, the following pop-up window is displayed where you can select the type of the alert to be displayed. All items are selected by default.

2.6. Manually stopping and starting the WebManager

After EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe is installed, the WebManager on the servers is set up to start up or stop as the OS starts up or stops.

Run the following commands from the server console to stop and start the WebManager manually.

To stop

For an init.d environment:

[root@server1 root]# /etc/init.d/clusterpro_alertsync stop
Shutting down clusterpro webalert: OK
[root@server1 root]# /etc/init.d/clusterpro_webmgr stop
Shutting down clusterpro webmanager server: OK

For a systemd environment:

[root@server1 root]# systemctl stop clusterpro_alertsync
[root@server1 root]# systemctl stop clusterpro_webmgr

To start

For an init.d environment:

[root@server1 root]# /etc/init.d/clusterpro_webmgr start
Starting clusterpro webmanager server: OK
[root@server1 root]# /etc/init.d/clusterpro_alertsync start
Starting clusterpro webalert: OK

For a systemd environment:

[root@server1 root]# systemctl start clusterpro_webmgr
[root@server1 root]# systemctl start clusterpro_alertsync


For the above commands, only type the bold characters.

2.7. If you do not want to use the WebManager

If you do not want to use the WebManager for security reasons, change the settings of your OS or that of the Builder not to start the WebManager.
You can use the command to control startup and stop of the WebManager-related daemon.

To prevent WebManager from starting up

For an init.d environment:

[root@server1 root]# chkconfig --del clusterpro_alertsync
[root@server1 root]# chkconfig --del clusterpro_webmgr

For Ubuntu, run the following.

[root@server1 root]# update-rc.d -f clusterpro_alertsync remove
[root@server1 root]# update-rc.d -f clusterpro_webmgr remove

For a systemd environment:

[root@server1 root]# systemctl disable clusterpro_alertsync
[root@server1 root]# systemctl disable clusterpro_webmgr

To get WebManager to start up

For an init.d environment:

[root@server1 root]# chkconfig --add clusterpro_webmgr
[root@server1 root]# chkconfig --add clusterpro_alertsync

For Ubuntu, run the following.

[root@server1 root]# update-rc.d clusterpro_webmgr defaults 91 4
[root@server1 root]# update-rc.d clusterpro_alertsync defaults 92 3

For a systemd environment:

[root@server1 root]# systemctl enable clusterpro_webmgr
[root@server1 root]# systemctl enable clusterpro_alertsync


For the above commands, only type the bold characters.

In Cluster Properties, you can specify the settings for using the WebManager. For details about these settings, see "3.2.11. WebManager tab" in "3.2. Cluster properties" in "3. Function of the Builder" in this guide".

2.8. Setting up connection limitations and operation limitations of the WebManager

The limitation in connection and operation of the WebManager can be configured in Cluster Properties in the Builder. For details about these settings, see "3.2. Cluster properties" "3.2.11. WebManager tab" in "3. Function of the Builder" in this Guide.

2.8.1. Types of usage limitations

There are two ways to set usage limitations:

  • Limiting the access by using client IP addresses

  • The limitation by using a password

Limiting the access by using client IP addresses

This function limits clients who can access the WebManager and operations on the WebManager by using client IP addresses.
Add IP addresses to IP Addresses of the Accessible Clients on the WebManager tab in the Cluster Properties of the Builder.
When setting the limitation of the connection of the WebManager, if you attempt to access to the WebManager from the IP address that is not added to IP Addresses of the Accessible Clients, the following error messages are displayed.

Example: when using the Internet Explorer

The following Reference Mode is displayed to the WebManager that is connected from the client registered to limit the operation.

The following operations cannot be performed from the WebManager when operations are limited.

  • Shutting down or shutting down and then rebooting servers

  • Starting or stopping groups

  • Change to operation mode

  • Change to config mode

  • Change to verification mode

The limitation by using a password

This function limits viewing and operations on the WebManager by using a password.
To configure this limitation: in Cluster Properties of the Builder, click the WebManager tab and then Control connection by using password.

Once password limitation of the WebManager is set, the following authorization dialog box is displayed when trying to access the WebManager by setting a password.

You can log on to the WebManager by selecting Operation Mode or Reference Only in Authorization and entering a correct password.

  • The authorization dialog box is not displayed when the password limitation is not configured (you can log on to the WebManager without authorization).

  • You cannot log on to the WebManager if you enter a wrong password three consecutive times.

When you log on with a reference-only authorization, the following Reference Only message is displayed.

The following operations cannot be performed from the WebManager when operations are limited.

  • Shutting down or shutting down and then rebooting servers

  • Starting or stopping groups

For the information on switching the authorization after log on and/or log out, "2.8.2. Switching authorization of the WebManager".

Combination of the IP address and password

The operational limitations when using both IP addresses and passwords are the following:

Password limitation

Client IP address limitation

Operable mode

Reference only

Unable to operate/view (authorization failed)

Operable mode

Operable mode

Reference only


Reference only

Reference only 1

Reference only


Cannot access

Cannot access

Cannot access

Cannot access


Authorization cannot be selected.


Changing the configuration data with the online version Builder is possible only when the WebManager is on the operable mode.

2.8.2. Switching authorization of the WebManager

The chart below describes the flow of accessing the WebManager and switching authorization.

  1. Log on to the WebManager
    The log on authorization dialog box is displayed when a password for operation mode or reference only is set. You can log on to the WebManager by selecting the authorization of either Operation Mode or Reference Only and entering the correct password.
  2. Switch the authorization from the reference only screen to the operation mode screen
    The dialog box for password authorization is displayed. You can log on by entering the correct password. When password limitation is not configured, log on without entering a password.
  3. Switch the authorization from the operation mode screen to the reference only screen
    Authorization can be switched without authentication. You can do so even when the password limitation is configured.
  4. Login when a password for both operation mode and reference only is not set
    Log on by following the client IP limitation. If the client IP limitation is not configured, log on to the WebManager whose authorization is in the operation mode. In this case, you cannot switch the authorization to reference only.

2.8.3. Limitations of the WebManager

  • Information displayed by the WebManager does not always reflect the latest status. To acquire the latest information, click the Reload icon on the toolbar or Reload in the Tool menu.

  • If a server fails while the WebManager is acquiring information, the information acquisition fails, which may result in the failure to show some objects.
    Wait for the next automatic update, or click the Reload icon on the toolbar or Reload in the Tool menu to reacquire the latest information.
  • When using the browser on Linux, depending on the combination with the window manager, the dialog box might be placed behind other windows. Switch windows by pressing the Alt + Tab keys or by another means.

  • You cannot simultaneously collect EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe logs from multiple WebManagers.

  • If you work on the WebManager when no connectivity is established, it may take a while to regain control.

  • While the mouse pointer is the hourglass which indicates that the OS is processing something, moving the cursor outside the browser may return to the arrow icon even if the process is still underway.

  • When you collect logs, the following message may be displayed in a server console:

    hda: bad special flag: 0x03
    ip_tables: (C) 2000-2002 Netfilter core team
    You can ignore this message because it does not affect log collection.
  • When going through the proxy server, configure the settings for the proxy server be able to relay the port number of the WebManager.

  • When a reverse proxy server is used, the WebManager does not run normally.

  • When updating EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe, close all running browsers. Clear the Java cache (not browser cache) and open browsers.

  • When updating Java, close all running browsers. Clear the Java cache (not browser cache) and open browsers.

  • If the client PC to connect to WebManager uses JavaTM Runtime Environment Version 8.0 Update 162 or later, and cannot be connected to the Internet, it may take time to start WebManager. This can be avoided by setting Execute Certificate Revocation Check to Not Check on Detailed Settings on the Java Control Panel. For details of how to set it, check the Java website.

  • Do not set the "Reload Interval" on the WebManager tab or less than 30 seconds. If you set it for less than 30 seconds, it may affect the performance of EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe.

3. Function of the Builder

This chapter provides information on functions of the EXPRESSCLUSTER X Builder.

This chapter covers:

3.1. Overview of the Builder

The Builder is a tool for creating and changing the cluster configuration data (config and scripts).


You cannot configure or display functions that have been added to or changed in versions later than EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe 4.0.

There are two versions of the Builder; online version and offline version.

  • Online version
    Click Config Mode on the View menu or select the config mode icon [] from the dropdown menu on the toolbar.
    With the online version Builder, you can connect to the server directly to create a cluster, change its configuration and distribute the cluster configuration data.
  • Offline version
    With the offline version Builder, you can create or change the cluster configuration data on the machine which cannot connect to a server.
    To distribute the cluster configuration data, you need to use the clpcfctrl command.

See also

For the system requirements of the Builder, see the corresponding web page.


In this guide, Builder refers to the online version of Builder, which runs in the WebManager config mode, and the offline version of Builder, which runs on the management PC.
"Host name" in this guide represents the short name that excludes the domain name from a frequently qualified domain name (FQDN).

3.2. Cluster properties

In the Cluster Properties window, you can view and change the detailed data of EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe.

3.2.1. Info tab

You can display the server name, and register and make a change to a comment on this tab.

Cluster Name:

Displays the server name. You cannot change the name here.

Comment (within 127 bytes)

Enter a new comment. You can only enter one byte English characters.


Choose one of the display languages below. Specify the language (locale) of OS on which the WebManager runs.

  • English

  • Japanese

  • Chinese

3.2.2. Interconnect tab

Not used.

3.2.3. NP Resolution tab

Not used.

3.2.4. Timeout tab

Specify values such as time-out on this tab.

Server Sync Wait Time (0 to 99)

Not used.


Heartbeat interval and heartbeat time-out.

  • Interval (1 to 99)
    Interval of heartbeats.
  • Timeout (2 to 9999)
    A failed server is determined if there is no response for the time specified here.
  • This time-out should be longer than the interval.
  • To perform the shutdown monitoring (see "3.2.8. Monitor tab"), this time-out should be longer than the time it takes to shut down applications and the operating system.

Server Internal Timeout (1 to 9999)

The time-out to be used in the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server internal communications.


Used for initializing the value to the default value. Click Initialize to initialize all the items to their default values.

3.2.5. Port No. tab

Specify TCP port numbers and UDP port numbers.


No TCP port numbers can be overlapped.

  • Server Internal Port Number (1 to 65,535 2)
    This port number is used for internal communication.
  • Data Transfer Port Number (1 to 65,535 2)
    This port number is used for transactions such as applying and backing up the configuration data, sending and receiving the license data, and running commands.
  • WebManager HTTP Port Number (1 to 65,535 2)
    This port number is used for a browser to communicate with the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server.


No UDP port numbers can be overlapped.

  • Heartbeat Port Number (1 to 65,535 2)
    This port number is used for the heartbeat.
  • Kernel Mode Heartbeat Port Number (1 to 65,535 2)
    This port number is used for the kernel mode heartbeat.
    Not used.
  • Alert Sync Port Number (1 to 65,535 2)
    This port number is used to synchronize alert messages between servers.


This operation is used to return the value to the default value. Clicking the Initialize button resets the values of all items to the default values.


It is strongly recommended not to use well-known ports, especially reserved ports from 1 to 1,023.

3.2.6. Port No. (Mirror) tab

Not used.

3.2.7. Port No. (Log) tab

Specify the communication method for internal logs.

Communication Method for Internal Logs

  • UDP
    Use UDP for the communication method for internal logs.
  • UNIX Domain
    Use UNIX Domain for the communication method for internal logs.
  • Message Queue
    Use Message Queue for the communication method for internal logs.

Port Number (1 to 65535)

This is the port number used when UDP is selected for the communication method for internal logs.


Used for initializing the value to the default value. Click Initialize to initialize all the items to their default values.

3.2.8. Monitor tab

Configure the settings for monitoring.

Shutdown Monitor

Monitors whether or not the operating system is stalling when an EXPRESSCLUSTER command to shut down the server is run. The cluster service forcibly resets the operating system or performs a panic of the operating system if it determines the OS stall. Server panic can be set when the monitoring method is keepalive.

  • Always execute:
    If selected, the shutdown monitor is performed. For the heartbeat time-out, specify a longer time than the time required to shut down every application and the operating system (see "3.2.4. Timeout tab").
  • Execute when the group deactivation has been failed:
    The shutdown monitor is applied only when a group cannot be deactivated. For the heartbeat time-out, specify a longer time than the time required to shut down every application and the operating system (see "3.2.4. Timeout tab").
  • Not execute:
    If selected, the shutdown monitor is not performed.
  • Method
    Select the shutdown monitor method from:
    • softdog

    • ipmi

    • keepalive

  • Operation at Timeout Detection
    Selects the operation performed when the operating system is determined to be stalled. This can be set only when the monitoring method is keepalive.
    • RESET
      Resets the server.
    • PANIC
      Performs a panic of the server.
  • Enable SIGTERM handler
    Select this to enable SIGTERM handler when performing the shutdown monitor.


    If you select ipmi in Method and set Enable SIGTERM handler to Off, this may be reset even if the operating system is successfully shut down.

  • Use Heartbeat Timeout
    Select this for heartbeat time-out to work in conjunction with shutdown monitoring time-out.
  • Set Timeout (2 to 9999)
    Specify a time-out when the heartbeat time-out value is not used as shutdown monitoring time-out.

System Resource

Select whether to Collect the System Resource Information.
System resource information is collected regularly so as to improve system operability.
  • When the check box is selected
    System resource information related to the CPU, memory, processes, and others is collected regularly while the server is running.
    The collected system resource information is collected when the clplogcc command or WebManager collects logs. When collecting logs, specify Pattern 1 or type1. A disk area of 450 MB or more is required to store the resource information, depending on the system operating conditions such as the number of processes that are running.
  • When the check box is cleared
    No system resource information is collected.

3.2.9. Recovery tab

Specify the settings for recovery.

Action When the Cluster Service Process is Failure

Specify the action against process error in daemon.

  • Shut down OS
    Shuts down the OS.
  • Reboot OS
    Reboots the OS.

Recovery Action for HA Agents

  • Max Restart Count (0 to 99)
    Specify the max restart count when an HA Agent error has occurred.
  • Recovery Action over Max Restart Count
    Specify the action when an HA Agent error has occurred.
    • No operation

    • Stop the cluster service
      Stops the cluster service of the server that detected an error.
    • Stop the cluster service and shutdown OS
      Stops the cluster service of the server that detected an error, and then shuts down the OS.
    • Stop the cluster service and reboot OS
      Stops the cluster service of the server that detected an error, and then reboots the OS.


The HA process is used with the system monitor resources, JVM monitor resources, and the system resource information collection function.

Disable Recovery Action Caused by Monitor Resource Failure

  • When the checkbox is selected
    The recovery action is disabled when the monitor resource is error.
  • When the checkbox is cleared
    The recovery action is enabled when the monitor resource is error.


When recovery action was disabled, recovery action caused by monitor resource error is not performed. Even if this function is enabled, recovery from a group resource activation failure will still be performed.
This function is not available on the monitor in user mode.
This option is not available for the message receive monitor resource.

Action at Group Resource Activation or Deactivation Stall

Specify the action to apply in the event of an activation/deactivation stall of a group resource.

  • Stop cluster service and shutdown OS
    Stops the cluster service of the server that stalled, and then shuts down the OS.
  • Stop cluster service and reboot OS
    Stops the cluster service of the server that stalled, and then restarts the OS.
  • Sysrq Panic
    Performs a sysrq panic on the server that stalled.
  • Keepalive Reset
    Use this on the server that stalled to perform an OS reset by using the clpkhb and clpka drivers.
  • Keepalive Panic
    Use this on the server that stalled to perform an OS panic by using the clpkhb and clpka drivers.
  • BMC Reset
    Use this on the server that stalled to perform a hardware reset of the server by using the ipmi command.
  • BMC Power Off
    Use this on the server that stalled to power off the server by using the ipmi command. The OS may be shut down depending on how the ACPI of OS is configured.
  • BMC Power Cycle
    Use this on the server that stalled to perform the Power Cycle (powering on/off) by using the ipmi command. The OS may be shut down depending on how the ACPI of OS is configured.
    Use this on the server that stalled to generate NMI in the server by using the ipmi command. The behavior after the generation of NMI depends on the OS setting.
  • No Operation (Operates as an activity or deactivity failure)
    Use this to perform recovery upon the detection of an activation/deactivation failure of a group resource. For details on the recovery operation, see "Displaying and changing the operation settings when a group resource error is detected (Common to group resources)" in "Displaying and changing the settings of group resources" in "Group resource details" in this guide.


If a stall occurs with "Nothing (handle a stall as an activation/deactivation failure)" specified, the effect on the group resources is undefined, so we do not recommend changing the setting to "Nothing (handle a stall as an activation/deactivation failure)."

If you do specify "Nothing (handle a stall as an activation/deactivation failure)", set the recovery operation upon the detection of an activation/deactivation failure of a group resource as described below.

  • Activation/Deactivation Retry Threshold: 0

  • Failover Threshold: 0

  • Final Action: Action that accompanies the OS stop

Disable the Final Action when OS Stops Due to Failure Detection

Click Detail Config to set suppression of the final action which accompanies the OS stop caused by error detection.

  • Group Resource When Activation Failure Detected
    If the final action caused by an activation error detection in a group resource accompanies the OS stop, the final action is suppressed.
  • Group Resource When Deactivation Failure Detected
    If the final action caused by a deactivation error detection in a group resource accompanies the OS stop, the final action is suppressed.
  • Monitor Resource When Failure Detected
    If the final action caused by an error detection in a monitor resource accompanies the OS stop, the final action is suppressed.


  • The message receive monitor resource does not become the target for which the final action caused by error detection is suppressed.

  • The following situations lead to an OS stop during the final action when an activation/deactivation error is detected in a group resource and during the final action when a monitor resource error is detected.

    • Cluster service stop and OS shutdown

    • Cluster service stop and OS restart

    • sysrq panic

    • keepalive reset

    • keepalive panic

    • BMC reset

    • BMC power off

    • BMC power cycle

    • BMC NMI

Disable Shutdown When Multi-Failover-Service Detected

Not used.

3.2.10. Alert Service tab

Configure alert notification settings.
To use the mail report function, register the Alert Service license.


To use the mail report function, purchase EXPRESSCLUSTER X Alert Service 4.0 for Linux and register your license.

Enable Alert Setting

Configures whether or not to modify the default value of the alert settings. To modify the settings, click Edit to configure the destination address.
If you clear the checkbox, the destination address you have modified returns to the default settings temporarily.

E-mail Address (within 255 bytes)

Enter the mail address of alert destination. To specify multiple mail addresses, separate each of them by semi-colon ";".

Subject (within 127 bytes)

Enter the mail subject.

Mail Method

Configure the mail method.

  • MAIL
    This method uses the mail command. Check that a mail is sent to the mail address by using the mail command in advance.
  • SMTP
    This method allows mailing through direct communication with the SMTP server.

Output the log level to syslog

Output syslog messages produced by EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe during operation with their levels.

Use Chassis Identify

Not used.

Use Network Warning Light

Not used.

Change Alert Destination

Select Edit to display the dialog box where you can change alert destination.


Add module types or event IDs for which the destinations are to be customized. Click Add to open the dialog box for entering the message.


Select a main category of module types.

Module Type (within 31 bytes)

Select the name of the module type for which you want to change the destination address.

Event ID

Enter the event type of the module type for which you want to change the destination address. For the event ID, refer to "Messages reported by syslog, alert, mail, and SNMP trap" in "Error messages" in the "EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe Operation Guide".


Select a message destination from the following options.

  • System Log
    This sends message to syslog of the OS.
  • WebManager Alertlog
    This sends messages to the alert view of the WebManager.
  • Alert Extension
    This executes the specified function by using the alert extension function. Modify the extension settings by using the Add button and/or the Edit button. (The command must be specified within four lines.)
  • Mail Report
    Uses the mail report function.
  • SNMP Trap
    Uses the SNMP trap transmission function to send messages.


Add a command of the alert extension function. Click Add button to display the dialog box for entering a command. Up to 4 commands can be registered with one event ID.


Click this to remove a command of the alert extension function. Select the command, and then, click Remove.


Click this to modify a command of the alert extension function. Select the command, and then, click Edit.

Command (within 511 bytes)

Enter a command such as SNMP trap to execute reporting with the absolute path. The execution results of the specified command cannot be shown.

  • Keyword
    If you specify %%MSG%%, the body message of the target event ID is inserted.
    You cannot specify multiple %%MSG%% for one command.
    Configure the command within 511 bytes including the description of %%MSG%%. As blank characters can be included in %%MSG%%, specify as "%%MSG%%" when specifying it for a command argument.

Setting example

/usr/local/bin/snmptrap -v1 -c HOME 0 1 0 '' 1 s "%%MSG%%"

SMTP Settings

Click this to display the SMTP Settings dialog box which is used for the mail alert.

Mail Charset (within 127 bytes)

Configure the character set of the e-mails sent for mail report.

Send Mail Timeout (1 to 999)

Configure the timeout value for the communication with SMTP server.

Subject Encode

Configure whether or not to encode the subject of e-mails.

SMTP Server List

Use this button to display a SMTP server that has been configured. Only one SMTP server can be configured in this version.


Use this button to add a SMTP server. Click Add to open the Enter the SMTP Server dialog box.


Select this to remove the SMTP server.


Use this button to modify the settings of SMTP server.

SMTP Server (within 255 bytes)

Configure the IP address or host name of the SMTP server.

SMTP Port (1 to 65,535)

Configure the port number of the SMTP server.

Sender Address (within 255 bytes)

Configure the address from which mail report is sent.

Enable SMTP Authentication

Configure whether or not to enable SMTP authentication.


Select a method of SMTP authentication.

User Name (within 255 bytes)

Configure the user name used for SMTP authentication.

Password (within 255 bytes)

Configure the password used for SMTP authentication.


Displays the set SNMP trap transmission destinations. With this version, up to 255 SNMP trap transmission destinations can be set.


Adds an SNMP trap transmission destination. Click Add to display the Change SNMP Destination dialog box.


Use Remove to remove the SNMP trap transmission destination settings.


Use Edit to modify the SNMP trap transmission destination settings.

Destination Server (up to 255 bytes)

Configure the name of the SNMP trap transmission destination server.

SNMP Port No. (1-65535)

Configure the port number of the SNMP trap transmission destination.

SNMP Version

Configure the SNMP version of the SNMP trap transmission destination.

SNMP Community Name (up to 255 bytes)

Configure the SNMP community name of the SNMP trap transmission destination.

3.2.11. WebManager tab

Use this tab to configure the settings for the WebManager.

Enable WebManager Service

The WebManager service is enabled.

  • When selected:
    The WebManager service is enabled.
  • When cleared:
    The WebManager service is disabled.

Encryption Settings

Make settings to encrypt the WebManager service.
Click Encryption Settings to display the Encryption Settings dialog box.

Communication Method

  • HTTP
    No encryption is used for communicating with a client.
    Encryption is used for communicating with a client.

Certificate File

Sets the server certificate file used for connecting to a client. Users need to prepare the server certificate file.

Private Key File

Sets the private key file used for connecting to a client. Users need to prepare the private key file.

SSL Library

Sets the SSL library file used for encryption and selects the SSL library file included in OpenSSL. Users need to change it based on the environment, such as an installation folder.

Crypto Library

Sets the Crypto library file used for encryption and selects the Crypto library file included in OpenSSL. Users need to change it based on the environment, such as an installation folder.


OpenSSL library is necessary to use HTTPS.

Accessible number of clients (1 to 999)

Specify the number of client machines that can be connected.

Control connection by using password

Click the Settings button to open the WebManager Password dialog box.


  • Password for Operation
    Set a password that must be entered to enable connection to the WebManager in operation mode, config mode, or simulate mode.
    Click Change to display the Change Password dialog box.
  • Password for Reference
    Set a password that must be entered to enable connection to the WebManager in reference mode. Click Change to display the Change Password dialog box.
    • Old Password: (Within 255 bytes)
      Enter the current password. If the password is not set, leave it blank.
    • New Password: (Within 255 bytes)
      Enter a new password. When deleting the old password, leave it blank.
    • Password Confirmation: (Within 255 bytes)
      Enter the password again which you entered in New Password.

Control connection by using client IP address

If selected, accesses are controlled by client IP addresses.

  • When selected:
    Add, Remove and Edit are enabled.
  • When cleared:
    Add, Remove and Edit are disabled.


Use Add to add an IP address in IP Addresses of the Accessible Clients. By clicking Add, the IP Address Settings dialog box is displayed to enter an IP address. Newly added IP addresses have the rights for the operation.
  • IP Address (within 80 bytes)
    Specify a client IP address that can be connected.
    • IP address:

    • Network address:


Use Remove to remove an IP address from IP Addresses of the Accessible Clients. Select an IP address you want to remove in IP Addresses of the Accessible Clients and click Remove.


Use Edit to change an IP address. Select an IP address you want to edit in IP Addresses of the Accessible Clients and click Edit. A dialog box where the specified IP address is preset is displayed. The rights for operating the edited IP addresses remain the same.


The client IP address used to allow this connection is also used to restrict connections for external operations using clprexec.

Control connection by using client IP address

Sets the operation rights for IP addresses that are registered in IP Addresses of the Accessible Clients.

  • When selected:
    A client can operate EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe and display its status.
  • When cleared:
    The client can only display the status of EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe.

IP address for Integrated WebManager

Click the Settings button to open the IP address dialog box for the Integrated WebManager.

  • Add
    Add IP addresses for the Integrated WebManager. Click the column cell of each server and select or enter IP address for the IP address of each server. For the communication path not connected to some server, set blank to the server cell of which the server is not connected.
  • Remove
    Remove the communication path. Select the communication path to be removed and click Remove, then the selected path is removed.
  • Up, Down
    When multiple IP addresses for Integrated WebManager are configured, the communication path with the smallest number in the Priority column is used preferentially for the internal communication among cluster servers. When changing the priority, click Up and Down to change the order of the selected row.


Use Tuning to tune the WebManager. Click Tuning to open the WebManager Tuning Properties dialog box.

  • Client Session Timeout (1 to 999)
    A timeout is determined if the time specified here elapses after the last communication between the WebManager server and the WebManager.
  • Max. Number of Alert Records on the Viewer (1 to 999)
    Specify the maximum number of alert viewer records to display on the Alert Viewer of the WebManager.
  • Reload Interval (0 to 999)
    At this time interval, the WebManager screen is refreshed.
  • Mirror Agent Timeout (1 to 999)
    A timeout is determined if the time specified here elapses till the mirror disk information is acquired.
  • Client Data Update Method
    You can select the method to update the screen data of the WebManager from the following.
    • Polling
      The screen data is updated regularly.
    • Real Time
      The screen data is updated on the real time.
  • Time Limit For Keeping Log Files (60 to 43,200)
    Time limit determines when the log collection information temporarily saved on the server will be deleted. When the time specified here has elapsed, the log collection information will be deleted unless you save the file when the dialog box asking you if you save the log collection information is displayed.
  • Use Time Info
    Specify whether the time information display function is enabled or disabled.
    • When selected:
      The time information display function is enabled.
    • When cleared:
      The time information display function is disabled.
  • Initialize

    This operation is used to return the value to the default value. Clicking the Initialize button resets the values of all items to the default values.

3.2.12. Alert Log tab

Configure the settings for the alert log.

Enable Alert Service

Select this to start alert service for the server.

  • When selected:
    Alert service is enabled.
  • When cleared:
    Alert service is disabled.

Max. Number to Save Alert Records (1 to 99,999)

Alert service for server can retain alert messages up to this number.

Alert Sync: Method

Not used.

Alert Sync: Communication Timeout (1 to 300)

Not used.


This operation is used to return the value to the default value. Clicking the Initialize button resets the values of all items to the default values.

3.2.13. Delay Warning tab

Specify the settings for Delay Warning on this tab. For details about Delay Warning, see "Delay warning of a monitor resource" in "Monitoring details" in the "EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe Configuration Guide".

Heartbeat Delay Warning (0 to 100)

Set a percentage of heartbeat timeout at which the heartbeat delay warning is issued. If the time for the percentage passes without any heartbeat response, the warning will be produced in an alert log. If you set 100, the warning will not be issued.

Monitor Delay Warning (0 to 100)

Set a percentage of monitor timeout at which the monitor delay warning is issued. If the time for the percentage passes without any monitor response, the warning will be produced in an alert log. If you set 100, the warning will not be issued.


If you specify 0% for the delay warning, an alert log is shown in every heartbeat interval and monitor interval.
Setting 0% allows you to see the time spent for monitoring. This will be helpful particularly in a test operation.
Make sure not to set low values such as 0% in the production environment.

3.2.14. Mirror Agent tab ~ For the Replicator/Replicator DR~

Not used.

3.2.15. Mirror driver tab ~ For Replicator/Replicator DR ~

Not used.

3.2.16. JVM monitor tab

Configure detailed parameters for the JVM monitor.


To display the JVM monitor tab on the online version Builder, you need to execute Update Server Info from the File menu after the license for Java Resource Agent is registered.

Java Installation Path (up to 255 bytes)

Set the Java VM install path used by the JVM monitor. Specify an absolute path using ASCII characters. Do not add "/" to the end of the path. This setting becomes common for all servers in the cluster. Specification example: /usr/java/jdk-9

Maximum Java Heap Size (7 to 4096)

Set, in megabytes, the maximum Java VM heap size used by the JVM monitor (equivalent to -Xmx of the Java VM startup option). This setting becomes common for all servers in the cluster.

Java VM Additional Option (up to 1024 bytes)

Set the Java VM startup option used by the JVM monitor. However, specify -Xmx in the [Maximum Java Heap Size]. This setting becomes common for all servers in the cluster. Specification example: -XX:+UseSerialGC

Log Output Setting

Click the Setting button to open the Log Output Setting dialog box.

Resource Measurement Setting

Click the Setting button to open the Resource Measurement Setting dialog box.

Connection Setting

Click the Setting button to open the Connection Setting dialog box.

Load Balancer Linkage Settings

Select the load balancer type and then click the Settings button. The Load Balancer Linkage Settings dialog box appears.
Select the load balancer type from the list. To perform load balancer linkage, select the load balancer you are using. To cancel the load balancer linkage, select No linkage.

Action Timeout (30 to 300)

Set the timeout value of [Command] specified in each window of the JVM monitor. This setting becomes common for all the [Command] items.

Log Output Setting

Clicking Setting displays the Log Output Setting dialog box.

Log Level

Select the log level of the log output by the JVM monitor.

Generation (2 to 100)

Set the number of generations to be retained for log output by the JVM monitor. When Period is selected for Rotation Type, the rotation count is reset when cluster is suspended. Therefore, note that log files under the <EXPRESSCLUSTER_install_path>loghajra increase per cluster suspend.

Rotation Type

Select a rotation type for the log output by the JVM monitor. If you select File Capacity as the rotation type, set the maximum size (200 to 2097151), in kilobytes, for each log file such as the JVM operation log. If you select Period as the rotation type, set the log rotation start time in "hh:mm" format (hh: 0 to 23, mm: 0 to 59) and the rotation interval (1 to 8784) in hours.


Clicking Initialize returns the log level, generation, and rotation type items to their default values.

Resource Measurement Setting [Common]

Clicking Setting displays the Resource Measurement Setting dialog box. For details on the scheme for error judgment by the JVM monitor, see "Monitor resource details" in the "EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe Configuration Guide".

Retry Count (1 to 1440)

Set a resource measurement retry count to be applied if the JVM monitor fails in resource measurement.

Error Threshold (1 to 10)

Set the number of times abnormal judgment is performed when the usage of the Java VM or the application server resources collected by the JVM monitor via resource measurement continuously exceed the customer-defined threshold.

Memory Usage, Active Threads (15 to 600)

Set the interval at which the JVM monitor measures the memory usage and active thread count.

The time and count in Full GC (15 to 600)

Set the interval at which the JVM monitor measures the time and count in Full GC execution.


Clicking Initialize returns the retry count, error threshold, and interval items to their default values.

Resource Measurement Setting [WebLogic]

Clicking Setting displays the Resource Measurement Setting dialog box. For details on the scheme for error judgment by the JVM monitor, see "Monitor resource details" in the "EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe Configuration Guide".

Retry Count (1 to 5)

Set the resource measurement retry count to be applied if the JVM monitor fails in resource measurement.

Error Threshold (1 to 10)

Set the number of times abnormal judgment is to be performed when the usage of the Java VM or the application server resources collected by the JVM monitor via resource measurement continuously exceed the customer-defined threshold.

The number of request (15 to 600)

Set the interval at which the JVM monitor measures the number of work manager or thread pool requests during WebLogic monitor.

The average number of the request (15 to 600)

Set the interval at which the JVM monitor measures the average number of work manager or thread pool requests during WebLogic monitor. Set a value that is an integer multiple of the value set in The number of request.


Clicking Initialize returns the retry count, error threshold, and interval items to their default values.

Connection Setting

Clicking Setting displays the Connection Setting dialog box.

Management Port (10000 to 65535)

Sets the port number internally used by the JVM monitor resource. Make sure not to set the port number that has been used by other functions or programs. Set the number of the port connected to the monitor target Java VM. This setting becomes common for all the servers in the cluster. Do not set 32768 to 61000.

Retry Count (1 to 5)

Set the retry count to be applied if connection to the monitor target Java VM fails.

Waiting time for reconnection (15 to 60)

Set the interval at which the JVM monitor retries connection if it fails in Java VM connection.


Clicking Initialize sets the management port, retry count, and wait time for reconnection items to their default values.

Load Balancer Linkage Settings

If you select other than BIG-IP LTM as the load balancer type and then click the Settings button, the Load Balancer Linkage Settings dialog box appears.

Management Port for Load Balancer Linkage (10000 to 65535)

Set the port number used by the load balancer linkage function. This setting becomes common to all the servers in the cluster. Do not set 32768 to 61000.

Health Check Linkage Function

Set whether to use the load balancer health check function if the monitor target Java VM detects a failure.

Directory containing HTML files (up to 1023 bytes)

Set the directory in which the HTML file used by the load balancer health check function is stored. Specify an absolute path using ASCII characters. Do not add "/" to the end of the path.

HTML File Name (up to 255 bytes)

Set the HTML file name used by the load balancer health check function. Specify this filename using ASCII characters.

HTML Renamed File Name (up to 255 bytes)

Set the HTML renamed file name used by the load balancer health check function. Specify this file name using ASCII characters. Specify an HTML renamed file name that is different from the HTML file name.

Retry count for renaming (0 to 5)

Set the number of times HTML file renaming is retried if it fails.

Wait time for retry (1 to 60)

Set the interval at which HTML file renaming is retried if it fails.


Clicking Initialize returns the management port for load balancer linkage, health check linkage function, directory containing HTML files, HTML file name, HTML renamed file name, retry count for renaming and wait time for retry items to their default values.

Load Balancer Linkage Settings

Select BIG-IP LTM as the load balancer type and then click the Settings button. The Load Balancer Linkage Settings dialog box appears.

Management Port for Load Balancer Linkage (10000 to 65535)

Set the port number used by the load balancer linkage function. This setting becomes common to all the servers in the cluster. Do not set 42424 to 61000.

mgmt IP address

Set the BIG-IP LTM IP address.

User Name (up to 255 bytes)

Set the BIG-IP LTM management user name.

Password (up to 255 bytes)

Set the BIG-IP LTM management user password.

Communications Port (10000 to 65535)

Set the communication port number for BIG-IP LTM.


Add the server name and IP address for the distributed node. For the server name, specify the EXPRESSCLUSTER server name. For the IP address, specify the value set to Members in LocalTrafic - Pools:PoolList - Relevant pool - Members of BIG-IP Configuration Utility. To change the value, select the line and directly edit the description.


Remove the server name and IP address for the distributed node. Select the line to be removed and then click Remove. The selected server is removed.


Clicking Initialize returns the management port for load balancer linkage, management user name, and communication port number to the default settings.

3.2.17. Extension tab

Configure other cluster settings.

Reboot Limitation

In case that the final action of the group resource and the monitor resource when an error is detected is configured so that the OS reboot accompanies, reboot may be repeated infinitely. By setting the reboot limit, you can prevent repeated reboots.

  • Max Reboot Count (0 to 99)
    Specify how many times the operating system can reboot. The number specified here is separately counted for group resource and monitor resource.
  • Max Reboot Count Reset Time (0 to 999)
    When the max reboot count is specified, if the operation from the cluster startup keeps running normally for the time specified here, the reboot count is reset. The time specified here is separately counted for group resource and monitor resource.


If Max Reboot Count Reset Time is set to 0, the reboot count is not reset. When you reset the reboot count, use the clpregctrl command.

Use Forced Stop

Not used.

Forced Stop Action

Not used.

Forced Stop Timeout (0 to 99)

Not used.

Virtual Machine Forced Stop Setting

Not used.

Execute Script for Forced Stop

Not used.

Script Settings

Not used.

Use CPU Frequency Control

Select the checkbox when you use CPU frequency control.
Select the checkbox to set the CPU frequency to high at group activation and set the CPU frequency of the server to low after group deactivation.
Clear the checkbox to disable the CPU frequency control.
When CPU frequency control is performed by using a command or the WebManager, the settings changed by the command or WebManager are given higher priority regardless of whether the group is started or stopped. Note that the settings changed by the command or WebManager is discarded after the server is stopped/started or suspended/resumed, so that CPU frequency is controlled by the server.
  • When selected:
    CPU frequency control is performed.
  • When cleared:
    CPU frequency control is not performed.


To perform CPU frequency control, the frequency must be changeable with a BIOS setting, the CPU must support frequency control by the OS power management function, and the kernel must support such control.

Start Automatically After System Down

Set whether to prohibit automatic startup of the cluster service at the next OS startup when the server has been stopped by a means other than cluster shutdown or cluster stop, or when cluster shutdown or stop does not terminate normally.

Exclude Mount/Unmount Commands

Not used.


This operation is used to return the value to the default value. Clicking the Initialize button resets the values of all items to the default values.

3.3. Server properties

In the Server Properties window, you can edit the special settings of the server.

3.3.1. Info tab

You can display the server name, and register and make a change to a comment on this tab.


The selected server name is displayed. You cannot change the name here.

Comment (within 127 bytes)

You can specify a comment for the server. You can only enter one byte English characters.

Virtual Machine

Specify whether this server is a virtual machine (guest OS).

  • On
    If selected, the server is a virtual machine (guest OS). You can configure this virtual machine.
  • Off
    If selected, the server is a physical machine. You cannot configure a virtual machine.


Specify the type of virtual infrastructure.

  • vSphere
    Virtual infrastructure provided by VMware, Inc.
  • KVM
    Linux kernel virtual infrastructure.
  • XenServer
    Virtual infrastructure provided by Citrix Systems, Inc.
  • Container
    Virtual infrastructure provided by Oracle Systems, Inc.
  • Hyper-V
    Virtual infrastructure provided by Microsoft Corporation.
  • other
    Specify this option to use any other virtual infrastructure.

Forced Stop Setting

Not used.

3.3.2. Warning Light tab

Not used.

3.3.3. BMC tab

Not used.

3.3.4. Disk I/O Lockout tab

Not used.

3.4. Installing the offline version of the Builder

It is not necessary to install the offline version of the Builder on the server on which EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe is installed. If you will create or modify the configuration data of EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe by using a machine that cannot access EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe through a Web browser, you need to install the offline version of the EXPRESSCLUSTER Builder on that machine.

Follow the procedures below to install the offline version of the Builder .


Install the Builder with the administrator privileges. In case the Builder has already been installed, first uninstall and install again, or install by specify another install destination.

  1. Insert the Installation CD-ROM to the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Select EXPRESSCLUSTER(R) SingleServerSafe for Linux.


    If the menu screen does not open automatically, double-click menu.exe in the root folder of the CD-ROM.

  3. Select EXPRESSCLUSTER(R) SingleServerSafe Builder.

  4. Select EXPRESSCLUSTER(R) SingleServerSafe Builder.

  5. Select where to install in the Cluster Builder self-extracting dialog and click Extract.

  6. Click OK in the ZIP self-extract dialog box. Installation is completed.

    Load the following file with a Web browser to start up the offline version of the Builder:

<installation path>/clptrek.htm

3.5. Uninstalling the offline version of the Builder

For Windows

To uninstall the Builder, follow the procedures below:

  1. Close all Web browsers (and then confirm that the JavaVM icon is no longer in the task tray).

  2. Delete the Builder installation folder from Windows Explorer.

3.6. Limitations of the Builder

  • The configuration data of the following products is not compatible:

    • Builder other than EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe 4.0 for Linux

  • Cluster configuration data created using a later version of this product cannot be used with this product.

  • Cluster configuration data of EXPRESSCLUSTER X SingleServerSafe 1.0/2.0/2.1/3.0/3.1/3.2/3.3/4.0 for Linux can be used with this product.
    You can use such data by clicking Import from the File menu in the Builder.
  • Closing the Web browser (by clicking Exit from the menu), the dialog box to confirm to save is displayed.
    When you continue to edit, click the Cancel button.


    This dialog box is not displayed if JavaScript is disabled.

  • Reloading the Web browser (by selecting Refresh button from the menu or tool bar), the dialog box to confirm to save is displayed.
    When you continue to edit, click the Cancel button.


    This dialog box is not displayed if JavaScript is disabled.

  • When creating the cluster configuration data using the Builder, do not enter the value starting with 0 on the text box. For example, if you want to set 10 seconds for a timeout value, enter "10" but not "010."

  • If you change the screen resolution while the Builder is running, the Java VM stack trace (example: NullPointerException) may be logged on the Java console. The Builder can keep running.

  • If you press Esc while a pull-down menu of your browser is displayed, the Java VM stack trace (example: NullPointerException) may be logged on the Java console. The Builder can keep running.

  • In some cases, you cannot use the keyboard because the keyboard focus of the Builder becomes disabled (the focus changes to the Web browser). Click the Builder window and get the focus back to the Builder.

  • When you are using the multi-display function, do not run the Builder on the secondary display. Otherwise, it may not work properly. For example, the screen is not displayed. Use the Builder on the primary display.

  • When using the browser on Linux, depending on the combination with the Window Manager, the dialog may be placed behind other windows. Switch the window with ALT + TAB.

  • On the Alert Log tab (see "3.2.12. Alert Log tab"), for Max. Number to Save Alert Records, if you set a number smaller than the current one, all alert logs will be deleted. Take into account the available disk space, and specify the number before you start the operation.

  • In the environment where Internet Explorer is used, disable Protected Mode on the security setting of Internet Explorer.

  • The JIS 2004-unique characters are not supported. Thus, you cannot enter or view the characters added by JIS 2004.

  • The Builder does not run normally through the Reverse Proxy server.

  • The default script editor is Notepad (for Windows) / vi (for Linux). vi cannot properly display multi-byte characters, because its default settings on Linux use xterm for the terminal.

  • When you use the Offline Builder and the EXPRESSCLUSTER, a combination of their versions should be the one shown below. The Builder may not operate properly if they are used in a different combination.

    Offline Builder version

    EXPRESSCLUSTER internal version


