1. Preface

1.1. Who Should Use This Guide

This guide is intended for administrators who configure cluster systems, and system engineers and maintenance staff who support the users. They must also have knowledge of Amazon EC2, Amazon VPC, and IAM provided by Amazon Web Services.

1.2. Scope of Application

For information on the system requirements, see "Getting Started Guide" -> "Installation requirements for EXPRESSCLUSTER".

This guide contains product- and service-related information (e.g., screenshots) collected at the time of writing this guide. For the latest information, which may be different from the content in this guide, refer to corresponding websites and manuals.

1.3. How This Guide is Organized

1.4. EXPRESSCLUSTER X Documentation Set

The EXPRESSCLUSTER X manuals consist of the following four guides. The title and purpose of each guide is described below:

EXPRESSCLUSTER X Getting Started Guide

This guide is intended for all users. The guide covers topics such as product overview, system requirements, and known problems.

EXPRESSCLUSTER X Installation and Configuration Guide

This guide is intended for system engineers and administrators who want to build, operate, and maintain a cluster system. Instructions for designing, installing, and configuring a cluster system with EXPRESSCLUSTER are covered in this guide.


This guide is intended for system administrators. The guide covers topics such as how to operate EXPRESSCLUSTER, function of each module and troubleshooting. The guide is supplement to the Installation and Configuration Guide.

EXPRESSCLUSTER X Maintenance Guide

This guide is intended for administrators and for system administrators who want to build, operate, and maintain EXPRESSCLUSTER-based cluster systems. The guide describes maintenance-related topics for EXPRESSCLUSTER.

1.5. Conventions

In this guide, Note, Important, See also are used as follows:


Used when the information given is important, but not related to the data loss and damage to the system and machine.


Used when the information given is necessary to avoid the data loss and damage to the system and machine.

See also

Used to describe the location of the information given at the reference destination.

The following conventions are used in this guide.





Indicates graphical objects, such as text boxes, list boxes, menu selections, buttons, labels, icons, etc.

Click Start.
Properties dialog box

Angled bracket within the command line

Indicates that the value specified inside of the angled bracket can be omitted.

clpstat -s [-h host_name]


Prompt to indicate that a Windows user has logged on as root user.

> clpstat


Indicates path names, commands, system output (message, prompt, etc.), directory, file names, functions and parameters.

C:\Program Files


Indicates the value that a user actually enters from a command line.

Enter the following:
> clpcl -s -a


Indicates that users should replace italicized part with values that they are actually working with.

> ping <IP address>

EXPRESSCLUSTER X In the figures of this guide, this icon represents EXPRESSCLUSTER.

1.6. Contacting NEC

For the latest product information, visit our website below:

2. Overview

2.1. Functional overview

The settings described in this guide allow you to construct an HA cluster with EXPRESSCLUSTER in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) environment provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Because more important applications can be performed by constructing an HA cluster, a wider range of system configuration options are available in the AWS environment. The AWS has a robust configuration made up of multiple availability zones (hereafter referred to as AZ) in each region. The user can select and use an AZ as needed. EXPRESSCLUSTER realizes highly available applications by allowing the HA cluster to operate between multiple AZs in a region (hereafter referred to as Multi-AZ).

Two availability zones with a server instance within each zone

Fig. 2.1 Mirror Type HA Cluster in Multi-AZ Configuration

In the AWS environment, a virtual IP can be used to connect to the cluster server. The AWS Virtual IP resource, AWS Elastic IP resource and AWS DNS resource enable the client not to be aware of switching the destination server even if a "failover" or "group transition" occurred.

2.2. HA cluster configuration

This guide describes three types of HA cluster configurations: HA cluster based on virtual IP (VIP) control, HA cluster based on elastic IP (EIP) control and HA cluster based on DNS name control. This section describes a single AZ configuration. For a multi-AZ configuration, refer to "2.3. Multi-AZ"

Location of a client accessing an HA cluster

Resource to be selected

Reference in this chapter

In the same VPC

AWS Virtual IP resource

HA cluster based on VIP control


AWS Elastic IP resource

HA cluster based on EIP control

Voluntary location

AWS DNS resource

HA cluster based on DNS name control

2.2.1. HA cluster based on VIP control

This guide assumes the configuration in which a client in the same VPC accesses an HA cluster via a VIP address. For example, a DB server is clustered and accessed from a web server via a VIP address.

A NAT gateway and a client instance within the public subnet, two server instances within the private subnet, and VIP

Fig. 2.2 HA Cluster Based on VIP Control

In the above figure, the server instances are clustered and placed on the private subnet. The AWS Virtual IP resource of EXPRESSCLUSTER sets a VIP address to the active server instance and rewrites the VPC route table. This enables the client instance placed on any subnet in the VPC to access the active server instance via the VIP address. The VIP address must be out of the VPC CIDR range.

To enable a client outside the VPC to access the server instance, establish the communication by using the route table in the VPC in some way. For example, using AWS Transit Gateway enables the communication from outside the VPC to be transferred to the VPC via the Transit Gateway route table and then to be established with the server instance via the route table in the VPC.

When executing the AWS CLI or referencing the DNS, each server instance accesses the regional endpoint or the Internet via a NAT gateway placed on the public subnet as needed.
* With the AWS CLI running, each instance must connect to the regional endpoint. For this connection, various ways are available such as a proxy server, NAT, a public IP, an EIP, and a VPC endpoint. This guide is based on using a NAT gateway for a VIP-controlled HA cluster configuration.

The following resources and monitor resources are required for an HA cluster based on VIP control configuration.

Resource type



AWS Virtual IP resource

Assigns a VIP address to an active server instance, changes the route table of the assigned VIP address, and publishes operations within the VPC.


AWS Virtual IP monitor resource

Periodically monitors whether the VIP address assigned by the AWS Virtual IP resource exists in the local server and whether the VPC route table is changed illegally.
(This monitor resource is automatically added when the AWS Virtual IP resource is added.)


AWS AZ monitor resource

Periodically monitors the health of the AZ in which the local server exists by using Multi-AZ.


Other resources and monitor resources

Depends on the configuration of the application, such as a mirror disk, used in an HA cluster.


2.2.2. HA cluster based on EIP control

This guide assumes the configuration in which a client accesses an HA cluster via a global IP address assigned to the EIP through the Internet.

Clustered instances are placed on a public subnet. Each instance can access the Internet via the Internet gateway.

Two server instances with an elastic IP address

Fig. 2.3 HA Cluster Based on EIP Control

In the above figure, the server instances are clustered and placed on the public subnet. The AWS Elastic IP resource of EXPRESSCLUSTER attaches the EIP to the active server instance. This enables a client on the Internet to access the active server instance via the EIP address.
* With the AWS CLI running, each instance must connect to the regional endpoint. For this connection, various ways are available such as a proxy server, NAT, a public IP, an EIP, and a VPC endpoint. This guide is based on using a public IP address assigned to the instance for an EIP-controlled HA cluster configuration.

The following resources and monitor resources are required for an HA cluster based on EIP control configuration.

Resource type



AWS Elastic IP resource

Assigns an EIP address to an active server instance and publishes operations to the Internet.


AWS Elastic IP monitor resource

Periodically monitors whether the EIP address assigned by the AWS Elastic IP resource exists in the local server.
(This monitor resource is automatically added when the AWS Elastic IP resource is added.)


AWS AZ monitor resource

Periodically monitors the health of the AZ in which the local server exists by using Multi-AZ.


Other resources and monitor resources

Depends on the configuration of the application, such as a mirror disk, used in an HA cluster.


2.2.3. HA cluster based on DNS name control

This guide assumes the configuration in which a client accesses an HA cluster via the same DNS name. For example, a DB server is clustered and accessed from a web server via a DNS name.

A NAT gateway and a client instance within the public subnet, two server instances within the private subnet, and the domain name

Fig. 2.4 HA cluster based on DNS name control

In the above figure, the server instances are clustered and placed on the private subnet. The AWS DNS resource of EXPRESSCLUSTER registers resource record set including the DNS name and the IP address of the active server into the Private Hosted Zone of Amazon Route 53. This enables the client instance placed on any subnet in the VPC to access the active server instance via the DNS name.

In this guide, clustered server instances are placed on the private subnet. However, the instances can be also placed on a public subnet. In this case, this enables a client on the Internet to access the active server instance via the DNS name by registering the resource record set including the DNS name and the public IP address of the active server into the Public Hosted Zone of Amazon Route 53. Furthermore, in order that the query to the domain of the Public Hosted Zone can refer to the Amazon Route 53 name server, it is required to set the name server (NS) record of the registrar in advance.

Moreover, for a configuration in which the cluster and client exist in different VPCs, use a VPC peering connection. Preliminary create a peering connection between the VPCs and associate the VPCs with the private hosted zone of Amazon Route 53. And then register the resource record set including the DNS name and the IP address of the active server into the private hosted zone. This enables the client in the different VPC to access the active server instance via DNS name.

* With the AWS CLI running, each instance must connect to the regional endpoint. For this connection, various ways are available such as a proxy server, NAT, a public IP, and an EIP. This guide is based on using a NAT gateway for a DNS-name-controlled HA cluster configuration.

The table below shows the necessary resources and monitor resources for constructing a HA cluster based on DNS name control.

Resource Type



AWS DNS resource

Registers the resource record sets including the DNS name and the IP address of the active server instance into the hosted zone of Amazon Route 53, and publishes operations within the VPC or to the Internet.


AWS DNS monitor resource

AWS DNS resource periodically monitors whether the registered resource record set exists in the hosted zone of Amazon Route 53 and whether the resolution of the DNS name is available.
(This monitor resource is automatically added when the AWS DNS resource is added.)


AWS AZ monitor resource

Periodically monitors the health of the AZ in which the local server exists by using Multi-AZ.


Other resources and monitor resources

Depends on the configuration of the application, such as a mirror disk, used in an HA cluster.


2.3. Multi-AZ

In the AWS environment, the instances configuring an HA cluster can be distributed to AZs. This provides the instance redundancy for a failure occurrence in an AZ, and increases the system availability.
The AWS AZ monitor resource monitors the health of each AZ. If the monitor resource detects a failure, it makes EXPRESSCLUSTER to issue a warning or perform a recovery operation.
For details, refer to the following:
-> Understanding AWS AZ monitor resources
Two availability zones with a NAT gateway, a client instance, and a server instance within each zone, and VIP

Fig. 2.5 HA Cluster Using Multi-AZ

2.4. Network partition resolution

In network partition resolution (NP resolution), each server checks whether it can access a shared device or not, and then determines whether the server has been isolated from the network or other servers have been down.

The following table shows NP resolution configured for examples in this guide (unspecified settings mean that their default values are used):






Target Host


Specify a device which responds to an HTTP HEAD request with the status code 200.

Service Port




To specify the 443 port of aws.amazon.com as the target, set this setting to On.

For more information on NP resolution, refer to the following documents:

2.5. On-premises and AWS

The following table describes the EXPRESSCLUSTER functional differences between the on-premises and AWS environments.

  • ✓: Available

  • n/a: Not available




Creation of a shared disk type cluster

Creation of a mirror disk type cluster

Using the management group


Floating IP resource


Virtual IP resource


Virtual computer name resource


AWS elastic ip resource


AWS virtual ip resource


Possibility of using AWS DNS resource


The following table describes the creation flow of a 2-node cluster that uses a mirror disk and IP alias (on-premises: floating IP resource, AWS: AWS virtual ip resource) in the on-premises and AWS environments.

4. Notes

4.1. Notes on Using EXPRESSCLUSTER in the VPC

Note the following points when using EXPRESSCLUSTER in the VPC environment.

Access from the Internet or different VPC

NEC has verified that the AWS specifications do not allow clients on the internet or different VPC to access the server instance via the VIP address assigned by the AWS Virtual IP resource. In case of accessing from the client on Internet, specify the EIP address assigned by the AWS Elastic IP resource. In case of accessing from the client on different VPC, specify the DNS name registered to Amazon Route 53 with AWS DNS resource and then make an access via VPC Peering Connection.

Access from different VPC via VPC peering connection

AWS Virtual IP resources cannot be used if access via a VPC peering connection is necessary. This is because it is assumed that an IP address to be used as a VIP is out of the VPC range and such an IP address is considered invalid in a VPC peering connection. If access via a VPC peering connection is necessary, use the AWS DNS resource that use Amazon Route 53.

Using VPC endpoint

By using VPC endpoint, it is able to control Amazon EC2 services of AWS CLI without preparing proxy server or NAT, even on the private network. Therefore, in the case of "5. Constructing an HA cluster based on VIP control", it is able to use VPC endpoint instead of NAT. When the VPC endpoint is created, the name which ends in ".ec2" must be selected.

Moreover, even when VPC endpoint is used, NAT gateway etc. will be required if internet access (for online update of instance, module download etc.) or access to AWS cloud service which is not supported by VPC endpoint are needed.

For EXPRESSCLUSTER, the VPC endpoint cannot be explicitly specified.
Use the VPC endpoint automatically selected by the AWS CLI.

Restrictions on the group resource and monitor resource functions

Mirror disk performance

If an HA cluster is constructed in a Multi-AZ configuration, the instances are located at long distances from each other, causing a TCP/IP response delay. This might affect a mirroring operation.
Also, the usage of other systems affects the mirroring performance due to multi-tenancy. Therefore, the difference in the mirror disk performance in a cloud environment tends to be larger than that in a physical or general virtualized environment (non-cloud environment) (that is, the degradation rate of the mirror disk performance tends to be larger).
Take this point into consideration at the design phase if priority is put on writing performance in your system.

Shutting down OS from the outside of cluster

In the AWS environment, it is technically possible to shutdown OS (stop the instance) from the outside of cluster by using EC2 Management Console, CLI etc.
However, if it is done, the process of stopping the cluster may not be completed properly.
In order to avoid this problem, please use clpstdncnf command. For details of the clpstdncnf command, refer to the following:
However, in the AWS environment, if it takes a long time to shutdown OS from EC2 Management Console, AWS CLI etc., AWS may stop the instance forcibly.
AWS does not publish the time which elapses before stopping the instance forcibly, and the time cannot be changed.

The influence of the stoppage of AWS endpoint

The AWS DNS monitor resource uses AWS CLI in order to check the existence of the resource record set.
To prevent a failover caused by an AWS endpoint under maintenance or failure or by a network path under delay constraint or failure, go to Action when AWS CLI command failed to receive response of the AWS DNS monitor resource and select either Disable recovery action(Display warning) or Disable recovery action(Do nothing).
If the warning frequently appears, it is recommended to select Disable recovery action(Do nothing).

5. Constructing an HA cluster based on VIP control

This chapter describes how to construct an HA cluster based on VIP control.

In the figure below, "Server Instance (Active)" and "Server Instance (Standby)" respectively represent the instance of the active server and that of the standby server.

A NAT gateway within the public subnet, two server instances within the private subnet, and VIP

Fig. 5.1 System Configuration of the HA Cluster Based on VIP Control



Public subnet (Subnet-1A)

Public subnet (Subnet-1B)

Private subnet (Subnet-2A)

Private subnet (Subnet-2B)

5.1. Configuring the VPC Environment

Configure the VPC on the VPC Management console and EC2 Management console.
The IP addresses used in the figures and description are an example. In the actual configuration, use the actual IP addresses assigned to the VPC. When installing EXPRESSCLUSTER in the existing VPC, specify the appropriate settings such as adding a subnet if the number of subnets is insufficient.
  1. Configure the VPC and subnet.

    Create a VPC and subnet first.

    -> Add a VPC and subnet in VPC and Subnets on the VPC Management console.

    [1] VPC
    Write down the VPC ID (vpc-xxxxxxxx), which is needed later for setting up the AWS virtual IP resource.
  2. Configure the Internet gateway.

    Add an Internet gateway to access the Internet from the VPC.

    -> To create an Internet gateway, select Internet Gateways > Create internet gateway on the VPC Management console. Attach the created Internet gateway to the VPC.

  3. Configure the network ACL and security group.

    Specify the appropriate network ACL and security group settings to prevent unauthorized network access from in and out of the VPC.
    Change the network ACL and security group path settings so that the instances of the HA cluster node can communicate with the Internet gateway via HTTPS, communicate with Cluster WebUI, and communicate with each other. The instances are to be placed on the private networks (Subnet-2A and Subnet-2B).

    -> Change the settings in Network ACLs and Security Groups on the VPC Management console.

    For the port numbers that are used by the EXPRESSCLUSTER components, refer to the following:

  4. Add an HA cluster instance.

    Create an HA cluster node instance on the private networks (Subnet-2A and Subnet-2B).
    To use an IAM role by assigning it to an instance, specify the IAM role.

    -> To create an instance, select Instances > Launch Instance on the EC2 Management console.

    -> For details about the IAM settings, refer to the following:

    Disable Source/Dest. Check of the elastic network interface (ENI) assigned to each created instance.
    To perform the VIP control by using the AWS virtual ip resource, communication with the VIP address ( in the above figure) must be routed to the ENI of the instance. It is necessary to disable Source/Dest. Check of the ENI of each instance to communicate with the private IP address and VIP address.

    -> To change the settings, right-click the added instance in Instances on the EC2 Management console, and select Networking > Change Source/Dest. Check.

    [7] Server Instance (Active), [8] Server Instance (Standby)
    The ENIs assigned respectively to the instance of the active server and the instance of the standby server can be identified according to the ENI IDs.
    Write down the ENI ID (eni-xxxxxxxx) of each instance, because the ID is needed later for setting up the AWS virtual IP resource.

    Use the following procedure to check the ENI ID assigned to the instance.

    1. Select the instance to display its detailed information.

    2. Click the target device in Network Interfaces.

    3. Check Interface ID displayed in the pop-up window.

  5. Add a NAT.

    To perform the VIP control by using the AWS CLI, communication from the instance of the HA cluster node to the regional endpoint via HTTPS must be enabled.
    To do so, create a NAT gateway on the public networks (Subnet-1A and Subnet-1B).
    For more information on the NAT gateway, see the corresponding AWS document.
  6. Configure the route table.

    Add the routing to the Internet gateway so that the AWS CLI can communicate with the regional endpoint via NAT and the routing so that a client in the VPC can access the VIP address. The number of CIDR blocks of the VIP address must always be 32.

    The following routings must be set in the route table (Public-AB) of the public networks (Subnet-1A and Subnet-1B in the above figure).

    • Route table (Public-AB)




      VPC network
      Existing by default

      Internet gateway

      Add (required)

      VIP address
      (ENI ID of the active server instance represented as "[7] Server Instance (Active)")
      Add (required)

    The following routings must be set in the route tables (Private-A and Private-B) of the private networks (Subnet-2A and Subnet-2B in the above figure).

    • Route table (Private-A)




      VPC network
      Existing by default

      NAT Gateway1

      Add (required)

      VIP address
      (ENI ID of the active server instance represented as "[7] Server Instance (Active)")
      Add (required)
    • Route table (Private-B)




      VPC network
      Existing by default

      NAT Gateway2

      Add (required)

      VIP address
      (ENI ID of the active server instance represented as "[7] Server Instance (Active)")
      Add (required)

    When a failover occurred, the AWS Virtual IP resource switches all routings to the VIP address set in these route tables to the ENI of the standby server instance by using the AWS CLI.

    [6] VIP
    The VIP address must be out of the VPC CIDR range of the VPC.
    Write down the VIP address set to the route table, because the address is needed later for setting up the AWS virtual IP resource.

    Configure other routings according to the environment.

  7. Add a mirror disk (EBS).

    Add an EBS to be used as the mirror disk (cluster partition or data partition) as needed.

    -> To add an EBS, select Volumes > Create Volume on the EC2 Management console, and then attach the created volume to an instance.

5.2. Configuring the instance

Log in to each instance of the HA cluster and specify the following settings.
For the AWS CLI versions supported by EXPRESSCLUSTER, refer to the following:
  1. Configure a firewall.

    Change the firewall setting as needed.
    For the port numbers that are used by the EXPRESSCLUSTER components, refer to the following:
  2. Install the AWS CLI.

    Download and install the AWS CLI.
    The installer automatically adds the path of the AWS CLI to the system environment variable PATH. If the automatic path addition fails, refer to "AWS Command Line Interface" of the AWS document to add the path.
    If the AWS CLI has been installed in an environment with EXPRESSCLUSTER already installed, restart the OS before operating EXPRESSCLUSTER.
  3. Register the AWS access key ID.

    Start the command prompt as the Administrator user and run the following command:

    > aws configure

    Enter information such as the AWS access key ID to the inquiries.

    The settings to be specified vary depending on whether an IAM role is assigned to the instance or not.

    • Instance to which an IAM role is assigned.

    AWS Access Key ID [None]: (Press Enter without entering anything.)
    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: (Press Enter without entering anything.)
    Default region name [None]: <default region name>
    Default output format [None]: text
    • Instance to which an IAM role is not assigned.

    AWS Access Key ID [None]: <AWS access key ID>
    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <AWS secret access key>
    Default region name [None]: <default region name>
    Default output format [None]: text
    For "Default output format", other format than "text" may be specified.
    If you specified incorrect settings, delete the folder %SystemDrive%\Users\Administrator\.aws entirely, and specify the above settings again.
  4. Prepare the mirror disk.

    If an EBS has been added to be used as the mirror disk, divide the EBS into partitions and use each partition as the cluster partition and data partition.
    For details about the mirror disk partition, refer to the following:

    For the installation procedure, refer to "Installation and Configuration Guide".
    Store the EXPRESSCLUSTER installation media in the environment to which to install EXPRESSCLUSTER.
    (To transfer data, use any method such as Remote Desktop and Amazon S3.)

    After the installation, restart the OS.

5.3. Setting up EXPRESSCLUSTER

For details about how to set up and connect to Cluster WebUI, refer to the following:

This section describes how to add the following resources:

  • Mirror disk resource

  • AWS Virtual IP resource

  • AWS AZ monitor resource

  • AWS Virtual IP monitor resource

  • NP resolution (HTTP method)

For the settings other than the above, refer to "Installation and Configuration Guide ".

  1. Construct a cluster.

Start the cluster generation wizard to construct a cluster.

  • Construct a cluster.


    1. Access Cluster WebUI, and click Cluster generation wizard.
    2. The Cluster window on the Cluster Generation Wizard is displayed.
      Enter a cluster name in Cluster Name.
      Select an appropriate language from Language. Click Next.
    3. The Basic Settings window is displayed.
      The instance connecting to Cluster WebUI is displayed as the registered master server.
      Click Add to add other instances (by specifying their private IP addresses). Click Next.
    4. The Interconnect window is displayed.
      Specify the IP address (private IP address of each instance) to be used for interconnect. Select mdc1 from MDC for the communication path of the mirror disk resource to be created later. Click Next.
    5. The NP Resolution window is displayed.
      Set the HTTP NP resolution.
      Click Next.
  1. Add a group resource.

  • Group definition

    Create a failover group.


    1. The Group List window is displayed.
      Click Add.
    2. The Group Definition dialog box is displayed.
      Enter the failover group name (failover1) in the Name box. Click Next.
    3. The Startup Servers window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    4. The Group Attributes window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    5. The Group Resource window is displayed.
      Add a group resource on this page following the procedure below.
  • Mirror disk resource

    Create the mirror disk resource according to the mirror disk (EBS) as needed.

    For details, refer to the following:

    -> Understanding mirror disk resources


    1. Click Add in Group Resource List.
    2. The Resource Definition of Group | failover1 is displayed.
      Select the group resource type (Mirror disk resource) from the Type box and enter the group resource name (md) in the Name box.
    3. The Dependency window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    4. The Recovery Operation window is displayed. Click Next.
    5. The Details window is displayed.
      Enter the drive letter for the partition set up in "Configuring the instance" -> "5. Prepare the mirror disk." in Data Partition Drive Letter and Cluster Partition Drive Letter.
    6. From Servers that can run the group, select the server name in the Name column, and click Add.
    7. The Selection of Partition dialog box is displayed. Click Connect, select the data and cluster partitions, and click OK.
    8. Perform steps 6 and 7 on the other node.
    9. Return to the Details window and click Finish to complete setting.
  • AWS Virtual IP resource

    Add the AWS Virtual IP resource that controls the VIP by using the AWS CLI.

    For details, refer to the following:

    -> Understanding AWS Virtual IP resources


    1. Click Add in Group Resource List.

    2. The Resource Definition of Group | failover1 is displayed.
      Select the group resource type (AWS Virtual IP resource) from the Type box and enter the group resource name (awsvip1) in the Name box. Click Next.
    3. The Dependency window is displayed. Click Next without specifying anything.

    4. The Recovery Operation window is displayed. Click Next.

    5. The Details window is displayed.
      Set a VIP address to be assigned in the IP Address box on the Common tab (corresponds to [6] in Figure 5.1 System Configuration of the HA Cluster Based on VIP Control).
      Set the ID of the VPC including instances in the VPC ID box (corresponds to [1] in Figure 5.1 System Configuration of the HA Cluster Based on VIP Control).
      To set up the servers individually, enter the VPC ID of one server on the Common tab and specify the VPC ID of the other server separately.
      Enter the ENI ID of the active server instance to which the VIP address is to be routed in the ENI ID box (corresponds to [7] in Figure 5.1 System Configuration of the HA Cluster Based on VIP Control).
      The ENI IDs of the servers must be set up individually. Enter the ENI ID of one server on the Common tab and specify the ENI ID of the other server separately.
    6. Specify the node settings on each node tab
      Select the Set Up Individually check box.
      Confirm that the VPC ID specified on the Common tab is entered in the VPC ID box (corresponds to [1] in Figure 5.1 System Configuration of the HA Cluster Based on VIP Control).
      Enter the ENI ID of the instance corresponding to the node in the ENI ID box (corresponds to [7] and [8] in Figure 5.1 System Configuration of the HA Cluster Based on VIP Control).
    7. Click Finish to complete setting.

  1. Add a monitor resource.

  • AWS AZ monitor resource

    Create an AWS AZ monitor resource to check whether the specified AZ is usable by using the monitor command.
    For details, refer to the following:
    -> Understanding AWS AZ monitor resources


    1. Click Add in Monitor Resource List.

    2. Select the monitor resource type (AWS AZ monitor) from the Type box and enter the monitor resource name (awsazw1) in the Name box. Click Next.
    3. The Monitor (common) window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    4. The Monitor (special) window is displayed.
      Enter the AZ to be monitored in the Availability Zone box on the Common tab. (Specify the AZ of the active server instance.) (corresponds to [2] in Figure 5.1 System Configuration of the HA Cluster Based on VIP Control)
    5. Specify the node settings on each node tab.
      Select the Set Up Individually check box.
      Enter the AZ of the instance corresponding to the node in the Availability Zone box. (corresponds to [2] and [3] in Figure 5.1 System Configuration of the HA Cluster Based on VIP Control) Click Next.
    6. The Recovery Action window is displayed.
      Set LocalServer in the Recovery Target box.
    7. Click Finish to complete setting.

  • AWS Virtual IP monitor resource

    This resource is automatically added when the AWS Virtual IP monitor resource is added.

    The resource checks the existence of the VIP address and the health of the route table.

    For details, refer to the following:

  1. Apply the settings and start the cluster.

  1. Click Apply the Configuration File in the config mode of Cluster WebUI.
    A popup message asking "Do you want to perform the operations?" is displayed. Click OK.
    When the upload ends successfully, a popup message saying "The application finished successfully." is displayed. Click OK.
    If the upload fails, perform the operations by following the displayed message.
  2. Select the Operation Mode on the drop down menu of the toolbar in Cluster WebUI to switch to the operation mode.

  3. Select Start Cluster in the Status tab of Cluster WebUI and click.

Confirm that a cluster system starts and the status of the cluster is displayed to the Cluster WebUI. If the cluster system does not start normally, take action according to an error message.

For details, refer to the following:

-> How to create a cluster

6. Constructing an HA cluster based on EIP control

This chapter describes how to construct an HA cluster based on EIP control.

In the figure below, "Server Instance (Active)" and "Server Instance (Standby)" respectively represent the instance of the active server and that of the standby server.

Two availability zones with a server instance within each zone, and an elastic IP address

Fig. 6.1 System Configuration of the HA cluster based on EIP control


Public subnet (Subnet-1A)

Public subnet (Subnet-1B)

6.1. Configuring the VPC Environment

Configure the VPC on the VPC Management console and EC2 Management console.
The IP address used in the figures and description is an example. In the actual configuration, use the actual IP address assigned to the VPC. When installing EXPRESSCLUSTER in the existing VPC, specify the appropriate settings such as adding a subnet if the number of subnets is insufficient.
  1. Configure the VPC and subnet.

    Create a VPC and subnet first.

    -> Add a VPC and subnet in VPC and Subnets on the VPC Management console.

  2. Configure the Internet gateway.

    Add an Internet gateway to access the Internet from the VPC.

    -> To create an Internet gateway, select Internet Gateways > Create internet gateway on the VPC Management console. Attach the created Internet gateway to the VPC.

  3. Configure the network ACL and security group.

    Specify the appropriate network ACL and security group settings to prevent unauthorized network access from in and out of the VPC.
    Change the network ACL and security group path settings so that the instances of the HA cluster node can communicate with the Internet gateway via HTTPS, communicate with Cluster WebUI and communicate with each other. The instances are to be placed on the public networks (Subnet-1A and Subnet-1B).

    -> Change the settings in Network ACLs and Security Groups on the VPC Management console.

    For the port numbers that are used by the EXPRESSCLUSTER components, refer to the following:

  4. Add an HA cluster instance.

    Create an HA cluster node instance on the public networks (Subnet-1A and Subnet-1B).

    When creating an HA cluster node instance, be sure to specify the setting to enable a public IP. If an instance is created without using a public IP, it is necessary to add an EIP or NAT needs to be prepared.

    (This guide does not describe this case.)

    To use an IAM role by assigning it to an instance, specify the IAM role.

    -> To create an instance, select Instances > Launch Instance on the EC2 Management console.

    -> For details about the IAM settings, refer to the following:

    Check the ID of the elastic network interface (ENI) assigned to each created instance.

    [4] Server Instance (Active), [5] Server Instance (Standby)

    Write down the ENI ID (eni-xxxxxxxx) of each instance, because the ID is needed later for setting up the AWS elastic IP resource.

    Use the following procedure to check the ENI ID assigned to the instance.

    1. Select the instance to display its detailed information.

    2. Click the target device in Network Interfaces.

    3. Check Interface ID displayed in the pop-up window.

  5. Add an EIP.

    Add an EIP to access an instance in the VPC from the Internet.

    -> To add an EIP, select Elastic IPs > Allocate new address on the EC2 Management console.

    [3] Elastic IP Address

    Write down the Allocation ID (eipalloc-xxxxxxxx) of the added EIP, because the ID is needed later for setting up the AWS elastic IP resource.

  6. Configure the route table.

    Add the routing to the Internet gateway so that the AWS CLI can communicate with the regional endpoint via NAT.

    The following routings must be set in the route table (Public-AB) of the public networks (Subnet-1A and Subnet-1B in the above figure).

    • Route table (Public-AB)




      VPC network


      Existing by default

      Internet Gateway

      Add (required)

    When a failover occurred, the AWS Elastic IP resource deassigns the EIP assigned to the active server instance by using the AWS CLI, and assign it to the standby server instance.

    Configure other routings according to the environment.
  7. Add a mirror disk (EBS).

    Add an EBS to be used as the mirror disk (cluster partition or data partition) as needed.

    -> To add an EBS, select Volumes > Create volume on the EC2 Management console, and then attach the created volume to an instance.

6.2. Configuring the instance

Log in to each instance of the HA cluster and specify the following settings.

For the AWS CLI versions supported by EXPRESSCLUSTER, refer to the following:

  1. Configure a firewall.

    Change the firewall setting as needed.
    For the port numbers that are used by the EXPRESSCLUSTER components, refer to the following:
  2. Install the AWS CLI.

    Download and install the AWS CLI.
    The installer automatically adds the path of the AWS CLI to the system environment variable PATH. If the automatic path addition fails, refer to "AWS Command Line Interface" of the AWS document to add the path.
    If the AWS CLI has been installed in an environment with EXPRESSCLUSTER already installed, restart the OS before operating EXPRESSCLUSTER.
  3. Register the AWS access key ID.

    Start the command prompt as the Administrator user and run the following command:

    > aws configure
    Enter information such as the AWS access key ID to the inquiries.
    The settings to be specified vary depending on whether an IAM role is assigned to the instance or not.
    • Instance to which an IAM role is assigned.

    AWS Access Key ID [None]: (Press Enter without entering anything.)
    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: (Press Enter without entering anything.)
    Default region name [None]: <default region name>
    Default output format [None]: text
    • Instance to which an IAM role is not assigned.

    AWS Access Key ID [None]: <AWS access key ID>
    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <AWS secret access key>
    Default region name [None]: <default region name>
    Default output format [None]: text
    For "Default output format", other format than "text" may be specified.
    If you specified incorrect settings, delete the folder %SystemDrive%\Users\Administrator\.aws entirely, and specify the above settings again.
  4. Prepare the mirror disk.

    If an EBS has been added to be used as the mirror disk, divide the EBS into partitions and use each partition as the cluster partition and data partition.

    For details about the mirror disk partition, refer to the following:


    For the installation procedure, refer to "Installation and Configuration Guide".
    Store the EXPRESSCLUSTER installation media in the environment to which to install EXPRESSCLUSTER.
    (To transfer data, use any method such as Remote Desktop and Amazon S3.)

    After the installation, restart the OS.

6.3. Setting up EXPRESSCLUSTER

For details about how to set up and connect to Cluster WebUI, refer to the following:

This section describes how to add the following resources:

  • Mirror disk resource

  • AWS Elastic IP resource

  • AWS AZ monitor resource

  • AWS Elastic IP monitor resource

  • NP resolution (HTTP method)

For the settings other than the above, refer to "Installation and Configuration Guide".

  1. Construct a cluster.

Start the cluster generation wizard to construct a cluster.

  • Construct a cluster.


    1. Access Cluster WebUI, and click Cluster generation wizard.
    2. The Cluster window on the Cluster Generation Wizard is displayed.
      Enter a cluster name in Cluster Name.
      Select an appropriate language from Language. Click Next.
    3. The Basic Settings window is displayed.
      The instance connecting to Cluster WebUI is displayed as the registered master server.
      Click Add to add other instances (by specifying their private IP addresses). Click Next.
    4. The Interconnect window is displayed.
      Specify the IP address (private IP address of each instance) to be used for interconnect. Select mdc1 from MDC for the communication path of the mirror disk resource to be created later. Click Next.
    5. The NP Resolution window is displayed.
      Set the HTTP NP resolution.
      Click Next.
  1. Add a group resource.

  • Group definition

    Create a failover group.


    1. The Group List window is displayed.
      Click Add.
    2. The Group Definition dialog box is displayed.
      Enter the failover group name (failover1) in the Name box. Click Next.
    3. The Startup Servers window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    4. The Group Attributes window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    5. The Group Resource window is displayed.
      Add a group resource on this page following the procedure below.
  • Mirror disk resource

    Create the mirror disk resource according to the mirror disk (EBS) as needed.
    For details, refer to the following:


    1. Click Add in Group Resource List.

    2. The Resource Definition of Group | failover1 is displayed.
      Select the group resource type (Mirror disk resource) from the Type box and enter the group resource name (md) in the Name box. Click Next.
    3. The Dependency window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    4. The Recovery Operation window is displayed. Click Next.

    5. The Details window is displayed.
      Enter the drive letter for the partition set up in "Configuring the instance" -> "5. Prepare the mirror disk." in Data Partition Drive Letter and Cluster Partition Drive Letter.
    6. From Servers that can run the group, select the server name in the Name column, and click Add.

    7. The Selection of Partition dialog box is displayed. Click Connect, select the data and cluster partitions, and click OK.

    8. Perform steps 6 and 7 on the other node.

    9. Return to the Details window and click Finish to complete setting.

  • AWS Elastic IP resource

    Add an AWS Elastic IP resource that controls the EIP by using the AWS CLI.

    For details, refer to the following:


    1. Click Add in Group Resource List.

    2. The Resource Definition of Group | failover1 is displayed.
      Select the group resource type (AWS Elastic IP resource) from the Type box and enter the group resource name (awseip1) in the Name box. Click Next.
    3. The Dependency window is displayed. Click Next without specifying anything.

    4. The Recovery Operation window is displayed. | Click Next.
    5. The Details window is displayed.
      Enter the allocation ID of the EIP to be assigned in the EIP ALLOCATION ID box on the Common tab (corresponds to [3] and [4] in Figure 6.1 System Configuration of the HA cluster based on EIP control).
      Enter the ENI ID of the active server instance to which the EIP is assigned in the ENI ID box.
    6. Specify the node settings on each node tab
      Select the Set Up Individually check box.
      Enter the ENI ID of the instance corresponding to the node in the ENI ID box (corresponds to [4] and [5] in Figure 6.1 System Configuration of the HA cluster based on EIP control).
    7. Click Finish to complete setting.

  1. Add a monitor resource.

  • AWS AZ monitor resource

    Create the AWS AZ monitor resource to check whether the specified AZ is usable by using the monitor command.

    For details, refer to the following:

    -> Understanding AWS AZ monitor resources


    1. Click Add in Monitor Resource List.

    2. Select the monitor resource type (AWS AZ monitor) from the Type box and enter the monitor resource name (awsazw1) in the Name box. Click Next.
    3. The Monitor (common) window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    4. The Monitor (special) window is displayed.
      Enter the AZ to be monitored in the Availability Zone box on the Common tab. (Specify the AZ of the active server instance.) (corresponds to [1] in Figure 6.1 System Configuration of the HA cluster based on EIP control)
    5. Specify the node settings on each node tab
      Select the Set Up Individually check box.
      Enter the AZ of the instance corresponding to the node in the Availability Zone box
    6. The Recovery Action window is displayed.
      Set LocalServer in the Recovery Target box.
    7. Click Finish to complete setting.

  • AWS Elastic IP monitor resource

    This resource is automatically added when the AWS Elastic IP resource is added.
    The health of the EIP address can be checked by monitoring the communication with the EIP address that is assigned to the active server instance.
    For details, refer to the following:
    -> Understanding AWS Elastic IP monitor resources
  1. Apply the settings and start the cluster.

  1. Click Apply the Configuration File in the config mode of Cluster WebUI.
    A popup message asking "Do you want to perform the operations?" is displayed. Click OK.
    When the upload ends successfully, a popup message saying "The application finished successfully." is displayed. Click OK.
    If the upload fails, perform the operations by following the displayed message.
  2. Select the Operation Mode on the drop down menu of the toolbar in Cluster WebUI to switch to the operation mode.

  3. Select Start Cluster in the Status tab of Cluster WebUI and click.

Confirm that a cluster system starts and the status of the cluster is displayed to the Cluster WebUI. If the cluster system does not start normally, take action according to an error message.

For details, refer to the following:

7. Constructing an HA cluster based on DNS name control

This chapter describes how to construct an HA cluster based on DNS name control.

In the figure below, "Server Instance (Active)" and "Server Instance (Standby)" respectively represent the instance of the active server and that of the standby server.

Two availability zones with a server instance within each zone, and the domain name

Fig. 7.1 System Configuration HA Cluster Based on DNS Name Control


Domain Name


Public subnet (Subnet-1A)

Public subnet (Subnet-1B)

Private subnet (Subnet-2A)

Private subnet (Subnet-2B)

7.1. Configuring the VPC Environment

Configure the VPC on the VPC Management console and EC2 Management console.

The IP addresses used in the figures and description are an example. In the actual configuration, use the actual IP addresses assigned to the VPC. When installing EXPRESSCLUSTER in the existing VPC, specify the appropriate settings such as adding a subnet if the number of subnets is insufficient.

  1. Configure the VPC and subnet.

    Create a VPC and subnet first.

    -> Add a VPC and subnet in VPC and Subnets on the VPC Management console.

    [1] VPC

    Write down the VPC ID (vpc-xxxxxxxx), which is needed later for adding the Hosted Zone.

  2. Configure the Internet gateway.

    Add an Internet gateway to access the Internet from the VPC.

    -> To create an Internet gateway, select Internet Gateways > Create internet gateway on the VPC Management console. Attach the created Internet gateway to the VPC.

  3. Configure the network ACL and security group.

    Specify the appropriate network ACL and security group settings to prevent unauthorized network access from in and out of the VPC.

    Change the network ACL and security group path settings so that the instances of the HA cluster node can communicate with the Internet gateway via HTTPS, communicate with Cluster WebUI, and communicate with each other. The instances are to be placed on the private networks (Subnet-2A and Subnet-2B).

    -> Change the settings in Network ACLs and Security Groups on the VPC Management console.

    For the port numbers that are used by the EXPRESSCLUSTER components, refer to the following:

  4. Add an HA cluster instance.

    Create an HA cluster node instance on the private networks (Subnet-2A and Subnet-2B).

    To use an IAM role by assigning it to an instance, specify the IAM role.

    -> To create an instance, select Instances > Launch Instance on the EC2 Management console.

    -> For details about the IAM settings, refer to the following:

  5. Add a NAT.

    To perform the VIP control by using the AWS CLI, communication from the instance of the HA cluster node to the regional endpoint via HTTPS must be enabled.

    To do so, create a NAT gateway on the public networks (Subnet-1A and Subnet-1B).

    For more information on the NAT gateway, see the corresponding AWS document.

  6. Configure the route table.

Add the routing to the Internet gateway so that the AWS CLI can communicate with the regional endpoint via NAT.

The following routings must be set in the route table (Public-AB) of the public networks (Subnet-1A and Subnet-1B in the above figure).

  • Route Table (Public-AB)




    VPC network


    Existing by default

    Internet gateway

    Add (required)

The following routings must be set in the route tables (Private-A and Private-B) of the private networks (Subnet-2A and Subnet-2B in the above figure).

  • Route Table (Private-A)




    VPC network


    Existing by default

    NAT Gateway1

    Add (required)

  • Route Table (Private-B)




    VPC network


    Existing by default

    NAT Gateway2

    Add (required)

Configure other routings according to the environment.

  1. Add a Hosted Zone

    Add a hosted zone to Amazon Route 53.

    -> To add a hosted zone, select DNS management > Created Hosted Zone on the Route 53 Management Console. Select Private Hosted Zone for Amazon VPC from the Type box and set the ID of VPC where the instance belongs, in the VPC ID box.

    [7] Amazon Route 53 (Hosted Zone)

    Write down the Hosted Zone ID, which is needed later for setting up the AWS DNS resource.

    The reason that this guide includes the procedure to add Private Hosted Zone is to make it possible to access from the client within the VPC with the cluster located on the Private subnet. When access from internet is required, cluster must be located on Public subnet, therefore Public Hosted Zone will be added.

  2. Add a mirror disk (EBS).

    Add an EBS to be used as the mirror disk (cluster partition or data partition) as needed.

    -> To add an EBS, select Volumes > Create Volume on the EC2 Management console, and then attach the created volume to an instance.

7.2. Configuring the instance

Log in to each instance of the HA cluster and specify the following settings.

For the AWS CLI versions supported by EXPRESSCLUSTER, refer to the following:

  1. Configure a firewall.

    Change the firewall setting as needed.
    For the port numbers that are used by the EXPRESSCLUSTER components, refer to the following:
  2. Install the AWS CLI.

    Download and install the AWS CLI.
    The installer automatically adds the path of the AWS CLI to the system environment variable PATH. If the automatic path addition fails, refer to "AWS Command Line Interface" of the AWS document to add the path.
    If the AWS CLI has been installed in an environment with EXPRESSCLUSTER already installed, restart the OS before operating EXPRESSCLUSTER.
  3. Register the AWS access key ID.

    Start the command prompt as the Administrator user and run the following command:

    > aws configure
    Enter information such as the AWS access key ID to the inquiries.
    The settings to be specified vary depending on whether an IAM role is assigned to the instance or not.
    • Instance to which an IAM role is assigned.

      AWS Access Key ID [None]: (Press Enter without entering anything.)
      AWS Secret Access Key [None]: (Press Enter without entering anything.)
      Default region name [None]: <default region name>
      Default output format [None]: text
    • Instance to which an IAM role is not assigned.

      AWS Access Key ID [None]: <AWS access key ID>
      AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <AWS secret access key>
      Default region name [None]: <default region name>
      Default output format [None]: text
    For "Default output format", other format than "text" may be specified.
    If you specified incorrect settings, delete the folder %SystemDrive%\Users\Administrator\.aws entirely, and specify the above settings again.
  4. Prepare the mirror disk.

    If an EBS has been added to be used as the mirror disk, divide the EBS into partitions and use each partition as the cluster partition and data partition.

    For details about the mirror disk partition, refer to the following:


    For the installation procedure, refer to "Installation and Configuration Guide".

    Store the EXPRESSCLUSTER installation media in the environment to which to install EXPRESSCLUSTER.
    (To transfer data, use any method such as Remote Desktop and Amazon S3.)

    After the installation, restart the OS.

7.3. Setting up EXPRESSCLUSTER

For details about how to set up and connect to Cluster WebUI, refer to the following:

This section describes how to add the following resources:

  • Mirror disk resource

  • AWS DNS resource

  • AWS AZ monitor resource

  • AWS DNS monitor resource

  • NP resolution (HTTP method)

For the settings other than the above, refer to "Installation and Configuration Guide".

  1. Construct a cluster.

Start the cluster generation wizard to construct a cluster.

  • Construct a cluster.


    1. Access Cluster WebUI, and click Cluster generation wizard.
    2. The Cluster window on the Cluster Generation Wizard is displayed.
      Enter a cluster name in Cluster Name.
      Select an appropriate language from Language. Click Next.
    3. The Basic Settings window is displayed.
      The instance connecting to WebManager is displayed as the registered master server.
      Click Add to add other instances (by specifying their private IP addresses). Click Next.
    4. The Interconnect window is displayed.
      Specify the IP address (private IP address of each instance) to be used for interconnect. Select mdc1 from MDC for the communication path of the mirror disk resource to be created later. Click Next.
    5. The NP Resolution window is displayed.
      Set the HTTP NP resolution.
      Click Next.
  1. Add a group resource.

  • Group definition

    Create a failover group.


    1. The Group List window is displayed.
      Click Add.
    2. The Group Definition dialog box is displayed.
      Enter the failover group name (failover1) in the Name box. Click Next.
    3. Click Next.

    4. The Startup Servers window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    5. The Group Attributes window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    6. The Group Resource window is displayed.
      Add a group resource on this page following the procedure below.
  • Mirror disk resource

    Create the mirror disk resource according to the mirror disk (EBS) as needed.
    For details, refer to the following:
    -> Understanding mirror disk resources


    1. Click Add in Group Resource List.

    2. The Resource Definition of Group | failover1 is displayed.
      Select the group resource type (Mirror disk resource) from the Type box and enter the group resource name (md) in the Name box.
    3. The Dependency window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    4. The Recovery Operation window is displayed. Click Next.

    5. The Details window is displayed.
      Enter the drive letter for the partition set up in "Configuring the instance" -> "5. Prepare the mirror disk." in Data Partition Drive Letter and Cluster Partition Drive Letter.
    6. From Servers that can run the group, select the server name in the Name column, and click Add.

    7. The Selection of Partition dialog box is displayed. Click Connect, select the data and cluster partitions, and click OK.

    8. Perform steps 6 and 7 on the other node.

    9. Return to the Details window and click Finish to complete setting.

  • AWS DNS resource

    Add the AWS DNS resource that controls the DNS name by using the AWS CLI.

    For details, refer to the following:


    1. Click Add in Group Resource List.

    2. The Resource Definition of Group | failover1 is displayed. Select the group resource type (AWS DNS resource) from the Type box and enter the group resource name (awsdns1) in the Name box. Click Next.
    3. The Dependency window is displayed. Click Next without specifying anything.

    4. The Recovery Operation window is displayed. Click Next.

    5. The Advanced Settings window is displayed.
      Set the hosted zone ID in the Hosted Zone ID box on the Common tab (corresponds to [7] in Figure 7.1 System Configuration HA Cluster Based on DNS Name Control).
      Set a DNS name to be assigned in the Resource Record Set Name box (corresponds to [6] in Figure 7.1 System Configuration HA Cluster Based on DNS Name Control).
      Set the DNS name as FQDN, adding dot (.) at the end of the name.
      Set the IP address corresponding to the DNS name in the IP Address box (corresponds to [4] in Figure 7.1 System Configuration HA Cluster Based on DNS Name Control).
      Enter the IP address of one server on the Common tab and specify the IP address of the other server separately.
      Since this guide uses the configuration in which the IP address of each server is included in the resource record set, the procedure is as described above. However, if VIP and EIP are included in the resource record set, enter the IP address on the Common tab. No individual setting is required.
      Set the time to live (TTL) of the cache in the TTL box.
      The time is specified in seconds.
      Set the Delete a resource record set at deactivation checkbox to on.
      If the resource record set is not deleted from the hosted zone when AWS DNS resource is deactivated, uncheck the checkbox.
      If it is not deleted, a client may access the remaining DNS name.
    6. Specify the node settings on each node tab.
      Select the Set Up Individually check box.
      Enter the IP address of the instance corresponding to the node in the IP Address box (corresponds to [4] and [6] in Figure 7.1 System Configuration HA Cluster Based on DNS Name Control).
      Since this guide uses the configuration in which the IP address of each server is included in the resource record set, the procedure is as described above. However, if VIP and EIP are included in the resource record set, this procedure is not needed.
    7. Click Finish to complete setting.

  1. Add a monitor resource.

  • AWS AZ monitor resource

    Create an AWS AZ monitor resource to check whether the specified AZ is usable by using the monitor command.

    For details, refer to the following:


    1. Click Add in Monitor Resource List.

    2. Select the monitor resource type (AWS AZ monitor) from the Type box and enter the monitor resource name (awsazw1) in the Name box. Click Next.
    3. The Monitor (common) window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    4. The Monitor (special) window is displayed.
      Enter the AZ to be monitored in the Availability Zone box on the Common tab. (Specify the AZ of the active server instance.) (corresponds to [2] in Figure 7.1 System Configuration HA Cluster Based on DNS Name Control)
    5. Specify the node settings on each node tab.
      Select the Set Up Individually check box.
      Enter the AZ of the instance corresponding to the node in the Availability Zone box.
    6. The Recovery Action window is displayed.
      Set LocalServer in the Recovery Target box.
    7. Click Finish to complete setting.

  • AWS DNS monitor resource

    This resource is automatically added when the AWS DNS resource is added.
    Using AWS CLI commands, check whether the resource record set exists and the registered IP address can be obtained by resolving the DNS name.

    For details, refer to the following:

  1. Apply the settings and start the cluster.

  1. Click Apply the Configuration File in the config mode of Cluster WebUI.
    A popup message asking "Do you want to perform the operations?" is displayed. Click OK.
    When the upload ends successfully, a popup message saying "The application finished successfully." is displayed. Click OK.
    If the upload fails, perform the operations by following the displayed message.
  2. Select the Operation Mode on the drop down menu of the toolbar in Cluster WebUI to switch to the operation mode.

  3. Select Start Cluster in the Status tab of Cluster WebUI and click.

Confirm that a cluster system starts and the status of the cluster is displayed to the Cluster WebUI. If the cluster system does not start normally, take action according to an error message.

For details, refer to the following:

-> How to create a cluster

8. Troubleshooting

This chapter describes the points to be checked and solutions if EXPRESSCLUSTER cannot be set up in the AWS environment.

  • Failed to start a resource or monitor resource related to AWS.

    Confirm that the OS has restarted, the AWS CLI are installed, and the AWS CLI has been set up correctly.
    If the OS has been restarted when installing EXPRESSCLUSTER, the environment variable settings might be changed by installing the AWS CLI. In this case, restart the OS again.
  • Failed to start the AWS Virtual IP resource.

    Cluster WebUI message
    Failed to start the resource awsvip1. (51 : The AWS CLI command is not found.)
    Possible cause

    Any of the following might be the cause.

    • The AWS CLI has not been installed, or the path does not reach aws.exe.


    Check the following:

    • Confirm that the AWS CLI are installed.

    • Confirm that the paths to aws.exe are set to the environment variable PATH.

Cluster WebUI message
Failed to start the resource awsvip1. (50 : AWS CLI command failed.)
Possible cause

Any of the following might be the cause.

  • The AWS CLI has not been set up: aws configure has not been run.

  • The AWS CLI configuration file (file under %SystemDrive%\Users\Administrator\.aws) could not be found. (A user other than Administrator ran aws configure.)

  • The specified AWS CLI settings (such as a region, access key ID, and secret key) are not correct.

  • (For an operation using an IAM role) An IAM role has not been set to the instance.
    Access the URL below from the corresponding instance and then check whether the given IAM role name is displayed. If the message "404 Not Found" appears, no IAM role has been set.
  • The specified VPC ID or ENI ID is invalid.

  • The regional endpoint has been stopped due to maintenance or failure.

  • An issue of the communication path to the regional endpoint.

  • Delay caused by the heavily loaded node.


Check the following:

  • Correct the AWS CLI settings. Then confirm that the AWS CLI works successfully.

  • When the node is heavily loaded, remove the causes.

  • For an operation using an IAM role, check the settings on the AWS Management Console.

Cluster WebUI message
Failed to start the resource awsvip1. (50 : The vpc ID 'vpc-xxxxxxxx' does not exist)
Possible cause

The specified VPC ID might not be correct or might not exist.


Specify a correct VPC ID.

Cluster WebUI message
Failed to start the resource awsvip1. (50 : The networkInterface ID 'eni-xxxxxxxx' does not exist)
Possible cause

The specified ENI ID might not be correct or might not exist.


Specify a correct ENI ID.

Cluster WebUI message
Activating awsvip1 resource has failed.(50 : You are not authorized to perform this operation.)
Possible cause

If the ReplaceRoute right of an IAM role can be exercised only on a route table specified in a resource in the IAM policy, the route table might have an error or lack of its settings.

Of all route tables under a specified VPC, an AWS virtual IP resource updates only ones that include specified virtual IP address entries.
For all such route tables to be updated, give permission to the resource in the IAM policy.

Cluster WebUI message
Failed to start the resource awsvip1. (9 : Timeout occurred.)
Possible cause

Any of the following might be the cause.

  • The AWS CLI command might not be able to communicate with the regional endpoint, due to a misconfiguration of the route table or NAT on the OS or due to a misconfiguration of the proxy server on EXPRESSCLUSTER.

  • Delay caused by the heavily loaded node.


Check the following:

  • The routing for the NAT gateway has been set up.

  • The packet is not excluded by filtering.

  • Check the settings of the route table or NAT on the OS or those of the proxy server on EXPRESSCLUSTER.

  • When the node is heavily loaded, remove the causes.

Cluster WebUI message
Failed to start the resource awsvip1. (53 : The VIP address belongs to a VPC subnet.)
Possible cause

The specified VIP address is not appropriate because it is within of the VPC CIDR range.


Specify an IP address out of the VPC CIDR range as the VIP address.

  • The AWS Virtual IP resource is running normally, but ping cannot reach the VIP address.

    Cluster WebUI message
    Possible cause

    Source/Dest. Check of the ENI set to the AWS virtual ip resource is enabled.


    Disable Source/Dest. Check of the ENI set to the AWS virtual ip resource.

  • The AWS Virtual IP monitor resource enters the error state.

    Cluster WebUI message
    Monitor awsvipw1 detected an error. (56 : The routing for VIP was changed.)
    Possible cause

    In the route table, the target of the VIP address corresponding to the AWS virtual ip resource has been changed to another ENI ID for some reason.

    When an error is detected, the AWS virtual ip resource is restarted automatically and the target is updated to a correct ENI ID.
    Check whether another HA cluster uses the same VIP address mistakenly and so on.

  • Failed to start the AWS Elastic IP resource.

    Cluster WebUI message
    Failed to start the resource awseip1. (51 : The AWS CLI command was not found.)
    Possible cause

    The AWS CLI has not been installed, or the path does not reach aws.exe.


    Check the following:

    • Confirm that the AWS CLI are installed.

    • Confirm that the paths to aws.exe are set to the environment variable PATH.

Cluster WebUI message
Failed to start the resource awseip1. (50 : The AWS CLI command failed.)
Possible cause

Any of the following might be the cause.

  • The AWS CLI has not been set up: aws configure has not been run.

  • The AWS CLI configuration file (file under %SystemDrive%\Users\Administrator\.aws) could not be found. (A user other than Administrator ran aws configure.)

  • The specified AWS CLI settings (such as a region, access key ID, and secret key) are not correct.

  • (For an operation using an IAM role) An IAM role has not been set to the instance.
    Access the URL below from the corresponding instance and then check whether the given IAM role name is displayed. If the message "404 Not Found" appears, no IAM role has been set.
  • The specified VPC ID or ENI ID is invalid.

  • The regional endpoint has been stopped due to maintenance or failure.

  • An issue of the communication path to the regional endpoint.

  • Delay caused by the heavily loaded node.


Check the following:

  • Correct the AWS CLI settings. Then confirm that the AWS CLI works successfully.

  • When the node is heavily loaded, remove the causes.

  • For an operation using an IAM role, check the settings on the AWS Management Console.

Cluster WebUI message
Failed to start the resource awseip1. (50 : The allocation ID 'eipalloc-xxxxxxxx' does not exist  )
Possible cause

The specified EIP allocation ID might not be correct or might not exist.


Specify a correct EIP allocation ID.

Cluster WebUI message
Failed to start the resource awseip1. (50 : The networkInterface ID 'eni-xxxxxxxx' does not exist)
Possible cause

The specified ENI ID might not be correct or might not exist.


Specify a correct ENI ID.

Cluster WebUI message
Failed to start the resource awseip1. (53 : Timeout occurred.)
Possible cause

Any of the following might be the cause.

  • The AWS CLI command might not be able to communicate with the regional endpoint, due to a misconfiguration of the route table or NAT on the OS or due to a misconfiguration of the proxy server on EXPRESSCLUSTER.

  • Delay caused by the heavily loaded node.


Check the following:

  • Confirm that a public IP is assigned to each instance.

  • Confirm that the AWS CLI works normally in each instance.

  • Check the settings of the route table or NAT on the OS or those of the proxy server on EXPRESSCLUSTER.

  • When the node is heavily loaded, remove the causes.

  • The AWS Elastic IP monitor resource enters the error state.

    Cluster WebUI message
    Monitor awseipw1 detected an error. (52 : The EIP address does not exist.)
    Possible cause

    The specified ENI ID and elastic IP have been deassociated for some reason.

    When an error is detected, the AWS elastic ip resource is restarted automatically and the specified ENI ID and elastic IP are associated.
    Check whether another HA cluster uses the same EIP allocation ID mistakenly and so on.

  • Failed to start the AWS DNS resource

    Cluster WebUI message
    Failed to start the resource awsdns1. (52: The AWS CLI command is not found.)
    Possible cause

    The AWS CLI has not been installed, or the path does not reach aws.exe.


    Check the following:

    • Confirm that the AWS CLI are installed.

    • Confirm that the paths to aws.exe are set to the environment variable Path.

Cluster WebUI message
Failed to start the resource awsdns1. (50: The AWS CLI command failed.)
Possible cause

Any of the following might be the cause.

  • The AWS CLI has not been set up: aws configure has not been run.

  • The AWS CLI configuration file (file under %SystemDrive%\Users\Administrator\.aws) could not be found. (A user other than Administrator ran aws configure.)

  • The specified AWS CLI settings (such as a region, access key, and secrete key ID) are not correct.

  • (For an operation using an IAM role) An IAM role has not been set to the instance.
    Access the URL below from the corresponding instance and then check whether the given IAM role name is displayed. If the message "404 Not Found" appears, no IAM role has been set.
  • The specified resource record set is invalid.

  • The regional endpoint has been stopped due to maintenance or failure.

  • An issue of the communication path to the regional endpoint.

  • Delay caused by the heavily loaded node.

  • Route 53 cannot be accessed or does not respond.

  • No VPC to which the HA instance belongs is added to a VPC targeted in the hosted zone of Route 53.

  • DNS name resolution is not enabled in the VPC to which the HA instance belongs.

  • The value of Resource Record Set Name is specified in capital letters.

  • The preferred DNS server is incorrectly set in the TCP/IPv4 properties of the corresponding network.

  • On the terminal of the node (instance), manually execute the following command:
    > aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id <hosted-zone ID>
    If the error message "Could not connect to the endpoint URL" appears, the possible cause is either of the following:
    - If you are using a VPC endpoint, which does not support the Route 53 service, AWS DNS resources/monitor resources are unavailable.
    - If you are not using a VPC endpoint, there may be some issue of the AWS configuration.

Check the following:

  • Correct the AWS CLI settings. Then confirm that the AWS CLI works successfully.

  • When the node is heavily loaded, remove the causes.

  • In applicable Hosted Zone of the Route 53 Management Console, check that the necessary VPC is added to Associated VPC.

  • On the VPC Management Console, check that enableDnsSupport is enabled in the properties of the current VPC. If enableDnsSupport is intentionally disabled, set an appropriate DNS resolver for the record set added in the AWS DNS resource by the instance.

  • Specify the value of Resource Record Set Name in lowercase letters.

  • Correct the settings of the preferred DNS server.

  • If you are using a VPC endpoint, consider changing to any of the following methods: a NAT gateway, or proxy server. If you are not using a VPC endpoint, consult AWS.

  • For an operation using an IAM role, check the settings on the AWS Management Console.

Cluster WebUI message
Failed to start the resource awsdns1. (50: No hosted zone found with ID: %1)
Possible cause

The specified hosted zone ID might not be correct or might not exist.


Specify a correct hosted zone ID.

Cluster WebUI message
Failed to start the resource awsdns1. (51: Timeout occurred.)
Possible cause

Any of the following might be the cause.

  • The AWS CLI command might not be able to communicate with the regional endpoint, due to a misconfiguration of the route table or NAT on the OS or due to a misconfiguration of the proxy server on EXPRESSCLUSTER.

  • Delay caused by the heavily loaded node.

  • Delayed processing on the Route 53 endpoint side.

  • Delayed access to the instance metadata by the AWS CLI.


Check the following:

  • The routing for the NAT gateway has been set up.

  • The packet is not excluded by filtering.

  • Check the settings of the route table or NAT on the OS or those of the proxy server on EXPRESSCLUSTER.

  • The value of Timeout for Monitor (common) in the AWS environment is set at or larger than that of the time required for running the AWS CLI. Measure the required time by manually executing the AWS CLI. The AWS DNS monitor resource runs the following AWS CLI:
    > aws route53 list-resource-record-sets
  • For an operation using an IAM role: When running the AWS CLI, the AWS DNS resource and monitor resource of EXPRESSCLUSTER acquires credentials (such as an access key ID) from the instance metadata.
    Check if access to the instance metadata is not delayed, by manually determining the time required for executing the commands below.
    If running either of the commands is delayed, the access to the instance metadata is delayed.
    If the delay is confirmed, allow an IAM user to access the instance metadata--by running the aws configure command to add the settings of the access key ID and secret access key to each of the cluster nodes. This may reduce the occurrence of timeouts.
    - On each of the cluster nodes, run the curl command or use a browser to access the URL:
    - On any of the cluster nodes, run the command: aws configure list

  • Despite the normal operation of the AWS DNS resource, it takes time to resolve names on clients.

    Cluster WebUI message
    Possible cause

    Any of the following might be the cause:

    • Due to the specification of Route 53, it takes up to 60 seconds to propagate its settings to all the authoritative servers. Refer to the following:
      Amazon Route 53 FAQs
      Q. How quickly will changes I make to my DNS settings on Amazon Route 53 propagate globally?
    • The OS-side resolver takes time.

    • During a failover, the AWS DNS resource takes time to delete and create resource record sets.
      If the Delete a resource record set at deactivation checkbox is checked: A resource record set deleted on a failover source with the AWS DNS resource deactivated is created on a failover destination with the AWS DNS resource activated. This may delay name resolution.
      If the checkbox is not checked: No resource record set is deleted even with the AWS DNS resource deactivated or with the cluster stopped, and only the IP address of the corresponding resource record set is updated. This may shorten the time before names can be resolved. Even after the AWS DNS resource is deactivated or the cluster is stopped, names are resolved.
    • A large value of TTL for the AWS DNS resource.

    • A small value of Start Monitor Wait Time for the AWS DNS monitor resource.
      If a name resolution is tried prior to the completion of Route 53 change propagation, the DNS returns NXDOMAIN (non-existing domain). In this case, the name resolution fails until the valid period of the negative cache (e.g. 900 seconds by default in Windows) expires.
      Therefore, with Start Monitor Wait Time set at a small value, a name resolution may take a long time.

    Check the following:

    • Review the settings of the OS-side resolver.

    • Uncheck the Delete a resource record set at deactivation checkbox of the AWS DNS resource.

    • Set TTL at a smaller value for the AWS DNS resource.

    • Set Start Monitor Wait Time at an allowable large value for the AWS DNS monitor resource.

  • The AWS DNS monitor resource enters the error state

    Cluster WebUI message
    Monitor awsdnsw1 detected an error. (52: The resource record set in Amazon Route 53 does not exist.)
    Possible cause

    Any of the following might be the cause.

    • In the hosted zone, the resource record set corresponding to the AWS DNS resource has been deleted for some reason.

    • Immediately after the AWS DNS resource is activated, if the AWS DNS monitor resource starts monitoring prior to the propagation of changed DNS settings in Route 53, the monitoring fails due to inability in resolving names. Refer to "Getting Started Guide -> "Notes and Restrictions" -> "Setting up AWS DNS monitor resources".

    • Of the IAM policy, the following is not set: route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets and route53:ListResourceRecordSets.

    • No VPC to which the HA instance belongs is added to a VPC targeted in the hosted zone of Route 53.

    • The DNS name specified in the Resource Record Set Name does not have a dot (.) at the end.


    Check the following:

    • No other HA clusters use the same resource record set by mistake. (If used, that is a cause of the deleted resource record set.)

    • The value of Start Monitor Wait Time of the AWS DNS monitor resource is set larger than that of the time to propagate changed DNS settings in Route 53.

    • The following is set in the IAM policy: route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets and route53:ListResourceRecordSets.

    • In applicable Hosted Zone of the Route 53 Management Console, the necessary VPC is added to Associated VPC.

    • The DNS name specified in the Resource Record Set Name is an FQDN, and has a dot (.) at the end.

Cluster WebUI message
Monitor awsdnsw1 detected an error. (53: IP address different from the setting is registered in the resource record set of Amazon Route 53.)
Possible cause

In the hosted zone, the IP address of the resource record set corresponding to the AWS DNS resource has been deleted for some reason.


Check whether another HA cluster uses the same resource record set mistakenly and so on.

Cluster WebUI message
Monitor awsdnsw1 detected an error. (54: Failed to resolve domain name.)
Possible cause

The DNS query using the DNS name registered in the hosted zone as resource record set failed to check the name resolution for some reason.


Check the following:

  • If there are no errors in the resolver settings.

  • If there are no errors in the network settings.

  • If the domain query is set to refer to Amazon Route 53 name server (NS) based on the NS record setting of registrar when Public Host Zone is used.

Cluster WebUI message
Monitor awsdnsw1 detected an error. (55: IP address which is resolved domain name from the DNS resolver is defferent from the setting.)
Possible cause

The IP address obtained by name resolution check with the DNS name registered in the Hosted Zone as the resource record set is not correct.


Check the following:

  • If the resolver setting is correct.

  • If there are no entries related to the DNS name in the hosts file.

  • The AWS DNS monitor resource enters the warning or error state.

    Cluster WebUI message
    Monitor awsdnsw1 is in the warning status. (151 : Timeout occurred)
    Monitor awsdnsw1 detected an error. (51 : Timeout occurred)
    Possible cause

    Any of the following might be the cause.

    • The AWS CLI command might not be able to communicate with the regional endpoint, due to a misconfiguration of the route table or NAT on the OS or due to a misconfiguration of the proxy server on EXPRESSCLUSTER.

    • Delay caused by the heavily loaded node.

    • Delayed processing on the Route 53 endpoint side.

    • Delayed access to the instance metadata by the AWS CLI.


    Check the following:

    • The routing for the NAT gateway has been set up.

    • The packet is not excluded by filtering.

    • Check the settings of the route table or NAT on the OS or those of the proxy server on EXPRESSCLUSTER.

    • The value of Timeout for Monitor (common) in the AWS environment is set at or larger than that of the time required for running the AWS CLI. Measure the required time by manually executing the AWS CLI. The AWS DNS monitor resource runs the following AWS CLI:
      > aws route53 list-resource-record-sets
    • For an operation using an IAM role: When running the AWS CLI, the AWS DNS resource and monitor resource of EXPRESSCLUSTER acquires credentials (such as an access key ID) from the instance metadata.
      Check if access to the instance metadata is not delayed, by manually determining the time required for executing the commands below.
      If running either of the commands is delayed, the access to the instance metadata is delayed.
      If the delay is confirmed, allow an IAM user to access the instance metadata--by running the aws configure command to add the settings of the access key ID and secret access key to each of the cluster nodes. This may reduce the occurrence of timeouts.
      - On each of the cluster nodes, run the curl command or use a browser to access the URL:
      - On any of the cluster nodes, run the command: aws configure list

  • The AWS AZ monitor resource enters the warning or error state.

    Cluster WebUI message
    Monitor awsazw1 is in the warning status. (105 : the AWS CLI command failed.)
    Monitor awsazw1 detected an error. (5 : the AWS CLI command failed.)
    Possible cause

    Any of the following might be the cause.

    • The AWS CLI has not been set up: aws configure has not been run.

    • The AWS CLI configuration file (file under %SystemDrive%\Users\Administrator\.aws) could not be found. (A user other than Administrator ran aws configure.)

    • The specified AWS CLI settings (such as a region, access key ID, and secret key) are not correct.

    • (For an operation using an IAM role) An IAM role has not been set to the instance.
      Access the URL below from the corresponding instance and then check whether the given IAM role name is displayed. If the message "404 Not Found" appears, no IAM role has been set.
    • The specified AZ is invalid.

    • The regional endpoint has been stopped due to maintenance or failure.

    • An issue of the communication path to the regional endpoint.

    • Delay caused by the heavily loaded node.


    Check the following: - Correct the AWS CLI settings. Then confirm that the AWS CLI works successfully. - When the node is heavily loaded, remove the causes. - If the warning frequently appears, it is recommended to change to Disable recovery action (Display warning). Even if you do it, it is possible to detect errors except those caused by delayed response and by failure in running the AWS CLI on the monitor resource. - For an operation using an IAM role, check the settings on the AWS Management Console.

Cluster WebUI message
Monitor awsazw1 is in the warning status. (105 : Invalid availability zone: [ap-northeast-1x]  )
Monitor awsazw1 detected an error. (5 : Invalid availability zone: [ap-northeast-1x])
Possible cause

The specified AZ might not be correct or might not exist.


Specify a correct AZ.

Cluster WebUI message
Monitor awsazw1 is in the warning status. (106 : Timeout occurred.)
Monitor awsazw1 detected an error. (6 : Timeout occurred.)
Possible cause

Any of the following might be the cause.

  • The AWS CLI command might not be able to communicate with the regional endpoint, due to a misconfiguration of the route table or NAT on the OS or due to a misconfiguration of the proxy server on EXPRESSCLUSTER.

  • Delay caused by the heavily loaded node.


Check the following:

  • The routing for the NAT gateway has been set up.

  • The packet is not excluded by filtering.

  • Check the settings of the route table or NAT on the OS or those of the proxy server on EXPRESSCLUSTER.

  • The value of Timeout for Monitor (common) in the AWS environment is set at or larger than that of the time required for running the AWS CLI. Measure the required time by manually executing the AWS CLI. The AWS AZ monitor resource runs the following AWS CLI:
    > aws ec2 describe-availability-zones
  • When the node is heavily loaded, remove the causes.