3. Group resource details

This chapter provides information on group resources that constitute a failover group.

For overview of group resources, see , "Design a system configuration" in the "Installation and Configuration Guide".

This chapter covers:

3.1. Group resources

Currently supported group resources are as follows:

Group resource name


Functional overview

Application resources


Refer to "Understanding application resources".

Floating IP resources


Refer to "Understanding floating IP resources".

Mirror disk resources


Refer to "Understanding mirror disk resources".

Registry synchronization resources


Refer to "Understanding registry synchronization resources".

Script resources


Refer to "Understanding script resources".

Disk resources


Refer to "Understanding disk resources".

Service resources


Refer to "Understanding service resources".

Virtual computer name resources


Refer to "Understanding virtual computer name resources".

Dynamic DNS resources


Refer to "Understanding dynamic DNS resources".

Virtual IP resources


Refer to "Understanding virtual IP resources".

CIFS resources


Refer to "Understanding CIFS resources ".

Hybrid disk resource


Refer to "Understanding hybrid disk resources".

AWS elastic ip resource


Refer to "Understanding AWS elastic ip resources".

AWS virtual ip resource


Refer to "Understanding AWS virtual ip resources".

AWS secondary ip resource


Refer to "Understanding AWS secondary ip resources".

AWS DNS resource


Refer to "Understanding AWS DNS resources".

Azure probe port resource


Refer to "Understanding Azure probe port resources".

Azure DNS resource


Refer to "Understanding Azure DNS resources".

Google Cloud virtual IP resource


Refer to "Understanding Google Cloud virtual IP resources".

Google Cloud DNS resource


Refer to "Understanding Google Cloud DNS resources".

Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource


Refer to "Understanding Oracle Cloud virtual IP resources".

Oracle Cloud DNS resource


Refer to "Understanding Oracle Cloud DNS resources".

3.2. What is a group?

A group is a unit to perform a failover. Rules regarding to operations at failover (failover policies) can be set per group.

3.2.1. Understanding the group types

Groups fall into the following type.

  • Failover group
    Collects the resources required for application continuation and performs failover for each application. Up to 256 group resources can be registered with each group.

3.2.2. Understanding the group properties

The properties that can be set on each group are described below:

  • Servers that can run the Group
    Select and set the servers that can run the group from the servers that configure a cluster. Specify the order of priority to the servers that can run the group for running the group.
  • Startup Attribute
    Sets the startup attribute of a group to the auto startup or manual startup.
    In the case of the auto startup, when a cluster is started, a group is started up automatically on the server that has the highest priority among the servers that can run the group.
    In the case of the manual startup, a group is not started even when a server is started up. After starting the server, start up the group manually by using the Cluster WebUI or the clpgrp command. For details on the Cluster WebUI, see online manual. For details on the clpgrp command, see "Operating groups (clpgrp command)" in "EXPRESSCLUSTER command reference" in this guide.
  • Failover Attribute
    Specify the failover method. The following failover attributes can be specified.
    Auto Failover
    A heartbeat timeout or error detection by a group or monitor resource triggers an automatic failover.
    For an automatic failover, the following options can be specified.
    • Use the startup server settings
      When failover is executed due to the error detection of the group resource or monitor resource, the failover destination settings of the resource is used (stable server/ the server that has the highest priority). Also, when failing over is executed due to the timeout detection of the heartbeat, the failover destination is determined following the priority of the server set as servers that can run the group.
      For the operation when a stable server or the server that has the highest priority is used, see "Recovery Operation tab" and "Recovery Action tab".
    • Fail over dynamically
      The failover destination is determined by considering the statuses of each server's monitor resource or failover group, and then a failover is performed.
      The failover destination is determined in the following way.

    Determination factor



    Status of critical monitor resource

    Error (all servers)

    When there is no failover destination, proceed to failover judgment process while ignoring errors of critical monitor resources.

    Normal (single server)

    A normal server is used as the failover destination.

    Normal (multiple servers)

    Proceed to the process that compares error levels.

    Perform a failover while ignoring errors of critical monitor resources


    Proceed to the process that ignores the status of the critical monitor resource and which compares error levels for all the activated servers.

    Not set

    Failover is not performed.

    Number of servers that have the lowest error level


    The server with the lowest error level is used as the failover destination.

    Two or more

    Proceed to the process that judges whether there is a server that can perform a failover in the server that has the lowest error level and that is in the same server group as the failover source.

    Prioritize failover policy in the server group

    Within the same server group as the failover source, there is a server that can perform failover.

    The server in the same server group is used as the failover destination.

    Within the same server group as the failover source, there is no server that can perform a failover.

    Proceed to the smart failover judgment process.

    Not set

    Proceed to the smart failover judgment process.

    Perform a smart failover

    The number of servers recommended as the failover destination is 1.

    The server recommended by the smart failover is used as the failover destination.

    The number of servers recommended as the failover destination is 2 or more.

    Proceed to the operation level judgment process.

    Not set

    Proceed to the operation level judgment process.

    Number of servers with the lowest operation level


    The server that has the lowest operation level is used as the failover destination.

    Two or more

    The running server that has the highest priority is used as the failover destination.


    Critical monitor resource
    Exclude the server which is detecting the error by a monitor resource from the failover destination.
    The monitor that is used can be set with the Cluster WebUI.
    Error level
    This is the number of monitor resources that have detected errors.
    Smart failover
    A function that assigns the server with the smallest load as the failover destination, based on the system resource information collected by the System Resource Agent. To enable this function, a System Resource Agent license must be registered on all the servers set as the failover destination and the system monitor resource must be set as the monitor resource. For details on the system resource monitor, see "Understanding system monitor resources" in "Monitor resource details" in this guide.
    Operation level
    This is the number of failover groups that have been started or are being started, excluding management group.
    • Prioritize failover policy in the server group
      If a server in the same server group can be used as the failover destination, this server is preferably used. If no server in the same server group can be used as the failover destination, a server in another server group is used as the failover destination.
      When failover is executed due to the error detection of the group resource or monitor resource, the failover destination settings of the resource is used (stable server/ the server that has the highest priority). Also, when failing over is executed due to the timeout detection of the heartbeat, the failover destination is determined following the priority of the server set as servers that can run the group.
    • Allow only a manual failover between server groups
      This can be selected only when the above Prioritize failover policy in the server group is set.
      An automatic failover is performed only if a server within the same server group is the destination.
      If no servers in the same server group can be used as the failover destination, failing over to a server in another server group is not automatically performed.
      To move the group to a server in another server group, use the Cluster WebUI or clpgrp command.
    Manual Failover
    Failover is not automatically performed when a heartbeat is timed out. In that case, perform failover manually by using the Cluster WebUI or the clpgrp command. However, even if manual failover is specified, a failover is performed automatically when an error is detected by a group or monitor resource.


    If Execute Failover to outside the Server Group is set in eternal link monitor resource setting, dynamic failover setting and failover setting between server groups will be invalid. A failover is applied to the server that is in a server group other than the server group to which the failover source server belongs and which has the highest priority.

  • Failover Attribute (Advanced)
    Allows an advanced configuration of the automatic failover method specified in Failover Attribute.
    Available options are as follows:
    • Exclude server with error detected by specified monitor resource, from failover destination
      A server with error detected by the specified monitor resources is excluded from the failover destination.
      This option can be enabled or disabled by selecting Use the startup server settings or Prioritize failover policy in the server group in Failover Attribute.
      This option is automatically enabled by selecting Fail over dynamically in Failover Attribute.
    • Failover with error ignored if it is detected in all servers
      This option is selectable only with the above Exclude server with error detected by specified monitor resource, from failover destination selected.
      The failover destination is determined regardless of errors detected in all servers (i.e., no failover destination) by the monitor resource.
  • Failback Attribute
    Set either auto failback or manual failback. However, this cannot be specified when the following conditions match.
    • Mirror disk resource or hybrid disk resource is set to fail over group.

    • Failover attribute is Fail over dynamically.

    In the case of the auto failback, failback will be automatically performed when the server that is given the highest priority is started after a failover.
    In the case of the manual failback, a failback is not performed even if a server is started.

3.2.3. Understanding failover policy

A failover policy is a rule that determines a server to be the failover destination from multiple servers, and it is defined by the properties of a group. When you configure the failover policy, avoid making certain servers more heavily loaded at a failover.

The following describes how servers behave differently depending on failover policies when a failover occurs using example of the server list that can fail over and failover priority in the list.

<Symbols and meaning>

Server status


Server (Normal)

Normal (properly working as a cluster)

Server (Suspended)

Suspended (not recovered as a cluster yet)

Server (Stopped)

Stopped (cluster is stopped)

3-node configuration:


Order of server priorities

1st priority server

2nd priority server

3rd priority server


Server 1

Server 3

Server 2


Server 2

Server 3

Server 1

2-node configuration:


Order of server priorities

1st priority server

2nd priority server


Server 1

Server 2


Server 2

Server 1

It is assumed that the group startup attributes are set to auto startup and the failback attributes are set to manual failback for both Group A and B. It is also assumed that the servers are configured not to recover automatically from the status of being suspended. Whether to perform auto recovery from the suspended status is set ON/OFF of Auto Return on the Extension tab in Cluster Properties.

  • For groups belonging to exclusion rules in which exclusive attributes are Normal or Absolute, the server which they start up or fail over is determined by the failover priority to the server. If a group has two or more servers of the same failover priority, it is determined by the order of numbers, the specific symbols and alphabets of the group name. For details on the failover exclusive attribute, refer to "Understanding Exclusive Control of Group".

  • The failover priority of the management group is determined by the server priority. You can specify server priority on the Master Server tab in Cluster Properties.

When Group A and B do not belong to the exclusion rules:

Various statuses of three servers on which two failover groups are started up

Fig. 3.1 Servers' statuses, and servers on which Groups A and B are started up

  1. Cluster startup

  2. Cluster shutdown

  3. Failure of Server 1: Fails over to the next priority server.

  4. Server1 power on

  5. Server1 cluster recovery

  6. Cluster shutdown

  7. Move Group A

  8. Failure of Server 2: Fails over to the next priority server.

  9. Failure of Server 2: Fails over to the next priority server.

  10. Failure of Server 3: Fails over to the next priority server

  11. Failure of Server 2: Fails over to the next priority server.

  12. Failure of Server 2: Fails over to the next priority server.

When Group A and B belong to the exclusion rules in which the exclusive attribute is set to Normal:

Various statuses of three servers on which two failover groups are started up

Fig. 3.2 Servers' statuses, and servers on which Groups A and B (normal exclusive groups) are started up

  1. Cluster startup

  2. Cluster shutdown

  3. Failure of Server 1: Fails over to a server where no normal exclusive group is active.

  4. Server1 power on

  5. Server1 cluster recovery

  6. Cluster shutdown

  7. Move group A

  8. Failure of Server 2: Fails over to a server where a normal exclusive group is not active.

  9. Failure of Server 2: There is no server where a normal exclusive group is not active, but failover to the server because there is a server that can be started.

  10. Failure of Server 3: There is no server where a normal exclusive group is not active, but failover to the server because there is a server that can be started.

  11. Failure of Server 2: Fails over to a server where a normal exclusive group is not active.

  12. Failure of Server 3: Fails over to a server where a normal exclusive group is not active.

When Group A and B belong to the exclusion rules in which the exclusive attribute is set to Absolute:

Various statuses of three servers on which two failover groups are started up

Fig. 3.3 Servers' statuses, and servers on which Groups A and B (absolute exclusive groups) are started up

  1. Cluster startup

  2. Cluster shutdown

  3. Failure of Server 1: Fails over to the next priority server.

  4. Server1 power on

  5. Server1 cluster recovery

  6. Cluster shutdown

  7. Move group A

  8. Failure of Server 2: Fails over to the next priority server.

  9. Failure of Server 2: Does not failover (Group B stops).

  10. Failure of Server 3: Does not failover (Group A stops).

  11. Failure of Server 2: Fails over to the server where no absolute exclusive group is active.

  12. Failure of Server 3: Fails over to the server where no absolute exclusive group is active.

- For Replicator - (two-server configuration) When Group A and B do not belong to the exclusion rules:

Various statuses of two servers on which two failover groups are started up

Fig. 3.4 Servers' statuses, and servers on which Groups A and B are started up (with Replicator)

  1. Cluster startup

  2. Cluster shutdown

  3. Failure of Server 1: Fails over to the standby server of Group A.

  4. Server1 power on

  5. Server1 cluster recovery

  6. Cluster shutdown

  7. Move group A

  8. Failure of Server 2: Fails over to the standby server of Group B.

  9. Failure of Server 2

  10. Failure of Server 2: Fails over to the standby server.

3.2.4. Operations at detection of activation and deactivation failure

When an activation or deactivation error is detected, the following operations are performed:

  • When an error in activation of group resources is detected:

    • When an error in activation of group resources is detected, activation is retried.

    • W hen activation retries fail as many times as the number set to Retry Count at Activation Failure, a failover to the server specified in Failover destination takes place.

    • If the failover fails as many times as the number set to Failover Threshold, the action configured in Final Action is performed.

  • When an error in deactivation of group resources is detected:

    • When an error in deactivation of group resources is detected, deactivation is retried.

    • When deactivation retries fail as many times as the number set to Retry Count at Deactivation Failure, the action configured in Final Action is performed.


When Server is selected for Failover Count Method:
Failover Threshold is the upper limit of failover count of a server because the number of failovers is recorded per server.
In a server in which the group activation is completed successfully, the failover count is reset.
An unsuccessful recovery action is also counted into failover count.
When Cluster is selected for Failover Count Method:
Failovers are counted on a server basis. Failover Threshold is the maximum failover count on a server.
The failover count is reset after the group has activated and the normal status continues for 10 minutes.
An unsuccessful recovery action is also counted into failover count.

The following describes how an error in activation of group resources is detected:

When the following settings are made: (Failover Count Method: Server)

Retry Count at Activation Failure 3 times
Failover Threshold 1 time
Final Action Stop Group
  1. The following figure illustrates that Servers 1 and 2 are connected to the shared disk.
    With Failover group A on Server 1, Disk resource 1 will start to be activated (e.g. for mounting the file system).
    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.5 Flow of operation on detecting a group resource activation failure (Failover Count Method: Server) (1)

  2. The activation of Disk resource 1 fails due to a mounting error for a disk path failure or another cause.

    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.6 Flow of operation on detecting a group resource activation failure (Failover Count Method: Server) (2)

  3. The activation of Disk resource 1 is retried up to three times (activation retry count).

    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.7 Flow of operation on detecting a group resource activation failure (Failover Count Method: Server) (3)

  4. Failover group A starts to be failed over.
    Failover Threshold represents how many times failover is performed on each server.
    This is the first failover on Server 1.
    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.8 Flow of operation on detecting a group resource activation failure (Failover Count Method: Server) (4)

  5. Disk resource 1 starts to be activated (e.g. for mounting the file system).
    If a failure occurs on the way, the activation is retried up to three times.
    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.9 Flow of operation on detecting a group resource activation failure (Failover Count Method: Server) (5)

  6. If the specified retry count is exceeded for the activation of Disk resource 1 on Server 2 as well, Failover group A starts to be failed over.
    This is the first failover on Server 2.
    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.10 Flow of operation on detecting a group resource activation failure (Failover Count Method: Server) (6)

  7. On Server 1, Disk resource 1 starts to be activated. If a failure occurs on the way, the activation is retried up to three times.

    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.11 Flow of operation on detecting a group resource activation failure (Failover Count Method: Server) (7)

  8. If the specified retry count is exceeded for the activation of Disk resource 1 on Server 1 as well, the specified Final Action is started. No failover is performed then, because Failover Threshold is set at 1.
    Final Action means the action to be taken after the specified failover retry count is exceeded.
    Here, Failover group A starts to be stopped.
    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.12 Flow of operation on detecting a group resource activation failure (Failover Count Method: Server) (8)

When the following settings are made: (Failover Count Method: Cluster)

Retry Count at Activation Failure 3 times
Failover Threshold The same number as the number of servers (In the following case, 2 times)
Final Action Stop Group
  1. The following figure illustrates that Servers 1 and 2 are connected to the shared disk.
    With Failover group A on Server 1, Disk resource 1 will start to be activated (e.g. for mounting the file system).
    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.13 Flow of operation on detecting a group resource activation failure (Failover Count Method: Cluster) (1)

  2. The activation of Disk resource 1 fails due to a mounting error for a disk path failure or another cause.

    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.14 Flow of operation on detecting a group resource activation failure (Failover Count Method: Cluster) (2)

  3. The activation of Disk resource 1 is retried up to three times (activation retry count).

    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.15 Flow of operation on detecting a group resource activation failure (Failover Count Method: Cluster) (3)

  4. Failover group A starts to be failed over. Failover Threshold represents how many times failover is performed on each server. This is the first failover on this cluster.

    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.16 Flow of operation on detecting a group resource activation failure (Failover Count Method: Cluster) (4)

  5. Disk resource 1 starts to be activated (e.g. for mounting the file system). If a failure occurs on the way, the activation is retried up to three times.

    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.17 Flow of operation on detecting a group resource activation failure (Failover Count Method: Cluster) (5)

  6. If the specified retry count is exceeded for the activation of Disk resource 1 on Server 2 as well, Failover group A starts to be failed over. This is the second failover on this cluster.

    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.18 Flow of operation on detecting a group resource activation failure (Failover Count Method: Cluster) (6)

  7. On Server 1, Disk resource 1 starts to be activated. If a failure occurs on the way, the activation is retried up to three times.

    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.19 Flow of operation on detecting a group resource activation failure (Failover Count Method: Cluster) (7)

  8. If the specified retry count is exceeded for the activation of Disk resource 1 on Server 1 as well, the specified Final Action is started. No failover is performed then, because Failover Threshold is set at 2. Final Action means the action to be taken after the specified failover retry count is exceeded. Here, Failover group A starts to be stopped.

    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.20 Flow of operation on detecting a group resource activation failure (Failover Count Method: Cluster) (8)

3.2.5. Final action

When activation fails even though the failover performed as many times as the number set to Failover Threshold, the action configured in Final Action is performed. The final action can be selected from the following operations.

  • No Operation (Activate next resource)
    Continues the group start process.
  • No Operation (Not activate next resource)
    Cancels the group start process.
  • Stop Group
    Deactivates all resources in the group which the group resource that an activation error is detected belongs.
  • Stop cluster service
    Stops the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server service of the server that an activation error is detected.
  • Stop the cluster service and shutdown OS
    Stops the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server service of the server that an activation error is detected, and shuts down the OS.
  • Stop cluster service and reboot OS
    Stops the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server service of the server that an activation error is detected, and reboots the OS.
  • Generating of intentional Stop Error
    Generate a stop error intentionally on the server that an activation error is detected.

3.2.6. Script before final action

When a group resource activation error is detected, a script before final action can be executed before the last action during detection of a deactivation error.

Environment variables used with a script before final action

When executing a script, EXPRESSCLUSTER sets information such as the state in which it is executed (when an activation error occurs, when a deactivation error occurs) in the environment variables.

Environment variable



...Execution timing


Executes a script before final action in the event of a group resource activation error.


Executes a script before final action in the event of a group resource deactivation error.

...Group name

Group name

Indicates the name of the group containing the group resource in which an error that causes the script before final action to be executed is detected.

...Group resource name

Group resource name

Indicates the name of the group resource in which an error that causes the script before final action to be executed is detected.

Flow used to describe a script before final action

The following explains the environment variables in the previous topic and an actual script, associating them with each other.

Example of a script before final action in the event of an deactivation error

rem ********************************************
rem *            predeactaction.bat            *
rem ********************************************

echo START

rem Refer to the environment variable of the script execution factor
rem to determine the subsequent process.

rem ********************************************
rem CLP_TIMING is not STOP (Error)
rem ********************************************
echo NO_CLP

rem ********************************************
rem ********************************************

rem Here, write a recovery process to be performed.

echo EXIT

Tips for creating a script before final action

Using clplogcmd, you can output messages to the Alert logs of Cluster WebUI.

Notes on script before final action

  • Condition that a script before final action is executed
    A script before final action is executed before the final action upon detection of a group resource activation or deactivation failure. Even if No operation (Next Resources Are Activated/Deactivated) or No operation (Next Resources Are Not Activated/Deactivated) is set as the final action, a script before final action is executed.
    If the final action is not executed because the maximum restart count has reached the upper limit or by the function to suppress the final action when all other servers are being stopped, a script before final action is not executed.

3.2.7. Script Before and After Activation/Deactivation

An arbitrary script can be executed before and after activation/deactivation of group resources.

Environment variables used with a script after activation/deactivation

When executing a script, EXPRESSCLUSTER sets information such as the state in which it is executed (before activation, after activation, before deactivation, or after deactivation) in the environment variables.

Environment variable



...Execution timing


Executes a script before a group resource is activated.


Executes a script after a group resource is activated.


Executes a script before a group resource is deactivated.


Executes a script after a group resource is deactivated.

...Group name

Group name

Indicates the group name of the group resource containing the script.

...Group resource name

Group resource name

Indicates the name of the group resource containing the script.

Flow used to describe a script before and after activation/deactivation

The following explains the environment variables in the previous topic and an actual script, associating them with each other.

Example of a script before and after activation/deactivation

rem ******************************************************
rem *                    rscextent.bat                   *
rem ******************************************************

echo START

rem Here, write any process to be performed before the resource activation.


rem Here, write any process to be performed after the resource activation.


rem Here, write any process to be performed before the resource deactivation.


rem Here, write any process to be performed after the resource deactivation.



Tips for creating a script before and after activation/deactivation

Using clplogcmd, you can output messages to the Alert logs of Cluster WebUI.

Notes on script before and after activation/deactivation


3.2.8. Reboot count limit

If Stop cluster service and shutdown OS or Stop cluster service and reboot OS is selected as the final action to be taken when any error in activation or deactivation is detected, you can limit the number of shutdowns or reboots caused by detection of activation or deactivation errors.

This maximum reboot count is the upper limit of reboot count of each server.


The maximum reboot count is the upper limit of reboot count of a server because the number of reboots is recorded per server.
The number of reboots that are taken as a final action in detection of an error in group activation or deactivation and those by monitor resources are recorded separately.
If the time to reset the maximum reboot count is set to zero (0), the reboot count is not reset. To reset the reboot count, use the clpregctrl command.

The following describes the flow of operations when the limitation of reboot count is set as shown below:

As a final action, Stop cluster service and reboot OS is executed once because the maximum reboot count is set to one (1).

If the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server service is started successfully after rebooting OS, the reboot count is reset after 10 minutes because the time to reset maximum reboot count is set to 10 minutes.

Setting example

Retry Count at Activation Failure 0
Failover Threshold 0
Final Action Stop cluster service and reboot OS
Max Reboot Count 1
Max Reboot Count Reset Time 10 minutes
  1. The following figure illustrates that Servers 1 and 2 are connected to the shared disk.
    With Failover group A on Server 1, Disk resource 1 will start to be activated (e.g. for mounting the file system).
    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.21 Process with the limited number of reboots (1)

    Server 1

    Server 2

    Maximum reboot count



    Reboot count



  2. The activation of Disk resource 1 fails.

    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.22 Process with the limited number of reboots (2)

    Server 1

    Server 2

    Maximum reboot count



    Reboot count



  3. Stop the cluster service, and then reboot the OS. Since both Retry Count at Activation Failure and Failover Threshold are set at zero (0), the final action is taken.
    On Server 1, the number of reboots is recorded as 1.
    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.23 Process with the limited number of reboots (3)

    Server 1

    Server 2

    Maximum reboot count



    Reboot count



  4. Failover group A starts to be failed over.

    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.24 Process with the limited number of reboots (4)

    Server 1

    Server 2

    Maximum reboot count



    Reboot count



  5. Disk resource 1 starts to be activated (e.g. for mounting the file system).
    The resource activation succeeds on Server 2, and the reboot is completed on Server 1.
    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.25 Process with the limited number of reboots (5)

    Server 1

    Server 2

    Maximum reboot count



    Reboot count



  6. Start the failover of Failover group A by using the clpgrp command or Cluster WebUI.

    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.26 Process with the limited number of reboots (6)

    Server 1

    Server 2

    Maximum reboot count



    Reboot count



  7. Disk resource 1 starts to be activated (e.g. for mounting the file system).

    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.27 Process with the limited number of reboots (7)

    Server 1

    Server 2

    Maximum reboot count



    Reboot count



  8. The activation of Disk resource 1 fails.
    The final action is not taken, because the reboot count has reached its maximum.
    Even after 10 minutes pass, the reboot count is not reset.
    An activation failure occurs in Failover group A.
    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.28 Process with the limited number of reboots (8)

    Server 1

    Server 2

    Maximum reboot count



    Reboot count



  9. Eliminate the disk error that caused the activation failure of Disk resource 1.
    After that, shut down the cluster by using the clpstdn command or Cluster WebUI. Then start the reboot.
    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.29 Process with the limited number of reboots (9)

    Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.30 Process with the limited number of reboots (10)

    Server 1

    Server 2

    Maximum reboot count



    Reboot count



  10. Starting up Failover group A succeeds.
    After 10 minutes pass, the reboot count is reset.
    Next time an activation failure occurs in Disk resource 1 during a startup of Failover group A, the final action will be taken.
Server 1 and Server 2 both with the same shared disk connected

Fig. 3.31 Process with the limited number of reboots (11)

Server 1

Server 2

Maximum reboot count



Reboot count



3.2.9. Resetting the reboot count

Run the clpregctrl command to reset the reboot count. For details on the clpregctrl command, see "Controlling reboot count (clpregctrl command)" in "9. EXPRESSCLUSTER command reference" in this guide.

3.2.10. Checking a double activation

When a group is started, it is possible to check whether a double activation will occur or not.

  • If a double activation is determined not to occur:

    A group startup begins.

  • If a double activation is determined to occur (if a timeout occurs):

    A group startup does not begin. If the server attempts to start up the group, that group is stopped.


  • If a single resource is started while its relevant group is stopped, a double activation check will be performed. However, if a single resource is started while any resource in the group is activated, a double activation check will not be performed.

  • If there are no floating IP resources for the group for which Execute Multi-Failover-Service Check is selected, a double activation is not executed and the group startup begins.

  • If a double activation is determined to occur, the statuses of groups and resources may not match among servers.

3.2.11. Understanding setting of group start dependence and group stop dependence

You can set the group start and stop order by setting group start dependence and group stop dependence.

  • When group start dependence is set:

    • For group start, start processing of this group is performed after start processing of the group subject to start dependence completes normally.

    • For group start, if a timeout occurs in the group for which start dependence is set, the group does not start.

  • When group stop dependence is set:

    • For group stop, stop processing of this group is performed after stop processing of the group subject to stop dependence completes normally.

    • If a timeout occurs in the group for which stop dependence is set, the group stop processing continues.

    • Stop dependence is performed according to the conditions specified in Cluster WebUI.

    To display the settings made for group start dependence and group stop dependence, click Group properties in the config mode of Cluster WebUI and then click the Start Dependency tab and the Stop Dependency tab.
    Depths for group start dependence are listed below as an example.
    The following explains group start execution using examples of simple status transition.

Three failover groups

Fig. 3.32 Order of starting groups

When two servers have three groups
Group failover policy

Group A Server 1

Group B Server 2

Group C Server 1 -> Server 2

Group start dependence setting

Group A Start dependence is not set.

Group B Start dependence is not set.

Group C Group A start dependence is set.

Start dependence is set when Group C is started by the server of Group B.

  1. When Server 1 starts Group A and Group C

    Server 1 starts Group C after Group A has been started normally.

    2台のサーバと、Group A、Group B、Group C

    Fig. 3.33 Server 1 starts Group A and Group C

  2. When Server 1 starts Group A and Server 2 starts Group C

    Server 2 starts Group C after Server 1 has started Group A normally.

Wait Only when on the Same Server is not set, so Group A start dependence by another server is applied.

2台のサーバと、Group A、Group B、Group C

Fig. 3.34 Server 1 starts Group A and Server 2 starts Group C

  1. When Server 1 starts Group C and Server 2 starts Group B

    Server 1 starts Group C without waiting for the normal start of Group B. Group C is set to wait for Group B start only when it is started by the same server. However, start dependence is not applied to Group C because Group B is set such that it is not started by Server 1.

    2台のサーバと、Group A、Group B、Group C

    Fig. 3.35 Server 1 starts Group C and Server 2 starts Group B

  2. When Server 1 starts Group A and Group C

    If Server 1 fails in Group A start, Group C is not started.

    2台のサーバと、Group A、Group B、Group C

    Fig. 3.36 Failing in starting Group A, Server 1 does not start Group C

  3. When Server 1 starts Group A and Group C

    If Server 1 fails in Group A start and a failover occurs in Server 2 due to Group A resource recovery, Server 2 starts Group A and then Server 1 starts Group C.

    2台のサーバと、Group A、Group B、Group C

    Fig. 3.37 GroupA fails over to Server 2, and Group C is started on Server 1

  4. When Server 1 starts Group A and Group C

    If a Group A start dependence timeout occurs on Server 1, Group C is not started.

    2台のサーバと、Group A、Group B、Group C

    Fig. 3.38 Server 1 starts Group A

  5. When Server 1 starts only Group C

    Server 1 has not started Group A, so a start dependence timeout occurs. If this timeout occurs, Group C is not started.

    2台のサーバと、Group A、Group B、Group C

    Fig. 3.39 Server 1 does not start Group A or Group C


  • When a group is started, there is no function to automatically start the group for which start dependence is set.

  • The group is not started if a timeout occurs in the group for which start dependence is set.

  • The group is not started if the group for which start dependence is set fails to start.

  • If the group for which start dependence is set has both a normally started resource and a stopped resource, the group is judged to have already been normally started.

  • When a group is stopped, there is no function to automatically stop the group for which stop dependence is set.

  • Group stop processing continues if a timeout occurs in a group for which stop dependence is set.

  • Group stop processing continues if a group for which stop dependence is set fails to stop.

  • The group stop processing or resource stop processing by the Cluster WebUI or clpgrp command does not apply stop dependence. Stop dependence is applied according to the setting (when the cluster or a server stops) made with the Cluster WebUI.

  • At the timing of a failover, if a start waiting timeout occurs, the failover fails

3.2.12. Understanding Exclusive Control of Group

The Failover exclusive attributes set exclusive attributes of the group at failover. However, they cannot set any attribute under the following conditions:

  • When failover attribute is one of Fail over dynamically, Prioritize failover policy in the server group or Enable only manual failover among the server groups.

The settable failover exclusive attributes are as follows:


Exclusion is not performed at failover. Failover is performed on the server of the highest priority among the servers that can fail over.


Exclusion is performed at failover. Failover is performed on the server on which the other normal exclusion groups are not started and which is given the highest priority among the servers that can run the group.
However, if the other normal exclusion groups have already been started on all servers that the failover can be performed, exclusion is not performed. Failover is performed on the server that is given the highest priority among the servers on which failover can be performed.


Exclusion is performed at failover. Failover is performed on the server on which the other absolute exclusion groups are not started and which is given the highest priority among the servers that can run the group.
However, failover is not performed if the other absolute exclusion groups have already been started on all servers on which failover can be performed.


Exclusion is not performed to the groups with different exclusion rules. Exclusive control is performed only among the groups with the same exclusion rule, according to the set exclusion attribute. In either case, exclusion is not performed with the no-exclusion group. For details on the failover exclusive attribute, see " Understanding failover policy ". Furthermore, for details on the settings of the exclusion rules, see " Group common properties ".

3.2.13. Understanding server groups

This section provides information about server groups.
Server groups are mainly groups of servers which are required when hybrid disk resources are used.
Upon using hybrid disk resources in a shared disk device, servers connected by the same shared disk device are configured as a server group.
Upon using hybrid disk resources in a non-shared disk, a single server is configured as a single server group.
Two servers connected to a shared disk, and one server connected to a disk

Fig. 3.40 Server groups

3.2.14. Understanding the settings of dependency among group resources

By specifying dependency among group resources, you can specify the order of activating them.

  • When the dependency among group resources is set:

  • When activating a failover group that a group resource belongs to, its activation starts after the activation of the Dependent Resources is completed.

  • When deactivating a group resource, the deactivation of the "Dependent Resources" starts after the deactivation of the group resource is completed.

The following shows an example of the depth of dependency of resources that belong to a group.

Floating IP resource, disk resource, and application resource

Fig. 3.41 Example of a group resource activation order

Floating IP resource, disk resource, and application resource

Fig. 3.42 Example of a group resource deactivation order

3.2.15. Setting group resources for individual server

Some setting values of group resources can be configured for individual servers. On the properties of resources which can be set for individual servers, tabs for each server are displayed on the Details tab.
In this example, the server individual setup for a floating IP resource is explained.

Server Individual Setup

Parameters that can be set for individual servers on a floating IP resource are displayed.

Set Up Individually

Click the tab of the server on which you want to configure the server individual setting, and select this check box. The boxes for parameters that can be configured for individual servers become active. Enter required parameters.


When setting up a server individually, you cannot select Tuning.

3.3. Group common properties

3.3.1. Exclusion tab


Add exclusion rules. Select Add to display the Exclusive Rule Definition dialog box.


Remove exclusion rules.


The change server group name dialog box of the selected exclusion rule is displayed.]

There are the following naming rules.

  • Up to 31 characters (31 bytes).

  • Names cannot start or end with a hyphen (-) or a space.

  • A name consisting of only numbers is not allowed.

Names should be unique (case-insensitive) in the exclusion rule.


Display the properties of the selected exclusion rule.

Exclusive Rule Definition

The name of the exclusion rule and the exclusive attribute are set. Either Normal or Absolute can be set for an exclusive attribute. Normal can be set just one time, whereas Absolute can be set more than one time. If an exclusion rule in which Normal is set already exists, Normal cannot be set any more.


Display the exclusion rule name.

Exclusive Attribute

Display the exclusive attribute set in the exclusion rule.


Display the list of failover group names which belong to the exclusion rule.

After selecting a group which you want to register into the exclusion rule from Available Group, press Add.

Exclusive Group displays groups registered into the exclusion rule. A failover group added in another exclusion rule is not displayed on Available Group.

3.3.2. Start Dependency tab

Display the start dependency list.

3.3.3. Stop Dependency tab

Display the stop dependency list.

3.4. Group properties

3.4.1. Resources tab

Displays a list of group resources included in the selected group.
Allows you to change the various settings.
Clicking a name link takes you to the property screen of the corresponding resource.
Allows you to rearrange the items of the list by selecting their names or types.
Selecting Customize table displays the Customize table dialog box, where you can set which items are shown in or hidden from the list.
Clicking CSV Download downloads data, in CSV format, shown in the group resource list.
For more information on the displayed items, see " Resource Properties ".

3.4.2. Info tab


The group type is displayed.

Use Server Group Settings

  • When the check box is selected:
    Server group settings are used.
  • When not selected:
    Server group settings are not used.


The group name is displayed.

Changing the group name

  1. click others, and then select Rename the group.

  1. A dialog box to rename group is displayed.

Naming rules

  • Only alphanumeric characters, hyphen (-), underscore (_) and space are allowed for names.

  • Up to 31 characters (31 bytes)

  • Names cannot start or end with a hyphen (-) or space.

Comment (Within 127 bytes)

Enter a comment for the group. Use only one-byte alphabets and numbers.

3.4.3. Startup Server tab

There are two types of settings for the server that starts up the group: starting up the group on all servers or on only the specified servers and server groups that can run the group.

If the setting on which the group is started up by all the servers is configured, all the servers in a cluster can start a group. The group startup priority of servers is same as the one of servers. For details on the server priority, see "Master Server tab" in "Servers Properties" in "2. Parameter details" in this guide.

When selecting servers and server groups that can run the group, you can select any server or server group from those registered to the cluster. You can also change the startup priority of servers and server groups that can run the group.

To set the server to start up the failover group:

Failover is possible on all servers

Specify the server that starts a group.

  • When the checkbox is selected:
    All servers registered to a cluster can start a group. The priority of starting up a group is the same as the one of the servers.
  • When not selected:
    You can select the servers that can start a group, and change the startup priority.


Use this button to add a server. Select a server that you want to add from Available Servers, and then click Add. The server is added to Servers that can run the Group.


Use this button to remove a server. Select a server that you want to remove from Servers that can run the Group, and then click Remove. The server is added to Available Servers.


Use these buttons to change the priority of the servers that can be started. Select a server whose priority you want to change from Servers that can run the Group. Click the arrows to move the selected row upward or downward.

To use the server group settings:

In case of the group including the hybrid disk resource, it is necessary to configure the server that can run a group using the server group settings. For server group settings, see "Server Group tab" in "Servers Properties" in "2. Parameter details" in this guide.


Use this button to add a server group to server groups you use. Select a server group that you want to add from Available Server Groups, and then click Add. The server group is added to Server Groups that can run the Group.


Use this button to remove a server group from server groups you use. Select a server group that you want to remove from Available Server Groups, and then click Remove. The server is added to Server Groups that can run the Group.


Use these buttons to change the priority of the server groups that can run a group. Select a server groups whose priority you want to change from Server Groups that can run the Group. Click the arrows to move the selected row upward or downward.

3.4.4. Attribute tab

Startup Attribute

Select whether to automatically start the group from EXPRESSCLUSTER (auto startup), or to manually start from the Cluster WebUI or by using the clpgrp command (manual startup) at the cluster startup.

Execute Multi-Failover-Service Check

Check whether a double activation will occur or not before a group is started.

Timeout (1 to 9999)

Specify the maximum time to be taken to check a double activation. The default value is set as 300 seconds. Specify a larger value than the one set for Ping Timeout of Floating IP Resource Tuning Properties for the floating IP resource that belongs to the group.

Failover Attribute

Select if the failover is performed automatically when server fails.

  • Auto Failover
    Failover is executed automatically. In addition, the following options can be selected.
    • Use the startup server settings
      This is the default setting.
    • Fail over dynamically
      The failover destination is determined by considering the statuses of each server's monitor or failover group at the time of the failover.
      If this option button is selected, all the failback attribute parameters are reverted to the default values and grayed out.
      If dynamic failover is selected, each option can be set. For details, see "Understanding the group properties".
    • Prioritize failover policy in the server group
      This function controls failovers between sites (between server groups).
      However, if no server group is specified for the failover group, the display for failovers between sites is grayed out.
      The Enable only manual failover among the server groups check box can be selected only when this option button is selected.
      If the Prioritize failover policy in the server group option button is selected, the failover policies in the same server group take priority when determining the failover destination.
      If the Prioritize failover policy in the server group option button and Enable only manual failover among the server groups check box are selected, failovers across server groups are not automatically performed. Manually move groups between server groups.
  • Manual Failover
    Failover is executed manually.

Failover Attribute (Advanced)

Allows an advanced configuration of the automatic failover method specified in Failover Attribute. Refer to "Understanding the group properties" for the details.

Failback Attribute

Select if the failback is performed automatically to the group when a server that has a higher priority than other server where the group is active is started. For groups that have mirror disk resources or hybrid disk resources, select manual failback.

Edit Monitor

The failover process can exclude the server for which the specified monitor resource has detected an error, from the failover destinations. If Exclude server with error detected by specified monitor resource, from failover destination is selected in Failover Attribute (Advanced), you can set the monitor resource that is used.

The monitor resource that is used can be set with the monitor resource type and monitor resource name.

  • Add monitor resource type
    Adds the monitor resource type.
    Any server, in which even one monitor resource of the added monitor resource type is abnormal, is excluded from the failover destinations.

    Adds the selected monitor resource type.

  • Remove monitor resource type
    Removes the selected monitor resource type.
  • Add monitor resource group
    Adds the monitor resource group.
    The maximum number of monitor resource groups to be registered is 32.
    If multiple monitor resources are registered in a single monitor resource group, the server in which all the registered monitor resources are abnormal is excluded from the failover destinations.
    Moreover, if multiple monitor resource groups are registered, a server that satisfies at least one of the conditions is excluded from the failover destinations.


Adds the monitor resource selected from Available Monitor Resources list to Edit exclude monitor resource type.


Removes the monitor resource selected with Edit monitor resource type, from the list.

  • Delete monitor resource group
    Removes the selected monitor resource group.
  • Edit monitor resource group
    Edits the selected monitor resource group.


The following monitor resources cannot be registered for the monitor resource type. Moreover, a resource name of these resources cannot be registered for the monitor resource group.

  • Hybrid disk monitor


The monitor resource in the warning status is not handled as being abnormal. However, the mirror disk monitor resource is excluded.
The monitor resource set for monitoring at activation does not enter the abnormal status because it does not perform monitoring for a server other than the group start server.
The monitor resource stopped with the Cluster WebUI or clpmonctrl command enters the normal status.
A server that has not been set to monitor a monitor resource does not enter the abnormal status because it does not perform monitoring.


For the mirror disk monitor resource, any abnormality is determined from whether the mirror disk resource can be activated. This determination does not depend on the status of the mirror disk monitor resource.
Even if the mirror disk monitor resource is in the abnormal status, the server on which the mirror disk resource can be activated normally is not excluded from the failover destinations.
Even if the mirror disk monitor resource is in the normal or warning status, any server on which the mirror disk resource cannot be activated normally is excluded from the failover destinations.
Before the initial mirror configuration, the failover group may fail to start. It is recommended that the mirror disk monitor resource be registered in monitor resources for excluding server from failover destination after the initial mirror configuration.

3.4.5. Start Dependency tab


Clicking Add adds the group selected from Available Group to Dependent Group.


Clicking Remove removes the group selected from Dependent Group.

Start Wait Time (0 to 9999)

Specify how many seconds to wait before a timeout occurs in the target group start processing. The default value is 1800 seconds.


Clicking Property changes the properties of the group selected from Dependent Group.

Wait Only when on the Same Server

Specify whether to wait for starting only if the group for which start waiting is specified and the target group are starting on the same server.
If the server on which the group with start waiting specified starts is not included as the Startup Server of the target group, waiting is not required.
If a target group fails to start on a server other than the server on which the group with start waiting specified is starting, waiting is not required.

3.4.6. Stop Dependency


Clicking Add adds the group selected from Available Group to Dependent Group.


Clicking Remove removes the group selected from Dependent Group.

Stop Wait Time (0 to 9999)

Specify how many seconds to wait before a timeout occurs in the target group stop processing. The default value is 1800 seconds.

Wait the Dependent Groups when a Cluster Stops

Specify whether to wait for the dependent groups to stop when the cluster stops.

Wait the Dependent Groups when a Server Stops

Specify whether to wait for the dependent groups to stop when a single server stops. This option waits for the stop of only those groups running on the same server, among all the dependent groups.

Wait the Dependent Groups when a Group Stops

Specify whether to wait for the dependent groups to stop when the groups are being stopped. This option waits for the stop of only those groups running on the same server, among all the dependent groups.

If stopping a target group fails, await the timeout

Specify whether to wait for the stop timeout following a stop failure of the target group.

  • If the checkbox is checked:

    • The timeout is awaited.

  • If the checkbox is not checked:

    • The timeout is not awaited; the currently selected group starts its own stop process.

3.4.7. Entire Dependency

Displays the settings of dependency among group resources.

During Activation tab

Displays dependency among group resources for failover group activation.

During Deactivation tab

Displays dependency among group resources for failover group deactivation.

Display the diagram

Clicking the link displays the diagram of dependency among group resources.

3.5. Resource Properties

3.5.1. Info tab


The resource name is displayed.

Changing the resource name

  1. click others, and then select Rename the group resource.

  1. A dialog box to rename resource is displayed.

Naming rules

  • Only alphanumeric characters, hyphen (-), underscore (_) and space are allowed for names.

  • Up to 31 characters (31 bytes)

  • Names cannot start or end with a hyphen (-) or space.

Comment (Within 127 bytes)

Enter a comment for the resource. Use only one-byte alphabets and numbers.

3.5.2. Dependency tab

Follow the default dependence

Select if the selected group resource follows the default EXPRESSCLUSTER dependency.

  • When Follow the default dependence is selected:
    The selected group resource depends on the type(s) of resources. For the default dependency of each resource, see "Parameters list" in "Parameter details" in this guide. When there is more than one resource of the same type, the selected group resource depends on all resources of that type.
  • When Follow the default dependence is not selected:
    The selected group resource depends on the specified resource.


It is used when adding the group resource selected in Available Resources to Dependent Resources.


It is used when removing the group resource selected in Dependent Resources from Dependent Resources.

3.5.3. Recovery Operation tab

When an error in activation of the group resource is detected:

  • When an error is detected while activating the group resource, try activating it again.

  • When the activation retry count exceeds the number of times set in Retry Count, failover to the server specified in the Failover Target Server is executed.

  • When the group resource cannot be activated even after executing a failover as many times as specified in Failover Threshold, the final action is taken.

When an error in deactivation of the group resource is detected:

  • When an error is detected while deactivating the group resource, try deactivating it again.

  • When the deactivation retry count exceeds the number of times set in Retry Count at Deactivation Failure, the final action is taken.

Recovery Operation at Activation Failure Detection

Retry Count (0 to 99)

Enter how many times to retry activation when an activation error is detected. If you set this to zero (0), the activation will not be retried.

Failover Target Server

Select a Failover Target Server for the failover that takes place after activation retries upon activation error detection have failed for the number of times specified in Retry Count.

  • Stable Server
    The failover destination is the server where least resource errors have been detected.
    If two or more servers that meet the above condition exist, failover takes place by selecting one of them according to the failover policy of the group.
  • Maximum Priority Server
    Failover takes place according to the failover policy settings of the group.

Failover Threshold (0 to 99)

Enter how many times to retry failover after activation retry fails as many times as the number of times set in Retry Count when an error in activation is detected.

If you set this to zero (0), failover will not be executed.

When Server is selected for Failover Count Method on the Extension tab in the Cluster Properties, specify any number (0 to 99) for the failover threshold count.

When Cluster is selected for Failover Count Method on the Extension tab in the Cluster Properties, configure the following settings for the failover threshold count.

  • Set as many as the number of the servers
    Set the failover threshold count to the number of servers.
  • Specify Number
    Specify any number for the failover threshold count.

For the settings of Failover Count Method, refer to "Extension Tab" in "Cluster properties" in "2. Parameter details" in this guide.

Final Action

Select an action to be taken when activation retry failed the number of times specified in Retry Count and failover failed as many times as the number of times specified in Failover Threshold when an activation error is detected.

Select a final action from the following:

  • No Operation (Activate next resource)

  • No Operation (Not activate next resource)

  • Stop Group

  • Stop cluster service

  • Stop cluster service and shutdown OS

  • Stop cluster service and reboot OS

  • Generating of intentional Stop Error

For details on the final action, see "Final action".

Execute Script before Final Action

Select whether script is run or not before executing final action when an activation failure is detected.

  • When the checkbox is selected:
    A script/command is run before executing final action. To configure the script/command setting, click Settings.
    For the settings of the script, refer to the explanation about the script settings in "Execute Script before or after Activation or Deactivation".
  • When the checkbox is not selected:
    Any script/command is not run.

Recovery Operation at Deactivation Failure Detection

Retry Count at Deactivation Failure (0 to 99)

Enter how many times to retry deactivation when an error in deactivation is detected.

If you set this to zero (0), deactivation will not be retried.

Final Action

Select the action to be taken when deactivation retry failed the number of times specified in Retry Count at Deactivation Failure when an error in deactivation is detected.

Select the final action from the following:

  • No Operation (Deactivate next resource)

  • No Operation (Not deactivate next resource)

  • Stop cluster service and shutdown OS

  • Stop cluster service and reboot OS

  • Generating of intentional Stop Error

For details on the final action, see "Final action".


If you select No Operation as the final action when a deactivation error is detected, group does not stop but remains in the deactivation error status. Make sure not to set No Operation in the production environment.

Execute Script before Final Action

Select whether script is run or not before executing final action when a deactivation failure is detected.

  • When the checkbox is selected:
    A script/command is run before executing final action. To configure the script/command setting, click Settings.
    For the settings of the script, refer to the explanation about the script settings in "Execute Script before or after Activation or Deactivation".
  • When the checkbox is not selected:
    Any script/command is not run.

3.5.4. Details tab

The parameters specific to each resource are described in its explanation part.

3.5.5. Extension tab

Resource Startup Attribute

Select whether to automatically start up the resource in starting up the group or manually (by using Cluster WebUI or the clprsc command).

Execute Script before or after Activation or Deactivation

Select whether script is run or not before and after activation/deactivation of group resources. To configure the script settings, click Script Settings.

The script can be run at the specified timing by selecting the checkbox.

Exec Timing

Execute Script before Activation

  • When the checkbox is selected
    The script is executed before the resource is activated.
  • When not selected
    The script is not executed before the resource is activated.

Execute Script after Activation

  • When the checkbox is selected
    The script is executed after the resource is activated.
  • When not selected
    The script is not executed after the resource is activated.

Execute Script before Deactivation

  • When the checkbox is selected
    The script is executed before the resource is deactivated.
  • When not selected
    The script is not executed before the resource is deactivated.

Execute Script after Deactivation

  • When the checkbox is selected
    The script is executed after the resource is deactivated.
  • When not selected
    The script is not executed after the resource is deactivated.

To configure the script settings, click Settings.

User Application

Use an executable file (executable batch file or execution file) on the server as a script. For the file name, specify an absolute path or name of the executable file of the local disk on the server. If you specify only the name of the executable file, you must configure the path with environment variable in advance. If there is any blank in the absolute path or the file name, put them in double quotation marks ("") as follows.


"C:\Program Files\script.bat"

If you want to execute VBScript, enter a command and VBScript file name as follows.


cscript script.vbs

Each executable files is not included in the cluster configuration information of the Cluster WebUI. They must be prepared on each server because they cannot be edited nor uploaded by the Cluster WebUI.

Script created with this product

Use a script file which is prepared by the Cluster WebUI as a script. You can edit the script file with the Cluster WebUI if you need. The script file is included in the cluster configuration information.

File (Within 1023 bytes)

Specify a script to be executed (executable batch file or execution file) when you select User Application.


Click here to display the script file when you select Script created with this product.


Click here to edit the script file when you select Script created with this product. Click Save to apply the change. You cannot modify the name of the script file.


Click here to replace the contents of a script file with the contents of the script file which you selected in the file selection dialog box when you select Script created with this product. You cannot replace the script file if it is currently displayed or edited. Select a script file only. Do not select binary files (applications), and so on.

Timeout (1 to 9999)

Specify the maximum time to wait for completion of script to be executed.
The default value of the time taken to execute script before and after activation/deactivation is 30 seconds.
The default value of the timeout settable from Settings button of Execute Script before Final Action for Recovery Operation at Activation Failure Detection or Recovery Operation at Deactivation Failure Detection is 5 seconds.

Exec User

Select a user by whom the script is to be executed, from users registered in the Account tab of Cluster Properties.
If no user is specified, the script is run by the local system account.

3.6. Understanding application resources

You can register applications managed by EXPRESSCLUSTER and executed when a groups in EXPRESSCLUSTER starts, stops, fails over or moves. It is also possible to register your own applications in application resources.

3.6.1. Dependency of application resources

By default, application resources depend on the following group resource types:

Group resource type

Floating IP resource

Virtual IP resource

Virtual computer name resource

Disk resource

Mirror disk resource

Hybrid disk resource

Registry synchronization resource

CIFS resource

AWS elastic ip resource

AWS virtual ip resource

AWS secondary ip resource

AWS DNS resource

Azure DNS resource

3.6.2. Application resources

Application resources are the programs that are executable from the command line by the files whose extension is exe, cmd, bat, or other.

3.6.3. Note on application resources

An application to be run from application resources must be installed on all servers in failover and must have the same version.

3.6.4. Details tab

Resident Type

Specify the type of the application. Select one of the following:

  • Resident
    Select this when the application resides in EXPRESSCLUSTER.
  • Non-Resident
    Select this when the application does not reside (Process returns right after being executed) in EXPRESSCLUSTER.

Start Path (Within 1023 bytes)

Specify the name of the file that can be run when the application resource is started.

Stop Path (Within 1023 bytes)

Specify the name of the file that can be run when the application resource is stopped. The operation is as described below if the resident type is Resident.

  • If the stop path is not specified
    The application started by EXPRESSCLUSTER in the inactive state is stopped.
  • If the stop path is not specified
    The application started by executing the application specified for the stop path in the inactive state is stopped.


For the Start Path and Stop Path, specify an absolute path to the executable file or the name of the executable file of which the path configured with environment variable is effective. Do not specify a relative path. If it is specified, starting up the application resource may fail.


Use this button to display the Application Resource Tuning Properties dialog box. Configure the detailed settings for the application resources.

Application Resource Tuning Properties

Parameter tab

Detailed parameter settings are displayed on this tab.

Synchronous (Start)

This setting is not available for a resident application.
If the application is non-resident, select this to wait for the application to stop when it is run.

Asynchronous (Start)

This setting is not available for a resident application.
If the application is non-resident, select this so as not to wait for the application to stop when it is run.

Normal Return Value (Start) (Within 1023 bytes)

This entry field cannot be entered when Asynchronous is selected.
Specify what error code returned from the executable file set by Start Path is normal when ResidentType is Non-resident.
  • When there is no value
    The return value is ignored.
  • When there is a value
    Observe the following input rules.
    - Values can be separated by commas (for example, 0, 2, 3).
    - Values can be specified using a hyphen (for example, 0-3).


In case that a batch file is specified as the executable file, an error cannot be detected when 1 is specified as Normal Return Value because 1 is returned when an error occurs with cmd.exe which executes the batch file.

Synchronous (Stop)

If the application is resident, and the stop path is not specified, select this to wait for the currently running application to stop. If the application is resident, and the stop path is specified, select this to wait for the application specified for the stop path to stop.
If the application is non-resident, select this to wait for the application to stop when it is run.

Asynchronous (Stop)

If the application is resident, and the stop path is not specified, select this to wait for the currently running application to stop. If the application is resident, and the stop path is specified, select this to wait for the application specified for the stop path to stop.
If the application is non-resident, select this so as not to wait for the application to stop when it is run.

Normal Return Value (Stop) (Within 1023 bytes)

This entry field cannot be entered when Asynchronous is selected.
Specify what error code returned from the executable file set by Stop Path is normal when Resident Type is Non-resident.
  • When there is no value
    The return value is ignored.
  • When there is a value
    Observe the following input rules.
    - Values can be separated by commas (for example, 0, 2, 3).
    - Values can be specified using a hyphen (for example, 0-3).


    In case that a batch file is specified as the executable file, an error cannot be detected when 1 is specified as Normal Return Value because 1 is returned when an error occurs with cmd.exe which executes the batch file.

Timeout (Start) (1 to 9999)

This setting is not available for a resident application.
Configure the timeout value to wait (synchronous) for a non-resident application to stop when the application is run. A value can be entered only when Synchronous is selected. If the application does not stop within the timeout value set here, it is considered as an error.

Timeout (Stop) (1 to 9999)

For a resident application, configure the timeout value to wait (Synchronous) for the currently running application or the application specified for the stop path to stop.
The timeout value can be set only when Synchronous is selected. If the application does not stop within the timeout value set here, it is considered as an error.

Target VCOM Resource Name

Select a virtual computer name used as a computer name for the application resource. Virtual computer names and resource names that exist in the failover group where the application resource belong to are listed.
When you specify this parameter, add the following environment variables and then start the application:
COMPUTERNAME=<virtual computer name>
_CLUSTER_NETWORK_FQDN_=<virtual computer name>
_CLUSTER_NETWORK_HOSTNAME_=<virtual computer name>
_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NAME_=<virtual computer name>

Kill the application when exit

Specify whether or not to forcibly terminate the application as termination of deactivation. If this is selected, the application is forcibly terminated instead of normal termination. This is effective only when Resident Type is set to Resident and the stop path is not specified.

Exec User

Select a user by whom the application is to be executed, from users registered in the Account tab of Cluster Properties.
With Set Up Individually specified, the settings of the user in the Start and Stop tabs are applied.
With any value other than Set Up Individually specified, the settings in the Start and Stop tabs are not used: Those of the user specified for this parameter are applied.


Click Initialize to reset the values of all items to their default values.

Start and Stop tabs

A detailed setting for starting and stopping the application is displayed.

Current Directory (Within 1023 bytes)

Specify a directory for running the application.

Option Parameter (Within 1023 bytes)

Enter parameters to be entered for the application. If there are multiple parameters, delimit parameters with spaces. For a parameter that includes a space, enclose the parameter with double quotation marks.

Example: "param 1" param2

Window Size

Select the size of the window for running the application from the following:

  • Hide
    The application is not displayed.
  • Normal
    The application is displayed in a regular window size.
  • Maximize
    The application is displayed in a maximum window size.
  • Minimize
    The application is displayed in a minimum window size.

Exec User Domain (Within 255 bytes)

Specify the domain of a user account that runs the application.

In the case of Stop tab, it is unnecessary to stop and/or resume the group.

Exec User Account (Within 255 bytes)

Specify the user account that runs the application. 1

In the case of Stop tab, it is unnecessary to stop and/or resume the group.

Exec User Password (Within 255 bytes)

Specify the password for the user account that runs the application.

In the case of Stop tab, it is unnecessary to stop and/or resume the group.

Execute from the Command Prompt

Specify whether to run the application from the command prompt (cmd.exe). Specify this when running an application (such as JavaScript and VBScript) whose extension is other than exe, cmd, or bat.


Click Initialize to reset the values of all items to their default values.


When Exec User Account is left blank, the application is run by the local system account.

3.7. Understanding floating IP resources

3.7.1. Dependencies of floating IP resources

By default, this function does not depend on any group resource type.

3.7.2. Floating IP

Client applications can use floating IP addresses to access cluster servers. By using floating IP addresses, clients do not need to be aware of switching access destination server when a failover occurs or moving a group migration.

Floating IP addresses can be used on the same LAN and over the remote LAN.

Clients access Server 1 at its floating IP (FIP) address.

A client accessing one of the two servers at its FIP address

Fig. 3.43 Access to the floating IP address (1)

Even if a failover occurs from Server 1 to Server 2, clients access the FIP address without being aware of the actual, changed destination.

A client accessing one of the two servers at its FIP address

Fig. 3.44 Access to the floating IP address (2)

Address assignment

An IP address to assign for floating IP address needs to meet the condition described below:

  • Available host address which is in the same network address as the LAN that the cluster server belongs

Allocate as many IP addresses that meet the above condition as required (generally as many as failover groups). These IP addresses are the same as general host addresses, therefore, you can assign global IP addresses such as Internet.

You can also allocate IPv6addresses to floating IP addresses.

Switching method
MAC addresses on the ARP table are switched by sending ARP broadcasting packets from the server on which floating IP resources are activated.
A floating IP resource does not have the functionality to update ARP broadcasting packets periodically. Therefore, update the ARP table of a network device by using a custom monitor resource as required.


You do not need to make settings for the routing table.

Conditions to use

Floating IP addresses are accessible to the following machines:

  • Cluster server itself

  • Other servers in the same cluster and the servers in other clusters

  • Clients on the same LAN as the cluster server and clients on remote LANs

If the following conditions are satisfied, machines other than the above can also access floating IP addresses. However, connection is not guaranteed for all models or architectures of machines. Test the connection thoroughly by yourself before using those machines.

  • TCP/IP is used for the communication protocol.

  • ARP protocol is supported.

Even over LANs configured with switching hubs, floating IP address mechanism works properly. When a server goes down, the TCP/IP connection the server is accessing will be disconnected.

3.7.3. Notes on floating IP resources

If the FIP is activated forcibly when there is an IP address overlap, the NIC is invalidated due to the Windows OS specifications. Therefore, do not use Forced FIP Activation.

Notes on allocating floating IP addresses to IPv4 addresses

  • Stopping the floating IP resource routing information may be deleted. To avoid this phenomenon, specify an interface in the IF option when registering routing information as follows:

    route -p add [destination] [Mask netmask] [gateway] [IF interface]

Notes on allocating floating IP addresses to IPv6 addresses

  • IPv6 addresses should not be specified in Management Resources in Management Group.
  • In the setting of virtual computer name resource, setting connection of floating IP resource assigned to IPv6 is invalid.
  • When the floating IP address is set to perform to register in virtual computer name resource dynamically and it is selected to correspond to virtual computer name, the floating IP address cannot be allocated to IPv6 address.
  • Stopping the floating IP resource routing information may be deleted. To avoid this phenomenon, specify an interface in the IF option when registering routing information as follows:

    route -p add [destination] [Mask netmask] [gateway] [IF interface]

When a floating IP resource is set for a physical host, Windows registers the physical host name and FIP record in the DNS (if the property of the corresponding network adapter for registering addresses to the DNS is set to ON). To convert the IP address linked by the physical host name resolution into a physical IP address, set the relevant data as follows.

  • Check the setting of the network adapter to which the corresponding floating IP address is assigned, by choosing Properties - Internet Protocol Version 4 - Advanced - DNS tab - Register this connection's address in DNS. If this check box is selected, clear it.

  • Additionally, execute one of the following in order to apply this setting:

    1. Reboot the DNS Client service.

    2. Explicitly run the ipconfig/registerdns command.

  • Register the physical IP address of the network adapter to which the corresponding floating IP address is assigned to the DNS server statically.

A floating IP resource adds a floating IP address to an NIC by using a Windows OS API. If the transmission source change feature is not used, the skipassource flag is not set and therefore does not take effect after the activation of a floating IP resource.

Notes on enabling the transmission source change feature of a floating IP resource

  • This feature changes the existing skipassource setting.
  • This feature cannot be used for any IPv6 IP address.

For the usage of the Network Load Balancing (NLB) function of OS in the servers of the cluster, see " Coexistence with the Network Load Balancing function of the OS " in " Notes when creating the cluster configuration data" in " Notes and Restrictions" in the " Getting Started Guide".

3.7.4. Details tab

IP Address

Enter the floating IP address to be used.

If you specify an IPv4 address, the number of mask bits as 24 by default, find the address of the subnet mask on the local computer to match, you can add the floating IP address to the appropriate index.

Follow the instruction below to enter an IPv6 address.

Example: fe80::1

With the default value of prefix length 64 bit, floating IP resource searches for the addresses that have matching prefix on the local computer and adds floating IP address to the matching index. When there is more than one matching address, address is added to the index that has the largest index value.

In order to specify the prefix length explicitly, specify the prefix length after the address.

Example: fe80::1/8

In order to specify the index explicitly, specify %index after the address.

Example: fe80::1%5

The example above shows how to add a floating IP address to the index5.


Opens the Floating IP Resource Tuning Properties dialog box where you can make detailed settings for the floating IP resource.

Floating IP Resource Tuning Properties

Detailed settings on floating IP resource are displayed.

Run ping

Specify this to verify if there is any overlapped IP address before activating floating IP resource by using the ping command.

  • When the checkbox is selected:
    The ping command is used.
  • When the checkbox is not selected:
    The ping command is not used.


These are the detailed settings of the ping command used to check if there is any overlapped IP address before activating floating IP resource.

  • Interval (0 to 999)
    Set the interval to issue the ping command in seconds.
  • Timeout (1 to 999999)
    Set timeout of the ping command in milliseconds.
  • Retry Count (0 to 999)
    Set retry count of the ping command.
  • Forced FIP Activation
    Specify whether to forcibly activate floating IP address when an overlapped IP address is detected by command check.Be sure to set it to off.
    • When the checkbox is selected:
      Forced activation is performed.
    • When the checkbox is not selected:
      Forced activation is not performed.

Judge NIC Link Down as Failure

Specify whether to check for an NIC Link Down before the floating IP resource is activated.

  • When the checkbox is selected:
    In the case of an NIC Link Down, the floating IP resource is not activated.
  • When the checkbox is not selected:
    Even in the case of an NIC Link Down, the floating IP resource is activated.

Use transmission source change feature

Choose whether to change the transmission source for an NIC to which a floating IP address is given.

  • When the checkbox is selected:
    The transmission source change feature is used.
  • When the checkbox is not selected:
    The transmission source change feature is not used.

Specification for transmission source

Specify the transmission source.

  • Specify FIP address as transmission source
    Enable the skipassource of a non-FIP address assigned to the NIC where the FIP address is given.
  • Do not specify FIP address as transmission source
    Enable the skipassource of the FIP address.


Click Initialize to reset the values of all items to the default values.

3.8. Understanding mirror disk resources

3.8.1. Dependencies of mirror disk resources

By default, this function does not depend on any group resource type.

3.8.2. Mirror disk

Mirror disks are a pair of disks that mirror disk data between two servers in a cluster.

Mirroring is performed by partition. It requires the RAW partition (cluster partition) to record the management data as well as the data partition that is to be mirrored. In addition, the license of EXPRESSCLUSTER X Replicator 5.2 for Windows is necessary on both servers that mirroring is performed.

  • Disk type and geometry
    The size of the data partitions has to be completely the same by byte on both servers. If the disk size and geometry are different on each server, it may be unable to create partitions that are exactly the same size. Thus the geometry of disks which are used to secure data partitions needs to be the same on both servers.
    It is recommended to use disks of the same model on both servers.



    Server 1

    Server 2














    Correct and Server 1




    Correct and Server 2




    Incorrect and Server 1




    Incorrect and Server 2




If it is not possible to make both servers have exactly the same disk type and geometry, check the size of data partitions in precise by using the clpvolsz command. If the disk size does not match, shrink the larger partition by using the clpvolsz command again.

For details on the clpvolsz command, see "Tuning partition size (clpvolsz command)" in "9. EXPRESSCLUSTER command reference" in this guide.

  • Drive letter of partition
    Configure the same drive letter for a data partition and cluster partition on both servers.

    Example: Adding a SCSI disk to each server to create a pair of mirroring disks.

    Each of two servers with a disk added

    Fig. 3.45 Adding disks for a pair of mirror disks

    Example: Using available area of the IDE disk on which OS of each server are stored to create a pair of mirroring disks.

    The following figure illustrates using the free space of each disk as a mirror partition device (cluster partition and data partition):

    Two servers with their disks built-in

    Fig. 3.46 Using the free space of each disk for a mirror partition

    • A mirror partition (cluster partition, data partition) can be allocated on the same disk as OS.

      • When the maintainability at occurrence of failure is important:
        It is recommended to have another disk for a mirror than a disk for OS in advance.
      • When a logical disk cannot be added because of the limitations of the hardware RAID specifications:
        When it is difficult to change the configuration of a logical disk because hardware RAID is pre-installed:
        A mirror partition (cluster partition, data partition) can be allocated on the same disk as OS.
  • Disk allocation
    One mirror disk resource can perform mirroring to only one partition. However, multiple partitions can be mirrored by creating multiple mirror disk resources.
    It is possible to create multiple mirroring resources by allocating multiple data partitions and cluster partitions on a single disk.

    Example: Adding one SCSI disk to each server to create two pairs of mirroring disks.

    The following figure illustrates each disk on which a pair of a cluster partition and a data partition is created:

    Each server with a SCSI disk connected

    Fig. 3.47 Using multiple areas of each disk for mirror partitions

    • Allocate a cluster partition and two data partitions in a pair on a single disk.

    • Assign 0 and 1 for the offset index of the cluster partition management area to be used in each data partition.

    Example: Adding two SCSI disks for each server to create two mirroring partitions.

    The following figure illustrates using mirror partitions prepared from two pairs of disks on which partitions of the same size are created:

    Each of two servers with two SCSI disks connected

    Fig. 3.48 Using two pairs of disks as mirror partitions

    • Secure a cluster partition and data partition on the first disk and a data partition on the second disk.

    • Routing and Remote Access Assign 0 and 1 for the offset index of the cluster partition management area to be used in each data partition.

    • A cluster partition can be secured on each disk. In that case, the offset index is assigned to be 0 and 0.

    • When performing mirroring in the asynchronous mode, an access to a cluster partition is generated in accordance with writing in a data partition. The access to a disk can be distributed by securing a cluster partition and data partition on separate disks.

    Example: Adding one SCSI disk for three servers to create two mirroring partitions.

    The following figure illustrates using data partitions between Server 1 and Server 2 and between Server 2 and Server 3, by preparing each disk for each combination of a cluster partition and two partitions of the same size:

    Each of three servers with a SCSI disk connected

    Fig. 3.49 Using multiple areas of each disk for mirror partitions (with three servers)

    • Allocate a cluster partition and two data partitions on each server.

    • On Server 2, the following two data partitions are required: One is used for mirroring with Server 1 while the other is used for mirroring with Server 3.

    • Assign 0 and 1 as the offset index of the cluster partition management area to be used in each data partition.

Data partition

Partitions where data that is mirrored by EXPRESSCLUSTER (such as application data) is stored are referred to as data partitions.
Allocate data partitions as follows:
  • Data partition size
    There is no limitation for partition size. Allocate any size of partition.
  • Time required for data partition copying
    When a file is copied at initial configuration or disk replacement, the required amount of time increases in proportion to the size of the volume use area. If the volume use area cannot be specified, the required amount of time increases in proportion to the data partition size because the entire area of the volume is copied.
  • File system
    Format the partition with NTFS. FAT/FAT32 is not supported.
  • Allocate the partition on a basic disk. The dynamic disk is not supported.

  • When making data partitions as logistical partitions on the extended partition, make sure the data partitions are logical partition on both servers. The actual size may be different even the same size is specified on both basic partition and logical partition

  • The access to the data partition is controlled by EXPRESSCLUSTER.

Cluster partition

Dedicated partitions used in EXPRESSCLUSTER for mirror partition controlling are referred to as cluster partition.
Allocate cluster partitions as follows:
  • Cluster partition size
    1024MiB or more. Depending on the geometry, the size may be larger than 1024MB, but that is not a problem.
  • A cluster partition and data partition for data mirroring should be allocated in a pair. If you use one cluster partition with multiple mirror disks, assign a different index number to each mirror disk so that the areas used in the cluster partition do not overlap each other.
  • Do not make the file system on cluster partitions. Do not format.
  • The access to a cluster partition is limited.

Access control of a data partition

The data partition to be mirrored by a mirror disk resource can be accessed only from the active server where a mirror disk resource is activated.

  • EXPRESSCLUSTER is responsible for the access control of the file system. Application's accessibility to a data partition is the same as switching partition (disk resources) that uses shared disks.

  • Mirror partition switching is done for each failover group according to the failover policy.

  • By storing data required for applications on data partitions, the data can be automatically used after failing over or moving failover group.

The following figure illustrates mirroring disk data by a pair of Mirror disk 1 with Server 1 and Mirror disk 2 with Server 2:

それぞれミラーディスクと接続された Server 1およびServer 2

Fig. 3.50 Mirror disk configuration (1)

それぞれミラーディスクと接続された Server 1およびServer 2

Fig. 3.51 Mirror disk configuration (2)

3.8.3. Understanding mirror parameters

The maximum size of request queues

Configure the size of queues which is used for the mirror disk driver to queue I/O requests on the communication among servers. If you select a larger value, the performance will improve but more memory will be required. If you select a smaller value, less memory will be used but the performance may be lowered.
Note the following when setting the number of queues:
  • The improvement in the performance is expected when you set a larger value under the following conditions:

    • Large amount of physical memory is installed on the server and there is plenty of available memory.

    • The performance of the disk I/O is high.

  • It is recommended to select a smaller value under the conditions:

    • Small amount of physical memory is installed on the server.

    • I/O performance of the disk is low.

Mirror Connect Timeout

This is the time required to cut a mirror disk connect when there is no response on the communication among servers and/or when the data synchronization has not completed at the time of mirror recovery and/or data synchronization. The time for timeout needs to be configured longer, if the line speed of the mirror disk connect is slow and/or the load to the mirror disk is high.
Adjust this parameter below the timeout value of heartbeat, based on the following calculation.
Heartbeat timeout = Mirror connect timeout + 10 seconds
* For the settings of the heartbeat timeout, see "Timeout tab" in "Cluster properties" in "2. Parameter details" in this guide.

Initial Mirror Construction

Specify if initial mirroring is configured when activating cluster for the first time after the cluster is created.

  • Execute the initial mirror construction
    An initial mirroring is configured (disk images of the data partition are fully copied) when activating cluster for the first time after the cluster is created.
  • Do not execute initial mirror construction
    Assume that data in the data partition has already matched among servers and do not configure initial mirroring at initial startup after constructing a cluster. When constructing a cluster, it is necessary to make the disk image of the data partition (physical data) identical without using EXPRESSCLUSTER.


Switch the synchronization mode of mirroring.





Complete match of the data in the active and standby servers is guaranteed.

Writing the data to the mirrored disk is finished when writing the data to both local and remote disks is finished.


The order to write in the updated data is guaranteed. However, the latest updated data may be lost, if a failover is performed in the state that a mirror disk resource cannot be deactivated as servers are down.
The data is transferred to the remote disk after writing request is queued and performed on the background.
Writing the data to the mirrored disk is finished when writing the data to the local disk is finished.
After queuing is kept in the kernel space memory, it is transferred to the user space memory. When the volume of data reaches a limit that the user space memory can keep, the data is sent out to a temporary file and kept there.

Kernel Queue Size

Specify the size of the request for writing to the remote disk to be kept in the kernel space memory when the mode is set to Asynchronous. Normally, default value is specified.
Input and output are completed, if writing data can be saved in the kernel queue.
If taking data into the application queue is delayed as the load on CPU is high, the size is set larger. However, if the size is too large, it will result in compressing the system resource.

Application Queue Size

Specify the size of the request for writing to the remote disk to be kept in the user space memory when the mode is set to Asynchronous. Normally, the default value is used. However, if a high-speed network is used, the frequency of creating a temporary file can be reduced and the overhead caused by input and output can be decreased by making the queue size larger.

Upper Bound of Communication Band

When the mode is Asynchronous, the server tries to transfer data that has been queued to the standby server. When the channel for mirror disk connection is used for connections for other applications, the communication band may become busy. In this case, by setting the bound of communication band for the mirror disk connect communication, the impact on other communications can be reduced. If the communication band for mirror disk connect is smaller than the average amount of data to be written into the mirror disk, the queued data cannot be fully transferred to the standby server, which can result in overflow and suspension of mirroring. The bandwidth should be large enough for data to be written into the business application.

This function makes a limit to the communication band by having a maximum of one-second pause when the total amount of data to be transferred per second exceeds the configured value. If the size of data to be written into the disk at a time is greater than the configured value, expected performance may not be achieved. For example, even if you set the value of communication band limit to be 64Kbyte or smaller, the actual amount of communication during copy can be greater than the configured value because the size of data to be transferred for a copy of a mirror disk at a time is 64 Kbyte.

See also

In addition to the limit on the communication band for each mirror disk resource, you can also set a limit on the communication band for each mirror disk connect by using a standard Windows function. For details, see "Limit on the band for mirror disk connect communication" in "The system maintenance information" in the "Maintenance Guide".

History Files Store Folder

Specify the folder that keeps the temporary file which is created when the request for writing to the remote disk in the Asynchronous mode cannot be recorded in the application queue. When the communication band runs short, data is recorded up to the limit of the disk space if the limit of the history file size is not specified. Thus, specifying a folder on the system disk runs out of the empty space and the system behavior may become unstable. Therefore, if you want to suspend mirroring when recording data is exceeded a certain size, create a dedicated partition or specify the limit of the history file size.

Do not specify any folder on the cluster partition and data partition to the history files store folder. Also, do not specify a folder containing a 2-byte character in the path.

Thread Timeout

This is the time that timeout is occurred when data cannot be transferred to the application queue from the kernel queue in the mode of Asynchronous. When it is timed out, a mirror disk connect is cut.
Timeout may occur, if the data transfer to the application queue is delayed due to high load. In this case, increase the timeout value.

Encrypt mirror communication

Choose whether to encrypt data passing through mirror disk connects.
The applied encryption algorithm is Advanced Encryption Standard (GCM), which supports up to 256-bit key length.
The encryption is recommended if the channels of mirror disk connects include external lines.

Allow failover on mirror break for specified time

Allow a failover to a server, with data in the mirror disk not up to date, to succeed for a specified time since the occurrence of a mirror break.
This enables you to give priority to business continuation even if an unexpected mirror break occurs before or after a failover.
However, carefully consider whether this setting is enabled. This is because the data in the mirror disk may be rolled back.
For more information, see this guide: "2. Parameter details" -> "Cluster properties" -> "Mirror Disk tab".

3.8.4. Examples of mirror disk construction

  • Execute the initial mirror construction

    First, create application data to be duplicated (if available before the cluster construction) in the data partition (e.g. initial database) of Mirror disk 1 on the active server in advance. For information on the partition configuration, refer to "3.8.2. Mirror disk". Next, install EXPRESSCLUSTER on each of Server 1 and Server 2.

    Each of two servers with a disk connected

    Fig. 3.52 Example of mirror disk construction: executing initial mirror construction (1)

    Then start the initial mirror construction. Completely copy the content of Mirror disk 1 on Server 1 to Mirror disk 2 on Server 2.

    Each of two servers with a disk connected

    Fig. 3.53 Example of mirror disk construction: executing initial mirror construction (2)

  • Do not execute the initial mirror construction

    Follow the procedures below to have identical data in the data partition on both servers:

  1. If application data to be duplicated can be prepared before configuring a cluster, create it on data partition of the mirror disk on the active server in advance (ex. initial data of the database).

  2. Install EXPRESSCLUSTER and configure a cluster without executing the initial mirror construction.

  3. Shut down the cluster.

  4. Remove disks that have data partitions on both servers, and connect to the Linux server. Then copy the data in the data partition on the active server to the data partition on the standby server by using the dd command in the state that disks are not mounted.

  5. Return disks to the active and standby server and start both servers.

3.8.5. Notes on mirror disk resources

  • Set both servers so that the identical partitions can be accessed under the identical drive letter.

  • If a drive letter different from those used on partition is set, the drive letter will be changed when the mirror disk resource is started. If the drive letter is used on any other partitions, starting up the mirror disk resource will fail.

  • To change the configuration so that the disk mirrored using a hybrid disk resource will be mirrored using a mirror disk resource, first delete the existing hybrid disk resource from the configuration data, and then upload the data. Next, add a mirror disk resource to the configuration data, and then upload it again.

  • For the data partition and the cluster partition of hybrid disk resources, use disk devices with the same logical sector size on all servers. If you use devices with different logical sector sizes, they do not operate normally. They can operate even if they have different sizes for the data partition and the cluster partition.



Logical sector size of the partition


Server 1

Server 1

Server 2

Server 2

Data partition

Cluster partition

Data partition

Cluster partition






The logical sector sizes are uniform.






The data partitions have a uniform size of 4 KB, and the cluster partitions have a uniform size of 512 bytes.






The logical sector sizes for the data partitions are not uniform.






The logical sector sizes for the cluster partitions are not uniform.

3.8.6. Details tab

Mirror Disk No.

Select the number to be allocated to the mirror partition.

Data Partition Drive Letter (Within 1023 bytes)

Specify the drive letter (A to Z) of the data partition.

Cluster Partition Drive Letter (Within 1023 bytes)

Specify the drive letter (A to Z) to the cluster partition.

Cluster Partition Offset Index

Select an index number for the area used in the cluster partition. When using the multiple mirror disks, assign different numbers for each mirror disk so that the areas to be used in the cluster partition are not overlapped.


Select the communication path for the data mirroring communication (mirror disk connect). Click Select to display the Selection of Mirror Disk Connect dialog box.

  • Add
    Use Add to add mirror disk connects. Select the mirror disk connect you want to add from Available Mirror Disk Connect and then click Add. The selected mirror disk connect is added to the Mirror Disk Connects.
    Up to two lines of mirror disk connect can be set for one mirror disk resource.
  • Remove
    Use Remove to remove mirror disk connects to be used. Select the mirror disk connect you want to remove from the Mirror Disk Connects and then click Remove. The selected mirror disk connect is added to Available Mirror Disk Connect.
  • Order
    Use the arrows to change the priority of mirror disk connects to be used. Select the mirror disk connect whose priority you want to change, and then click the arrows. The selected row moves accordingly.

For mirror disk connect settings, see "Interconnect tab" in "Cluster properties" in "2. Parameter details" in this guide.


Click this button to add the selected server to Servers that can run the group. When this button is clicked, the dialog box that allows for selection of a partition of the selected server is displayed.

  • Connect
    Use this button to connect to the server and obtain the list of partitions.
  • Data Partition
    Select a partition to be used as a data partition from the list. The GUID of the selected data partition is displayed.
  • Cluster Partition
    Select a partition to be used as a cluster partition from the list. The GUID of the selected cluster partition is displayed.


Specify different partitions for data partition and cluster partition. If the same partition is specified, data on the mirror disk may be corrupted. Make sure not to specify the partition on the shared disk for the data partition and cluster partition.


Use this button to delete a server from Servers that can run the group.


Use this button to display the dialog box to select the partition of the selected server.


Opens the Mirror Disk Resource Tuning Properties dialog box. You make detailed settings for the mirror disk resource there.

Mirror DiskResource Tuning Properties

The advanced settings of mirror are displayed.

Execute the initial mirror construction

Specify whether to execute an initial mirror construction (full copy of data partition) when configuring a cluster.

  • When the checkbox is selected:
    Execute an initial mirror construction. In general, specify this.
  • When the checkbox is not selected:
    Handle as it is configured without executing an initial mirror construction. Specify this if the data partition contents are already the same and full copying is not required.

Mirror Connect Timeout (2 to 9999)

Specify the timeout for mirror disk connect.

Request Queue Maximum Size (512 to 65535)

Specify the size of queue that a mirror disk driver uses to queue I/O requests on the communication among servers.


Switch the mode of the mirror data synchronization.

  • Synchronous
    Write in the local disk and remote disk simultaneously to queue the completion.
  • Asynchronous
    After writing in the local disk, write in the remote disk. Queue for the completion of writing in the local disk.

Kernel Queue Size (512 to 65535)

Specify the queue size of the kernel space to save the I/O data of the asynchronous mirror temporarily.

Application Queue Size (512 to 65535)

Specify the queue size of the user space to save the I/O data of the asynchronous mirror temporarily.

Rate limitation of Mirror Disk Connect (0 to 999999999)

Set the upper limit of the communication band used by the mirror disk connect.

Thread Timeout (2 to 9999)

Specify the timeout when it becomes unable to transfer from the kernel queue to the application queue.

History Files Store Folder (Within 1023 bytes)

Specify the destination folder to store the file when I/O data is overflowed form the application queue. It is required to specify a folder that has sufficient free space so that the remote disk and the asynchronous I/O data can be kept as a file.

Do not specify any folder in the cluster partition and data partition to the history files store folder. Additionally do not specify a folder that contains two byte characters in the path.

Also, it is recommended to set a history files store folder, in addition to the system drive of Windows (Normally, the C: drive is used.). If it is set on the system drive, due to I/O running concurrently, a failure may occur. For example, the mirror processing is delayed or the system behavior may become unstable.

Size limitation of History File (0 to 999999999)

Set the size limit of temporary files stored in the history file store folder. If the upper limit of size is specified, mirroring will stop when the total amount of the temporary files reaches the limit. The configured value is only applied to the limit of the temporary file size for the mirror disk resources, and this value does not set the total amount of the temporary files in the history file store folder.

Mirroring will also stop when the size of the area for managing the number of cases where data is yet to be sent reaches the upper limit of History Recording Area Size in Asynchronous Mode. This applies even if the total amount of the temporary files does not reach its upper limit. For more information, see "Cluster properties" -> "Mirror Disk tab" -> "History Recording Area Size in Asynchronous Mode".

Compress data

Specify whether to compress the mirror data flowing through the mirror disk connect.

Compress Data When Recovering

Specify whether to compress the mirror data flowing through the mirror disk connect for the purpose of mirror recovery.

Encrypt mirror communication

Choose whether to encrypt data passing through mirror disk connects. This setting affects both data for mirror synchronization and data for mirror recovery.

  • If the check box is checked:
    The data is encrypted.
  • If the check box is not checked:
    The data is not encrypted.

Key File Path

Specify a key file to encrypt data passing through mirror disk connects.


The key file to be used is generated by using the clpkeygen command. For more information on the clpkeygen command, refer to "9. EXPRESSCLUSTER command reference" - "Creating a key file for encrypting communication data (clpkeygen command)".


Be sure to use the same key file on all servers which can activate mirror disk resources. Using different key files leads to unsuccessful mirroring.


Click Initialize to reset the values of all items to their default values.

3.8.7. Notes on operating mirror disk resources

If mirror data was synchronized on both servers when the cluster was shut down, use one of the two orders noted below to start the servers.

  • Start both servers simultaneously

  • Start the first server, and then start the second server after the first server has started

Do not consecutively start and shutdown both servers 2. The servers communicate with each other to determine whether the mirror data stored on each server is up to date. Consecutively starting and shutting down both servers prevents the servers from properly determining whether mirror data is up to date and mirror disk resources will fail to start the next time both servers are started.


In other words, do not start and shut down the first server, and then start and shut down the second server.

3.9. Understanding registry synchronization resources

3.9.1. Dependencies of registry synchronization resources

By default, this function depends on the following group resource types.

Group resource type

Floating IP resource

Virtual IP resource

Virtual computer name resource

Disk resource

Mirror disk resource

Hybrid disk resource

CIFS resource

AWS elastic ip resource

AWS virtual ip resource

AWS secondary ip resource

AWS DNS resource

Azure DNS resource

3.9.2. Registry synchronization resources

Two servers with their registries

Fig. 3.54 Registry synchronization resource (1)

Two servers with their registries

Fig. 3.55 Registry synchronization resource (2)

Registry keys to be synchronized at failover can be configured. When the content in a registry key set as synchronization target is updated while registry synchronization resource is active, the updated content is applied to the registry of the Failover Target Server.

The following describes how a registry synchronization resource synchronizes registry:

  1. When there is a registry synchronization resource in a failover group, update of a registry key that has been configured is monitored when the registry synchronization resource is activated.

  2. When the registry key update is detected, what is in the registry key is saved as a file in the local disk. Then the file is delivered to each Failover Target Server.

  3. The servers that received the file keep it in their local disks. If a failover occurs and registry synchronization resource is activated in a server that received the file, the content of the file is restored in the corresponding registry key.

3.9.3. Notes on registry synchronization resources

  • Do not open synchronization target registry keys in the standby server.

  • If a synchronization target registry key is opened when a failover occurs, restoration of the registry will fail. To start and stop applications that use the synchronization target registry key, use a script resource within a control of EXPRESSCLUSTER.

  • Minimize the number of synchronization target registry keys. Do not set more than needed. It is not recommended to set a registry key that is frequently updated as a synchronization target registry key.

  • Saving in a file and delivering the file to other servers is done every time a synchronization target registry key is updated. The number of synchronization target registry keys and frequency of updating them can affect the system performance. Do not change or update a synchronization target registry key.

  • For the synchronization target registry keys, the following can be set. The registry keys other than those listed below cannot be synchronized.

    • Any key under the HKEY_USERS
    • Any key under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

    Do not set the following keys.





    Do not set the keys that are in parent-child relationship within the same resource.

  • Up to 16 synchronization target registry keys can be set per resource.

  • The following restrictions apply to names of the synchronization target registry keys:

    • The characters that can be used for registry key are determined by the OS specifications.

    • Up to 259 bytes can be used. Do not set the key name of 260 or larger bytes.

3.9.4. Details tab


Use this button to add a registry key to monitor. The Enter registry key dialog box is displayed.

Registry Key

Enter a registry key to synchronize and click OK.


Click this button to delete a registry key from synchronization target listed in Registry List.


The Enter registry key dialog box is displayed. The selected registry keys are listed in Registry List. Edit a registry key and click OK.

Registry Synchronization Resource Tuning Properties

Parameter tab

The detailed setting for registry synchronization resource is displayed.

Delivery Interval (1 to 99)

Specify the interval to deliver the updated registry key information to other servers.

When short-time interval is set

  • Updated information is immediately delivered to other servers.

  • The system may get heavily loaded by frequently updating a registry key.

When long-time interval is set

  • A delay in delivering updated information to other servers may occur. If a failover occurs before delivery of the updated information is not completed, it will not be delivered to the Failover Target Server.

  • Increase in system load due to synchronization can be reduced when a registry key is frequently updated.


Click Initialize to reset the values of all items to their default values.

3.10. Understanding script resources

You can register scripts managed by EXPRESSCLUSTER and run when starting, stopping, failing over, or moving a group in EXPRESSCLUSTER. It is also possible to register your own scripts for script resources.


The same version of the application to be run from script resources must be installed on all servers in failover policy.

3.10.1. Dependencies of script resources

By default, this function depends on the following group resource types.

Group resource type

Floating IP resource

Virtual IP resource

Virtual computer name resource

Disk resource

Mirror disk resource

Hybrid disk resource

Registry synchronization resource

CIFS resource

AWS elastic ip resource

AWS virtual ip resource

AWS secondary ip resource

AWS DNS resource

Azure DNS resource

3.10.2. Scripts in script resources

Types of scripts

Start script and stop script are provided in script resources. EXPRESSCLUSTER runs a script for each script resource when the cluster needs to change its status. You have to write procedures in these scripts about how you want applications to be started, stopped, and restored in your cluster environment.

Three servers with failover groups started up

Fig. 3.56 Start script and stop script


Start script


Stop script

3.10.3. Environment variables in script of script resource

When EXPRESSCLUSTER runs a script, it records information such as the condition when the script is run (script starting factor) in environment variables.
You can use the environment variables on the table below as branching condition to write code for your system operation.
The environment variable of a stop script returns the content of the start script that was run immediately before as a value. Start script does not set environment variables of CLP_FACTOR.
The environment variable of CLP_LASTACTION is set only when the environment variable CLP_FACTOR is CLUSTERSHUTDOWN or SERVERSHUTDOWN.

Environment Variable

Value of environment variable


...script starting factor


The script was run:
- by starting a cluster;
- by starting a group;
- on the destination server by moving a group;
- on the same server by restarting a group due to the detection of a monitor resource error; or
- on the same server by restarting a group resource due to the detection of a monitor resource error.


The script was run on the Failover Target Server:
- by the server's failing;
- due to the detection of a monitor resource error; or
- because activation of group resources failed.


- The server is recovered;
- due to detection of a monitor resource error; or
- because activation of group resources failed.
...group stopping factor


The group was stopped by stopping the cluster.


The group was stopped by stopping the server.


The group was stopped by stopping the group.


The group was moved by moving the group.


The group failed over because an error was detected in monitor resource; or the group failed over because of activation failure in group resources.


The group was restarted because an error was detected in monitor resource.


The group resource was restarted because an error was detected in monitor resource.

...process after cluster shutdown


In case of rebooting OS


In case of halting OS


No action was taken.

...server where the script was run


The script was run on the primary server of the group.


The script was run on a server other than the primary server of the group.

...partition connection information on shared or mirror disks


There was no partition with connection failure.


There was one or more partition with connection failure.

... the order in failover policy of the server where the script is run

1 to the number of servers in the cluster

Represents the priority of the server where the script is run. This number starts from 1 (The smaller the number, the higher the server's priority).
If CLP_PRIORITY is 1, it means that the script is run on the primary server.
...Group name

Group name

Represents the name of the group to which the script belongs.

...Resource name

Resource name

Represents the name of the resource to which the script belongs.

...EXPRESSCLUSTER full version


Represents the EXPRESSCLUSTER full version.
(Example) 13.21
...EXPRESSCLUSTER major version

EXPRESSCLUSTER major version

Represents the EXPRESSCLUSTER major version.
(Example) 13
...EXPRESSCLUSTER installation path

EXPRESSCLUSTER installation path

Represents the path where EXPRESSCLUSTER is installed.
(Example) C:\Program Files\EXPRESSCLUSTER
...Server OS name

Server OS name

Represents the OS name of the server where the script was executed.
(Example) Windows Server 2016 Standard
...Server OS version

Server OS version

Represents the OS version of the server where the script was executed.
...Failover source server name

Server name

Represents the failover source of the group which the script belongs to only when CLP_EVENT is FAILOVER. Indicates an indefinite value when CLP_EVENT is other than FAILOVER.


It is available for disk resource, mirror disk resource and hybrid disk resource.

If the script is executed on the standby server, with Execute on standby server of Script Resource Tuning Properties enabled, the following information is recorded in environment variables:

Environment variable

Value of environment variable


...script starting factor


The script was run on the standby server.
...server where the script was run


The script was run on the primary server of the group.


The script was run on a server other than the primary server of the group.

... the order in failover
policy of the server
where the script is run

1 to the number of servers in the cluster

Represents the priority of the server where the script is run. This number starts from 1 (The smaller the number, the higher the server's priority).
If CLP_PRIORITY is 1, it means that the script is run on the primary server.
...Group name

Group name

Represents the name of the group to which the script belongs.

...Resource name

Resource name

Represents the name of the resource to which the script belongs.

...Full version of EXPRESSCLUSTER

Full version of EXPRESSCLUSTER

Represents the full version of EXPRESSCLUSTER (e.g. 13.21 ).

...Major version of EXPRESSCLUSTER

Major version of EXPRESSCLUSTER

Represents the major version of EXPRESSCLUSTER (e.g. 13).

...EXPRESSCLUSTER installation path

EXPRESSCLUSTER installation path

Represents the EXPRESSCLUSTER installation path (e.g. C:\Program Files\EXPRESSCLUSTER).

...Server OS name

Server OS name

Represents the OS name of the server where the script was executed.
(E.g. Windows Server 2016 Standard)
...Server OS version

Server OS version

Represents the OS version of the server where the script was executed.

3.10.4. Execution timing of script resource scripts

This section describes the relationships between the execution timings of start and stop scripts and environment variables according to cluster status transition diagram.

  • To simplify the explanations, a 2-server cluster configuration is used as an example. See the supplements for the relations between possible execution timings and environment variables in 3 or more server configurations.


    Server status

    Server (Normal)

    Normal (properly working as a cluster)

    Server (Stopped)

    Stopped (cluster is stopped)

    (Example) Group A is working on a normally running server.


  • Each group is started on the top priority server among active servers.

  • Three Group A, B and C are defined in the cluster, and they have their own failover policies as follows:


    First priority server

    Second priority server


    Server 1

    Server 2


    Server 2

    Server 1


    Server 1

    Server 2

Cluster status transition diagram

This diagram illustrates a typical status transition of cluster.

Status transition of three failover groups on two servers

Fig. 3.57 Example of cluster status transition: overview

Numbers 1. to 13. in the diagram correspond to descriptions as follows.

1. Normal startup

Normal startup here refers to that the start script has been run properly on the primary server.

Each group is started on the server with the highest priority among the active servers.

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.58 Situation and script execution: normal startup

Environment variables for start.bat

Group A

Group B

Group C









2. Normal shutdown

Normal shutdown here refers to a cluster shutdown immediately after the start script corresponding to a stop script was run by performing normal startup or by moving a group (online failback).

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.59 Situation and script execution: normal shutdown

Environment variables for stop.bat

Group A

Group B

Group C









3. Failover at the failed Server 1

The start script of a group that has Server 1 as its primary server will be run on a lower priority server (Server 2) if an error occurs. You need to write CLP_EVENT(=FAILOVER) as a branching condition for triggering application startup and recovery processes (such as database rollback process) in the start script in advance.

For the process to be performed only on a server other than the primary server, specify CLP_SERVER(=OTHER) as a branching condition and describe the process in the script.

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.60 Situation and script execution: failover due to server down

Group A

Group C







4. Recovering Server 1 to cluster

When Server 1 that has been rebooted (operating as non-cluster) returns to a cluster, the start script of the failover group that was running when a failover occurred is run in Server 1. This means recovery is executed in the server where the failover has occurred.

To execute a recovery (for example, recovering database information in a local disk), you need to write CLP_EVENT(=RECOVER) as a branching condition. Even if recovery is not required, you need to write the script not to start the operation.

For data mirroring operation, data is restored (reconfiguration of mirror set) at cluster recovery.

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.61 Situation and script execution: returning a server to the cluster

Environment variables for start.bat

Group A

Group C







5. Cluster shutdown after failover of Server 1

The stop scripts of the Group A and C are run on Server 2 to which the groups failed over (the stop script of Group B is run by a normal shutdown).

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.62 Situation and script execution: cluster shutdown after failover

Environment variables for stop.bat

Group A

Group B

Group C









6. Moving of Group A and C

After the stop scripts of Group A and C are run on Server 2 to which the groups failed over, their start scripts are run on Server 1.

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.63 Situation and script execution: moving Groups A and C (1)

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.64 Situation and script execution: moving Groups A and C (2)

Environment variables for stop.bat

Group A

Group C








Environment variables in a stop script take those in the previous start script. For moving in "6. Moving of Group A and C" because it is not preceded by a cluster shutdown, the environment variable used here is FAILOVER. However, if a cluster shutdown is executed before moving in "6. Moving of Group A and C", the environment variable is START.

Environment variables for start.bat

Group A

Group C







7. Server 1 startup (Auto recovery mode)

Auto recovery of Server 1 is executed. The start script of the failover group operated when a failover occurred is run in Server 1. This means, recovery is executed in the server where the failover occurred. Note what is stated in "4. Recovering Server 1 to cluster". For data mirroring operation, data is restored (reconfiguration of mirror set) at cluster recovery.

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.65 Situation and script execution: server startup (auto recovery mode)

Environment variables for start.bat

Group A

Group C







8. Error in Group C and failover

When an error occurs in Group C, its stop script is run on Server 1 and start script is run on Server 2.

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.66 Situation and script execution: error in Group C and failover (1)

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.67 Situation and script execution: error in Group C and failover (2)

The environment variables of Server1 for stop.bat

Group C





Environment variables of Server 1 for start.bat

Group C



The environment variables of Server2 for start.bat

Group C





9. Moving of Group C

Move the Group C that failed over to Server 2 in 8. from Server 2 to Server 1. Run the stop script on Server 2, and then run the start script on Server 1.

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.68 Situation and script execution: moving Group C (1)

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.69 Situation and script execution: moving Group C (2)

The environment variables for stop.bat (because of failover from 8.)

Group C





The environment variables for start.bat

Group C





10. Stopping Group B

The stop script of Group B is run on Server 2.

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.70 Situation and script execution: stopping Group B

The environment variables for stop.bat

Group B





11. Starting Group B

The start script of Group B is run on Server 2.

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.71 Situation and script execution: starting Group B

The environment variables for start.bat

Group B





12. Stopping Group C

The stop script of Group C is run on Server 2.

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.72 Situation and script execution: stopping Group C

The environment variables for stop.bat

Group C





13. Starting Group C

The start script of Group C is run on Server 2.

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.73 Situation and script execution: starting Group C

The environment variables for start.bat

Group C





Additional information 1

For a group that has three or more servers specified in the failover policy to behave differently on servers other than the primary server, use CLP_PRIORITY instead of CLP_SERVER (HOME/OTHER).

Status transition of three failover groups on three servers

Fig. 3.74 Example of cluster status transition: failover due to server down

Example 1: "3. Failover at the failed Server 1" in the cluster status transition diagram

A group has Server 1 as its primary server. If an error occurs on Server 1, the group's start script is run on Server 2 that has next highest priority failover policy. You need to write CLP_EVENT(=FAILOVER) as the branching condition for triggering applications' startup and recovery processes (such as database rollback) in the start script in advance.

For a process to be performed only on the server that has the second highest priority failover policy, you need to write CLP_PRIORITY(=2) as the branching condition.

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on three servers

Fig. 3.75 Situation and script execution: starting Groups A and C

Environment variables for start.bat

Group A

Group C










Example 2: "6. Moving of Group A and C" in the cluster status transition diagram

Status transition of three failover groups on three servers

Fig. 3.76 Example of cluster status transition: moving Group C

After the stop scrip of Group C is run on Server 2 from which the group failed over, the start script is run on Server 3.

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on three servers

Fig. 3.77 Situation and script execution: moving Group C (1)

Three failover groups and script resource scripts, on three servers

Fig. 3.78 Situation and script execution: moving Group C (2)

Environment variables for stop.bat

Group C







Environment variables for start.bat

Group C







Additional information 2

When a monitor resource starts or restarts a script:

The environment variables to run a start script when a monitor resource are as follows:

Example 1: a monitor resource detected an error and restarts Group A on the Server 1.

A failover group and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.79 Situation and script execution: restarting Group A (1)

A failover group and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.80 Situation and script execution: restarting Group A (2)

Environment variable for stop.bat

Group A


The same value as when the start script is run

Environment variable for start.bat

Group A





* start.bat is executed twice.

Example2: a monitor resource detected an error and restarts Group A on Server 2 through failover to Server 2.

A failover group and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.81 Situation and script execution: failover of Group A (1)

A failover group and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.82 Situation and script execution: failover of Group A (2)

A failover group and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.83 Situation and script execution: failover of Group A (3)

Environment variable for stop.bat

Group A


The same value as when the start script is run

Environment variable for start.bat

Group A





Supplementary information 3

With Execute on standby server of Script Resource Tuning Properties enabled, start and stop scripts can also be executed on another server (standby server) that does not start a group in accordance with the timings of running these scripts on the active server that started a group.

Compared with the script execution on the active server, that on the standby server has the following characteristics:

  • The results (error codes) of executing the scripts do not affect the group-resource statuses.

  • No script before and after activation/deactivation is executed.

  • Monitor resources set for monitoring at activation are not started or stopped.

  • Different types and values of environment variables are set. (Refer to "Environment variables in script of script resource" as described above.)

  • No failover is performed for the cluster service stopped on the active server.

The following describes the relationships between the execution timings of scripts on the standby server and the environment variables--with cluster status transition diagrams.

<Cluster status transition diagram>

Status transition of a failover group on two servers

Fig. 3.84 Example of cluster status transition: failover due to server down

Numbers 1. to 5. in the diagram correspond to the following descriptions:

  1. Normal startup

For starting a group, the start script is run on the active server before executed on the standby server.
The start script requires a description, with CLP_EVENT (= STANDBY) as a branch condition, of what to be done on the standby server.
A failover group and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.85 Situation and script execution: normal startup of Group A (1)

A failover group and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.86 Situation and script execution: normal startup of Group A (2)

Environment variables for start.bat

Server 1

Server 2







  1. Normal shutdown

For stopping a group, the stop script is run on the standby server before executed on the active server.
The stop script requires a description, with CLP_EVENT (= STANDBY) as a branch condition, of what to be done on the standby server.
A failover group and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.87 Situation and script execution: normal shutdown of Group A (1)

A failover group and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.88 Situation and script execution: normal shutdown of Group A (2)

Environment variables for stop.bat

Server 1

Server 2







  1. Failover at Server 1 down

When an error occurs in Server 1, the group is failed over to Server 2, on which (as the active server) the start script is executed.
You need to write CLP_EVENT (= FAILOVER) as a branch condition for triggering application startup and recovery processes (such as a database rollback process) in the start script in advance.

With Server 1 crashed, the start script is not run on it as the standby server.

A failover group and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.89 Example of cluster status transition: failover due to server down

Environment variables for start.bat

Server 2





  1. Recovering Server 1 to cluster

When you return Server 1 that has been rebooted (operating as a non-cluster) to a cluster, the start script of the failover group that was running on the occurrence of a failover is run in Server 1. This means a recovery is made in the server where the failover has occurred.
To execute the recovery (for example, for recovering database information in a local disk), you need to write CLP_EVENT (=RECOVER) as a branch condition. Even if the recovery is not required, write the script not to start the operation.

In this case, the start script is executed in Server 1, but not in Server 2.

A failover group and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.90 Situation and script execution: returning a server to the cluster

Environment variables for start.bat

Server 1





  1. Moving of Group A

The stop script for Group A is executed on Server 1 (= standby server) and Server 2 (= active server). Then the start script is run on Server 1 (= active server) and Server 2 (= standby server).

A failover group and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.91 Situation and script execution: moving Group A (1)

A failover group and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.92 Situation and script execution: moving Group A (2)

A failover group and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.93 Situation and script execution: moving Group A (3)

A failover group and script resource scripts, on two servers

Fig. 3.94 Situation and script execution: moving Group A (4)

Environment variables for stop.bat

Server 1

Server 2








The value of an environment variable for the stop script is changed to that for the last executed start script. In the transition case of "5. Moving of Group A", FAILOVER is applied without a cluster shutdown immediately preceding, or START is applied with a cluster shutdown done before the phase of "5. Moving of Group A".

Environment variables for start.bat

Server 1

Server 2







3.10.5. Writing scripts

This section describes how you actually write script codes in association with timing to run scripts as mentioned in the previous topic.

Numbers in brackets "(number)" in the following example script code represent the actions described in "Execution timing of script resource scripts".

Group A start script: a sample of start.bat

rem **************************************************************
rem *                          START.BAT                         *
rem **************************************************************

rem Refer to the environment variable of the script execution factor to determine the subsequent process.

rem EXPRESSCLUSTER is not working.
GOTO no_clp


    rem Here, write the normal startup process of the operation.
    rem This process is to be performed at the timing of the following:
    rem (1) Normal startup
    rem (6) Moving of Group A and C (online failback)

rem Refer to the environment variable of the execution server to determine the subsequent process.

    rem Here, write a process to be performed only for
    rem the normal startup of the operation on the primary server.
    rem This process is to be performed at the timing of the following:
    rem (1) Normal startup
    rem (6) Moving of Groups A and C (online failback)



rem Here, write a process to be performed only for
rem the normal startup of the operation on a non-primary server.



rem Refer to the environment variable of DISK connection information to perform error handling.

    rem Write the startup process of the operation on the failover destination server.
    rem This process is to be performed at the timing of the following:
    rem (3) Failover at the failed Server 1

rem Refer to the environment variable of the execution server to determine the subsequent process.

    rem Write a process to be performed only for the startup of
    rem the operation on the primary server after the failover.



rem Write a process to be performed only for the startup of
rem the operation on a non-primary server after the failover.
rem This process is to be performed at the timing of the following:
rem (3) Failover at the failed Server 1



rem Write a recovery process to be performed after returning to the cluster.
rem This process is to be performed at the timing of the following:
rem (4) Recovering Server 1 to cluster



rem Write a disk-related error-handling process.



Group A stop script: a sample of stop.bat

rem **************************************************************
rem *                          STOP.BAT                          *
rem **************************************************************

rem Refer to the environment variable of the script execution factor to determine the subsequent process.

rem EXPRESSCLUSTER is not working.

rem Refer to the environment variable of DISK connection information to perform error handling.

    rem Here, write the normal end process of the operation.
    rem This process is to be performed at the timing of the following:
    rem (2) Normal shutdown

rem Refer to the environment variable of the execution server to determine the subsequent process.

    rem Here, write a process to be performed only for
    rem the normal process of the operation on the primary server.

    rem This process is to be performed at the timing of the following:
    rem (2) Normal shutdown



rem Write a process to be performed only for the normal end
rem of the operation on a non-primary server.



rem Refer to the environment variable of DISK connection information to perform error handling.

    rem Write the normal end process to be performed after the failover.
    rem This process is to be performed at the timing of the following:
    rem (5) Cluster shutdown after failover of Server 1
    rem (6) Moving of Group A and C

rem Refer to the environment variable of the execution server to determine the subsequent process.

    rem Write a process to be performed only for the end of
    rem the operation on the primary server after the failover.



rem Write a process to be performed only for the end of
rem the operation on a non-primary server after the failover.
rem This process is to be performed at the timing of the following:
rem (5) Cluster shutdown after failover of Server 1
rem (6) Moving of Group A and C



rem Write a disk-related error-handling process.



3.10.6. Tips for creating scripts

The clplogcmd command, though which message output on the alert log is possible, is available.

3.10.7. Notes on script resources

Stop the processing by using the exit command in the script activated through the start command, when the start command is used in the start/stop script.

3.10.8. Details tab


Use this button to add a script other than start.bat script and stop.bat script.


Do not use 2-byte characters for the name of a script to be added.
Do not use "& (ampersand)" nor "= (equal mark)" for the name of a script to be added.


Use this button to delete a script. The start.bat script and stop.bat script cannot be deleted.


Use this button to display the selected script file.


Use this button to edit the selected script file. Click Save to apply the change. You cannot rename the script file


Opens the Open dialog box, where you can select a file.


The file will not be deleted even if you delete a script file from the Cluster WebUI. If the cluster configuration data is reloaded by restarting the Cluster WebUI after deleting the script file, the deleted script file will be displayed in the Scripts.

The content of the script file selected in the Resource Properties is replaced with the one selected in the Open dialog box. If the selected script file is being viewed or edited, replacement cannot be achieved. Select a script file, not a binary file such as an application program.


Open the Script Resource Tuning Properties dialog box. You can make advanced settings for the script resource.

Script Resource Tuning Properties

Parameter tab

Display the details of setting the parameter.

Common to all start scripts and stop scripts


Select this button to wait for a script to end when it is run.


This cannot be selected.

Normal Return Value (Within 1023 bytes)

Configure what error code from the script is normal.

  • When there is no value
    The return value is ignored.
  • When there is a value
    Observe the following input rules.
    • Values can be separated by commas (for example, 0, 2, 3).

    • Values can be specified using a hyphen (for example, 0-3).


When specifying a value to Normal Return Value, set the same value to start script and stop script.
An error cannot be detected when 1 is specified as Normal Return Value because 1 is returned when an error occurs with cmd.exe which executes the script.

Execute on standby server

Set whether the scripts are to be executed on the standby server. Enabling this parameter allows you to specify the timeout value (1 to 9999) for the execution.

Perform recovery processing

Specify whether to run a start script or not in any of the following timings:

  • When the server is recovered

  • When a monitor resource error is detected

  • When the group resource activation terminates due to an error

For more information, confirm with "Execution timing of script resource scripts" in this guide. When executed as the recovery operation, RECOVER is set for CLP_EVENT, the environment variable.

Timeout (1 to 9999)

When you want to wait for a script to end (when selecting Synchronous), specify how many seconds you want to wait before a timeout. This box is enabled when Synchronous is selected. If the script does not complete within the specified time, it is determined as an error.

Target VCOM Resource Name

Configure this to use a virtual computer name as a computer name used for script resources. Virtual computer names and resource names that exist in a failover group to which script resources belong are listed.
When you specify this parameter, add the following environment variables and then start the script:
COMPUTERNAME=<virtual computer name>
_CLUSTER_NETWORK_FQDN_=<virtual computer name>
_CLUSTER_NETWORK_HOSTNAME_=<virtual computer name>
_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NAME_=<virtual computer name>


When Target VCOM Resource Name is specified, the EXPRESSCLUSTER commands cannot be used in a script.

Exec User

Select a user by whom the script is to be executed, from users registered in the Account tab of Cluster Properties.
If no user is specified, the script is run by the local system account.


Click Initialize to reset the values of all items to their default values.

3.11. Understanding disk resources

3.11.1. Dependencies of disk resources

By default, this function does not depend on any group resource type.

3.11.2. Disk resources

A disk resource refers to a switching partition on a shared disk accessed by more than one server that constitutes a cluster.

  • Switching partitions
    A switching partition refers to a partition on a shared disk connected to more than one server in a cluster.
    Switching is done on a failover group basis according to the failover policy. By storing data required for applications on a switching partition, the data can be automatically inherited when failover takes place or a failover group is moved.
    A switching partition should be accessible with the same drive letter in the same area on all servers.
    Two servers with a shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.95 Disk resource (1)

    Two servers with a shared disk connected

    Fig. 3.96 Disk resource (2)

  • Size of switching partitions
    There is no restriction on partition size. Allocate any size for partition.
  • File system
    Format partitions with NTFS. FAT and FAT32 are not supported.
  • Access control
    EXPRESSCLUSTER controls access to file system.
  • Configuring Host Bus Adapters (HBAs)
    When more than one server is connected to a shared disk, simultaneous access from servers to the file system can corrupt the data. It is necessary to control accesses to a partition on a shared disk.
    In EXPRESSCLUSTER, accesses to a shared disk are controlled by HBA (Host Bus Adapter) settings. Configure HBAs that connect a shared disk to control accesses.
    For details, see "HBA tab" in "Server Properties" in "2. Parameter details" in this guide.
  • Configuring DISK network partition solution resource
    When a disk resource is used, it is recommended to use DISK network partition solution resource.
    For the DISK network partition resolution resources, see "Understanding network partition resolution by DISK method".

3.11.3. Notes on disk resources

  • Make settings so that the same partition is accessible with the same drive letter on all servers. Even if the drive letter automatically assigned by the OS is the same as the one that you want to assign, be sure to manually assign the drive letter explicitly; for example, by deleting the OS assigned drive letter and then assigning the desired drive letter.

  • If a drive letter different from the one used on partition is set, the drive letter will be changed when the disk resource is started up. If the drive letter is used on other partitions, starting up the disk resource will fail.

  • Dynamic disk is not supported. If a partition on dynamic disk is used for disk resource, starting up the disk resource will fail.

  • Configure HBAs for a partition used for disk resource. If a partition without HBA configuration is used for disk resource, starting up resource will fail.
    When HBA configuration is changed, OS reboot is required to apply the changes. If OS is not rebooted after changing HBA configuration, starting up disk resource will fail.
    For details on HBA configuration, see "HBA tab" in "Server Properties" in "2. Parameter details" in this guide.
    If you try to change or delete a drive character after configuring the HBA, operation may fail. If the operation fails, configure the HBA according to the troubleshooting procedure.
  • <Troubleshooting>

  1. Run the following command at the command prompt to remove the drive character:

# mountvol drive_character (of_change_target): /P
  1. Check that the drive character is removed from the change target drive by using (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Disk Management).

  2. Add the drive character from Disk Management.

3.11.4. Details tab

Drive Letter (Within 1023 bytes)

Specify the drive letter (A to Z) for the disk to be used.


Use this button to add a server to Servers that can run the group. The list of added server partitions is displayed in the Selection of Partition dialog box.


Use this button to delete a server from Servers that can run the group.


The Selection of Partition dialog box of the selected server is displayed.

  • Selection of Partition
    Select the partition to be used as switching partition from the list. GUID of the selected switching partition is displayed. GUID is an identifier used to uniquely identify partitions.
  • Connect
    Connects to the server and obtain the list of partitions.


For a partition specified by disk resource, specify the partition on the shared disk that is connected to the filtering configured HBA.
Make sure not to specify a partition specified by disk resource to partition for disk heartbeat resource, or cluster partition or data partition for mirror disk resource. Data on the shared disk may be corrupted.

3.12. Understanding service resources

You can register services managed by EXPRESSCLUSTER and run when starting, stopping, failing over, or moving groups in EXPRESSCLUSTER. It is also possible to register your own services to service resources.

3.12.1. Dependencies of service resources

By default, this function depends on the following group resource types.

Group resource type

Floating IP resource

Virtual IP resource

Virtual computer name resource

Disk resource

Mirror disk resource

Hybrid disk resource

Registry synchronization resource

CIFS resource

AWS elastic ip resource

AWS virtual ip resource

AWS secondary ip resource

AWS DNS resource

Azure DNS resource

3.12.2. Service resources

A service resource refers to a service managed by the OS service control manager.

3.12.3. Notes on service resources

  • Service executed in service resource must be installed on all servers in failover policy.

  • Generally, the service executed by the service resource is set to manual start. In case of the service which is executed by automatic start or the service which may be executed by other than the service resource, it is necessary to check on Do not assume it as an error when the service is already started which is described below in Service tab of Service resource tuning properties dialog. If this check box is off, activation fails when executing service start processing by the service resource to the service which has already been executed.

  • If the Service tab of the Service resource tuning properties dialog box shows the checked Do not assume it as an error when the service is already started check box and the corresponding service has already been started at the service resource activation, the service is not stopped at the service resource deactivation.

  • The service executed by the service resource is not controlled by applications other than EXPRESSCLUSTER. Therefore, it is recommended to set the recovery operation not to be performed by the service control manager.
    If a service is set to restart upon the recovery operation by the service control manager, an unexpected action might be performed due to duplication with the recovery operation by EXPRESSCLUSTER.

3.12.4. Details tab

Service Name (Within 1023 bytes)

Specify the service name or service display name used in the service resource.

Combo box options display the list of the service display names of the services collected from the server.


Collects the service list from all the servers and updates the service display name list to be displayed in the Service Name combo box.


Use this button to display the Service Resource Tuning Properties dialog box. You can make advanced settings for the service resource.

Service resource tuning properties

Parameter tab

The detailed setting for parameters is displayed.


When the service is started up, it waits for "Started". Typically, the status changes from "Stopping" to "Started" when the service is started.

When stopping the service, it waits for that the status of service becomes "Stopped". Typically, the status changes from "Stopping" to "Stopped" when the service is stopped.


No synchronization is performed.

Timeout (1 to 9999)

Specify the timeout for the status of the service to become "Started" at the time starting the service. The timeout can be specified only when Synchronous is selected. If the status of the service does not change to "Started" within the timeout, it is determined as an error.

Specify the timeout for the stats of the service to become "Stopped" at the time stopping the service. The timeout can be specified only when Synchronous is selected. If the status of the service does not change to "Stopped" within the timeout, it is determined as an error.

Target VCOM Resource Name

Configure this to use a virtual computer name as a computer name used for the service resource. The virtual computer name and resource name that exist in a failover group which the service resource belongs to are listed.
When you specify this parameter, add the following registry and then start the service:

Key name

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\<service set by service resource>


Name : Environment
Data : COMPUTERNAME=<virtual computer name>
_CLUSTER_NETWORK_FQDN_=<virtual computer name>
_CLUSTER_NETWORK_HOSTNAME_=<virtual computer name>
_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NAME_=<virtual computer name>


Click Initialize to reset the values of all items to their default values.

Service tab

The settings for the service are displayed.

Start Parameters (Within 1023 bytes)

Specify a parameter for the service. When there are multiple parameters, leave a space between parameters. For a parameter that includes a space, enclose the parameter by double quotation marks. Note that backslash \ cannot be used.

Example: "param 1" param2

Do not assume it as an error when the service is already started

  • When the checkbox is selected:
    When the service is started, if the service is already started up, activation status is kept.
  • When the checkbox is not selected:
    When the service is started, if the service is already started up, it is considered as activation error.

Wait time after service started (0 to 9999)

Specify the time to wait after the service is started.
The service resource activation will be completed after waiting for the specified time.

Wait time after service stopped (0 to 9999)

Specify the time to wait after the service is stopped.
The service resource deactivation will be completed after waiting for the specified time.


Click Initialize to reset the values of all items to their default values.

3.13. Understanding virtual computer name resources

3.13.1. Dependencies of virtual computer name resources

By default, this function depends on the following group resource types.

Group resource type

Floating IP resource

Virtual IP resource

AWS elastic ip resource

AWS virtual ip resource

AWS secondary ip resource

3.13.2. Virtual computer name resources

Only on Windows machines, client applications can be connected to a cluster server by using a virtual computer name. The servers can be connected to each other by using a virtual computer name. By using a virtual computer name, switching from one server to the other to which a client is connecting remains transparent even if failover or moving of a failover group occurs.

Virtual computer name resources use an old protocol. If you want only the name resolution of a floating IP address, do not use a virtual computer name resource, but instead register the host name and floating IP address in the DNS A record.

One client, two servers, and a virtual computer name

Fig. 3.97 Virtual computer name resource (1)

One client, two servers, and a virtual computer name

Fig. 3.98 Virtual computer name resource (2)

3.13.3. Determining virtual computer name

A computer name used as a virtual computer name should satisfy the following conditions:

  • The name must be different from cluster server names.

  • The name must be different from any computer names of machines connected to the same network segment.

  • The name must be within 15 characters.

  • The name must consist of only English lowercase letters (a-z), digits (0-9), and hyphens.

3.13.4. Linking virtual computer name and floating IP address

Once a virtual computer name is linked with a floating IP address, the combination of the virtual computer name and floating IP address can be written to the client's LMHOSTS file. To configure this, use the config mode of Cluster WebUI. Select Virtual Computer Name Resource Properties, and click Details tab, and then click Target FIP Resource Name. This configuration allows using the virtual computer name from a remote LAN.

If the virtual computer name and floating IP address are not linked, the virtual computer name cannot be used from a remote LAN by using LHMOSTS file. In this case, virtual computer name needs to be registered to DNS dynamically, or WINS needs to be set to use virtual computer names from a remote LAN. For information on how to configure WINS, refer to the next section "Configuring WINS server."

3.13.5. Configuring WINS server

To use a virtual computer name from a remote LAN without linking the virtual computer name to a floating IP address, set the WINS server as follows:

  • When installing the WINS server to cluster servers

    1. Install the WINS server on all servers in a cluster. If you are prompted to reboot the servers after installation, click No.

    2. Configure the settings described from step 3 to 6 on all cluster servers.

    3. Open Control Panel and double-click Network Connections. Double-click Local Area Connection and open Local Area Connection Properties.

    4. Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.

    5. Click Advanced and click WINS tab.

    6. Add the IP addresses of public LAN in all servers in a cluster to the WINS address (The order of usage does not matter.)

    7. Shut down and reboot the cluster.

    8. Install the WINS server on the client on a remote LAN by following the same steps.

  • When setting the WINS server on a server other than a cluster server

    1. Install WINS server on a server other than a cluster server.

    2. Open Control Panel and double-click Network Connections. Double-click Local Area Connection and open Local Area Connection Properties.

    3. Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.

    4. Click Advanced and click WINS tab.

    5. In WINS addresses, add the IP addresses of WINS server.

    6. Repeat the steps above for all servers in the cluster.

    7. Shut down and reboot the cluster.

    8. Install the WINS server to the client on a remote LAN by following the same steps.

3.13.6. Services available to the virtual computer name

The following services are available to the virtual computer name:


FIP linked

FIP n/at linked

TCP/IP name resolution (from computer name to IP address)


Network drive connection

Network printer connection

Pipe with the name

RPC (pipe with the name)



3.13.7. Notes on virtual computer name resources

  • Create a virtual computer name control process (clpvcomp.exe) per virtual computer name resource to be activated. Make sure not to stop the process by mistake. An error of process disappearance can be detected by virtual computer name monitoring resources.

  • The following services are not available to the virtual computer name:

    1. Mail slot

    2. RPC (NetBIOS)

  • When the virtual computer name and floating IP address are not linked, the following needs to be considered:

    1. The following services cannot be used.

      • TCP/IP name resolution (from computer name to IP address)

      • RPC (TCP/IP)

    2. It may take a few minutes to reconnect to the cluster after failover due to a failure of the server.

    3. It may take a few minutes to display the virtual computer name in the network computer after the cluster is started.

    4. The virtual computer name cannot be written to LMHOSTS.

    5. When you have the settings to use a DNS server and the DNS server is associated with WINS, switching by failover cannot be done while cache information of the virtual computer name remaining on the DNS server. Configure the time to retain cache for WINS to approximately 1 second on the DNS server.

  • If the virtual computer name and floating IP address are linked, the following need to be considered:

    1. The NetBEUI protocol cannot be used. To use the NetBEUI protocol, cancel the linkage.

    2. The virtual computer name is valid with the network address of the linked floating IP. To use the virtual computer name from a network address other than that of the linked floating IP, perform one of the following operations:

      • Register the name with DNS dynamically.

      • Enter a combination of the virtual computer name and floating IP address in LMHOSTS.

      • Configure the WINS server.

    3. Multiple virtual computer names cannot be linked to the same floating IP.

    4. When different floating IPs exist on one or more public LAN, for using the same virtual computer name on each LAN, activation and deactivation processing needs to be executed sequentially by creating virtual computer name resource corresponding to each floating IP and setting dependency relation between these resources.

  • To register a virtual computer name with the WINS server on a remote network, configure the following settings in cluster servers:

    1. Open Control Panel, and click Network and Sharing Center. Then, open Change Adapter Settings.

    2. From the menu, click Advanced, and then click Advanced Settings. Select Adapters and Bindings tab.

    3. Change the order of the BindPath. The public LAN (the network adapter with which the WINS server address is registered) should be on the top.
      Adapters and Bindings tab should look similar to the following:

  • The communication by file sharing protocol (SMB/CIFS) using a virtual computer name owned by an activated group on the active server may fail due to an authentication error.
    (Example 1)
    The Explorer is started in the server where the group is active and the following address is entered in the address bar. However it results in causing an authentication error and cannot open the shared folder.

    <Virtual computer name>/shared name

    (Example 2)

    In a server where the group was active, started the registry editor and specified the virtual computer name in "Connect Network Registry," but failed due to authentication error.


    1. Verify that the all servers are properly working from the Cluster WebUI.

    2. Execute Steps 3 to 7 below in each server in the cluster.

    3. From the Start menu, select Run, and run regedit.exe and add the following registry value:

      Name (Type):
      DisableStrictNameChecking (DWORD type)
    4. If the following value exists in the following key, delete it:

      Name (Type):
      BackConnectionHostNames (DWORD type)
    5. Create a new multi-line string value for the same the name in Step 4 (BackConnectionHostNames), and set a virtual computer name.
      (Example) when there are two virtual computer names: vcom1 and vcom2

    6. Close the registry editor.

    7. (applicable only when the virtual computer name and the floating IP address are linked)
      In the system drive: \Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, add an entry of the virtual computer name (not FQDN name but computer name only) and the linked floating IP address. When there are multiple virtual computer names linked with floating IP address, add entries for all of them.
      (Example) when the virtual computer name is "vcom1" and the linked floating IP address is "":
      Add the following to the hosts file: vcom1
    8. Execute Steps 3 to 7 above in all servers. Then shut down the cluster and reboot all servers.

  • Notes on registering a virtual computer name with DNS dynamically

    1. Cluster server must be assigned in the domain.

    2. DNS must be configured for the public LAN. EXPRESSCLUSTER registers virtual computer name specified by public LAN with DNS.

    3. DNS registration is performed when virtual computer name resource is activated. Failure of registration will not be recognized as an error.

    4. A virtual computer name is deleted from DNS when virtual computer name resource is deactivated. Failure of deletion will not be recognized as an error.

  • Since virtual computer name resource cannot be allocated to NIC when the LAN cable is not connected, the activation of the resource may fail.

  • When Server service of OS is stopped, virtual computer name resource cannot be activated. If you want to use virtual computer name resource, do not disable/stop Server service.

  • If Secure only is specified for DNS Dynamic Updates, the write and the delete subtree permissions must be applied to computer objects in the zone to be updated by a virtual computer name resource. Apply the permissions to This object and all descendant objects. For how to apply the permissions, refer to the setting method for the DNS server. The settings above are not required if Nonsecure and secure is specified for DNS Dynamic Updates.

3.13.8. Details tab

Virtual Computer Name (Within 15 bytes)

Specify the virtual computer name.

Target FIP Resource Name

Select the floating IP resource name to be linked to the virtual computer name.


Display the VCOM Resource Tuning Properties dialog box to configure the details of virtual computer name resource.

VCOM Tuning Properties

Parameter tab

Display the details of setting the parameter.

Register with DNS dynamically

Specify whether or not to register with DNS dynamically during activation of resource.

IP address to be associated

Select one of the followings as IP address for registration with DNS dynamically to associate with virtual computer name.

  • FIP
    Associates the floating IP address in selected in the target FIP resources name.
  • Any Address
    Associates any IP address you want on a server basis.


When Any Address is selected for IP address to be associated, select your target server in Servers. Click Edit to specify an IP address on a server basis..


Click this button to configure default values for all options.

3.14. Understanding dynamic DNS resources

3.14.1. Dependency of dynamic DNS resources

By default, dynamic DNS resources depend on the following types of group resources.

Group resource type

Virtual IP resource

Floating IP resource

AWS elastic ip resource

AWS virtual ip resource

AWS secondary ip resource

3.14.2. Dynamic DNS resources

  • A dynamic DNS resource registers a virtual host name and the IP address of an activated server with the dynamic DNS server (hereafter, DDNS server). A client application can use a virtual host name to access the cluster server. Use of virtual host names allows clients to transparently switch connection from one server to another when a group is "failed over" or "moved".

The following figure shows the Dynamic DNS server (DDNS server), Servers 1 and 2, and a client. On the DDNS server, Server 1 registers the virtual host name and the IP address.

The DDNS server, two servers, and a client

Fig. 3.99 Configuration with the DDNS server (1)

The client queries the DDNS server about the IP address (corresponding to the virtual host name) to be accessed. The DDNS server returns the IP address (corresponding to the virtual host name) of Server 1 to the client. The client then accesses the IP address of the virtual host name.

The DDNS server, two servers, and a client

Fig. 3.100 Configuration with the DDNS server (2)

Server 1 crashes, and a failover to Server 2 occurs.

The DDNS server, two servers, and a client

Fig. 3.101 Configuration with the DDNS server (3)

On the DDNS server, Server 2 registers the virtual host name and the IP address.

The DDNS server, two servers, and a client

Fig. 3.102 Configuration with the DDNS server (4)

The client queries the DDNS server about the IP address (corresponding to the virtual host name) to be accessed. The DDNS server returns the IP address (corresponding to the virtual host name) of Server 2 to the client. The client then accesses the IP address of the virtual host name.

The DDNS server, two servers, and a client

Fig. 3.103 Configuration with the DDNS server (5)

3.14.3. Preparation for use of dynamic DNS resources

  • To use dynamic DNS resources, you need to establish a DDNS server in advance. DDNS servers support only active directories.

  • If using the Kerberos authentication function, you need to make the following setting for the Active Directory domain to be updated by the dynamic DNS resource.

    • Please give the following permissions to each cluster server.

      • Create All Child Objects

      • Delete All Child Objects

      Permissions will be applied to, please choose This object and all child objects.

  • If Secure only is specified for DNS Dynamic Updates, the write and the delete subtree permissions must be applied to computer objects in the Active Directory and DNS domains to be updated by a dynamic DNS resource. Apply the write permissions to This object and all child objects (This object and all descendant objects for Windows Vista or later and Windows Server 2008 or later). For how to apply the write permissions, refer to the setting method for the DNS server.

3.14.4. Notes on dynamic DNS resources

  • If Execute Dynamic Update Periodically is enabled, a dynamic DNS monitor resource periodically registers a virtual host name to the DDNS server.

  • Create a DDNS control process (clpddnsp.exe) per dynamic DNS resource to be activated. Make sure not to stop the process by mistake. An error of process disappearance can be detected by dynamic DNS monitor resources.

  • When the IP addresses of servers exist in different segments, FIP addresses cannot be specified as the IP addresses of dynamic DNS resources.

  • To register the IP addresses of servers with the DDNS server, make the setting of each IP address separately for each server. Enter the IP address of any server in the IP Address box on the Common tab and then specify the IP addresses of other servers individually on each server tab.

  • Regarding the settings for each server, if the same virtual host name already exists at activation, the duplicate virtual host name is temporarily deleted from the primary DNS server and the relevant virtual host name and IP address of the activated server are registered. The setting of the Delete the Registered IP Address option, which is a setting applied at deactivation, does not affect this behavior.

  • In client access using a virtual host name, if a group having dynamic DNS resources is failed over, reconnection (e.g. restart of the browser) may be required.

  • Behavior in Cluster WebUI connection using a virtual host name

    • When the IP address of each server is separately specified for dynamic DNS resources
      In client access using a virtual host name via Cluster WebUI connection, if a group having dynamic DNS resources is failed over, the Cluster WebUI connection will not be automatically switched. You need to restart the browser and to establish Cluster WebUI connection again.
    • When FIP addresses are specified for dynamic DNS resources
      In client access using a virtual host name via Cluster WebUI connection, if a group having dynamic DNS resources is failed over, the Cluster WebUI connection will be automatically switched.

3.14.5. Details tab

Virtual Host Name (Within 253 bytes)

Specify the virtual host name to be registered in the DDNS service.

IP Address (Within 79 bytes)

Specify the IP address corresponding to the virtual host name.

To use an FIP resource in parallel, specify the IP address of the FIP resource in the [Source IP Address] tab. To use the IP addresses of servers, specify each IP address in the tab of each server.

DDNS Server (Within 255 bytes)

Specify the IP address of the DDNS server. When specifying secondary DNS servers, use a comma (,) for the separator. First, specify the primary DNS server, and then specify secondary DNS servers.
To specify only the primary DNS server:
To specify two secondary DNS servers:,,

Port No. (1 to 65535)

Specify the port number of the DDNS server. Its default value is 53.

Cache TTL (0 to 2147483647)

Specify the time to live (TTL) of the cache. Its default value is 0 seconds.

Execute Dynamic Update Periodically

  • When the check box is selected (default):
    The virtual host name and the IP address of the active server are periodically registered to the DDNS server.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    The virtual host name and the IP address of the active server are not periodically registered to the DDNS server.

Update Interval (1 to 9999)

Specify the interval for periodic registration of the virtual host name and the IP address of the activated server with the DDNS server. The default value is 60 minutes.

Be sure to specify a time shorter than the update interval of the DDNS server.

Delete the Registered IP Address

  • When the check box is selected (default):
    When the dynamic DNS resource is deactivated, the virtual host names and the IP addresses of the active servers that were registered to the DNS server are deleted.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    When the dynamic DNS resource is deactivated, the virtual host names and the IP addresses of the active servers that were registered to the DNS server are not deleted. In this case, a client may be able to access one of these undeleted virtual host names.

Kerberos Authentication

Specify whether to enable Kerberos authentication in Active Directory. No password need to be specified because a password is automatically generated when a dynamic DNS resource registers a virtual host name in the Active Directory domain. The default is cleared.

  • When the check box is selected:
    Select the check box to enable Kerberos authentication in Active Directory.
  • When the check box is not selected (default):
    Clear the check box to disable Kerberos authentication in Active Directory.

3.15. Understanding virtual IP resources

3.15.1. Dependencies of virtual IP resources

By default, this function does not depend on any group resource type.

3.15.2. Virtual IP resources

Client applications can be connected to a cluster server by using a virtual IP address. The servers can be connected to each other by using a virtual IP address. By using a virtual IP address, switching from one server to the other to which a client is connecting remains transparent even if failover or moving of a failover group occurs. The graphic in the next page shows how virtual IP resources work in the cluster system.

Server 1とClient 1、それらとRouter 1を介して接続された Server 2とClient 2、さらにそれらと Router 2 を介して接続された Client 3

Fig. 3.104 Configuration with a virtual IP address (1)

Server 1とClient 1、それらとRouter 1を介して接続された Server 2とClient 2、さらにそれらと Router 2 を介して接続された Client 3

Fig. 3.105 Configuration with a virtual IP address (2)

  • Note on setting servers (1)
    Each cluster server on the same LAN requires being able to change the path by receiving RIP packets, or to resolve path information on the virtual IP address by accessing a router.
  • Note on setting servers (2)
    Each cluster server in a separate segment requires being able to resolve path information on the virtual IP address by accessing a router.
  • Note on setting virtual IP resources (1)
    Specify an IP address outside the LAN to which the cluster servers belong, and free from a collision with existing IP addresses.
  • Note on setting routers (1)
    Each router requires being able to perform dynamic routing by interpreting RIP packets, or to resolve path information on the virtual IP address as static path information.
  • Note on setting virtual IP resources (2)
    Be sure to specify a sender's IP address for each of the servers in order for RIP packets to be correctly sent.
  • Note on setting routers (2)
    Set the flush timer of each router at a value within the heartbeat timeout value.
  • Note on setting clients (1)
    Each client on the same LAN requires being able to change the path by receiving RIP packets, or to resolve path information on the virtual IP address by accessing a router.
  • Note on setting clients (2)
    Each client in a separate segment requires being able to resolve path information on the virtual IP address by accessing a router.

3.15.3. Determining virtual IP address

An IP address used as a virtual IP address should satisfy the following conditions:

  • The IP address should not be within the network address of the LAN to which the cluster belongs.

  • The IP address should not conflict with existing network addresses.

Select one of the following allocation methods to meet the requirements above:

  • Obtain a new network IP address for virtual IP address and allocate virtual IP address.

  • Determine a network IP address from private IP address space and allocate virtual IP address. The following procedures are given as an example.

    • Select one network address from 192.168.0 to 192.168.255 for virtual IP address.

    • Allocate up to 64 host IP addresses for virtual IP address from the network address you have selected. (For example, select the network address 192.168.10 and allocate two host IP addresses: and

    • Specify to net mask of the virtual IP address.

  • Private IP addresses are addresses for a closed network and they cannot be accessed using virtual IP address from outside of the network through internet providers.

  • Do not disclose path information of private IP addresses outside the organization.

  • Adjust the private IP addresses to avoid conflict with other address.

3.15.4. Controlling path

To access to a virtual IP address from a remote LAN, path information of the virtual IP address must be effective to all routers on the path from the remote LAN to the LAN for cluster server.

To be specific, the following condition must be satisfied:

  • Routers on the cluster servers LAN interpret host RIP.

  • Routers on the path from a cluster server to the remote server have the dynamic routing settings or information on the virtual IP address routes has configured as static routing settings.

3.15.5. Requirement to use virtual IP address

Environments where virtual IP address can be used

Virtual IP addresses can be accessed from the machines listed below. Virtual IP address mechanism functions properly even in a LAN where switching hubs are used.

However, when a server goes down, TCP/IP that has been connected will be disconnected.

When using virtual IP addresses with a switching HUB that cannot be configured to create a host routing table by receiving host RIP, you need to reserve one new network address and configure virtual IP addresses so that the IP address of each server belongs to a different network address.

  • Cluster servers that belong to the same LAN that the server the virtual IP activates belongs to

    Virtual IP addresses can be used if the following conditions are satisfied:

    • Machines that can change the path by receiving RIP packets.

    • Machines that can resolve the path information of a virtual IP address by accessing a router.

  • Cluster servers that belong to a different LAN that the server the virtual IP activates belongs to

    Virtual IP addresses can be used if the following condition is satisfied:

    • Machines that can resolve path information of the virtual IP address by accessing a router.

  • Clients that belong to the same LAN that cluster servers belong to

    Virtual IP addresses can be used if the following conditions are satisfied:

    • Machines that can change the path by receiving RIP packets.

    • Machines that can resolve the path information of a virtual IP address by accessing a router.

  • Clients on the remote LAN

    Virtual IP addresses can be used if the following condition is satisfied:

    • Machines that can resolve path information of the virtual IP address by accessing a router.

3.15.6. Notes on virtual IP resources

Virtual IP addresses do not support NetBIOS protocol.

  • Even if you map a virtual IP address to a host name using LMHOSTS, it cannot be used for accessing and user authentication for Windows browsing, networks, and printer resources.

  • Use a virtual computer name to automatically switch the connection destination with the NetBIOS protocol.

The following rule applies to virtual IP addresses.

  • The number of a virtual IP resource to be registered on one cluster system is up to 64.

  • To use a virtual IP resource, the names of a cluster, server and group need to be set according to the naming rules of Ver8.0 or earlier.

Adjust the value of the flush timer of the router within the value for heartbeat timeout. For the heartbeat timeout, see "Timeout tab" in "Cluster properties" in "2. Parameter details" in this guide.

It is necessary to add the Routing and Remote Access service to each cluster server to enable the LAN routing. This is not required when the interconnect LAN with the highest priority is common to public LAN.

When an IPv6 address is used as a virtual IP address, it is necessary to specify public LAN as the interconnect with the highest priority.

If the routing protocol is set to "RIPver2," the subnet mask for transmitted RIP packets is ""

3.15.7. Details tab

IP Address (Within 45 bytes)

Enter the virtual IP address to use.

Net Mask (Within 45 bytes)

Specify the net mask of the virtual IP address to use. It is not necessary to specify it when the IPv6 address is specified as a virtual IP address.

Destination IP Address (Within 45 bytes)

Enter the destination IP address of RIP packets. The broadcast address of the LAN where the cluster server belongs is specified for IPv4 and the IPv6 address of the router of the LAN where the cluster server belongs is specified for IPv6.

Source IP Address (Within 45 bytes)

Enter the IP address to bind for sending RIP packets. Specify the actual IP address activated on NIC which activates the virtual IP address.

When using an IPv6 address, specify a link local address as the source IP address.


The source IP address should be set on a server basis, and set the actual IP address of each server. Virtual IP resources do not operate properly if a source address is invalid.

In the [common] tab, described the Source IP Address of any of the server, the other server, please to perform the individual settings.

Send Interval (1 to 30)

Specify the send interval of RIP packets.

Use Routing Protocol

Specify the RIP version to use. For IPv4 environment, select RIPver1 or RIPver2. For IPv6 environment, select RIPngver1 or RIPngver2 or RIPngver3. You can select one or more routing protocol.


Use this button to display the Virtual IP Resource Tuning Properties dialog box. You can make advanced settings for the virtual IP resource.

Virtual IP Resource Tuning Properties

Parameter tab

Detailed setting for parameter is displayed.

Run ping

Use this button to configure whether or not to check if there is any overlapped IP address by the ping command before activating the virtual IP resource.

  • When the checkbox is selected:
    Check by using the ping command.
  • When the checkbox is not selected:
    Do not check by using the ping command.


In this box, make detailed settings of the ping command used to check for any overlapped IP address before activating the virtual IP resource.

  • Interval (0 to 999)
    Specify the interval to issue the ping command in seconds.
  • Timeout (1 to 999999)
    Specify the timeout for the ping command in milliseconds.
  • Retry Count (0 to 999)
    Specify how many retries of issuing the ping command are attempted.
  • Forced VIP Activation
    Use this button to configure whether to forcibly activate the virtual IP address when an overlapped IP address is found using the ping command.
    • When the checkbox is selected:
      Forcefully activate the virtual IP address.
    • When the checkbox is not selected:
      Do not forcefully activate the virtual IP address.

Judge NIC Link Down as Failure

Specify whether to check for an NIC Link Down before the floating IP resource is activated.

  • When the checkbox is selected:
    In the case of an NIC Link Down, the floating IP resource is not activated.
  • When the checkbox is not selected:
    Even in the case of an NIC Link Down, the floating IP resource is activated. This operation is the same as before.


Clicking Initialize sets the values of all the items to the defaults.

RIP tab

Detailed settings on RIP of virtual IP resource are displayed.

Metric (1 to 15)

Enter a metric value of RIP. A metric is a hop count to reach the destination address.


On Port Number, a list of communication ports used for sending RIP is displayed.


Add a port number used for sending RIP. Click this button to display the dialog box to enter a port number.

Port Number

Enter a port number to be used for sending RIP, and click OK.


Click Remove to delete the selected port on the Port Number.


A dialog box to enter a port number is displayed. The port selected in the Port Number is displayed. Edit it and click OK.


Clicking Initialize sets the values of all the items to the defaults.

RIPng tab

Detailed settings of RIPng of virtual IP resource are displayed.

Metric (1 to 15)

Enter a metric value of RIPng. A metric is a hop count of RIPng to reach the destination address.


On Port Number, a list of ports used for sending RIPng is displayed.


Clicking Initialize sets the values of all the items to the defaults.


Add a port number used for sending RIPng. Click this button to display the dialog box to enter a port number.

Port Number

Enter a port number to be used for sending RIPng, and click OK.


Click Remove to delete the selected port on the Port Number.


A dialog box to enter a port number is displayed. The port selected in the Port Number is displayed. Edit it and click OK

3.16. Understanding CIFS resources

3.16.1. Dependencies of CIFS resources

By default, CIFS resources depend on the following group resources type:

Group resource type

Disk resource

Mirror disk resource

Hybrid disk resource

3.16.2. CIFS resources

CIFS resources control publicizing and removal of shared folders. By using CIFS resources, the folders on shared disks and mirror disks are publicized as a shared file.

There are two ways of publicizing as follows:

Specify shared configuration individually

Specify shared folder configuration in advance in configuration items of CIFS resources, and then publicize shared folder with the configuration specified at resource activation. You need to create CIFS resource per shared folder to be publicized.

Auto-save shared configuration of drive

When a specified folder on shared disk/mirror disk is shared and publicized, acquire the shared configuration and save it in the configuration file of shared disk/mirror disk. The shared configuration is once released when shared disk/mirror disk is deactivated, but the shared folder is publicized again with the saved configuration.
This section describes the operation when you have checked the [Auto-save shared configuration of drive].
CIFS resources will automatically get the information of the shared folder on the drive, and then save it to the [Shared Configuration File]. Because it does not exist shared settings file during the initial start-up of CIFS resources, it scans all of the shared folder information on the drive, and then save it to the [Shared Configuration File].
Then you can update the shared settings file from the CIFS resources each time the set of shared folder is changed.
When CIFS resources becomes deactivation I will remove all share.
However, since the rest is shared information in the [Shared Configuration File], and then automatically recover the shared information at the time of activity.

The following table shows the advantage and disadvantage of the two methods.



Specify shared configuration individually

Inconsistency does not occur in the shared configuration.

When the shared configuration is changed, it is necessary to change the CIFS resource.

Auto-save shared configuration of drive

Changes made for the shared configuration are automatically saved.

When the shared configuration file is corrupted, inconsistency occurs in the shared information.

3.16.3. Notes on CIFS resources

  • When files on the shared disks or the mirror disks are publicized, the sharing settings, which are configured by right-click, will be cleared by deactivation of disk resource or mirror disk resource, which will result in no inheritance to another server at a failover. In this case, use CIFS resources.

  • When shared configuration of drive is automatically saved, shared configuration file configured as the saving destination is created as a hidden file. For the back up when the shared configuration file is corrupted, a file with ".bak" at the end of the specified file name is created in the same folder. Ensure not to use the same file name with the currently existing file.

  • A folder that the shared configuration file is to be created must have access permission to create/update a file for the local system account (SYSTEM). Without proper access permission, creation/updating of the shared configuration file fails. If both the shared configuration file and the backup file are deleted mistakenly, configuration data may be lost. It is recommended that these files should not be deleted by other account.

  • If any of the conditions mentioned below arises when publicizing and removing of the shared folders on the disk (eg. shared disk, mirror disk) managed by EXPRESSCLUSTER is controlled with CIFS resources, the activation of CIFS resources fails. Perform troubleshooting procedure 1 or 2. Troubleshooting procedure 1 is recommended.
    • The failback of the CIFS resources is executed after the server is restarted for a reason other than cluster shutdown and reboot.

    • CIFS resources are activated for the first time after a deactivation error.

    <Troubleshooting procedure 1>
    Select the When folder is shared not as activity failure check box.
    <Troubleshooting procedure 2>
    It is necessary to delete the shared name by using a script resource before activating CIFS resources. Add a script resource and change the settings, as follows.
    1. Add a script resource, and open Properties. In the Dependency tab, clear Follow the default dependence, and add the corresponding disk resource to Dependent Resources.

    2. Open the Details tab of the script resource added in 1, and add the following lines of code (*) to start.bat.
      net share <CIFS_resource_controlled_shared_name> /delete (Add)
      net share <CIFS_resource_controlled_shared_name> /delete (Add)
      To use Auto-save shared configuration of drive for CIFS resources, it is necessary to add all the shared names controlled with CIFS resources.
    3. Open Properties of CIFS resources. In the Dependency tab, clear Follow the default dependence, and add the corresponding disk resource and the script resource added in 1 to Dependent Resources.

  • Sharing access Please set a reference that can be user/groups from all cluster nodes. It does not set NTFS Permissions in CIFS resource

  • When migrating the Active Directory server, if you configure the accounts of the migration source and destination server domains to share a shared folder with the SID history function enabled, the share setting for the accounts of the source server cannot be maintained.

  • If the access permissions applied to the shared folder are either of the following, activating a CIFS resource fails. Apply the proper access permissions.

    • Among the SYSTEM access permissions, the Read permission is denied.

    • Among the SYSTEM access permissions, the List of Folder Contents permission is denied.

  • When When folder is shared not as activity failure is enabled (selected), activating the CIFS resource fails if a user saved in the Shared Configuration File is deleted. To delete a user who is set in Permissions for the shared folder, perform either of the following:

    • Disable (clear) When folder is shared not as activity failure.

    • To delete a use who is set in Permissions for the shared folder, also delete the corresponding group from Advanced Sharing > Permissions on the Sharing tab of the properties of the shared folder on the drive set to the CIFS resource.

  • If the Shared Configuration File is damaged, recover it by performing either of the following:

    • Among the SYSTEM access permissions, the Read permission is denied. Stop the CIFS resource and replace the damaged file with the backed up Shared Configuration File. Then, start the CIFS resource. This method is effective when there are many folders or there are many sharing settings required to change.

    • Stop the CIFS resource and delete the damaged Shared Configuration File. Then, start the CIFS resource and make the sharing settings again from Explorer.

  • If a failover occurred, the shared folder disappears temporarily. This might disable to browse the file open before the failover occurrence or to browse files from Explorer. Therefore, it is recommended to use the shared folder offline as follows:

    • When Execute the automatic saving of shared configuration of drive is enabled (selected), select All files and programs that users open from the share are automatically available offline for the Cache settings of the shared folder.

    • When Execute the automatic saving of shared configuration of drive is disabled (not selected), select Automatic Caching on the Cache tab of the CIFS resource tuning properties.

3.16.4. Details tab

Execute the automatic saving of shared configuration of drive

Configure whether to save shared configuration of drive automatically. Check this when you want to set the auto-saving.

Target Drive

Specify the drive letter of the target disk when you want to execute auto saving of shared configuration of drive.

Shared Configuration File (Within 225 bytes)

Specify the file that saves shared configuration of drive with full path. You need to specify a path of shard disk/mirror disk/hybrid disk within the same group.

This is the file that CIFS resource creates. There is no need for you to prepare before CIFS resource activation.

Errors in restoring file share setting are treated as activity failure

When this option is selected: Activating CIFS resources fails in cases where users saved in shared configuration file does not exist or user information cannot be obtained from domain environment. When the shared folder configuration is changed, if no user is set in Permissions for the shared folder or if user information cannot be obtained from the domain environment, a warning message appears.
When this option is not selected (default): Activating CIFS resources is successful in above cases. The file sharing access permission is not granted to a user whose information could not be acquired. The warning message does not appear.
The following configurations are executed when specifying shared configuration individually.

Shared name (Within 79 bytes)

Specify the name of the shared folder, which is publicized by using CIFS resource. The following can not be used.

Folder (Within 255 bytes)

Specify the full path to the shared folder, which is publicized by CIFS resources.

Comment (Within 255 bytes)

Specify the comment of the shared folder, which is publicized by using CIFS resource.

When folder is shared not as activity failure

When this option is not selected: The activation of CIFS resources fails when folders are already shared. In Windows Server 2012 or later, this condition always arises because of the change in the OS specifications. It is therefore recommended to check this option.
When this option is selected (default): The activation of CIFS resources succeeds in the above case. The warning message is not output.


Display CIFS resource tuning properties dialog box. You can change the settings of the detail information of the CIFS resource.

CIFS resource tuning properties

Cache tab

Display the details of cache

Allow Caching

Set to enable the caching of shared folders. By enabling this function, the files in the shared folders can be referenced in the offline status when specifying shared configuration individually, and those files can still be referenced after a failover. This function is not used when Auto-save shared configuration of drive method is selected.


Select the caching settings if you choose to allow caching.

Choose one of the following settings. Manual Caching (Enable BranchCache) is not supported.

  • Automatic Caching
    This setting is equivalent to the following setting in the Windows OS. The message corresponding to this setting may be different depending on the version of Windows.
    All files and programs that users open from the share will be automatically available offline.
  • Manual Caching
    This setting is equivalent to the following setting in the Windows OS. The message corresponding to this setting may be different depending on the version of Windows.
    Only the files and programs that users specify will be available offline.
  • Automatic Caching (Optimized for the performance)
    This setting is equivalent to the following setting in the Windows OS. The message corresponding to this setting may be different depending on the version of Windows.
    Optimize for performance


Click Initialize to initialize all the items to the default value.

User tab

Display the detailed settings of restriction of the number of users and permission of access.

User Limit (1 to 9999)

Set the maximum number of users who can access the shared folder at a time.


Add the settings of access permission for user account or user group to Access Permission. When you click this button, the Enter user dialog box is displayed. Specify the user name and the permission.


Delete the access permission selected in Permissions.


Modify the access permission specified in Permissions. The Enter user dialog box is displayed. The specified access permission displayed in the Enter user allows you to modify permission.


Click Initialize to initialize all the items to the default values.

User Name (Within 255 bytes)

Enter the Window user name or a group name. When using a domain account, enter in the format of "Domain_name\User_name". No two-byte characters can be registered for User Name. A name containing a one-byte space can be registered. (Example: Domain Admins). If you want to use the double-byte characters in the Windows user name or group name, please check the Auto-save shared configuration of drive.


Select one of following settings for access permission of the entered user/group.

  • Full control

  • Change

  • Read

  • None

When None is selected, access is denied.

3.17. Understanding hybrid disk resources

3.17.1. Dependencies of hybrid disk resources

By default, hybrid disk resources do not depend on any group resource type.

3.17.2. Hybrid disk

A hybrid disk resource is a resource in which disk resource and mirror disk resource are combined. When you use a disk resource, a failover group can perform failover only to the cluster server connected to the same shared disk. On the other hand, in hybrid disk, by mirroring the data in the shared disk, failover can be performed to a server which is not connected to the shared disk. This enables configuring a remote cluster as in the following figure, where failover is performed in the active site upon normal failure, while failover can be performed to the stand-by site when a disaster occurs.

Server group 1に属し、共有ディスクに接続された2台のサーバと、Server group 2に属し、ディスクに接続された1台のサーバ

Fig. 3.106 Hybrid configuration (1): in a normal case

When Server 1 crashes, the application is failed over to Server 2.

Server group 1に属し、共有ディスクに接続された2台のサーバと、Server group 2に属し、ディスクに接続された1台のサーバ

Fig. 3.107 Hybrid configuration (2): Server 1 crashes

When Server 2 crashes, the application is failed over to Server 3.

Server group 1に属し、共有ディスクに接続された2台のサーバと、Server group 2に属し、ディスクに接続された1台のサーバ

Fig. 3.108 Hybrid configuration (3): Server 2 crashes

In hybrid disk, a group of servers that is connected to the shared disk is referred to as a server group. Disk mirroring is performed between two server groups. A server which does not use the shared disk is a server group in which there is only one server.

Like mirror disk resources, mirroring takes place in each partition, where RAW partition (cluster partition) to record management information is required as well as data partition which is the mirroring target. It is necessary that each server using hybrid disk resource has a license for EXPRESSCLUSTER X Replicator DR 5.2 for Windows.

3.17.3. Notes on hybrid disk resources

  • Data partition size
    The sizes of data partitions to be mirrored need to be exactly the same by byte.
    If the type or geometry of the disks differs, you may fail to configure the same size for partitions. If this happens, check the precise size of data partitions of the servers by the clpvolsz command before configuring hybrid disk resource. If the sizes are not consistent, run the clpvolsz command again to contract the larger partition.
    For details on the clpvolsz command, see "Tuning partition size (clpvolsz command)" in "9. EXPRESSCLUSTER command reference" in this guide.
    There is no limit for data partition size.
  • Time required for data partition copying
    When a file is copied at initial configuration or disk replacement, the required amount of time increases in proportion to the size of the volume use area. If the volume use area cannot be specified, the required amount of time increases in proportion to the data partition size because the entire area of the volume is copied.
  • Cluster partition size
    Reserve at least 1024MiB. In some disk geometry it may be 1024MB or larger, which is not a problem.
  • Partition drive letter
    Specify the same drive letters in each server for data partition and cluster partition.
    Do not change the drive letter until deleting resources after configuring hybrid disk resources. If a drive letter has been changed, restore the drive letter when hybrid disk resource is started. When the original drive letter is used by other partition, starting mirror disk resource fails.
  • Partition allocation
    When a data partition on the shared disk is mirrored, the data partition and the cluster partition need to be allocated on the same shared disk (they do not have to be allocated on the same logical disk).
    Allocate the data partition and the cluster partition on a basic disk. Dynamic disk is not supported.
    When making data partitions as logical partitions on the extended partition, make sure the data partitions are logical partition on both servers. The actual size may be slightly different even the same size is specified on both basic partition and logical partition.
  • Partition format
    Format a data partition by NTFS. FAT/FAT32 is not supported.
    Do not construct a file system in a cluster partition. Do not format it.
  • Access control of a data partition
    The data partition to be mirrored by a hybrid disk resource can be accessed only from the active server where a hybrid disk resource is activated. Access from other servers is restricted by EXPRESSCLUSTER.
    Access to the cluster partition is also restricted by EXPRESSCLUSTER.
  • Partition deletion
    When you delete a data partition or cluster partition on the hybrid disk resource, delete the hybrid disk resource in Cluster WebUI in advance.
  • Server group settings
    In a failover group having hybrid disk resource, it is necessary to register two server groups which are mirrored by the hybrid disk resource in the Server Groups tab of Group Properties. Configure the settings for these server groups in Server Groups in the config mode of Cluster WebUI.
  • Changing the configuration between the mirror disk and hybrid disk
    To change the configuration so that the disk mirrored using a mirror disk resource will be mirrored using a hybrid disk resource, first delete the existing mirror disk resource from the configuration data, and then upload the data. Next, add a hybrid disk resource to the configuration data, and then upload it again.
  • Disk devices that configure hybrid disks
    For the data partition and the cluster partition of hybrid disk resources, use disk devices with the same logical sector size on all servers. If you use devices with different logical sector sizes, they do not operate normally. They can operate even if they have different sizes for the data partition and the cluster partition.
  • Examples)


    Logical sector size of the partition


    Server 1

    Server 1

    Server 2

    Server 2







    The logical sector sizes are uniform.






    The data partitions have a uniform size of 4 KB, and the cluster partitions have a uniform size of 512 bytes.






    The logical sector sizes for the data partitions are not uniform.






    The logical sector sizes for the cluster partitions are not uniform.

  • Auto Mirror Initial Construction is set not to be performed
    When you use the hybrid disk resource after disabling Auto Mirror Initial Construction on the Mirror Disk tab in the Cluster Properties, change the icon color of the source server group to green by using Mirror Disks before starting hybrid disk resources for the first time.

3.17.4. Details tab

Hybrid Disk No.

Select a disk number to be allocated to a hybrid disk resource. This number must be different from the ones for other hybrid disk resources and mirror disk resources.

Data Partition Drive Letter (Within 1023 bytes)

Specify the drive letter (A to Z) for the data partition.

Cluster Partition Drive Letter (Within 1023 bytes)

Specify the drive letter (A to Z) for the cluster partition. Multiple hybrid disks can use the same cluster partition, but it cannot be the cluster partition of the mirror disk resource.

Cluster Partition Offset Index

Select an index number for the area used in the cluster partition. When using the multiple hybrid disks, assign different numbers for hybrid disk so that the areas to be used in the cluster partition do not overlap.


Select the communication path for the data mirroring communication (mirror disk connect). Click Select to display the Selection of Mirror Disk Connect dialog box.

  • Add
    Use Add to add mirror disk connects. Select the mirror disk connect you want to add from Available Mirror Disk Connect and then click Add. The selected mirror disk connect is added to the Mirror Disk Connects.
  • Remove
    Use Remove to remove mirror disk connects to be used. Select the mirror disk connect you want to remove from the Mirror Disk Connects and then click Remove. The selected mirror disk connect is added to Available Mirror Disk Connect.
  • Order
    Use the arrows to change the priority of mirror disk connects to be used. Select the mirror disk connect whose priority you want to change, and then click the arrows. The selected row moves accordingly.

For mirror disk connect settings, see "Interconnect tab" in "Cluster properties" in "2. Parameter details" in this guide.

Server groups

Information on each member server of the two server groups selected in the Server Groups tab in Properties of failover groups is displayed.

Clicking Obtain information on the Cluster WebUI enables you to get GUID information for the data and cluster partitions of each server.


The Hybrid Disk Resource Tuning Properties dialog box is displayed. You can configure the details on hybrid disk resources.

Hybrid Disk Resource Tuning Properties

Detailed settings on mirror are displayed.

Parameters on this configuration window are the same as those of mirror disk resources.

For the meaning and setting method of each parameter, see " Understanding mirror disk resources ".

3.17.5. Notes on operating hybrid disk resources

If mirror data was synchronized on both server groups when the cluster was shut down, use one of the two orders noted below to start the servers.

  • Simultaneously start servers belonging to both server groups at least one at a time

  • Start the first server (which belongs to server group 1), and then start the second server (which belongs to server group 2) after the first server has started

Do not consecutively start and shutdown both servers 6 .The servers communicate with each other to determine whether the mirror data stored in each server group is up to date. Consecutively starting and shutting down both servers prevents the servers from properly determining whether mirror data is up to date and hybrid disk resources will fail to start the next time both server groups are started.


In other words, do not start and shut down the first server, and then start and shut down the second server.

3.18. Understanding AWS elastic ip resources

3.18.1. Dependencies of AWS elastic ip resources

By default, this function does not depend on any group resource type.

3.18.2. AWS elastic ip resource

By using this resource, an HA cluster can be configured with EXPRESSCLUSTER using the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (referred to as the VPC) in the Amazon Web Services (referred to as AWS) environment.

This makes it possible to perform more important business operations in the same environment, increasing the number of choices for the system configuration in the AWS environment. AWS is configured robustly in multiple Availability Zones (referred to as AZs) in each area (region), enabling the user to select an AZ according to his or her needs. EXPRESSCLUSTER enables an HA cluster among multiple AZs (referred to as multi-AZ), achieving high availability of business operations.

Two types of HA clusters with the data mirror method are assumed, "HA cluster with VIP control" and "HA cluster with EIP control". This section describes AWS elastic ip resources that are used for "HA cluster with EIP control".

HA cluster with EIP control

This is used to place instances on public subnets (release business operations inside the VPC).
A configuration such as the following is assumed: Instances to be clustered are placed on public subnets in each AZ, and each instance can access the Internet via the Internet gateway.
two server instances and two Elastic IP addresses on a public subnet

Fig. 3.109 Configuration with an AWS Elastic IP resource

3.18.4. Applying command line options to AWS CLI run from AWS Elastic IP resource

3.18.5. Applying environment variables to AWS CLI run from the AWS elastic ip resource

3.18.6. Details tab

EIP ALLOCATION ID (Within 45 bytes)

For EIP control, specify the ID of the EIP to replace.

ENI ID (Within 45 bytes)

For EIP control, specify the ENI ID to which to allocate an EIP.

In the [common] tab, described the ENI ID of any of the server, the other server, please to perform the individual settings.


Opens the AWS elastic ip resource tuning properties dialog box where the detailed settings for the AWS elastic ip resource tuning properties can be configured.

AWS Elastic IP Resource Tuning Properties

Parameter tab

Detailed setting for parameter is displayed.

Timeout (1 to 999)

Make the setting of the timeout of AWS CLI command executed for the activation and/or deactivation of the AWS elastic ip resource and AWS elastic ip monitor resource.

3.19. Understanding AWS virtual ip resources

3.19.1. Dependencies of AWS virtual ip resources

By default, this function does not depend on any group resource type.

3.19.2. AWS virtual ip resource

By using this resource, an HA cluster can be configured with EXPRESSCLUSTER using the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (referred to as the VPC) in the Amazon Web Services (referred to as AWS) environment.

This makes it possible to perform more important business operations in the same environment, increasing the number of choices for the system configuration in the AWS environment. AWS is configured robustly in multiple Availability Zones (referred to as AZs) in each area (region), enabling the user to select an AZ according to his or her needs. EXPRESSCLUSTER enables an HA cluster among multiple AZs (referred to as multi-AZ), achieving high availability of business operations.

AWS CLI command is executed for AWS virtual ip resource when it is activated to update the route table information.

Two types of HA clusters with the data mirror method are assumed, "HA cluster with VIP control" and "HA cluster with EIP control". This section describes AWS virtual ip resources that are used for "HA cluster with VIP control"

HA cluster with VIP control

This is used to place instances on private subnets (release business operations inside the VPC).
A configuration such as the following is assumed: Instances to be clustered, as well as the instance group accessing the instances, are placed on private subnets in each AZ, and each instance can access the Internet via the NAT gateway placed on the public subnet.
NAT gateway and client instance on a public subnet, and two server instances on a private subnet

Fig. 3.110 Configuration with an AWS Virtual IP resource

3.19.4. Applying command line options to AWS CLI run from AWS Virtual IP resource

3.19.5. Applying environment variables to AWS CLI run from the AWS virtual ip resource

3.19.6. Details tab

IP Address (Within 45 bytes)

For VIP control, specify a VIP address to be used: an IP address not belonging to VPC CIDR.

VPC ID (Within 45 bytes)

For VIP control, specify the VPC ID to which the server belongs. To specify an individual VPC ID to servers, enter a VPC ID of any server on the Common tab and specify a VPC ID for other servers individually.

ENI ID (Within 45 bytes)

For VIP control, specify the ENI ID of VIP routing destination. For the ENI ID to specify, Source/Dest. Check must be disabled beforehand. This must be set for each server. On the Common tab, enter the ENI ID of any server, and specify an ENI ID for the other servers individually.


Opens the AWS virtual ip resource tuning properties dialog box where the detailed settings for the AWS virtual ip resource tuning properties can be configured.

AWS Virtual Ip Resource Tuning Properties

Parameter tab

Detailed setting for parameter is displayed.

Start Timeout (1 to 9999)

Specify the timeout of the script to be used in activating AWS virtual ip resources.

Stop Timeout (1 to 9999)

Specify the timeout of the script to be used in deactivating AWS virtual ip resources.

3.20. Understanding AWS secondary ip resources

3.20.1. Dependencies of AWS secondary ip resources

By default, this function does not depend on any group resource type.

3.20.2. AWS secondary ip resource

Client applications can use Secondary IP addresses to access the VPC in AWS environment.

By using Secondary IP addresses, clients do not need to be aware of switching access destination server when a failover occurs or moving a group migration.

AWS Secondary IP resources allocate secondary IP addresses during activation, and deallocate them during deactivation.

HA cluster with Secondary IP control

This is used to place instances on private subnets (release business operations inside the VPC).
A configuration such as the following is assumed: Instances to be clustered, as well as the instance group accessing the instances, are placed on private subnets in each AZ, and each instance can access the Internet via the NAT gateway placed on the public subnet.
NAT gateway and client instance on a public subnet, and two server instances on a private subnet

Fig. 3.111 Configuration with an AWS Secondary IP resource


The term "SIP" in the above figure means a secondary IP address.

3.20.4. Applying command line options to AWS CLI run from AWS Secondary IP resource

3.20.5. Applying environment variables to AWS CLI run from the AWS secondary ip resource

3.20.6. Details tab

IP Address (Within 45 bytes)

Specify a secondary IP address existing within the subnet to which the instance belongs.
The number of the secondary IP address must be higher than that of the local server's private IPv4 address.

(Example) If the IPv4 CIDR of the subnet is and the private IPv4 address of the instance is

IP Address

NG or OK




ENI ID (Within 45 bytes)

Specify the ENI ID of a network interface where the secondary IP address is allocated. This setting is required for each server: In the Common tab, enter the ENI ID of any server; in each of the other server tabs, specify the ENI ID of the corresponding server.


Opens the AWS secondary ip resource tuning properties dialog box where the detailed settings for the AWS secondary ip resource tuning properties can be configured.

AWS Secondary Ip Resource Tuning Properties

Parameter tab

Detailed setting for parameter is displayed.

Start Timeout (1 to 9999)

Specify the timeout of the script to be used in activating AWS Secondary IP resources.

Stop Timeout (1 to 9999)

Specify the timeout of the script to be used in deactivating AWS Secondary IP resources.

3.21. Understanding AWS DNS resources

3.21.1. Dependencies of AWS DNS resources

By default, this function does not depend on any group resource type.

3.21.2. AWS DNS resource

NAT gateway and client instance on a public subnet, and two server instances on a private subnet

Fig. 3.112 Configuration with an AWS DNS resource

An AWS DNS resource registers an IP address corresponding to the virtual host name (DNS name) used in Amazon Web Services (hereinafter, referred to as "AWS") by executing AWS CLI at activation, and deletes it by executing AWS CLI at deactivation.

A client can access the node on which failover groups are active with the virtual host name.

By using AWS DNS resources, clients do not need to be aware of switching access destination node when a failover occurs or moving a group migration.

If using AWS DNS resources, you need to take the following preparations before establishing a cluster.

  • Creating Hosted Zone of Amazon Route 53

  • Installing AWS CLI

3.21.3. Activation timing of AWS DNS resources

AWS DNS resources are activated after waiting until an update to the DNS record is applied to Amazon Route 53.


This function is available only with versions of EXPRESSCLUSTER X 5.0 or later.
To make this function with versions of EXPRESSCLUSTER X 5.0 or later upgraded from X 4.3 or lower, remove the AWS DNS resources once, add the resources again, then reconfigure them.

3.21.4. Notes on AWS DNS resources

3.21.5. Applying command line options to AWS CLI run from AWS DNS resource

3.21.6. Applying environment variables to AWS CLI run from the AWS DNS resource

3.21.7. Details tab

Host Zone ID (Within 255 bytes)

Specify a Hosted Zone ID of Amazon Route 53.

Resource Record Set Name (Within 255 bytes)

Specify the name of DNS A record. Put a dot (.) at the end of the name. When an escape character is included in Resource Record Set Name, a monitor error occurs. Set Resource Record Set Name with no escape character. Specify the value of Resource Record Set Name in lowercase letters.

IP Address (Within 39 bytes)

Specify the IP address corresponding to the virtual host name (DNS name) (IPv4). For using the IP address of each server, enter the IP address on the tab of each server. For configuring a setting for each server, enter the IP address of an arbitrary server on Common tab, and configure the individual settings for the other servers.

TTL (0 to 2147483647)

Specify a time-to-live (TTL) for the DNS service cache.

Delete a resource record set at deactivation

  • When the check box is selected:
    The record set is delete when it is deactivated.
  • When the check box is not selected (default):
    The record set is not deleted when it is deactivated. If it is not deleted, the remaining virtual host name (DNS name) may be accessed from a client.


Opens the AWS DNS Resource Tuning Properties dialog box where you can make detailed settings for the AWS DNS resource.

AWS DNS Resource Tuning Properties

Parameter tab

Detailed setting for parameter is displayed.

Timeout (1 to 999)

Make the setting of the timeout of AWS CLI command executed for the activation and/or deactivation of the AWS DNS resource.

3.22. Understanding Azure probe port resources

3.22.1. Dependencies of Azure probe port resources

By default, this function depends on the following group resource types.

Group resource type

Application resource

Script resource

Service resource

3.22.2. Azure probe port resource

Client applications can use the global IP address called a public virtual IP (VIP) address (referred to as a VIP in the remainder of this document) to access virtual machines on an availability set in the Microsoft Azure environment.

By using VIP, clients do not need to be aware of switching access destination server when a failover occurs or moving a group migration.

A client on the Internet, two server VMs, and a load balancer

Fig. 3.113 Configuration with an Azure probe port resource

To access the cluster created on the Microsoft Azure environment, specify the end point for communicating from the outside with VIP or the end point for communicating from the outside with the DNS name. The active and standby nodes of the cluster are switched by controlling the Microsoft Azure load balancer from EXPRESSCLUSTER. For control, Health Check is used.

At activation, start the probe port control process for waiting for alive monitoring (access to the probe port) from the Microsoft Azure load balancer.

At deactivation, stop the probe port control process for waiting for alive monitoring (access to the probe port).

Azure probe port resources also support the Internal Load Balancing of Microsoft Azure. For Internal Load Balancing, the VIP is the private IP address of Azure.

Two client VMs, two server VMs, and a load balancer

Fig. 3.114 Configuration with an Azure probe port resource (for Internal Load Balancing)

3.22.3. Notes on Azure probe port resources

3.22.4. Details tab

Probeport (1 to 65535)

Specify the port number used by the Azure load balancer for the alive monitoring of each server. Specify the value specified for Probe Port when creating an end point. For Probe Protocol, specify TCP.


Display the Azure probe port Resource Tuning Properties dialog box. Specify detailed settings for the Azure probe port resources.

Azure Probe Port Resource Tuning Properties

Parameter tab

Detailed setting for parameter is displayed.

Probe wait timeout (5 to 999999999)

Specify the timeout time for waiting alive monitoring from the Azure load balancer. Check if alive monitoring is performed periodically from the Azure load balancer.

3.23. Understanding Azure DNS resources

3.23.1. Dependencies of Azure DNS resources

By default, this function does not depend on any group resource type.

3.23.2. Azure DNS resource

A client on the Internet, two server VMs, and a load balancer

Fig. 3.115 Configuration with an Azure DNS resource

An Azure DNS resource controls an Azure DNS record set and DNS A record to obtain an IP address set from the virtual host name (DNS name).

A client can access the node on which failover groups are active with the virtual host name.

By using Azure DNS resources, clients do not need to be aware of switching access destination node on Azure DNS when a failover occurs or moving a group migration.

If using Azure DNS resources, you need to take the following preparations before establishing a cluster. For details, see " EXPRESSCLUSTER X HA Cluster Configuration Guide for Microsoft Azure (Windows)".

  • Creating Microsoft Azure Resource Group and DNS zone

  • Installing Azure CLI

3.23.3. Notes on Azure DNS resources

3.23.4. Details tab

Record Set Name (Within 253 bytes)

Specify the name of the record set in which Azure DNS A record is registered.

Zone Name (Within 253 bytes)

Specify the name of the DNS zone to which the record set of Azure DNS belongs.

IP Address (Within 39 bytes)

Specify the IP address corresponding to the virtual host name (DNS name) (IPv4). For using the IP address of each server, enter the IP address on the tab of each server. For configuring a setting for each server, enter the IP address of an arbitrary server on Common tab, and configure the individual settings for the other servers.

TTL (0 to 2147483647)

Specify a time-to-live (TTL) for the DNS service cache.

Resource Group Name (Within 180 bytes)

Specify the name of Microsoft Azure Resource Group to which the DNS zone belongs.

User URI (Within 2083 bytes)

Specify the user URI to log on to Microsoft Azure.

Tenant ID (Within 36 bytes)

Specify the tenant ID to log on to Microsoft Azure.

File Path of Service Principal (Within 1023 bytes)

Specify the full path (including the drive letter) to the file of a service principal (certificate) to log in to Microsoft Azure.

Azure CLI File Path (Within 1023 bytes)

Specify the installation path of Azure CLI and the file name. Use a full path containing a drive name to specify them.

Delete a record set at deactivation

  • When the check box is selected (default):
    The record set is deleted when it is deactivated.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    The record set is not deleted when it is deactivated. If it is not deleted, the remaining virtual host name (DNS name) may be accessed from a client.


Opens the Azure DNS Resource Tuning Properties dialog box where you can make detailed settings for the Azure DNS resource.

Azure DNS Resource Tuning Properties

Parameter tab

Detailed setting for parameter is displayed.

Timeout (1 to 999)

Make the setting of the timeout of the Azure CLI command executed for the activation and/or deactivation of the Azure DNS resource.

3.24. Understanding Google Cloud virtual IP resources

3.24.1. Dependencies of Google Cloud virtual IP resources

By default, this function depends on the following group resource types.

Group resource type

Application resource

Script resource

Service resource

3.24.2. What is a Google Cloud virtual IP resource?

For virtual machines in the Google Cloud environment, client applications can use a virtual IP (VIP) address to connect to the node that constitutes a cluster. Using the VIP address eliminates the need for clients to be aware of switching between the virtual machines even after a failover or a group migration occurs.

A client on one subnet, and two servers on the other subnet

Fig. 3.116 Configuration with a Google Cloud Virtual IP resource

To access the cluster created in the Google Cloud environment as in the figure above, specify the port for communicating from the outside as well as the VIP address or DNS name. The active and standby nodes of the cluster are switched by controlling the load balancer of Google Cloud (Cloud Load Balancing in the figure above) from EXPRESSCLUSTER. For this control, Health Check (in the figure above) is used.

At activation, start the control process for awaiting a health check from the load balancer of Google Cloud, and open the port specified in Port Number.

At deactivation, stop the control process for awaiting the health check, and close the port specified in Port Number.

Google Cloud virtual IP resources support the internal load balancing of Google Cloud.

3.24.3. Notes on Google Cloud virtual IP resources

3.24.4. Details tab

Port Number (1 to 65535)

Specify a port number to be used by the load balancer of Google Cloud for the health check of each node: the value specified as the port number in configuring the load balancer for health checks. For the load balancer, specify TCP load balancing.


Displays the Google Cloud Virtual IP Resource Tuning Properties dialog box, where you can make advanced settings for the Google Cloud virtual IP resource.

Google Cloud Virtual IP Resource Tuning Properties

Health Check Timeout (5 to 999999999)

Specify a timeout value for awaiting a health check from the load balancer of Google Cloud, in order to check whether the load balancer periodically performs health checks.

3.25. Understanding Google Cloud DNS resources

3.25.1. Dependencies of Google Cloud DNS resources

By default, this function does not depend on any group resource type.

3.25.2. What is an Google Cloud DNS resource?

A client on one subnet, and two servers on the other subnet

A Google Cloud DNS resource controls a Google Cloud DNS record set and DNS A record to obtain an IP address set from the virtual host name (DNS name).

A client can access the node on which failover groups are active with the virtual host name.

By using Google Cloud DNS resources, clients do not need to be aware of switching access destination node on Google Cloud DNS when a failover occurs or moving a group migration.

3.25.4. Details tab

Zone Name (within 63 bytes)

Specify the name of the DNS zone to which the record set of Google Cloud DNS belongs.

DNS Name (within 253 bytes)

Specify the A record DNS name to be registered in Google Cloud DNS.

IP Address (within 39 bytes) Server Individual Setup

Specify the IP address corresponding to the virtual host name (DNS name) (IPv4). For using the IP address of each server, enter the IP address on the tab of each server. For configuring a setting for each server, enter the IP address of an arbitrary server on Common tab, and configure the individual settings for the other servers.

TTL (0 to 2147483647)

Specify a time-to-live (TTL) for the DNS service cache.

Delete a record set at deactivation

  • When the check box is selected (default):
    The record set is deleted when it is deactivated.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    The record set is not deleted when it is deactivated. If it is not deleted, the remaining virtual host name (DNS name) may be accessed from a client.

3.26. Understanding Oracle Cloud virtual IP resources

3.26.1. Dependencies of Oracle Cloud virtual IP resources

By default, this function depends on the following group resource types.

Group resource type

Application resource

Script resource

Service resource

3.26.2. What is an Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource?

For virtual machines in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure environment, client applications can use a public virtual IP (VIP) address to connect to the node that constitutes a cluster. Using the VIP address eliminates the need for clients to be aware of switching between the virtual machines even after a failover or a group migration occurs.

A client on the Internet, two server VMs, and a load balancer

Fig. 3.118 Configuration with an Oracle Cloud Virtual IP resource

To access the cluster created in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure environment as in the figure above, specify the port for communicating from the outside as well as the VIP (global IP) address or DNS name. The active and standby nodes of the cluster are switched by controlling the load balancer of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Load Balancer in the figure above) from EXPRESSCLUSTER. For this control, Health Check (in the figure above) is used.

At activation, start the control process for awaiting a health check from the load balancer of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and open the port specified in Port Number.

At deactivation, stop the control process for awaiting the health check, and close the port specified in Port Number.

Oracle Cloud virtual IP resources also support private load balancers of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. For a private load balancer, the VIP address is the private IP address of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Two client VMs, two server VMs, and a load balancer

Fig. 3.119 Configuration with an Oracle Cloud Virtual IP resource (for a private load balancer)

3.26.3. Notes on Oracle Cloud virtual IP resources

3.26.4. Details tab

Port Number (1 to 65535)

Specify a port number to be used by the load balancer of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for the health check of each node: the value specified as the port number in configuring the backend set for health checks. For the health check protocol, specify TCP.


Displays the Oracle Cloud Virtual IP Resource Tuning Properties dialog box, where you can make advanced settings for the Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource.

Oracle Cloud Virtual IP Resource Tuning Properties

Health Check Timeout (5 to 999999999)

Specify a timeout value for awaiting a health check from the load balancer of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, in order to check whether the load balancer periodically performs health checks.

3.27. Understanding Oracle Cloud DNS resources

3.27.1. Dependencies of Oracle Cloud DNS resources

By default, this function does not depend on any group resource type.

3.27.2. What is an Oracle Cloud DNS resource?

Configuration with an Oracle Cloud DNS resource in a mono-region environment

Fig. 3.120 Configuration with an Oracle Cloud DNS resource in a mono-region environment

Configuration with an Oracle Cloud DNS resource in a multi-region environment

Fig. 3.121 Configuration with an Oracle Cloud DNS resource in a multi-region environment

A Oracle Cloud DNS resource controls a Oracle Cloud DNS record set and DNS A record to obtain an IP address set from the virtual host name (DNS name).

A client can access the node on which failover groups are active with the virtual host name.

By using Oracle Cloud DNS resources, clients do not need to be aware of switching access destination node on Oracle Cloud DNS when a failover occurs or moving a group migration.

3.27.4. Details tab

Region (within 48 bytes) Server Individual Setup

Enter the identifier of a region to which a server belong. For a multi-region environment, enter a region identifier in each server tab. If you set this item for each server: In the Common tab, enter the identifier of the region to which any of the servers belong; for other servers, set the identifiers separately.

Domain (FQDN) (within 254 bytes)

Enter a domain name (FQDN) to be registered in the Oracle Cloud DNS zone.


For a multi-region environment, enter the same FQDN for all the regions.

Zone OCID (within 255 bytes) Server Individual Setup

Enter the OCID associated with the Oracle Cloud DNS zone name. For a multi-region environment, enter the OCID in each server tab. If you set for each server: In the Common tab, enter the zone OCID of one of the servers; for other servers, set it separately.

IP Address (within 39 bytes) Server Individual Setup

Specify the IP address corresponding to the virtual host name (DNS name) (IPv4). For using the IP address of each server, enter the IP address on the tab of each server. For configuring a setting for each server, enter the IP address of an arbitrary server on Common tab, and configure the individual settings for the other servers.

TTL (1 to 604800)

Specify a time-to-live (TTL) for the DNS service cache.

Delete a record set at deactivation

  • When the check box is selected (default):
    The record set is deleted when it is deactivated.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    The record set is not deleted when it is deactivated. If it is not deleted, the remaining virtual host name (DNS name) may be accessed from a client.

Use Proxy

  • When the check box is selected:
    Execute the OCI CLI command for activating/deactivating Oracle Cloud DNS resources, by using the proxy information (see this guide -> "Parameter details" -> "Servers Properties" -> "Proxy tab").
  • When the check box is not selected (default):
    Execute the OCI CLI command for activating/deactivating Oracle Cloud DNS resources, without using the proxy information (see this guide -> "Parameter details" -> "Servers Properties" -> "Proxy tab").

How far you manage a resource record in a multi-region environment

  • Only the region to which the active server belongs:
    Creates, updates, or deletes the A records of Oracle Cloud DNS in the region to which the server (with the failover group operating) belongs.
  • All regions to which the cluster servers belong (default):
    Creates, updates, or deletes the A records of Oracle Cloud DNS in the regions to which all the servers registered in the cluster belong.


If you selected All regions to which the cluster servers belong

  • No activation failure is considered to have occurred even if a processing failure occurs to Oracle Cloud DNS in a region to which servers (without the failover group started) belong.

  • In the region, the A records of Oracle Cloud DNS are created or updated at intervals specified in Interval of Oracle Cloud DNS monitor resources.


Opens the Oracle Cloud DNS Resource Tuning Properties dialog box where you can make detailed settings for the Oracle Cloud DNS resource.

Oracle Cloud DNS Resource Tuning Properties

Parameter tab

Detailed setting for parameter is displayed.

Timeout (1 to 999)

Make the setting of the timeout of the OCI CLI command executed for the activation and/or deactivation of the Oracle Cloud DNS resource.