2. Parameter details

This chapter describes the details of the parameters configured in EXPRESSCLUSTER.

This chapter covers:

2.1. Parameter settings

This section describes the details of the parameters configured in EXPRESSCLUSTER.
Use Cluster WebUI to configure the parameters.
For more information of Cluster WebUI, refer to the online manual of Cluster WebUI.

2.2. Cluster properties

In Cluster Properties, you can view and change the cluster's settings.

2.2.1. Info tab

You can view the cluster name, and enter or change a comment for this cluster.

Cluster Name

The cluster name is displayed. You cannot change the name here.

Changing the cluster name

  1. click others, and then select Rename the cluster.

  1. A dialog box to rename cluster is displayed.

Naming rules

  • Only alphanumeric characters, hyphen (-), underscore (_) and space are allowed for names.

  • Up to 31 characters (31 bytes)

  • Names cannot start or end with a hyphen (-) or space.


You can enter a comment for the cluster. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed.


Select a language for cluster from the following. Set the language (locale) of OS on which the Cluster WebUI runs.

  • English

  • Japanese

  • Chinese

2.2.2. Interconnect tab

This tab allows you to set up network communication paths between cluster servers.

The Heartbeat I/F Priority List displays network communication paths between servers in the cluster.


Adds a communication path. To specify the IP address of the communication path for each server, click a cell in each server's column, and then select or enter the address. For a communication route to which some servers are not connected, leave the cells for the unconnected servers blank.


Removes a communication path. Select the column of the communication path to remove, and then click Remove to remove the selected path.


Displays heartbeat properties window. This is only available only when the type is Witness.

Witness HeartBeat Properties

Target Host

Sets the host address of the Witness server to be connected.

Service Port

Sets the port number of the Witness server to be connected.


Configures whether or not to use SSL for communicating with the Witness server. When the checkbox is selected, SSL is used, and when the checkbox is not selected, it is not used.

Use Proxy

Configures whether or not to use proxy for communicating with the Witness server. When the checkbox is selected, the settings of the proxy tab in the server properties become effective. When the checkbox is not selected, any proxy setting is not used even if the proxy is set in the server properties.

HTTP Timeout

Sets the timeout of receiving HTTP response.


Resets the Witness heartbeat properties settings to default values.


When multiple interconnects are configured, the communication path with the smallest number in the Priority column is used preferentially for the internal communication among cluster servers. To change the priority, change the order of selected rows with the arrows.

It is recommended to specify a higher priority for the interconnect communication path than any other paths.


Priority is used to decide on the priority of communication routes used for internal communication between the servers in the cluster. Heartbeat between the servers in the cluster is implemented on all communication routes that are set up for heartbeat, regardless of Priority.


For a communication route used for kernel mode LAN heartbeat transmission (interconnect), click a cell in the Type column, and then select Kernel Mode.

Specify as many communication routes for the interconnect as possible.

To use Witness heartbeat, select Witness.

To prepare a dedicated data mirroring communication path (mirror disk connect), click the Type column cell and then select Mirror Communication Only.

MDC column

To use a communication path as a mirror disk connect, click the MDC column cell and then select a mirror disk connect.

The entry differs depending on the type.

  • Kernel Mode or Mirror Communication Only
    Select a mirror disk connect from the combo box.
    When a mirror disk connect is not used, select Do Not Use.
  • Witness
    No mirror disk connect is available.
    Do Not Use is automatically entered in the MDC column cell and the cell cannot be edited.

Server column

The entry differs depending on the type.

  • Kernel Mode or Mirror Communication Only
    Enter IP address. Leave the cells for any unused paths blank.
  • Witness
    Select either Use or Do Not Use.


  • More than one IP addresses which belong to the same network address cannot exist in a single server. And also, inclusive relation cannot exist like the following relation.

    IP address:, subnet mask:
    IP address:, subnet mask:
  • To list the IP addresses to be set for the interconnect in the list box in the config mode of Cluster WebUI, execute Update Server Info.

Server Down Notification

When a server stops successfully (including shutdown and reboot), it is notified to other servers in the cluster. You can perform failover faster by notifying it in advance.

When failing to deactivate groups when a server stops (including shutdown and reboot), or when other abnormalities occur, other servers are not notified of it regardless of the settings of failed server notification.

  • When the check box is selected:
    Server down will be notified.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    Server down will not be notified.

Click Detailed Settings to configure the details of server reset notification.


Making the settings effective requires the following:
The check box of server down notification is checked.

Server Reset Notification

This notification by the server means informing other servers of its stop due to Reset the hardware or Generate an intentional stop error.

  • If the check box is checked:
    With the notification, its source server is regarded as down.
  • If the check box is not checked:
    No reaction happens even with the notification.

Execute Server Alive Check

If you enable this option, a server which received the server reset notification checks whether the notification source server is down before the failover.

  • If the check box is checked:
    Whether the server is alive is checked before the failover.
  • If the check box is not checked:
    Whether the server is alive is not checked before the failover.


Specify a value for the timeout of checking whether the server is alive. If the value is larger than that for the heartbeat timeout, the latter timeout value is applied.

Even if the check is not completed by the time of the timeout occurrence, the failover is performed.

2.2.3. Fencing tab

Set up the network partition (NP) resolution method and the forced stop function. NP Resolution

The network partition resolution interface used for EXPRESSCLUSTER is displayed on the NP Resolution List.


Add network partition resolution (NP resolution) resource. Click the Type column cell and select the type of NP resolution (DISK, Ping, HTTP, Majority). If the type is Ping, click the Ping target column cell and set the IP address of the Ping destination device. Click the cell of each server and set Use or Do Not Use.


Remove network partition resolution resource. Select the network partition resolution resource to be removed and click Remove, then the selected network partition resolution resource is removed.


Only available when the selected resource type is DISK, Ping or HTTP. The DISK NP Properties, Ping NP Properties or HTTP NP Properties window is displayed.

DISK NP Properties

  • IO Wait Time
    Set the disk I/O wait time. Set the value so that the value exceeds the maximum delay time of the disk I/O of the shared disk device. When the disk path is duplicated, I/O delay caused by switching path needs to be considered.
  • Interval
    Set the disk heartbeat interval.
  • Timeout
    Set the disk heartbeat timeout.
  • Retry Count
    Set the retry count.
  • Initialize
    Set the I/O wait time, interval, timeout and retry count to the default values.

Ping NP Properties

  • Add Group List

    • Add IP address group of Ping target.

    • The maximum number of registered group is 16.

    • If two or more IP addresses are registered in one group

      • With a response from one of the IP addresses, no NP state is considered to have occurred.

      • With no response from any of the IP addresses, an NP state is considered to have occurred. Then the action selected in Action at NP Occurrence is performed.

    • If two or more groups are registered

      • With a response from one of the IP addresses in a group, the group is considered to be normal.

      • With no response from any of the IP addresses in a group, the group is considered to be abnormal.

      • With one of the groups abnormal, an NP state is considered to have occurred. Then the action selected in Action at NP Occurrence is performed.

  • Remove Group List
    Remove the selected group.
  • Add IP Address List
    Add IP address to the selected group.
    The maximum number of registered IP address is 16.
    Maximum 256 IP addresses are able to be registered to a single Ping NP resource, and 16 kinds of IP addresses can be registered. (The same IP addresses can be used.)
  • Remove IP Address List
    Remove the selected IP address from the list.
  • Edit
    Edit the selected IP address.
  • Interval
    Set the Ping interval
  • Timeout
    Set the timeout of Ping response wait.
  • Retry Count
    Set the retry count.
  • Initialize
    Set the interval, timeout and retry count to the default values. Note that, when an interval and retry count are specified, the following conditional expression must be satisfied. If not satisfied, NP resolution processing cannot be performed normally.

    Conditional expression) Heartbeat timeout > (interval *retry count)

HTTP NP Properties

  • Use Witness HB Resource Settings
    Use the same target host and service port as those of Witness HB which has already been configured.
  • Target Host
    Sets the host address of the Web server to be connected.
  • Request-URI
    Sets the request-URI of the Web server to be connected: the target host name followed by a string starting from "/".
  • Service Port
    Sets the port number of the Web server to be connected.
  • Use SSL
    Configures whether or not to use SSL for communicating the Web server. When the checkbox is selected, SSL is used, and when the checkbox is not selected, it is not used.
  • Use Proxy
    Configures whether or not to use proxy for communicating with the Web server. When the checkbox is selected, the settings of the proxy tab in the server properties become effective. When the checkbox is not selected, any proxy setting is not used even if the proxy is set in the server properties.
  • Interval
    Sets the interval for sending HTTP requests.
  • Timeout
    Sets the timeout time from receiving an HTTP response to receiving the subsequent HTTP response.
  • HTTP Timeout
    Sets the timeout time from sending an HTTP request to receiving an HTTP response.
  • Initialize
    Resets the settings of HTTP NP Properties to default values.


Set the type of network partition resolution resource. DISK, Ping, HTTP, Majority is selectable.


Enter the information depending on the type you chose.

  • Ping
    Enter the IP address of the device where you send a ping.
  • HTTP
    Enter the DNS name or IP address of the Web server where you send a HTTP request.
  • DISK, Majority


Entry differs depending on the type.

  • DISK
    Enter the drive letter for disk heartbeat partition.


To list the drive letters to be set for the disk heartbeat partition in the list box in the config mode of Cluster WebUI execute Update Server Info.

  • Ping, HTTP, Majority
    Select either Use or Do Not Use.


Network Partition Resolution Tuning Properties window is displayed.

Network Partition Resolution Tuning Properties

  • Action at NP Occurrence

    • Stop the cluster service
      Stop the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server service of the server in network partition.
    • Stop the cluster service and shutdown OS
      Stop the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server service of the server in network partition, and then shuts down the OS.
    • Stop the cluster service and reboot OS
      Stop the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server service of the server in network partition, and then reboots the OS.
    • Emergency shutdown
      Shutdown the server in network partition.
    • Generate an intentional stop error
      Intentionally cause stop error for the server in network partition.
    • Reset the hardware 1
      Restart the server by HW reset in network partition.


When mirror disk resources or hybrid disk resources are used, it is not recommended that you set Stop the cluster service for Action at NP Occurrence.
If Stop the cluster service is set, you might have to run the forcible mirror recovery at the time of recovery from NP occurrence.
  • Initialize
    Set the actions at NP occurrence to the default settings.

This function does not require ipmiutil, unlike the forced stop function. Forced Stop


Specify a type of forced stop resource to be used. If no forced stop resources are to be used, select Do Not Use.


Displays the properties window of a forced stop resource corresponding to the specified type.

BMC Forced Stop Properties

Configure the forced stop of a physical machine. The BMC Forced Stop Properties dialog box is displayed by selecting BMC as a type of forced stop resource and then clicking Properties.

Server List tab


Adds, from available servers, a server to be configured. Selecting a server and clicking Add displays the Enter BMC dialog box.

  • IP Address (Within 80 bytes)
    Enter the IP address set for the LAN port for managing BMC.
  • User Name (Within 255 bytes)
    Enter the name of a user with administrator privilege from the user names configured in BMC.
    If you do not enter anything, do not configure the user name argument when executing the ipmiutil command.
    The length of the actually valid user name depends on the ipmiutil command and the BMC specifications of the server.
  • Password (Within 255 bytes)
    Enter the password of user configured above.
    The length of the actually valid user name depends on the ipmiutil command and the BMC specifications of the server.
    For information on user name of IPMI and how to configure the password, refer to the manual of the server.


Removes a server in use. Select an unnecessary server, then click Remove.


Use this for changing the settings of a server. Select a desired server, then click Edit. This displays the Enter BMC dialog box.

When configuring a cluster with different server models, exclude a server having no BMC. If you added such a server, the forced stop function would alert you to a failure in a periodical check on forcibly stopping the BMC.

Forced stop tab

Forced Stop Action

Specify an action of the forced stop.

Forced Stop Timeout (0 to 999)

Specify a value for the timeout of awaiting the completion of a forced stop in action.

Time to Wait for Stop to Be Completed (0 to 999)

Specify a value for awaiting the completion of a forced stop in action. During the specified time period from the time of requesting a forced stop, whether the forced stop is completed is checked.
Specify this value with BMC Power Off selected for Forced Stop Action.

Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start (0 to 999)

Specify a value for awaiting the start of a failover with a forced stop in action. The failover occurs after a forced stop is requested and the specified time passes.
Specify this value with BMC Reset, BMC Power Cycle, or BMC NMI selected for Forced Stop Action.

Disable Group Failover When Execution Fails

Suppresses group failover if a forced stop fails. Since the group is not started in the failover destination in this case, check the state of the failover source, then manipulate the group as needed.

vCenter Forced Stop Properties

Configure the forced stop of a virtual machine (guest OS). The vCenter Forced Stop Properties dialog box is displayed by selecting vCenter as a type of forced stop resource and then clicking Properties.

Server List tab


Adds, from available servers, a server to be configured. Selecting a server and clicking Add displays the Input for Virtual Machine name dialog box.

  • Virtual Machine name (Within 80 bytes)
    Set the virtual machine (guest OS) name.


    Do not use a double quotation mark (") or percent sign (%) in the virtual machine name.

  • Data Center (Within 80 bytes)
    Set the name of the data center that manages the virtual machine (guest OS).


Do not use a double quotation mark (") or percent sign (%) in the data center name.


Removes a server in use. Select an unnecessary server, then click Remove.


Use this for changing the settings of a server. Select a desired server, then click Edit. This displays the Input for Virtual Machine name dialog box.

Forced stop tab

Forced Stop Action

Specify an action of the forced stop.

  • Power Off
    Use this to power off the server by using the vmcontrol command.
  • Reset
    Use this to perform a hardware reset of the server by using the vmcontrol command.

Forced Stop Timeout (0 to 999)

Specify a value for the timeout of awaiting the completion of a forced stop in action.

Time to Wait for Stop to Be Completed (0 to 999)

Specify a value for awaiting the completion of a forced stop in action. During the specified time period from the time of requesting a forced stop, whether the forced stop is completed is checked.
Specify this value with Power Off selected for Forced Stop Action.

Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start (0 to 999)

Specify a value for awaiting the start of a failover with a forced stop in action. The failover occurs after a forced stop is requested and the specified time passes.
Specify this value with Reset selected for Forced Stop Action.

Disable Group Failover When Execution Fails

Suppresses group failover if a forced stop fails. Since the group is not started in the failover destination in this case, check the state of the failover source, then manipulate the group as needed.

vCenter tab

Method of performing forced stop

Specify the Method of performing forced stop.
  • vSphere Automation API
    Perform a forced stop by using the REST API.
  • VMware vSphere CLI
    Perform a forced stop by using the VMware vSphere Command Line Interface.

VMware vSphere CLI Installation Path (Within 1023 bytes)

Specify the installation path of the VMware vSphere CLI.
This setting is required with VMware vSphere CLI specified as the method of performing a forced stop.

Specification example:C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vSphere CLI

Host name (Within 255 bytes)

Specify the IP address of the virtual machine management tool.

User Name (Within 255 bytes)

Specify the user name of the virtual machine management tool.

Password (Within 255 bytes)

Specify the password for the virtual machine management tool.


Do not use a double quotation mark (") in the password.

Perl Path (Within 255 bytes)

Specify the Perl path to be used when executing the virtual machine forced stop. Specify an absolute path using ASCII characters. Do not add "" to the end of the path.
This setting is required with VMware vSphere CLI specified as the method of performing a forced stop.

Specification example:C:\Perl64\bin\perl.exe

AWS Forced Stop Properties

Configure the forced stop of Amazon Web Services. The AWS Forced Stop Properties dialog box is displayed by selecting AWS as a type of forced stop resource and then clicking Properties.

Server List tab


Adds, from available servers, a server to be configured. Selecting a server and clicking Add displays the Input of Instance dialog box.

  • Instance ID (Within 32 bytes)
    Specify the instance ID of AWS.


Removes a server in use. Select an unnecessary server, then click Remove.


Use this for changing the settings of a server. Select a desired server, then click Edit. This displays the Input of Instance dialog box.

Forced stop tab

Forced Stop Action

Specify an action of the forced stop.

  • stop
    Uses the AWS CLI to stop the instance.
  • reboot
    Uses the AWS CLI to reboot the instance.

Forced Stop Timeout (0 to 999)

Specify a value for the timeout of awaiting the completion of a forced stop in action.

Time to Wait for Stop to Be Completed (0 to 999)

Specify a value for awaiting the completion of a forced stop in action. During the specified time period from the time of requesting a forced stop, whether the forced stop is completed is checked.
Specify this value with stop selected for Forced Stop Action.

Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start (0 to 999)

Specify a value for awaiting the start of a failover with a forced stop in action. The failover occurs after a forced stop is requested and the specified time passes.
Specify this value with reboot selected for Forced Stop Action.

Disable Group Failover When Execution Fails

Suppresses group failover if a forced stop fails. Since the group is not started in the failover destination in this case, check the state of the failover source, then manipulate the group as needed.

Azure Forced Stop Properties

Configure the forced stop of Microsoft Azure. The Azure Forced Stop Properties dialog box is displayed by selecting Azure as a type of forced stop resource and then clicking Properties.

Server List tab


Adds, from available servers, a server to be configured. Selecting a server and clicking Add displays the Input for Virtual Machine name dialog box.

  • Virtual Machine name (Within 64 bytes)
    Specify an Azure virtual-machine name.


Removes a server in use. Select an unnecessary server, then click Remove.


Use this for changing the settings of a server. Select a desired server, then click Edit. This displays the Input for Virtual Machine name dialog box.

Forced stop tab

Forced Stop Action

Specify an action of the forced stop.

  • stop
    Uses the Azure CLI to stop the instance.
  • reboot
    Uses the Azure CLI to reboot the instance.

Forced Stop Timeout (0 to 999)

Specify a value for the timeout of awaiting the completion of a forced stop in action.

Time to Wait for Stop to Be Completed (0 to 999)

Specify a value for awaiting the completion of a forced stop in action. During the specified time period from the time of requesting a forced stop, whether the forced stop is completed is checked.
Specify this value with stop selected for Forced Stop Action.

Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start (0 to 999)

Specify a value for awaiting the start of a failover with a forced stop in action. The failover occurs after a forced stop is requested and the specified time passes.
Specify this value with reboot selected for Forced Stop Action.

Disable Group Failover When Execution Fails

Suppresses group failover if a forced stop fails. Since the group is not started in the failover destination in this case, check the state of the failover source, then manipulate the group as needed.

Azure tab

User URI (within 2048 bytes)

Specify the user URI to log on to Microsoft Azure.

Tenant ID (within 36 bytes)

Specify the tenant ID to log on to Microsoft Azure.

File Path of Service Principal (within 1024 bytes)

Specify the full path (including the drive letter) to the file of a service principal (certificate) to log in to Microsoft Azure.

Resource Group Name (within 90 bytes)

Specify a Microsoft Azure resource group name.

OCI Forced Stop Properties

Configure the forced stop of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The OCI Forced Stop Properties dialog box is displayed by selecting OCI as a type of forced stop resource and then clicking Properties.

Server List tab


Adds, from available servers, a server to be configured. Selecting a server and clicking Add displays the Input of Instance dialog box.

  • Instance ID (Within 255 bytes)
    Specify the instance ID of OCI.


Removes a server in use. Select an unnecessary server, then click Remove.


Use this for changing the settings of a server. Select a desired server, then click Edit. This displays the Input of Instance dialog box.

Forced stop tab

Forced Stop Action

Specify an action of the forced stop.

  • stop
    Uses the OCI CLI to stop the instance.
  • reboot
    Uses the OCI CLI to reboot the instance.

Forced Stop Timeout (0 to 999)

Specify a value for the timeout of awaiting the completion of a forced stop in action.

Time to Wait for Stop to Be Completed (0 to 999)

Specify a value for awaiting the completion of a forced stop in action. During the specified time period from the time of requesting a forced stop, whether the forced stop is completed is checked.
Specify this value with stop selected for Forced Stop Action.

Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start (0 to 999)

Specify a value for awaiting the start of a failover with a forced stop in action. The failover occurs after a forced stop is requested and the specified time passes.
Specify this value with reboot selected for Forced Stop Action.

Disable Group Failover When Execution Fails

Suppresses group failover if a forced stop fails. Since the group is not started in the failover destination in this case, check the state of the failover source, then manipulate the group as needed.

Custom Forced Stop Properties

Make settings on the script for the forced stop. The Custom Forced Stop Properties dialog box is displayed by selecting Custom as a type of forced stop resource and then clicking Properties.

Server List tab


Adds a server from available servers.


Removes a server in use. Select an unnecessary server, then click Remove.

Forced stop tab

Forced Stop Timeout (0 to 999)

Specify a value for the timeout of awaiting the completion of a forced stop in action.

Time to Wait for Stop to Be Completed (0 to 999)

Not to be specified for this function.

Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start (0 to 999)

Not to be specified for this function.

Disable Group Failover When Execution Fails

Suppresses group failover if a forced stop fails. Since the group is not started in the failover destination in this case, check the state of the failover source, then manipulate the group as needed.

Script tab

The default script file names, forcestop.bat, are listed on Scripts.

User Application

Use an executable file (executable batch file or execution file) on the server as a script. For the file name, specify an absolute path or name of the executable file of the local disk on the server. If you specify only the name of the executable file, you must configure the path with environment variable in advance. If there is any blank in the absolute path or the file name, put them in double quotation marks ("") as follows.
Example: "C:\Program Files\script.bat"
If you want to execute VBScript, enter a command and VBScript file name as follows.
Example: cscript script.vbs
Each executable file is not included in the cluster configuration information of the Cluster WebUI. They must be prepared on each server because they cannot be edited or uploaded by the Cluster WebUI.
Path (Within 1023 bytes)
Specify a script to be executed (executable batch file or execution file) when you select User Application.
Script created with this product
Use a script file which is prepared by the Cluster WebUI as a script. You can edit the script file with the Cluster WebUI if you need. The script file is included in the cluster configuration information.
Use this button to add a script other than forcestop.bat script when you select Script created with this product.


Do not use 2-byte characters for the name of a script to be added.
Do not use "&( ampersand)" or "= (equal sign)" for a script file name to be added.
Use this button to delete a script when you select Script created with this product. The forcestop.bat script cannot be deleted.
Click here to display the script file when you select Script created with this product.
Click here to edit the script file when you select Script created with this product. Click Save to apply the change. You cannot modify the name of the script file.
Click here to replace the contents of a script file with the contents of the script file which you selected in the file selection dialog box when you select Script created with this product. You cannot replace the script file if it is currently displayed or edited. Select a script file only. Do not select binary files (applications), and so on.
Exec User
Specify a user to perform a script. An exec user can be selected from Account tab of Cluster properties.
If you do not specify an exec user, the script is run by a system account.

2.2.4. Timeout tab

Specify values such as time-out on this tab.

Service Startup Delay Time (0 to 9999)

Specify how long starting the cluster service should be delayed in starting the OS.

Network initialization complete wait time (0 to 99)

This is the time the server waits until its NIC becomes valid after startup.

Server Sync Wait Time (0 to 99)

For the time specified here, the server will wait at startup until other servers are started.


  • Interval (1 to 99)
    Interval of heartbeats
  • Timeout (2 to 9999)
    A server is determined to be failed if there is no response for the time specified here.
    This time-out should be longer than the interval.

Server Internal Timeout (1 to 9999)

The timeout to be used in the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server internal communications that are performed while an EXPRESSCLUSTER command is executed, or an operation is performed or a screen is displayed by Cluster WebUI.


It is recommended to use the default value.
Setting this parameter to an extremely large value significantly affects, in case of a heartbeat loss, the time for executing the clpstat command or for displaying Cluster WebUI.


Used for initializing the value to the default value. Click Initialize to initialize all the items to their default values.

2.2.5. Port No. tab

Specify TCP port numbers and UDP port numbers.


No TCP port numbers can be overlapped. When the Replicator/Replicator DR is used, they should not be overlapped with any mirror data port number of any mirror disk resources and hybrid disk resource.

  • Server Internal Port Number (1 to 65535 2)
    This port number is used for internal communication.
  • Information Base Port Number (1 to 65535 2 )
    This port number is used for cluster information management.
  • Data Transfer Port Number (1 to 655352)
    This port number is used for transactions such as applying and backing up the cluster configuration data, sending and receiving the license data and running commands.
  • WebManager HTTP Port Number (1 to 655352)
    This port number is used for a browser to communicate with the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server.
  • API HTTP Port Number (1 to 65535 2 )
    This port number is used when a Restful API client communicates with the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server.
  • API Server Internal Port Number (1 to 65535 2 )
    This port number is used for internal communication of Restful API.
  • Disk Agent Port Number (1 to 655352)
    This port number is used for a disk agent port number.
  • Mirror Driver Port Number (1 to 655352)
    This port number is used for a mirror driver.


No UDP port numbers can be overlapped.

  • Kernel Mode Heartbeat Port Number (1 to 655352)
    This port number is used for kernel mode heartbeat.
  • Alert Sync Port Number (1 to 655352)
    This port number is used for synchronizing alert messages among servers.


This is used for initializing the value to the default value. Click Initialize to initialize all the items to the default values.


It is strongly recommended not to use well-known ports, especially reserved ports from 1 to 1023.

2.2.6. Recovery tab

Make settings on cluster recovery.

Action When the Cluster Service Process Is Failure

Specify an action at process abnormity of the cluster service.

  • Emergency shutdown
    Shutdown the server.


    With a user mode monitor resource in operation: When a heartbeat timeout occurs during a shutdown, the system may perform a specified action which will be taken on a timeout occurrence in the user mode monitor resource.

  • Generate an intentional stop error
    Generate a stop error (Panic) intentionally and restart the server.
  • Reset the hardware 3
    Restart the server by HW reset.

This function allows monitoring the following cluster service process:

  • clprc.exe

This function does not require ipmiutil, unlike the forced stop function.

Recovery Action for HA Agents

  • Max Restart Count (0 to 99)
    Specify the max restart count when an HA Agent error has occurred.
  • Recovery Action over Max Restart Count
    Specify the action when an HA Agent error has occurred.
    • No operation

    • Stop the cluster service
      Stops the cluster service of the server that detected an error.
    • Stop the cluster service and shutdown OS
      Stops the cluster service of the server that detected an error, and then shuts down the OS.
    • Stop the cluster service and reboot OS
      Stops the cluster service of the server that detected an error, and then reboots the OS.


The HA process is used with the system monitor resource, Process resource monitor resource, JVM monitor resource, and system resource information collection function.

Action at Group Resource Activation or Deactivation Stall

Specify the action to apply in the event of an activation/deactivation stall of a group resource.

  • Emergency shutdown
    Shutdown the server on which a stall occurred.
  • Generate an intentional stop error
    Intentionally cause a stop error (Panic) on the server on which a stall occurred.
  • No operation (Operates as an activity or deactivity failure)
    Use this to perform recovery upon the detection of an activation/deactivation failure of a group resource. For details on the recovery operation, see "Recovery Operation tab" , "Resource Properties"in "3. Group resource details" in this guide.


If a stall occurs with "Nothing (handle a stall as an activation/deactivation failure)" specified, the effect on the group resources is undefined, so we do not recommend changing the setting to "Nothing (handle a stall as an activation/deactivation If you do specify "Nothing (handle a stall as an activation/deactivation failure)", set the recovery operation upon the detection of an activation/deactivation failure of a group resource as described below.

  • Activation/deactivation retry threshold: 0 (times)

  • Failover threshold: 0 (times)

  • Final action: Intentionally causing a stop error

If Stop the cluster service and shut down OS or Stop the cluster service and reboot OS is specified as the final action, it takes a considerable amount of time for the cluster service to stop.

Disable the Final Action when OS Stops Due to Failure Detection

Click Detailed Settings to set suppression of the final action which accompanies the OS stop caused by error detection.

  • Group Resource When Activation Failure Detected
    If the final action caused by an activation error detection in a group resource accompanies the OS stop, the final action is suppressed if all other servers are stopped.
  • Group Resource When Deactivation Failure Detected
    If the final action caused by a deactivation error detection in a group resource accompanies the OS stop, the final action is suppressed if all other servers are stopped.
  • Monitor Resource When Failure Detected
    If the final action caused by an error detection in a monitor resource accompanies the OS stop, the final action is suppressed if all other servers are stopped.


  • If errors were detected on multiple servers almost at the same time, and the final action was taken for those servers, the final action which accompanies the OS stop may be taken for all the servers even if the final action caused by an error detection in a monitor resource is set to be suppressed.

  • The eternal link monitor resource does not become the target for which the final action caused by error detection is suppressed.

  • The following situations lead to an OS stop during the final action when an activation/deactivation error is detected in a group resource and during the final action when a monitor resource error is detected.

    • Stop the cluster service and shutdown OS

    • Stop the cluster service and reboot OS

    • Generate an intentional stop error

Disable Shutdown When Multi-Failover-Service Detected

Click Detailed Settings to suppress the shutdown of all servers upon detection of both-system activation.

Server Group Survives When Multi-Failover-Service Detected

Select one server. The shutdown of the server, which belongs to the server group selected when the both-system activation of the failover group was detected, is suppressed. When the both-system activation is detected among servers in the selected server group, both of the servers will be shut down. If you want to suppress the shutdown in this case, make the settings to disable shutdown when the following double activation is detected.

Server Survives When Multi-Failover-Service Detected

Select one server. The shutdown of the server, selected when the both-system activation of the failover group was detected, is suppressed.
If a server group to which shutdown is not executed when Multi-Failover is detected is set, it is possible to select only a server belonging to the set server group. If no server group is set, all the servers can be selected.


Suppose that shutdown is suppressed upon the detection of both-system activation in an environment in which the mirror disk resource is used for setting automatic mirror recovery. In this case, automatic mirror copying starts when the server which is shut down upon the detection of both-system activation is re-started through the OS. Care is needed since this discards one piece of data from among that updated separately on the mirror disk of each server at both-system activation.

You need to select a server for which the data is to be protected when suppressing shutdown caused by the detection of both-system activation in an environment in which the mirror disk resource is used.


When the both-system activation is detected, the group statuses will be inconsistent among the servers, and failover and failback operations will be able to fail.

If a group status mismatch occurs, the following alert log is output:

Type: Warning
Module name: rc
Event ID: 1104
Message: A mismatch in the group %1 status occurs between the servers.

To fix this problem, restart the group, execute a cluster reboot, restart all the servers on which the groups are not started, or restart the cluster services of all the servers on which the groups are not started.

2.2.7. Alert Service tab

Set up the alert service and network warning light.


To use the mail alert function and network warning light, EXPRESSCLUSTER X Alert Service 5.2 for Windows is required.

Enable Alert Setting

Allows changing the alert destination from the default value. To change the destination, click Edit, then set a new destination in the Change Alert Destination dialog box.
If you clear the check box, the destination address you have modified returns to the default settings temporarily.
For the default settings for the destination address, see "Messages reported by event log and alert"in "11. Error messages" in this guide.

E-mail Address (Within 255 bytes)

Enter the e-mail address to which the report is sent. If more than two e-mail addresses are set, delimit the address by semicolon.

Subject (Within 127 bytes)

Enter the subject title for the e-mail message.

Mail Method

Configure the methods to send mail. In this version, SMTP is the only option in this.

To use SMTP as a mailing method, click SMTP Settings, then set the method in the SMTP Settings dialog box.

  • SMTP
    Sends a mail by communicating directly with the SMTP server.

Destination Settings

Configure the SNMP trap transmission function: Click Settings, then set an SNMP trap transmission destination in the Destination Settings dialog box.

Use Network Warning Light

Configure whether or not to use the warning light (dedicated product) controlled by network. The IP address of warning light is entered on the server property.

Change Alert Destination

Clicking Edit displays the Change Alert Destination dialog box.


Add the alert ID of the destination which you want to customize. Clicking Add displays the Enter the message dialog box.


Select a major category of the module type.

Module Type (Within 31 bytes)

Select the name of module type that you want to change the destination address.

Event ID

Enter the message ID of the module type for which you want to change the destination. For information on the message IDs, see "Messages reported by event log and alert"in "11. Error messages" in this guide.


Select a message destination from the following options.

  • Alert logs
    This sends messages to the alert logs.
  • Alert Extension
    This executes the specified function by using the alert extension function. Modify the extension settings by using Add and/or Edit. (The command must be specified within four lines.)
  • Mail Report
    Uses the mail report function.
  • SNMP Trap
    Uses the SNMP trap transmission function to send messages.
  • Message Topic
    This sends message to Amazon SNS.
  • Event Log (Disable only)
    You can disable the settings whereby the OS reports logs to the event log by clearing this check box. (You cannot configure the settings to report messages that are not reported to event logs.)


Add a command of the alert extension function. Click Add to display the Enter Command dialog box.

Command (Within 511 bytes)

Enter any command you want to use.

  • Keyword
    If you specify %%MSG%%, the message of the target event ID is inserted.
    You cannot specify multiple %%MSG%% for one command.
    Configure within 511 bytes including the description of %%MSG%%.
    If you set %%MSG%% as an argument for a command, you need to add backslash (\) and double quotation (") like below.
    <any command you want to use> \"%%MSG%%\"


Click this to remove a command of alert extension function. Select the command and then click Remove.


Click this to modify a command of alert extension function. Select the command and then click Edit.

SMTP Settings

Click SMTP Settings to display the SMTP Settings dialog box used for the mail alert.

Mail Charset (Within 127 bytes)

Configure the character set of the e-mails sent for mail report.

Send Mail Timeout (1 to 999)

Configure the timeout value for communicating with the SMTP server.

Subject Encode

Select whether or not to encode the subject of e-mails.

SMTP Server List

Clicking this displays the configured SMTP servers. No more than four SMTP servers can be configured with this version.


Use this button to add a SMTP server. Click Add to display the Enter the SMTP Server dialog box.


Use Remove to remove the SMTP server settings.


Use Edit to modify the SMTP server settings.

SMTP Server (Within 255 bytes)

Configure the IP address or host name of the SMTP server.


If you use SSL for communication with the SMTP server, select the checkbox; otherwise uncheck it.

When using SSL, go to the Encryption tab, then set SSL Library and Crypto Library.

For OpenSSL versions supporting this, see "Getting Started Guide" -> "Installation requirements for EXPRESSCLUSTER" -> "System requirements for the EXPRESSCLUSTER Server" -> "Operation environment for enabling encryption".

Connection method

    Use SMTPS for communication with the SMTP server.
    Use STARTTLS for communication with the SMTP server.

SMTP Port (1 to 65535)

Configure the port number of the SMTP server.

Sender Address (Within 255 bytes)

Configure the address from which an e-mail of mail report is sent.

Enable SMTP Authentication

Configure whether or not to enable SMTP authentication.

Authentication Method

Select a method of SMTP authentication.

User Name (Within 255 bytes)

Configure the user name used for SMTP authentication.

Password (Within 255 bytes)

Configure the password used for SMTP authentication.

SNMP Settings

Click this to display the Destination Settings dialog box which is used for the SNMP trap.


Displays the set SNMP trap transmission destinations. With this version, up to 32 SNMP trap transmission destinations can be set.


Adds an SNMP trap transmission destination. Click Add to display the Change SNMP Destination dialog box.


Use Remove to remove the SNMP trap transmission destination settings.


Use Edit to modify the SNMP trap transmission destination settings.

Destination Server (Within 255 bytes)

Configure the name of the SNMP trap transmission destination server.

SNMP Port No. (1 to 65535)

Configure the port number of the SNMP trap transmission destination.

SNMP Version

Configure the SNMP version of the SNMP trap transmission destination.

SNMP Community Name (Within 255 bytes)

Configure the SNMP community name of the SNMP trap transmission destination.

2.2.8. WebManager tab

Use this tab to configure the settings for the WebManager Server.

Enable WebManager Service

Enables the WebManager Service.

  • When the check box is selected:
    The WebManager service is enabled.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    The WebManager service is disabled.

Communication Method

  • HTTP
    No encryption is used for communicating with a client.
    Encryption is used for communicating with a client.

Number of sessions which can be established simultaneously (10 to 999)

Set the number of requests that can be simultaneously received from clients. If more requests than the number set here are generated, the excess requests will be discarded.

Control connection by using password

Click Settings to display the Password dialog box.

Cluster Password Method / OS Authentication Method

Choose a login method for Cluster WebUI from below.

  • Cluster Password Method
    Authenticates by Password for Operation or Password for Reference you set
  • OS Authentication Method
    Perform authentication by user and password of OS.

Cluster Password Method

  • Password for Operation
    Set a password that must be entered to enable connection to the Cluster WebUI in the operation mode, config mode, or verification mode.
    Click Change to display the Enter Password dialog box.
  • Password for Reference
    Set a password that must be entered to enable connection to the Cluster WebUI in the reference mode.
    Click Change to display the Enter Password dialog box.

  • Old Password (Within 255 bytes)
    Enter the current password. If the password is not set, leave it blank.
  • New Password (Within 255 bytes):
    Enter a new password. When deleting the old password, leave it blank.
  • Password Confirmation (Within 255 bytes)
    Enter the password again which you entered in New Password.
    Passwords can consist of one-byte upper- and lower-case letters, digits, symbols, and spaces (0x20 to 0x7E in ASCII code).

OS Authentication Method

Users must be registered to the server in advance to login to Cluster WebUI. More specifically, a group must be registered to the server and the users must belong to it as control permission of a cluster is assigned per group,

  • If a server belongs to a workgroup:
    Register the same user names and group names to all the servers connecting to Cluster WebUI.
  • If a server belongs to a domain:
    Register users and groups to the domain.


Used to add a group to Authorized Group List. The Group Name dialog box appears when Add is clicked. To newly add a group, the Operation checkbox must be selected.

  • Group name (Within 255 bytes)
    Enter a group name to which you want to give a permission. The permission will be applied to the users belong to the group you entered. Groups must be registered to a server in advance.


Used to delete a group from Authorized Group List.
Select a group you want delete from Authorized Group List, and click Remove.


Used to edit a group. Select a group you want to edit from Authorized Group List, and click Edit. The Group Name dialog box with the selected group entered appears. The Operation does not change in this procedure.


Set Operation to a group registered in Authorized Group List.

  • When the checkbox is selected:
    Users belong to the group can control the cluster and view the status.
  • When the checkbox is not selected:
    Users belongs to the group can view the status only.

Login Session Lifetime Period (0 to 52560)

Time frame of login session. If this value is set to zero (0), the period becomes limitless.

Automatic Logout Time Period (0 to 99999)

Sets wait time for automatic logout if there is no communication between Cluster WebUI and the WebManager server. If this value is set to zero (0), no automatic logout occurs.

Lockout Threshold (0 to 999)

Locks out a client IP address which fails to login continuously. The client cannot login until Lockout Time passes once a client is locked out. If this value is set to zero (0), no client IP address is locked out.

Lockout Time (1 to 99999)

Sets lockout time for a client IP address. Once the time passes, the lockout is automatically released.


Restores the default value. If Initialize is clicked, the values of Login Session Lifetime Period, Automatic Logout Time Period, Lockout Threshold and Lockout Time are restored to the default values.

Control connection by using client IP address

If selected, accesses are controlled by client IP addresses.

  • When the check box is selected:
    Add, Remove and Edit are displayed.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    Add, Remove and Edit are not displayed.


Use Add to add an IP address to Connection Permit Client IP Address List. Click Add to display the IP Address dialog box is displayed. Newly added IP addresses have the rights for the operation.

  • IP Address (Within 80 bytes)
    Specify a client IP address that can be connected.
    - IP address:
    - Network address:


Use Remove to remove an IP address from Connection Permit Client IP Address List. Select the IP address you want to remove from Connection Permit Client IP Address List and then click Remove.


Use Edit to edit an IP address. Select an IP address you want to edit from Connection Permit Client IP Address List and then click Edit. The IP Address dialog box where the specified IP address is present is displayed. The rights for operating the edited IP addresses remain the same.


Sets the operation rights for IP addresses that are registered in Connection Permit Client IP Address List.

  • When the check box is selected:
    A client can operate a cluster and display its status.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    A client can only view the status of a cluster.

Output Cluster WebUI Operation Log

Allows you to output the operation log of Cluster WebUI.

For details, see "Maintenance Guide" - "The system maintenance information" - "Function for outputting the operation log of Cluster WebUI".

  • If the check box is checked:
    The operation log of Cluster WebUI is outputted.
  • If the check box is not checked:
    The operation log of Cluster WebUI is not outputted.

Log output path (Within 255 bytes)

Specify the output destination directory of the Cluster WebUI operation log with an absolute path consisting of ASCII characters.
If no directory is specified, the Cluster WebUI operation log is outputted to <installation path>\log.

File Size (1 to 10)

Specify the size of Cluster WebUI operation log.
When the log data reaches the specified size, a rotation occurs. Up to five generations of the data are saved.

IP address for Integrated WebManager

Click Settings to display the IP address for Integrated WebManager dialog box.


Add IP addresses for the Integrated WebManager. Click the column cell of each server and select or enter IP address for the IP address of each server. For the communication path not connected to some server, set blank to the server cell of which the server is not connected.


Remove the communication path. Select the communication path to be removed and click Remove, then the selected path is removed.


When multiple IP addresses for Integrated WebManager are configured, the communication path with the smallest number in the Priority column is used preferentially for the internal communication among cluster servers. When changing the priority, click the arrows to change the order of the selected row.

Tuning Properties

Use Tuning to tune the WebManager Server. Clicking Tuning displays the WebManager Tuning Properties dialog box.

  • Client Session Timeout (1 to 999)
    Specify the client session time-out. A time-out is determined if the time specified here elapses after the last communication between the WebManager Server and the Cluster WebUI.
  • Reload Interval (0 to 999)
    Specify the screen data update interval. At this time interval, the Cluster WebUI screen is refreshed.
  • Mirror Agent Timeout (1 to 999)
    Specify the mirror agent time-out. A time-out is determined if the time specified here elapses till the mirror disk information is acquired.
  • Time Limit For Keeping Log Files (60 to 43200)
    Time limit determines when the log collection information temporarily saved on the server will be deleted. When the time specified here has elapsed, the log collection information will be deleted unless you save the file when the dialog box asking you if you save the log collection information is displayed.
  • Use Time Info
    Specify whether the time information display function is enabled or disabled.
    • When the check box is selected:
      The time information display function is enabled.
    • When the check box is not selected:
      The time information display function is disabled.
  • Initialize
    Click Initialize to reset all settings on this dialog to default. Click Initialize to set all items to their default values.

2.2.9. API tab

This tab allows you to set API services.

Enable API Service

Enables API services.

  • When the checkbox is selected:
    API services are enabled.
  • When the checkbox is not selected:
    API services are disabled.

Communication Method

  • HTTP:
    Does not use encryption for client communication.
  • HTTPS:
    Use encryption for client communication.

Control a privilege of operating clusters per group

Allows you to set and control a privilege of operating clusters per group.

  • If the check box is checked:
    Add, Remove, and Edit are displayed.
  • If the check box is not checked:
    Add, Remove, or Edit is not displayed.

Login users must be registered beforehand in the server which issues the request. More specifically, a group must be registered to the server and the users must belong to it as the control permission of a cluster is assigned per group.

  • If the server belongs to a work group:
    Register the same user name and group name in each of the servers which issues the request.
  • If the server belongs to a domain:
    Register users and groups in the domain.


Allows you to add a group to Authorized Group List. Clicking Add displays the Group Name dialog box. Any group added here has the Operation box checked.

  • Group name (up to 255 bytes)
    Enter the name of a group. Users belonging to the group are to be given the permission.
    The group must be registered to a server in advance.


Use this option to delete a group from Authorized Group List.
From Authorized Group List, select a group to be deleted. Then, click Remove.


Use this option to edit a group. From Authorized Group List, select a group to be edited. Then click Edit. The Group Name dialog box appears with the selected group entered. Editing the group here does not change its operation right.


Set operation rights for any of the groups registered in Authorized Group List.

  • If the check box is checked:
    The users of the group can operate the cluster and obtain its status.
  • If the check box is not checked:
    The users of the group can only obtain the status of the cluster.

Control connection by using client IP address

Controls connections using client IP addresses.

  • When the checkbox is selected:
    Add, Remove and Edit are displayed.
  • When the checkbox is not selected:
    Add, Remove and Edit are not displayed.


Use Add to add an IP address in Connection Permit Client IP Address List. Click Add to display the IP Address dialog box. Newly added IP addresses have the rights for the operation.

  • IP Address (Within 80 bytes)

    Specify a client IP address allowed for the connection.

    • IP address:

    • Network address:


Use Remove to remove an IP address from Connection Permit Client IP Address List. Select the IP address to be removed from Connection Permit Client IP Address List and then click Remove.


Use Edit to edit an IP address. Select the IP address you want to edit from Connection Permit Client IP Address List and then click Edit. A dialog box where the specified IP address is preset is displayed.


Set operation rights for any of the IP addresses registered in Connection Permit Client IP Address List.

  • When the check box is selected:
    A client can operate a cluster and display its status.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    A client can only view the status of a cluster.

Output API Service Operation Log

Allows you to output the operation log of API services.

For details, see "Maintenance Guide" - "The system maintenance information" - "Function for outputting an API service operation log file".

  • If the check box is checked:
    The operation log of API services is outputted.
  • If the check box is not checked:
    The operation log of API services is not outputted.

Log output path (Within 255 bytes)

Specify the output destination directory of the API service operation log with an absolute path consisting of ASCII characters.
If no directory is specified, the API service operation log is outputted to <installation path>\log.

File Size (1 to 10)

Specify the size of API service operation log.
When the log data reaches the specified size, a rotation occurs. Up to five generations of the data are saved.


Adjusts API services. Click Tuning to display API Tuning Properties dialog box .

  • Authentication Lockout Threshold
    Specify the number that counts continuous HTTP server authentication failures. If the counts reach this threshold, lockout is performed.
  • HTTP Server Start Retry Count
    Specify the retry number that counts API services fail to start a HTTP server.
  • HTTP Server Start Interval
    Specify the period of time between the time HTTP server start failure occurs and the time retry starts.
  • Initialize
    Use Initialize to restore the default value. All the items restore the default values by clicking Initialize.

2.2.10. Encryption tab

Sets files and libraries used for encryption of the cluster elated services.

Certificate File

Sets the server credential file used for connecting to a client. Users need to prepare the server credential file.

Private Key File

Sets the private key file used for connecting to a client. Users need to prepare the private key file.

SSL Library

Sets the SSL library file used for encryption and selects the SSL library file included in OpenSSL. Users need to change it based on the environment, such as an installation folder.

Crypto Library

Sets the Crypto library file used for encryption and selects the Crypto library file included in OpenSSL. Users need to change it based on the environment, such as an installation folder.

2.2.11. Alert Log tab

Configure the settings for the alert log.

Enable Alert Service

Select this to start EXPRESSCLUSTER Web Alert service for the server.

  • When the check box is selected:
    EXPRESSCLUSTER Web Alert service is enabled.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    EXPRESSCLUSTER Web Alert service is disabled.

Max. Number to Save Alert Records (1 to 99999)

Specify the maximum number of alert records that can be retained. EXPRESSCLUSTER Web Alert service for server can retain alert messages up to this number.

Enable a log file for investigation to be downloaded

Enable or disable downloading a log file for investigation through Cluster WebUI in response to the occurrence of a failure. For more information on the log file, see " Function for obtaining a log file for investigation" in " The system maintenance information" in the " Maintenance Guide".

  • When the check box is selected:
    The log file is downloadable through Cluster WebUI.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    The log file is not downloadable through Cluster WebUI.

Alert Sync: Method

This communication mode is used for Alert Log synchronization. Only unicast is available in Method list box for this version.

Alert Sync: Communication Timeout (1 to 300)

Specify a communication time-out. A communication time-out is determined if the time specified here elapses after the last communication between EXPRESSCLUSTER Web Alert service and servers.


Click Initialize to reset all settings on this tab to default. Click Initialize to set all items to their default values.

2.2.12. Delay Warning tab

Configure the settings for Delay Warning on this tab. For details on delay warnings, see "Delay warning of monitor resources" in "Monitor resources"in "4. Monitor resource details" in this guide.

Heartbeat Delay Warning (1 to 99)

Set a percentage of heartbeat time-out at which the heartbeat delay warning is issued. If the time for the percentage passes without any heartbeat response, the warning will be produced in an alert log.

Monitor Delay Warning (1 to 99)

Set a percentage of monitor time-out at which the monitor delay warning is issued. If the time for the percentage passes without any monitor response, the warning will be produced in an alert log.

2.2.13. Disk tab

Configure the setting for a shared disk.

At Disk Disconnection Failure: Retry Interval (1 to 10)

Set the interval time required to retry disconnecting, when disconnecting a shared disk has failed.

At Disk Disconnection Failure: Retry Count (0 to 180)

Set the count to retry disconnecting when disconnecting a shared disk has failed.

  • Unlimited
    Select this to retry disconnecting a disk infinitely.
  • Set Number
    Select this to specify the count to retry to disconnect a disk.

At Disk Disconnection Failure: Timeout (1 to 9999)

Set the timeout at which to disconnect a shared disk.

At Disk Disconnection Failure: Final Action

If the count to disconnect a shared disk again is specified, set the action that will be taken in the case that disconnecting is failed for the specified count.

  • Enforced Disconnection
    Select this to disconnect a disk forcibly.
  • None
    Select this not to disconnect a disk forcibly.


This operation is used to return the value to the default value. Click Initialize to set all items to their default values.


If the disk fails to be disconnected, retry or the final action is performed as many times as the value set above for each disk resource deactivation.
However, an emergency shutdown occurs if a single deactivation takes 9999 or more seconds.
To change the retry count and retry interval, set the values in consideration of the above event.

2.2.14. Mirror Disk tab

Configure the setting for a mirror disk.

Auto Mirror Initial Construction

Specify whether to perform the mirror initial construction automatically when the newly created mirror disk resource is activated for the first time.

  • When selected
    Mirror initial construction is performed automatically.
  • When cleared
    Auto mirror initial construction is not performed

Auto Mirror Recovery

An automatic mirror recovery is performed when any difference occurs in the data of mirror disks between both servers. There is a case that mirror recovery cannot be performed automatically even if it is selected. For details, see "Automatically recovering from mirroring" in "Recovering from mirror breaks"in "10. Troubleshooting" in this guide.

  • When selected
    Mirror recovery is performed automatically.
  • When cleared
    Mirror recovery is not performed automatically.

Difference Bitmap Size (1 to 5)

Users can set the size of an area in which the data differential information between servers is recorded, when a mirror break occurs. If the data partition is 4TB or more, data transfer for mirror recovery is optimized by enlarging the size.
This item needs to be set before establishing a mirror disk resource and a hybrid disk resource. If the mirror disk resource and the hybrid disk resource already exist in the cluster, the setting cannot be changed.

History Recording Area Size in Asynchronous Mode (1 to 100)

Users can set the size of an area in which the history of unsent data is recorded. In the asynchronous mode, a mirror break occurs if a certain amount of unsent data is stored. Larger size makes it harder for the mirror break to occur.
This item needs to be set before establishing a mirror disk resource and a hybrid disk resource. If the mirror disk resource and the hybrid disk resource already exist in the cluster, the setting cannot be changed.

Allow failover on mirror break for specified time

Allow a failover to a server, with data in the mirror disk not up to date, to succeed for a specified time since the occurrence of a mirror break.

  • When selected
    Allow a failover for a specified time since the occurrence of a mirror break.
  • When cleared
    Disallow a failover when a mirror break occurred.


For a successful failover to a server with data in the mirror disk not up to date, the data may be rolled back even in synchronization mode.


In an environment where this option is selected, automatic mirror recovery after a mirror break is temporarily suppressed regardless of the settings for automatic mirror recovery.
This suppression persists, until the failover succeeds or the specified time elapses.
However, automatic mirror recovery may be resumed before the timeout specified for this function, if the suppression is preferentially removed by another function.
This may cause a failover to fail.


If you select this option, disable the following failover attribute settings:
  • Fail over dynamically

  • Failover Attribute (Advanced)

For more information, see this guide: "3. Group resource details" -> "Group properties" -> "Attribute tab".


If you use this feature for a hybrid disk resource, make sure that the times of servers constituting a server group synchronize with each other.
Without this synchronization, the behavior may not be as you expected.

Timeout (1 to 600)

Specify a time (since the occurrence of a mirror break) for which a failover is allowed.
It is recommended to set the value equal to or higher than that for the heartbeat timeout. For more information, see this guide: "2. Parameter details" -> "Cluster properties" -> "Timeout tab".
Setting the value lower than that for the heartbeat timeout may cause a failover to fail.

At Disk Disconnection Failure: Retry Interval (1 to 10)

Set the interval time required to retry disconnecting, when disconnecting a mirror disk has failed.

At Disk Disconnection Failure: Retry Count (0 to 180)

Set the count to retry disconnecting when disconnecting a mirror disk has failed.

  • Unlimited
    Select this to retry disconnecting a disk infinitely.
  • Set Number
    Select this to specify the count to retry to disconnect a disk.

At Disk Disconnection Failure: Timeout (1 to 9999)

Set the timeout at which to disconnect a mirror disk.

At Disk Disconnection Failure: Final Action

If a retry count is set for mirror disk disconnection, set the action when that will be taken in the case that disconnection still fails after the specified retry count exceeds.

  • Enforced Disconnection
    Select this to disconnect a disk forcibly
  • None
    Select this not to disconnect a disk forcibly.


This operation is used to return the value to the default value. Click Initialize to set all items to their default values.


If the disk fails to be disconnected, retry or the final action is performed as many times as the value set above for each mirror disk resource deactivation.
However, an emergency shutdown occurs if a single deactivation takes 9999 or more seconds.
To change the retry count and retry interval, set the values in consideration of the above event.

2.2.15. Account tab

The Account tab is used to register and/or delete a user account that is used in a force-stop script. You can set up to sixteen user accounts for one cluster system. Do not set seventeen or more accounts. Accounts that have already been set on all the cluster servers are the target to be registered. Account lists currently registered user accounts.


Use Add to add a user account on the Account List. Click Add to display the Enter account dialog box.

  • User Name
    Enter a user account name to be registered. When specifying an account of a domain, enter, for example, "Domain Name\Account Name".
  • Password
    Enter a password of the user account to be registered.
  • Remove
    Use Remove to remove a user account from the Account List. Select the user account you want to remove from Account and then click Remove.


Use Edit to edit a user account. Select the user account you want to edit from Account and then click Edit. The Enter account dialog box where the selected account was entered is displayed.

2.2.16. JVM monitor tab

Configure detailed parameters for the JVM monitor.


To display the JVM monitor tab in the config mode of Cluster WebUI, you need to execute Update Server Info after the license for Java Resource Agent is registered.

Java Installation Path(Within 255 bytes)

Set the Java VM install path used by the JVM monitor. Specify an absolute path using ASCII characters. Do not add " \ " to the end of the path. This setting becomes common for all servers in the cluster.
Specification example:C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_102

Maximum Java Heap Size(7 to 4096)

Set, in megabytes, the maximum Java VM heap size used by the JVM monitor (equivalent to -Xmx of the Java VM startup option). This setting becomes common for all servers in the cluster.

Java VM Additional Option (Within 1024 bytes)

Set the Java VM startup option used by the JVM monitor. However, specify -Xmx for Maximum Java Heap Size. This setting becomes common for all the servers in the cluster.
Specification example: -XX:+UseSerialGC

Log Output Setting

Click the Settings button to open the Log Output Setting dialog box.

Resource Measurement Setting

Click the Settings button to open the Resource Measurement Setting dialog box.

Connection Setting

Click the Settings button to open the Connection Setting dialog box.

Action Timeout (30 to 300)

Set a timeout value for the [Command] that has been specified on each window of the JVM monitor. This setting becomes common for all of the [Commands].

Log Output Setting

Clicking Settings displays the Log Output Setting dialog box.

Log Level

Select the log level of the log output by the JVM monitor.

Generation (2 to 100)

Set the number of generations to be retained for the log output by the JVM monitor. When Period is selected for Rotation Type, the rotation count is reset when cluster is suspended. Therefore, note that log files under the <EXPRESSCLUSTER_install_path>log\ha\jra increase per cluster suspend.

Rotation Type

Select a rotation type for the log output by the JVM monitor. If you select File Capacity as the rotation type, set the maximum size (200 to 2097151), in kilobytes, for each log file such as the JVM operation log. If you select Period as the rotation type, set the log rotation start time in "hh:mm" format (hh: 0 to 23, mm: 0 to 59) and the rotation interval (1 to 8784) in hours.


Clicking Initialize returns the log level, generation, and rotation type items to their default values.

Resource Measurement Setting [Common]

Clicking Settings displays the Resource Measurement Setting dialog box. For details on the scheme for error judgment by the JVM monitor, see "4. Monitor resource details".

Retry Count (1 to 1440)

Set the resource measurement retry count to be applied if the JVM monitor fails in resource measurement.

Error Threshold (1 to 10)

Set the number of times abnormal judgment is performed when the usage of the Java VM or the application server resources collected by the JVM monitor via resource measurement continuously exceed the customer-defined threshold.

Memory Usage, Active Threads (15 to 600)

Set the interval at which the JVM monitor measures the memory usage and active thread count.

The time and count in Full GC (15 to 600)

Set the interval at which the JVM monitor measures the time and count in Full GC execution.


Clicking Initialize returns the retry count, error threshold, and interval items to their default values.

Resource Measurement Setting [WebLogic]

Clicking Settings displays the Resource Measurement Setting dialog box. For details on the scheme for error judgment by the JVM monitor, see "4. Monitor resource details".

Retry Count (1 to 5)

Set the resource measurement retry count to be applied if the JVM monitor fails in resource measurement.

Error Threshold (1 to 10)

Set the number of times abnormal judgment is performed when the usage of the Java VM or the application server resources collected by the JVM monitor via resource measurement continuously exceed the customer-defined threshold.

The number of request (15 to 600)

Set the interval at which the JVM monitor measures the number of work manager or thread pool requests during WebLogic monitor.

The average number of the request (15 to 600)

Set the interval at which the JVM monitor measures the average number of work manager or thread pool requests during WebLogic monitor. Set a value that is an integer multiple of the value set in Interval: The number of request.


Clicking Initialize returns the retry count, error threshold, and interval items to their default values.

Connection Setting

Clicking Settings displays the Connection Setting dialog box.

Management Port (1 to 65535)

Sets the port number internally used by the JVM monitor resource. Make sure not to set the port number that has been used by other functions or programs. This setting becomes common for all the servers in the cluster. Do not set 42424 to 61000.

Retry Count (1 to 5)

Set the retry count to be applied if connection to the monitor target Java VM fails.

Waiting time for reconnection (15 to 60)

Set the interval at which the JVM monitor retries connection if it fails in Java VM connection.


Clicking Initialize sets the management port, retry count, and waiting time for reconnection items to their default values.

2.2.17. Cloud tab

Configure functions for cloud environments.

Enable Amazon SNS linkage function

Enable or disable the Amazon SNS linkage function.

  • If the check box is checked:
    The Amazon SNS linkage function is enabled.
    Amazon SNS is used as a destination of EXPRESSCLUSTER messages.
    By default, the messages are sent as shown in "11. Error messages": the "o"-marked lines of the [8] column in the table of "11.3. Messages reported by event log and alert".
    To send other messages:
    Go to Cluster Properties -> the Alert Service tab -> Change Alert Destination -> Destination, and then select Message Topic.
  • If the check box is not checked:
    The Amazon SNS linkage function is disabled.


Set TopicArn for the Amazon SNS linkage function.

Enable Amazon CloudWatch linkage function

Enable or disable the Amazon CloudWatch linkage function.

  • If the check box is checked:
    The Amazon CloudWatch linkage function is enabled.
    Amazon CloudWatch is informed of the monitoring process time taken by the monitor resource.
  • If the check box is not checked:
    The Amazon CloudWatch linkage function is disabled.


Using the Amazon CloudWatch linkage function requires turning on Enable Amazon CloudWatch linkage function, and enabling Send polling time metrics of the Monitor (common) tab for the target monitor resource.


Set Namespace for the Amazon CloudWatch linkage function.

Interval for Sending Metrics

Set the frequency of informing Amazon CloudWatch of the monitoring process time taken by the monitor resource.

AWS CLI command line options

Clicking Settings displays a text box for each AWS service.
For each AWS service, set AWS CLI command line options to be applied.

Environment variables at the time of performing AWS-related features

Clicking Settings displays a dialog box listing environment variables.

Environment variable List

Clicking Edit displays a dialog box to edit the selected environment variable.
Clicking Add displays a dialog box to add a new environment variable.
Clicking Remove deletes the selected environment variable.

Enter environment variable

Enter the name and value of an environment variable.

  • Name (within 259 bytes)
    Specify the name of an environment variable.
  • Value (within 2047 bytes)
    Specify the value of the environment variable.

2.2.18. Statistics tab

Configure the settings for statistics.

Cluster Statistics

You can collect and see data on the cluster operation such as the required time of a group failover and that of resource activation.
  • When the check box is selected:
    The cluster statistical information is collected.
    • File Size (whose setting range depends on the type)
      Specify the size of the cluster statistical information file.
      When the collected information reaches the specified size, rotation occurs to save up to two generations of the data.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    The cluster statistical information is not collected.


In Cluster Statistics, File Size can be specified as follows:
  • Heartbeat resource: 1 to 50 (MB)
  • Group: 1 to 5 (MB)
  • Group resource: 1 to 5 (MB)
  • Monitor resource: 1 to 10 (MB)

Mirror Statistics

This function can be used to collect and reference information about the mirroring performance.
  • When the check box is selected:
    Mirror Statistics Collection is performed.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    Mirror Statistics Collection is not performed.

System Resource Statistics

Select whether to collect system resource information.
System resource information is collected regularly so as to improve system operability. System resource information is useful for investigating the operation status of EXPRESSCLUSTER, and makes it easy to determine the cause of a failure attributable to a shortage of system resources.
  • When the check box is selected:
    System resource information related to the CPU, memory, processes, and others is collected regularly while the cluster is running.
    The collected system resource information is collected when the clplogcc command or Cluster WebUI collects logs.
    Specify type 1 to collect the log by the clplogcc command; specify Pattern 1 to collect the log by the Cluster WebUI. For details on log collection, see "Collecting logs (clplogcc command)"in "9. EXPRESSCLUSTER command reference" in this guide or the online manual.
    A disk area of 450 MB or more is required to store the resource information, depending on the system operating conditions such as the number of processes that are running.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    No system resource information is collected.


Used for initializing the value to the default value. Click Initialize to initialize all the items to their default values.

2.2.19. Extension Tab

Other cluster functions are set.

Reboot Limitation

You can specify the Reboot OS or Shut down OS as the final action at abnormality detection for group resources and monitor resources. If either of them is selected, reboot may be repeated infinitely. By setting the reboot limit, you can prevent repeated reboots.

  • Max Reboot Count (0 to 99)
    Specify how many times the operating system can reboot. The number specified here is separately counted for group resource and monitor resource.
    However, the number of reboots may not be counted with Generate an intentional stop error selected.
    With Max Reboot Count set to zero, the reboot can be unlimitedly repeated.
  • Max Reboot Count Reset Time (0 to 999)
    When the max reboot count is specified, if the operation from the cluster startup keeps running normally for the time specified here, the reboot count is reset. The time specified here is separately counted for group resource and monitor resource.


If Max Reboot Count is set to 1 or greater, usually set Max Reboot Count Reset Time to 1 or greater (default: 0). If Max Reboot Count Reset Time is set to zero (0), the reboot count is not reset. To reset the reboot count, use the clpregctrl command.

Auto Return

For preparation against a server stop in a way other than a cluster shutdown/stop or against a failure in normally completing a cluster shutdown/stop, you can determine for the next OS startup whether to automatically recover the cluster service restarting after its crash.

  • On
    Select this to perform the auto recovery.
  • Off
    Select this not to perform the auto recovery.

Failover Count Method

Select the method to count the number of failovers from Server or Cluster.

  • Server
    Count the number of failovers by server.
  • Cluster
    Count the number of failovers by cluster.

Grace period of server group failover policy (0 to 99999)

Specify the time by which a failover start is delayed when the automatic failover is performed between the server groups. After a server failure is detected and then the specified time elapses, the failover is performed.

If you specify 0, no delay occurs.

Change from OS Stop to OS Restart

Determine whether the OS stop action is collectively changed to OS restart action.
  • If the check box is checked:
    The action change is made.
  • If the check box is not checked:
    The action change is not made.


If you want to make the action change, it is recommended to configure a network partition resolution resource or forced stop resource as well.

The changed action changes the following actions.
No actions other than those below are changed.
  • Action for NP resolution
    • With Stop cluster service and shutdown OS selected:
      Changes to Stop cluster service and reboot OS.
    • With Emergency shutdown selected
      Changes to Reboot the OS after the emergency shutdown.
  • Action with an abnormal cluster service process
    • With Emergency shutdown selected
      Changes to Reboot the OS after the emergency shutdown.
  • Action in case of an activation/deactivation stall of a group resource
    • With Emergency shutdown selected
      Changes to Reboot the OS after the emergency shutdown.
  • Action in case of a split brain syndrome in a group
    • With Emergency shutdown selected
      Changes to Reboot the OS after the emergency shutdown.
  • Final action with the abnormal activation/deactivation of a group resource
    • With Stop cluster service and shutdown OS selected:
      Changes to Stop cluster service and reboot OS.
  • Final action with an abnormal monitor resource
    • With Stop cluster service and shutdown OS selected:
      Changes to Stop cluster service and reboot OS.


The action change does not affect the following monitor resources:

  • Eternal link monitor resources

  • User mode monitor resources

  • Mirror disk monitor resources

  • Hybrid disk monitor resources

  • Hybrid disk TUR monitor resources

Disable Cluster Operation

  • Group Automatic Startup
    • When the checkbox is selected:
      The group does not start automatically.
    • When the checkbox is not selected:
      The group starts automatically.
  • Recovery Operation when Group Resource Activation Failure Detected
    • When the checkbox is selected:
      The recovery operation is disabled.
    • When the checkbox is not selected:
      The recovery operation is not disabled.
  • Recovery Operation when Group Resource Deactivation Failure Detected
    • When the checkbox is selected:
      The recovery operation is disabled.
    • When the checkbox is not selected:
      The recovery operation is not disabled.
  • Recovery Action when Monitor Resource Failure Detected
    • When the checkbox is selected:
      The recovery action is disabled.
    • When the checkbox is not selected:
      The recovery action is not disabled.
  • Failover when server failure detected
    • When the checkbox is selected:
      The failover is disabled.
    • When the checkbox is not selected:
      The failover is not disabled.


The disablement feature of Recovery action when a monitor resource error is detected does not support the following actions:

  • Action when disk RW monitoring resources detect stall errors

  • Action when timeout occurs in user mode monitor resources

  • Recovery action for eternal link monitor resources

Settings of log storage period

  • Use log storage period feature
    Renames (not deletes) an old log file (whose name ends with 0.log, 1.log, or pre) in the following folders to <date and time when the file was last updated>_<type name>.log, when the file is rotated:
    • <installation path>/log
    • <installation path>/perf
    The log file renamed as above is compressed at a specified time, then saved as <date when the file was compressed_server name>.zip to a given log storage destination.
  • Store log (1 to 9999)
    Specify a log storage period (up to 9999 days). When this period elapses, the corresponding log files are automatically removed.
  • Log storage destination (within 170 characters)
    Specify an absolute path (other than the installation path) to the storage folder, in ASCII characters.
    Make sure that free space and write performance are sufficiently available.
  • Log storage timing
    Specify a time at which the storage occurs every day, in the pop-up window opened by clicking the timepiece icon.


This operation is used to return the value to the default value. Click Initialize to set all items to their default values.

2.3. Servers Properties

Configure setting information of all servers in Servers Properties.

2.3.1. Master Server tab

Configure the priority order of the servers. All the registered servers are displayed. Master server is the server to keep the master of cluster configuration information. And also, it is the server of the highest priority order.


Used when changing the priority order of the servers. Select the server to be changed from the server definition list, and click the arrows. The selected row moves.

2.3.2. Server Group tab

Set server groups.


Add server groups. The wizard windows for adding the server group is displayed. For details, see "Create a cluster" in " Procedure for creating the cluster configuration data" in "Creating the cluster configuration data" in the "Installation and Configuration Guide".


The selected server group is removed.
When the selected server group is used for the settings of the startup server of the failover group, the server group cannot be removed.


The change server group name dialog box of the selected server group is displayed.

There are the following naming rules.

  • There are naming rules that are the same as the host name of TCP/IP that can be set by the OS.

  • Up to 31 characters (31 bytes).

  • Names cannot start or end with a hyphen (-) or a space.

  • A name consisting of only numbers is not allowed.

Names should be unique (case-insensitive) in the server group.


Display the properties of the selected server group.

Server Group Definition


Display the server group name.


Use Add to add a server that can run the group. Select the server you want to add from Available Servers list and then click Add. The selected server is added to the Servers that can run the Group.


Use Remove to remove a server that can run the group. Select the server you want to remove from the Servers that can run the Group list and then click Remove. The selected server is added to Available Servers.


Use the arrows to change the priority of a server that can run the group. Select the server whose priority you want to change, and then click the arrows. The selected row moves accordingly.


Display the server names which belong to the server group.

2.4. Server Properties

Configure individual settings on each server constructing the cluster in Server Properties.

2.4.1. Info tab

You can display the server name, and register and make a change to a comment on this tab.


The selected server name is displayed. You cannot change the name here.

Changing the server name

  1. click others, and then select Rename the server.

  1. A dialog box to rename server is displayed.

Naming rules

  • There are naming rules that are the same as the host name of TCP/IP that can be set by the OS. It should be completely the same as the name set to the server.

  • Up to 63 characters (63 bytes)

  • Neither hyphen (-) nor space can be the first or last letter in names.

  • Underscore (_) is not allowed.

  • A name consisting of only numbers is not allowed.

  • Do not use "localhost" as the server name.


You can specify a comment for the server. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed.

2.4.2. Warning Light tab

Set an IP address of warning light (specified by NEC) controlled by network.


Use this button to add an IP address of warning light. Click Add to open the Enter Alert Lamp dialog box.


Use this button to remove an IP address of warning light. Select the target setting, and then, click Remove.


The arrow can't be used because only 1 warning light can be registered at present.

Warning Light

Select the product number of the warning light you use. The products corresponding to each number are as follows.

Product Number

Product Name





NH-FB series/NH-FB1 series

NH-FB series/NH-FB1 series

NH-FV1 series

NH-FV1 series

IP Address (Within 80 bytes)

Enter an IP address of the warning light.


One warning light is required per one server. Do not set an IP address of the same warning light to multiple servers.

User Name

Enter the user name of the execution account on the server used for controlling the warning light.

Also, the user name specified here is used as the remote user name for the rsh command.


Enter the password of the execution account on the server used for controlling the warning light.


Enter Administrator for user name, Administrator for password.

Specify rsh command execution file path

  • When the check box is selected:
    The rsh command execution file path can be specified.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    The rsh command execution file path cannot be specified.

File path

Enter the full path of the rsh command to be used for controlling the warning light.
Specification example: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsh.exe

Playback of an audio file

Playback of an audio file is enabled when DN1500GL or NH-FV1 series is selected as the warning light type.
If you change the warning light type to other than DN1500GL or NH-FV1 series after playback of an audio file was enabled, playback of an audio file will be disabled.

Alert When Server Starts

  • When the check box is selected:
    Reproduces the audio file at server start. The audio file is reproduced only once.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    Does not reproduce the audio file at server start.

Voice File No. (DN1500GL: 01 to 20, NH-FV1 series: 01 to 70)

Set the number of the voice file to be reproduced at server start.

Alert When Server Stops

  • When the check box is selected:
    Reproduces the audio file at server stop. The audio file is continuously reproduced until it is stopped manually.
  • When the check box is not selected:
    Does not reproduce the audio file at server stop.

Voice File No. (DN1500GL: 01 to 20, NH-FV1 series: 01 to 70)

Set the number of the voice file to be reproduced at server stop.


Use Edit to edit the warning light setting.


To play the audio file, it must be registered in the network warning light. For more information on audio file registration, refer to the instruction manual of the network warning light to be used. Set the audio file number corresponding to the audio file that is registered for the network warning light.

2.4.3. HBA tab

Set the HBA to which the shared disk is connected.

List of HBAs to be managed by the cluster system

Set the access to the shared disk. If the check box is selected, access to all disks connected to the HBA is controlled when starting the OS next time. To protect data, it is required to select the check box of the HBA to which the shared disk is connected.

If the HBA list is not displayed, it can be displayed by clicking the Connect button.


  • Do not connect the shared disk to any HBA whose check box is not selected. Even though the check box is selected, do not connect to the shared disk when the OS is not started again after configuring the settings. Data on the shared disk may be corrupted.

  • Do not select the check boxes other than those of HBAs to which the shared disk is connected. If access to the system partition on which the OS has been installed is restricted, the OS may not be started.

  • Do not select the check boxes of HBA that connects the mirroring target internal disk if you use mirror disk resource. Starting mirror disk resource fails.

Partitions excluded from cluster management

When a disk other than the shared disk is connected to the HBA set in HBAs to be managed by the cluster system, register the partitions on the disk. The access to the partitions registered with this list is not restricted.


In principle, do not register the partitions on the shared disk that can be accessed from multiple servers. Data on the shared disk may be corrupted.


Select this to get the HBA data by connecting to the server.


Add a partition that should not be restricted in its access in Partition excluded from cluster management.


Remove the selected partition from Partition excluded from cluster management.

2.4.4. Proxy tab

Sets proxy information.

Proxy Scheme

Sets protocols you want to use.

None: Proxy is not used. HTTP: HTTP is used.

Proxy Server

Sets DNS host name (or IP address) you want to connect.

Proxy Port

Sets the port number you want to connect.

2.5. Group Properties

For more information, see "3. Group resource details" in this guide.

2.6. Group Resource Properties

For more information, see "3. Group resource details" in this guide.

2.7. Monitor Resource Properties

For more information, see "4. Monitor resource details" in this guide.

2.8. Parameters list

Parameters you can specify in the Cluster WebUI and their default values are listed below.

"How to change [1]-[9]" represents the way you apply changes of parameters on servers. Applicable method is marked with "✓."


How to change


Shut down and reboot cluster


Stop and restart the cluster daemon


Suspend and resume the cluster daemon


Stop and restart the group
(Stop and restart the resource)


Restart the Node Manager service


Restart the Information Base service


Stop and restart the WebManager Server
Stop and restart the alert log


Restart the API service


Upload only

To form a new cluster, refer to the "Installation and Configuration Guide".

Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Cluster Properties                    
  Info Tab                    
  Cluster Name -              
  Comment -                
  Language English          
  Interconnect Tab                    
  Priority -              
  Add, Remove -              
  [Type] column                  
  [MDC] column                  
  [Server] column: Kernel Mode -        
  [Server] column: Witness HB Use          
  [Server] column: Mirror Communication Only                  
  [Server] column: MDC Use                  
  Server Down Notification On                
  Server Reset Notification Off              
  Execute Server Alive Check Off                
  Timeout 1 seconds                
    Witness HeartBeat Properties                    
    Target Host                  
    Service Port 80                
    Use SSL Off                
    Use Proxy Off                
    HTTP Timeout 10 seconds                
  Fencing Tab                    
  Add, Remove -              
  [Type] column DISK              
  Target -              
  [Server] column -              
    DISK NP Properties                    
    I/O Wait Time 80 seconds                
    Interval 60 seconds                
    Timeout 300 seconds                
    Retry Count 0 times                
    Ping NP Properties                    
      Interface Tab                    
      Group - No.                  
      Group - IP Address                  
      IP Address - IP Address                  
      Detailed Settings - Interval 5 seconds                
      Detailed Settings - Timeout 3 seconds                
      Detailed Settings - Retry Count 3 times                
    HTTP NP Properties                    
    Use Witness HB Resource Settings -                
    Target Host                  
    Request-URI /                
    Service Port 80                
    Use SSL Off                
    Use Proxy Off                
    Interval 5 seconds                
    Timeout 20 seconds                
    HTTP Timeout 10 seconds                
    Network Partition Resolution Tuning Properties                    
    Action at NP Occurrence Emergency shutdown                
  Forced Stop Type Do Not Use                
    BMC Forced-Stop Properties                    
      Server List Tab                    
      Servers (Add, Remove, Edit) -                
        Enter BMC                    
        IP Address -                
        User Name -                
        Password -                
      Forced Stop Tab                    
      Forced Stop Action BMC Power Off                
      Forced Stop Timeout 15 seconds                
      Time to Wait for Stop to Be Completed 15 seconds                
      Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start 15 seconds                
      Disable Group Failover When Execution Fails Off                
    vCenter Forced-Stop Properties                    
      Server List Tab                    
      Servers (Add, Remove, Edit) -                
        Input for Virtual Machine Name                    
        Virtual Machine Name -                
        Data Center -                
      Forced Stop Tab                    
      Forced Stop Action Power Off                
      Forced Stop Timeout 10 seconds                
      Time to Wait for Stop to Be Completed 10 seconds                
      Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start 10 seconds                
      Disable Group Failover When Execution Fails Off                
      vCenter Tab                    
      Method of performing forced stop  vSphere Automation API                
      VMware vSphere CLI Installation Path C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware
vSphere CLI
      Host Name -                
      User Name -                
      Password -                
      Perl Path -                
    AWS Forced-Stop Properties                    
      Server List Tab                    
      Servers (Add, Remove, Edit) -                
        Input of Instance                    
        Instance ID -                
      Forced Stop Tab                    
      Forced Stop Action stop                
      Forced Stop Timeout 10 seconds                
      Time to Wait for Stop to Be Completed 180 seconds                
      Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start 120 seconds                
      Disable Group Failover When Execution Fails Off                
    Azure Forced-Stop Properties                    
      Server List Tab                    
      Servers (Add, Remove, Edit) -                
        Input for Virtual Machine Name                    
        Virtual Machine Name -                
      Forced Stop Tab                    
      Forced Stop Action stop and deallocate                
      Forced Stop Timeout 10 seconds                
      Time to Wait for Stop to Be Completed 180 seconds                
      Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start 120 seconds                
      Disable Group Failover When Execution Fails Off                
      Azure Tab                    
      User URI -                
      Tenant ID -                
      File Path of Service Principal -                
      Resource Group Name -                
    OCI Forced-Stop Properties                    
      Server List Tab                    
      Servers (Add, Remove, Edit) -                
        Input of Instance                    
        Instance ID -                
      Forced Stop Tab                    
      Forced Stop Action stop                
      Forced Stop Timeout 15 seconds                
      Time to Wait for Stop to Be Completed 180 seconds                
      Lead Time between a Stop Request and a Failover Start 120 seconds                
      Disable Group Failover When Execution Fails Off                
    Custom Forced-Stop Properties                    
      Server List Tab                    
      Servers (Add, Remove) -                
      Forced Stop Tab                    
      Forced Stop Timeout 10 seconds                
      Disable Group Failover When Execution Fails Off                
      Script Tab                    
      Select User Application
  Enter application path (Edit)
      Select Script created with this product
  Add, Remove, Edit, Replace
      Exec User -                
  Timeout Tab                    
  Service Startup Delay Time 0 seconds                
  Network initialization complete wait time 3 minutes                
  Server Sync Wait Time 5 minutes                
  Heartbeat Interval 3 seconds          
  Heartbeat Timeout 30 seconds              
  Server Internal Timeout 180 seconds              
  Port No. Tab                    
  Server Internal Port Number  29001              
  Information Base Port Number 29008              
  Data Transfer Port Number  29002                
  WebManager HTTP Port Number  29003                
  API HTTP Port Number 29009                
  API Server Internal Port Number 29010                
  Disk Agent Port Number  29004                
  Mirror Driver Port Number 29005                
  Kernel Mode Heartbeat Port Number 29106                
  Alert Sync Port Number 29003                
. Recovery Tab                    
  Action When the Cluster Service Process Is Abnormal Emergency shutdown                
    Recovery Action for HA Agents                    
    Max Restart Count 3 times                
    Recovery Action over Max Restart Count No operation                
  Action to apply in the event of an activation/deactivation stall of a group resource Emergency shutdown                
    Disable the Final Action when OS Stops Due to Failure Detection                    
    Group Resource When Activation Failure Detected Off                
    Group Resource When Deactivation Failure Detected Off                
    Monitor Resource When Failure Detected Off                
    Disable Shutdown When Multi-Failover-Service Detected                    
    Server Group Survives When Multi-Failover-Service Detected -                
    Server Group When Multi-Failover-Service Detected -                
  Alert Service Tab                    
  Enable Alert Service Off                
    Alert Destination Tab                    
    Messages (Add, Remove, Edit) -                
      Message Tab                    
      Category Process                
      Module Type apisv                
      Event ID -                
      Destination Alert Logs Off                
      Destination Mail Report Off                
      Destination SNMP Trap Off                
      Destination Alert Extension Off                
      Destination Message Topic Off                
      Destination EventLog(DisableOnly) Off                
      Command (Add, Remove, Edit) -                
  Mail Address -                
  Subject -                
  Mail Method SMTP                
    SMTP Settings                    
      Behavior Tab                    
      Mail Charset -                
      Send Mail Timeout 30 seconds                
      Subject Encode Off                
      SMTP Server -                
      SMTP Server List (Add, Remove) -                
        Enter the SMTP Server                    
        SMTP Server -                
        Use SSL Off                
        Connection Method SMTPS                
        SMTP Port 25                
        Sender Address -                
        Enable SMTP Authentication Off                
        Method LOGIN                
        User name -                
        Password -                
  Use Network Warning Light Off                
    Behavior Tab                    
    Destination (Add, Remove, Edit) -                
      Destination Tab                    
      Destination Server -                
      SNMP Port No. 162                
      SNMP Version v2c                
      SNMP Community Name public                
  WebManager Tab                    
  Enable WebManager Service On                
  Communication Method HTTP                
  Number of sessions which can be established simultaneously 64                
    Cluster Password Method / OS Authentication Method Cluster Password Method                
      Cluster Password Method                    
      Password for Operation -                
      Password for Reference -                
      OS Authentication Method                    
      Authorized Group List(Add, Remove, Edit)  -                
      Operation On                
      Login Session Lifetime Period 1440 minutes                
      Automatic Logout Time Period 60 minutes                
      Lockout Threshold 0 time                
      Lockout Time 10 minutes                
  Control connection by using client IP address Off                
  IP Addresses of the Accessible Clients  -                
  (Add, Remove, Edit)   
  Operation On                
    Cluster WebUI Operation Log                    
    Output Cluster WebUI Operation Log On                
    Log output path -                
    File Size 1 megabyte                
    IP address for Integrated WebManager                    
    Priority -                
    [Server] column -                
    WebManager Tuning Properties                    
      Behavior Tab                    
      Client Session Timeout 30 seconds                
      Screen Data Refresh Interval 90 seconds                
      Mirror Agent Timeout 150 seconds                
      Time Limit For Keeping Log Files 600 seconds                
      Use Time Information Display Function On              
  API Tab                    
  Enable API Service Off                
  Communication Method HTTPS                
  Control connection by using client IP address Off                
  IP Addresses of the Accessible Clients -                
   (Add, Remove, Edit)   
    API Service Operation Log                    
    Output API Service Operation Log On                
    Log output path -                
    File Size 1 megabyte                
    API Tuning Properties                      
    Authentication Lockout Threshold 3 times                
    HTTP Server Start Retry Count 3 times                
    HTTP Server Start Interval 5 seconds                
  Encryption Tab                    
  Certificate File -              
  Private Key File -              
  SSL Library -          
  Crypto Library -          
  Alert Log Tab                    
  Enable Alert Service On                
  Max. Number to Save Alert Records 10000                
  Enable a log file for investigation to be downloaded On                
  Alert Sync Method Unicast (fixed)                
  Alert Sync Communication Timeout 30 seconds                
  Delay Warning Tab                    
  Heartbeat Delay Warning On 80%              
  Monitor Delay Warning On 80%                
  Disk Tab                    
  At Disk Disconnection Failure: Retry Interval 3 seconds                
  At Disk Disconnection Failure: Retry Count Set Number                
  At Disk Disconnection Failure: Retry Count: Set Number 10 times                
  At Disk Disconnection Failure: Timeout 1800 seconds                
  At Disk Disconnection Failure: Final Action Enforced Disconnection                
  Mirror Disk Tab                    
  Auto Mirror Initial Construction On                
  Auto Mirror Recovery On                
  Differential Bitmap Size 1                
  History Recording Area Size in Asynchronous Mode 100                
  Allow failover on mirror break for specified time Off                
  Timeout 30 seconds                
  At Disk Disconnection Failure: Retry Interval 3 seconds                
  At Disk Disconnection Failure: Retry Count Set Number                
  At Disk Disconnection Failure: Retry Count: Set Number 10 times                
  At Disk Disconnection Failure: Timeout 1800 seconds                
  At Disk Disconnection Failure: Final Action Enforced Disconnection                
  Account Tab                    
  Account List (Add, Remove, Edit) -                
  JVM monitor Tab                    
  Java Installation Path -                
  Maximum Java Heap Size 16 megabytes                
  Java VM Additional Option -                
  Action Timeout 60 seconds                
    Log Output Settings                    
    Log Level INFO                
    Generation 10 generations                
    Rotation Type File Capacity                
    Rotation Type, File Capacity, Max Size 3072 kilobytes                
    Rotation Type, Period, Start Time 0:00                
    Rotation Type, Period, Interval 24 hours                
    Resource Measurement Setting [Common]                    
    Retry Count 10 times                
    Error Threshold 5 times                
    Interval, Memory Usage, Active Threads 60 seconds                
    Interval, The time and count in Full GC 120 seconds                
    Resource Measurement Setting [WebLogic]                    
    Retry Count 3 times                
    Error Threshold 5 times                
    Interval, The number of request 60 seconds                
    Interval, The average number of the request 300 seconds                
    Connection Settings                    
    Management Port 25500                
    Retry Count 3 times                
    Waiting time for reconnection 60 seconds                
  Cloud Tab                    
  Enable Amazon SNS linkage function Off                
  TopicArn -                
  Enable Amazon CloudWatch linkage function Off                
  Namespace -                
  Interval for Sending Metrics 60 seconds                
    Environment variables at the time of performing AWS-related features                    
    Name -                
    Value -                
    AWS CLI Command line options                    
    aws cloudwatch -                
    aws ec2 -                
    aws route53 -                
    aws sns -                
  Statistics Tab                    
  Cluster Statistics Heartbeat Resource On                
  Cluster Statistics FileSize 50 MB                
  Cluster Statistics Group On                
  Cluster Statistics FileSize 1 MB                
  Cluster Statistics Group Resource On                
  Cluster Statistics FileSize 1 MB                
  Cluster Statistics Monitor Resource On                
  Cluster Statistics FileSize 10 MB                
  Mirror Statistics Collect Statistics On                
  System Resource Statistics Collect Statistics On                
  Extension Tab                    
  Max Reboot Count 3 times                
  Max Reboot Count Reset Time 60 minutes                
  Auto Return On                
  Failover Count Method Server                
  Grace period of server group failover policy 0 seconds                
  Change from OS Stop to OS Restart Off                
    Disable Cluster Operation                    
    Group Automatic Startup Off                
    Recovery Operation when Group Resource Activation Failure Detected Off                
    Recovery Operation when Group Resource Deactivation Failure Detected Off                
    Recovery Action when Monitor Resource Failure Detected Off                
    Failover when Server Failure Detected Off                
    Settings of log storage period                    
    Use log storage period feature Off                
    Store log 7 days                
    Log storage destination -                
    Log storage timing -                
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Server Common Properties                    
  Master Server Tab                    
  Order The order you added        
  Server Group Tab                    
  Add -                
  Remove -                
  Rename -                
  Server Group Definition                    
    Order The order you added to "Servers that can run the Group."                
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Add Server [1]                      
Remove Server [2]                      
Server Properties                    
  Info Tab                    
  Name [3] -                  
  Comment -                
  Warning Light Tab                    
  I/F Number (Add, Remove) The order you added I/Fs              
  IP Address (Edit) -        
  Warning Light DN-1000S / DN-1000R / DN-1300GL            
  User Name -                
  Password -                
  Specify rsh command execution file path Off                
  File path -                
  Alert When Server Starts Off                
  Alert When Server Stops Off                
  Voice File No. -                
  Voice File No. -                
  HBA Tab                    
  HBAs to be managed by the cluster system -                
  Partition excluded from cluster management -                
  Proxy Tab                    
  Proxy Scheme None                
  Proxy Server -                
  Proxy Port -                
[1] For details about how to add or remove a server, see the Maintenance Guide.
[2] For details about how to add or remove a server, see the Maintenance Guide.
[3] Be careful when you change the host name or IP address of a server. For how to change the host name or IP address, see the Maintenance Guide.
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Group Common Properties                    
  Exclusion Tab                    
    Exclusive Rule List                    
    Add -                
    Remove -                
    Rename -                
    Properties -                
      Exclusive Rule Properties                    
      Comment -                
      Add -                
      Remove -                
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Add Group -                
Remove Group -              
Group Properties                    
  Info Tab                    
  Type failover                  
  Use Server Group Settings Off                
  Name -              
  Comment -                
  Startup Server Tab                    
  Failover is possible on all servers On                
  Order The order you added to "Servers that can run the Group."                
  Server (Add, Remove) -                
  Attribute Tab                    
  Startup Attribute Auto Startup                
  Execute Multi-Failover-Service Check Off                
  Timeout 300 seconds                
  Failover Attribute Auto Failover                
  Auto Failover Use the startup server settings                
  Prioritize failover policy in the server group Off                
  Perform a Smart Failover Off                
  Enable only manual failover among the server groups Off                
  Exclude Server with Error Detected by Specified Monitor Resource, from Failover Destination Off                
  Failover with Error Ignored If It Is Detected in All Servers Off                
  Failback Attribute Manual Failback                
  Monitor Resources for Excluding Server from Failover Destination IP monitor                
  NIC Link Up/Down monitor          
  Start Dependency Tab                    
  Dependent Group -                
  Start Wait Time 1800 seconds                
    Dependent Group Property                    
    Wait Only when on the Same Server Off                
  Stop Dependency Tab                    
  Dependent Group -                
  Stop Wait Time 1800 seconds                
  Wait the Dependent Groups when a Cluster Stops On                
  Wait the Dependent Groups when a Server Stops Off                
  Wait the Dependent Groups when a Group Stops Off                
  If stopping a target group fails, await the timeout Off                
Group Resource (Common)
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Add Resource                  
Remove Resource                
Resource Common Properties                    
  Info Tab                    
  Name Default value per each resource              
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On              
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count 0                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
  Failover Threshold 1 time                
  Final Action at Activation Failure Detection Default value per each resource                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
    Edit Script                    
    Select User Application                  
Enter application path (Edit)          
    Select Script created with this product                  
Script content (Edit)          
    File predeactaction.bat                  
    Timeout 5 seconds                
    Exec User -                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure 0                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Default value per each resource                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
    Edit Script                    
    Select User Application                  
Enter application path (Edit)          
    Select Script created with this product                  
Script content (Edit)          
    File predeactaction.bat                  
    Timeout 5 seconds                
    Exec User -                
  Extention Tab                    
  Resource Startup Attribute Automatic startup                
    Execute Script before or after Activation or Deactivation                    
    Execute Script before Activation Off                
    Execute Script after Activation Off                
    Execute Script before Deactivation Off                
    Execute Script after Deactivation Off                
    Edit Script                    
    Select User Application                  
Enter application path (Edit)          
    Select Script created with this product                  
Script content (Edit)          
    File rscextent.bat                
    Timeout 30 seconds                
    Exec User -                
Application resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Application Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On                
  • CIFS resource              
  • disk resource              
  • floating ip resource              
  • hybrid disk resource              
  • mirror disk resource              
  • registry synchronization resource          
  • virtual computer name resource              
  • virtual IP resource              
  •AWS elastic ip resource              
  •AWS virtual ip resource              
  •AWS secondary ip resource              
  •AWS DNS resource              
  •Azure probe port resource              
  •Azure DNS resource              
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 0                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure Detection No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure 0                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  Resident Type Resident                
  Start Path -                
  Stop Path -                
    Application Resource Tuning                     
      Parameter Tab                    
      Start Script Synchronous, Asynchronous  Synchronous                
      Start Script Timeout 1800 seconds                
      Start Script Normal Return Value -                
      Stop Script Synchronous, Asynchronous Synchronous                
      Stop Script Timeout 1800 seconds                
      Stop Script Normal Return Value -                
      Target VCOM Resource Name -                
      Forcibly Terminate Application When Stopping Off                
      Exec User Set Up Individually                
      Start Tab                    
      Current Directory -                
      Option Parameter -                
      Window Size Hide                
      Exec User Domain -                
      Exec User Account -                
      Exec User Password -                
      Execute from the Command Prompt Off                
      Stop Tab                    
      Current Directory -                
      Option Parameter -                
      Window Size Hide                
      Exec User Domain -                
      Exec User Account -                
      Exec User Password -                
      Execute from the Command Prompt Off                
Floating IP resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Floating IP Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On (No default is set)              
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove)  -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure Detection No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  IP Address -                
  Floating IP Resource Tuning Properties                    
    Parameter Tab                    
      Run ping On                
      Ping Interval 1 second                
      Ping Timeout 1000 milliseconds                
      Ping Retry Count 5 times                
      Forced FIP Activation Off                
      Judge NIC Link Down as Failure Off                
      Use transmission source change feature Off                
      Specification for transmission source Specify FIP address as transmission source                
Mirror Disk resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Mirror Disk Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On (No default is set)              
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove)  -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 3 times                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure Detection No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  Mirror Disk No. 1              
  Data Partition Drive Letter -              
  Cluster Partition Drive Letter -              
  Cluster Partition Offset Index 0              
    Selection of Mirror Disk Connect                    
    Order The order registered for the cluster                
    MDC (Add, Remove) Two upper level mirror disk connects registered for the cluster                
  Servers that can run the group (Add, Remove) -                
  Data Partition (Edit) -              
  Cluster Partition (Edit) -              
    Mirror Disk Resource Tuning Properties                    
    Execute the initial mirror construction On              
    Mirror Connect Timeout 20 seconds              
    Request Queue Maximum Size 2048 [KB]              
    Mode Synchronous              
    Kernel Queue Size 2048 [KB]              
    Application Queue Size 2048 [KB]              
    Thread Timeout 30 seconds              
    Communication Band Limit Unlimited              
    History Files Store Folder -              
History Files Size Limit Unlimited              
Compress Data Off              
Compress Recovery Data Off              
Encrypt mirror communication Off              
Key File Path -              
Registry Synchronization resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Registry Synchronization Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On              
  • CIFS resource          
  • disk resource          
  • floating ip resource          
  • hybrid disk resource          
  • mirror disk resource          
  • virtual computer name resource          
  • virtual IP resource          
  •AWS elastic ip resource          
  •AWS virtual ip resource          
  •AWS secondary ip resource          
  •AWS DNS resource          
  •Azure probe port resource          
  •Azure DNS resource          
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure zero                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure Detection No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  Registry List (Add, Remove, Edit) 1              
    Registry Synchronization Resource Tuning Properties                    
      Parameter Tab                    
      Delivery Interval 1 second                
Script resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Script Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On              
    • CIFS resource          
  • disk resource          
  • floating ip resource          
  • hybrid disk resource          
  • mirror disk resource          
  • registry synchronization resource          
  • virtual computer name resource          
  • virtual IP resource          
  •AWS elastic ip resource          
  •AWS virtual ip resource          
  •AWS secondary ip resource          
  •AWS DNS resource          
  •Azure probe port resource          
  •Azure DNS resource          
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure zero                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure Detection No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  Scripts (Add, Remove, Edit, Replace) -                
    Script Resource Tuning Properties                    
      Parameter Tab                    
      Start Script Synchronous, Asynchronous  Synchronous                
      Start Script Timeout 1800 seconds                
      Start Script Normal Return Value When there is no value                
      Start Script Execute on standby server Off                
      Start Script Timeout (on standby server) 10 seconds                
      Perform recovery processing Off                
      Stop Script Synchronous, Asynchronous Synchronous                
      Stop Script Timeout 1800 seconds                
      Stop Script Normal Return Value When there is no value                
      Stop Script Execute on standby server Off                
      Stop Script Timeout (on standby server) 10 seconds                
      Target VCOM Resource Name -                
      Exec User -                
Disk resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Disk Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On (No default is set)              
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove)  -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 3 times                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure Detection No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  Drive Letter                
  Servers that can run the group (Add, Remove)                
  GUID (Edit)                
Service resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Service Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On              
  • CIFS resource          
  • disk resource          
  • floating ip resource          
  • hybrid disk resource          
  • mirror disk resource          
  • registry synchronization resource          
  • virtual computer name resource          
  • virtual IP resource          
  •AWS elastic ip resource          
  •AWS virtual ip resource          
  •AWS secondary ip resource          
  •AWS DNS resource          
  •Azure probe port resource          
  •Azure DNS resource          
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 1 time                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure Detection No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  Service Name                  
    Service Resource Tuning Properties                    
      Parameter Tab                    
      Start Script Synchronous, Asynchronous  Synchronous                
      Start Script Timeout 1800 seconds                
      Stop Script Synchronous, Asynchronous Synchronous                
      Stop Script Timeout 1800 seconds                
      Target VCOM Resource Name -                
      Service Tab                    
      Start Parameters -                
      Do not assume it as an error when the service is already started Off                
      Wait after the service is started 0 seconds                
      Wait after the service is stopped 0 seconds                
Virtual Computer Name resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Virtual Computer Name Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On              
  • floating IP resources          
  • virtual IP resources          
  •AWS elastic ip resource          
  •AWS virtual ip resource          
  •AWS secondary ip resource          
  •Azure probe port resource          
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure Detection No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  Virtual Computer Name -              
  Target FIP Resource Name -              
    Virtual Computer Name Resource Tuning Properties                    
      Parameter Tab                    
      Register with DNS dynamically Off              
      IP address to be associated FIP              
Virtual IP resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Virtual IP Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On (No default is set)              
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove)  -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure Detection No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  IP Address -                
  Net Mask -                
  Destination IP Address -                
  Source IP Address -                
  Send Interval 30 seconds                
  Use Routing Protocol RIPver1                
    Virtual IP Resource Tuning Properties                    
      Parameter Tab                    
      Run ping On                
      Interval 1 second                
      Timeout 1000 milliseconds                
      Retry Count  5 times                
      Forced VIP Activation Off                
      Judge NIC Link Down as Failure Off                
      RIP Tab                    
      Metric  3                
      Port Number 520                
      RIPng Tab                    
      Metric 1                
      Port Number 521                
CIFS resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
CIFS Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
Follow the default dependence On              
  • disk resources              
    • Hybrid disk resources              
  • mirror disk resources              
Dependent Resources (Add, Remove)                 
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure Zero                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure Detection No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
Execute the automatic saving of shared configuration of drive. Off                
Target Drive -                
Shared Configuration File -                
Errors in restoring file share setting are treated as activity failure Off                
Shared Name  -                
Folder -                
Comment -                
When folder is shared not as activity failure On                
  CIFS Resource Tuning Properties                    
    Cache Tab                    
    Allow Caching On                
    Caching Setting Automatic Caching                
    User Tab                    
    User Limit No limitation                
    Max -                
    Permission everyone Read                
Hybrid Disk resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Hybrid Disk Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On (No default is set)              
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove)                
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 3 times                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure Detection No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  Hybrid disk number 1              
  Data partition drive letter -              
  Cluster partition driver letter -              
  Cluster partition offset index 0              
    Selection of Mirror Disk Connect                    
    Order The order registered for the cluster                
    MDC (Add, Remove) Two upper level mirror disk connects registered for the cluster                
    Hybrid Disk Resource Tuning Properties                    
    Execute the initial mirror construction On              
    Mirror Connect Timeout 20 seconds              
    Request Queue Maximum Size 2048 KB              
    Mode Synchronous              
    Kernel Queue Size 2048 KB              
    Application Queue Size 2048 KB              
    Thread Timeout 30 seconds              
    Communication Band Limit Unlimited              
    History Files Store Folder -              
    History Files Size Limit Unlimited              
    Compress Data When Recovering Off              
    Encrypt mirror communication Off              
    Key File Path -              
Dynamic DNS resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dynamic DNS Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On              
  • Floating IP resource          
  • Virtual IP resource          
  •AWS elastic ip resource          
  •AWS virtual ip resource          
  •AWS secondary ip resource          
  •Azure probe port resource          
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 0 times                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Specify the count. [zero]                
  Final Action at Activation Failure No operation (Do not activate the next resource.)                
  Execute script before final action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure 0 times                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down the OS.                
  Execute script before final action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  Virtual Host Name -                
  IP Address -                
  DDNS Server -                
  Port No. 53                
  Cache TTL 0 seconds                
  Execute Dynamic Update Periodically On                
  Update Interval 60 minutes                
  Delete the Registered IP Address Off                
  Kerberos Authentication Off                
AWS Elastic IP resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AWS elastic ip Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On              
  (No default dependence)            
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times                
  Failover Target Server Stable operation server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster daemon and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  EIP ALLOCATION ID -                
  ENI ID -                
    AWS elastic ip Resource Tuning Properties                    
      Parameter Tab                    
      AWS CLI Timeout 100 seconds                
AWS Virtual IP resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AWS virtual ip Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On              
  (No default dependence)            
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times                
  Failover Target Server Stable operation server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  IP Address -                
  VPC ID -                
  ENI ID -                
    AWS virtual ip Resource Tuning Properties                    
      Parameter Tab                    
      Start Timeout 300 seconds                
      Stop Timeout 60 seconds                
AWS Secondary IP resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AWS secondary ip Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On              
  (No default dependence)            
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times                
  Failover Target Server Stable operation server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  IP Address -                
  ENI ID -                
    AWS secondary ip Resource Tuning Properties                    
      Parameter Tab                    
      Start Timeout 180 seconds                
      Stop Timeout 180 seconds                
AWS DNS resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AWS DNS Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On (No default dependence)              
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure 0 time                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  Host Zone ID -                
  Resource Record Set Name -                
  IP Address -                
  TTL 300 seconds                
  Delete a resource set at deactivation Off                
    AWS DNS Resource Tuning Properties                    
      Parameter Tab                    
      AWS CLI Timeout 100 seconds                
Azure probe port resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Azure probe port Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On (No default dependence)              
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times                
  Failover Target Server Stable operation server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  Probeport -                
    Azure probe port  Resource Tuning Properties                    
      Parameter Tab                    
      Probe wait timeout 30 seconds                
Azure DNS resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Azure DNS Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On (No default dependence)              
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 1 time                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure 0 time                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  Record Set Name -                
  Zone Name -                
  IP Address -                
  TTL 3600 seconds                
  Resource Group Name -                
  User URI -                
  Tenant ID -                
  File Path of Service Principal -                
  Azure CLI File Path -                
  Delete a record set at deactivation On                
    Azure DNS Resource Tuning Properties                    
      Parameter Tab                    
      Azure CLI Timeout 100 seconds                
Google Cloud Virtual IP resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Google Cloud Virtual IP Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On (No default dependence)              
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times                
  Failover Target Server Stable operation server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  Port Number -                
    Google Cloud Virtual IP Resource Tuning Properties                    
      Parameter Tab                    
      Health Check Timeout 30 seconds                
Google Cloud DNS resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Google Cloud DNS Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On (No default dependence)              
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 1 times                
  Failover Target Server Stable operation server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  Zone Name -                
  DNS Name -                
  IP Address -                
  TTL 300 seconds                
  Delete a resource record set at deactivation Off                
Oracle Cloud Virtual IP resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Oracle Cloud Virtual IP Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On (No default dependence)              
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times                
  Failover Target Server Stable operation server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  Port Number -                
    Oracle Cloud Virtual IP Resource Tuning Properties                    
      Parameter Tab                    
      Health Check Timeout 30 seconds                
Oracle Cloud DNS resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Oracle Cloud DNS Resource Properties                    
  Dependency Tab                    
  Follow the default dependence On (No default dependence)              
  Dependent Resources (Add, Remove) -              
  Recovery Operation Tab                    
  Retry Count at Activation Failure 5 times                
  Failover Target Server Stable operation server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Failover Threshold Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action at Activation Failure No Operation (Not activate next resources)                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Retry Count at Deactivation Failure zero                
  Final Action at Deactivation Failure Stop the cluster service and shut down OS.                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Details Tab                    
  Region -                
  Domain (FQDN) -                
  Zone OCID -                
  IP Address -                
  TTL 300 seconds                
  Delete a resource record set at deactivation Off                
  Use Proxy Off                
  How far you manage a resource record in a multi-region environment All regions to which the cluster servers belong                
    Oracle Cloud DNS Resource Tuning Properties                    
      Parameter Tab                    
      OCI CLI Timeout 100 seconds                
Monitor resource (common)
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Add Monitor Resource -                
Remove Monitor Resource -                
Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Info Tab                    
  Name -                
  Comment -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
    Edit Script                    
      When [User Application] is selected                    
      Enter application path (Edit) -                
      When [Script created with this product] is selected                    
      Script content (Edit) -                
    Timeout 5 seconds                
    Exec User -                
Application monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Application Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval   60 seconds                
  Timeout 60 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 3 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters)                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Final Action No Operation                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
Disk RW monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Disk RW Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval   30 seconds                
  Timeout 300 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count  0 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Fine Name -                
  I/O size 2000000 bytes                
  Action on Stall Generate an intentional stop error                
  Action when diskfull is detected The recovery action enabled                
  Use Write Through Method Disabled                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Executing failover to the recovery target                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time (if the recovery target is other than clusters)                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No Operation                
Floating IP monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Floating IP Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                 
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Monitor NIC Link Up/Down Off                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters)                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
IP monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
IP Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                 
  Timeout 60 seconds                 
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                 
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Always                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  IP Address (Add, Remove, Edit) -                
  ping Timeout 5000 milliseconds                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times (if the recovery target is other than clusters)                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Count Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
Mirror Disk monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Mirror Disk Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 30 seconds                
  Timeout 999 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 10 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Always (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Mirror Disk Resource -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Executing failover to the recovery target                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Destination Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
NIC Link Up/Down monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
NIC Link Up/Down Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Always                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Individually Set Up Servers (Add, Remove, Edit) -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
Multi Target monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Multi Target Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 60 seconds                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Always                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Monitor Resource List (Add, Remove) -                
    Multi Target Monitor Resource Tuning Properties                    
      Parameter Tab                    
      Error Threshold Same as number of members                
      Specify Number 64                
      Warning Threshold Off                
      Specify Number -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
Registry Synchronous monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Registry Synchronous Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 60 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Executing failover to the recovery target                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
Disk TUR monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Disk TUR Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 30 seconds                
  Timeout 300 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Always                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Disk Resource -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Executing failover to the recovery target                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
Service monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Service Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 60 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 3 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Service Name -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
Virtual Computer Name monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Virtual Computer Name Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                 
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Execute only the final action                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 0 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Specify the count. [zero]                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action Stop the cluster and shut down the OS                
Virtual IP monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Virtual IP Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                 
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                 
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Failover Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
CIFS monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
CIFS Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 60 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Access Check Disable                
  Path -                
  Check Read                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
Hybrid Disk monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Hybrid Disk Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 30 seconds                
  Timeout 999 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 10 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Always (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Hybrid Disk Resource -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Executing failover to the recovery target                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
Hybrid Disk TUR monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Hybrid Disk TUR Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 30 seconds                
  Timeout 300 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Always                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) tab                    
  Hybrid Disk Resource -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Executing failover to the recovery target                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
Custom monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Custom Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 120 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 3 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Always                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Monitor Script Path Type Script created with this product                
  File genw.bat                
  Monitor Type Synchronous                
  Normal Return Value 0                
  Warning Return Value -                
  Kill the application when exit Off                
  Wait for activation monitoring to stop before stopping the cluster Off                
  Exec User -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
Message Receive monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Message Receive Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Retry Count 0 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Always                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Category -                
  Keyword -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Executing failover to the recovery target                
  Recovery Target -                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
  Execute Failover to outside the Server Group Off                
  Final Action No operation                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
DB2 monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
DB2 Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 120 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 2 times                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Monitor Level Level 2 (monitored by update/select)                
  Database Name -                
  Instance Name DB2                
  User Name db2admin                
  Password -                
  Monitor Table Name DB2WATCH                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
FTP monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
FTP Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 30 seconds                
  Timeout 60 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 3 times                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  IP Address                
  Port Number 21                
  User Name -                
  Password -                
  Protocol FTP                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Destination Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
HTTP monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
HTTP Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                     
  Interval 30 seconds                
  Timeout 60 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count  3 times                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                 
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Connecting Destination                
  Protocol HTTP                
  Port Number 80                
  Monitor URI -                
  Request Type HEAD                
  Authentication Method No authentication                
  User Name -                
  Password -                
  Client Authentication Off                
  Client Certificate Subject Name -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
IMAP4 monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
IMAP4 Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 30 seconds                
  Timeout 60 seconds                 
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 3 times                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  IP Address                
  Port Number 143                
  User Name -                
  Password -                
  Authentication Method AUTHENTICATELOGIN                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
ODBC monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ODBC Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                 
  Timeout 120 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 2 times                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                 
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Monitor Level Level 2 (monitored by update/select)                
  Data Source Name -                
  User Name -                
  Password -                
  Monitor Table Name ODBCWATCH                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
Oracle monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Oracle Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 120 seconds                
  Collect the dump file of the monitor process at timeout occurrence Off                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 2 times                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                 
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Monitor Method listener and instance monitor                
  Monitor Level Level 2 (monitored by update/select)                
  Connect Command -                
  User Name sys                
  Password -                
  Authority Off                
  SYSDBA/DEFAULT SYSDBA                
  Monitor Table Name ORAWATCH                
  ORACLE_HOME -                
  Character Set (Following the setting of the application)                
  Collect detailed application information at failure occurrence Off                
  Collection Timeout 600 seconds                
  Generate the monitor error during initialization or shutdown of Oracle Off                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
POP3 monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
POP3 Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 30 seconds                 
  Timeout 60 seconds                 
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 3 times                 
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  IP Address                
  Authentication Method APOP                
  Port Number 110                
  User Name -                
  Password -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
PostgreSQL monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
PostgreSQL Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                 
  Timeout 120 seconds                 
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 2 times                 
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Monitor Level Level 2 (monitored by update/select)                
  Database Name -                
  IP Address                
  Port Number 5432                
  User Name postgres                
  Password -                
  Monitor Table Name PSQLWATCH                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
SMTP monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
SMTP Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 30 seconds                 
  Timeout 60 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 3 times                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  IP Address                
  Port Number 25                
  User Name -                
  Password -                
  Authentication Method CRAM-MD5                
  E-mail Address -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action  Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
SQL Server monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
SQL Server Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 120 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 2 times                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Monitor Level Level 2 (monitored by update/select)                
  Database Name -                
  Instance Name MSSQLSERVER                
  User Name SA                
  Password -                
  Monitor Table Name SQLWATCH                
  ODBC Driver Name ODBC Driver 13 for SQL                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
Tuxedo monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Tuxedo Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 120 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 2 times                 
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Application Server Name BBL                
  Config File -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
WebSphere monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
WebSphere Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                 
  Timeout 120 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 2 times                 
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Application Server Name server1                
  Profile Name default                
  User Name -                
  Password -                
  Install Path C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
WebLogic monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
WebLogic Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                 
  Timeout 120 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 2 times                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  IP Address                
  Port 7002                
  Monitor Method RESTful API                
  Protocol HTTP                
  User Name weblogic                
  Password -                
  Add command option -Dwlst.offline.log=disable  -Duser.language=en_US                
  Account Shadow Off                
  On: Config File -                
  On: Key File -                
  Off: User Name weblogic                
  Off: Password -                
  Authority Method DemoTrust                
  Key Store File -                
  Install Path C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\wlserver                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
WebOTX monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
WebOTX Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 120 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence Off                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Connecting Destination localhost                
  Port Number 6212                
  User Name -                
  Password -                
  Install Path -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action Stop cluster service and shutdown OS                
JVM monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
JVM Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Target -                
  JVM Type -                
  Identifier -                
  Connection Port -                
  Process Name -                
  User -                
  Password -                
  Command -                
    Memory Tab(when Oracle Java is selected for JVM type)                    
    Monitor Heap Memory Rate On                
    Total Usage 80%                
    Eden Space 100%                
    Survivor Space 100%                
    Tenured Gen 80%                
    Monitor Non-Heap Memory Rate On                
    Total Usage 80%                
    Code Cache 100%                
    Perm Gen 80%                
    Perm Gen[shared-ro] 80%                
    Perm Gen[shared-rw] 80%                
    Command -                
    Memory Tab(when Oracle Java(usage monitoring) is selected for JVM Type)                    
    Monitor Heap Memory Usage Off                
    Total Usage 0 megabytes                
    Eden Space 0 megabytes                
    Survivor Space 0 megabytes                
    Tenured Gen 0 megabytes                
    Monitor Non-Heap Memory Usage Off                
    Total Usage 0 megabytes                
    Code Cache 0 megabytes                
    CodeHeap non-nmethods 0 megabytes                
    CodeHeap profiled 0 megabytes                
    CodeHeap non- profiled 0 megabytes                
    Compressed Class Space 0 megabytes                
    Metaspace 0 megabytes                
    Command -                
    Thread Tab                    
    Monitor the number of Active Threads 65535 threads                
    Command -                
    GC Tab                    
    Monitor the time in Full GC 65535 milliseconds                
    Monitor the count of Full GC execution 1 time                
    Command -                
    WebLogic Tab                    
    Monitor the requests in Work Manager Off                
    Target Work Managers -                
    The number 65535                
    Average 65535                
    Increment from the last 80%                
    Monitor the requests in Thread Pool Off                
    Waiting Requests, The number 65535                
    Waiting Requests, Average 65535                
    Waiting Requests, Increment from the last 80%                
    Executing Requests, The number 65535                
    Executing Requests, Average 65535                
    Executing Requests, Increment from the last 80%                
    Command -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                 
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
System monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
System Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 30 seconds                
  Timeout 60 seconds                
  Retry Count 0 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Always                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Monitoring CPU usage ON                
  CPU Usage 90%                
  Duration Time 60 minutes                
  Monitoring total usage of memory ON                
  Total memory usage 90%                
  Duration Time 60 minutes                
  Moitoring total usage of virtual memory ON                
  Total virtual memory usage 90%                
  Duration Time 60 minutes                
  Logical drive                  
  Utilization rate ON                
  Warning level 90%                
  Notice level 80%                
  Duration 1440 minutes                
  Free space ON                
  Warning level 500 MB                
  Notice level 1000 MB                
  Duration 1440 minutes                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
    Recovery Action Executing failover to the recovery target                
    Recovery Target -                
    Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
    Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
    Maximum Reactivation Count zero                 
    Execute Script before Failover Off                
    Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
    Final Action No Operation                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
Process resource monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Process Resource Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 30 seconds                
  Timeout 60 seconds                
  Retry Count 0 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Always                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Process Name -                
  Monitoring CPU usage On                
  CPU usage 90%                
  Duration Time 1440 minutes                
  Monitoring usage of memory On                
  Rate of Increase from the First Monitoring Point 10%                
  Maximum Update Count 1440 times                
  Monitoring number of opeing files (maximum number) Off                
  Refresh Count 1440 times                
  Monitoring number of running threads On                
  Duration Time 1440 minutes                
  Monitoring Processes of the Same Name Off                
  Count 100                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Executing failover to the recovery target                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count 0                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
User mode monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
User mode Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor (common) Tab                    
  Interval 30 seconds                
  Timeout 300 seconds                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Monitoring Method keepalive                
  Action When Timeout Occurs Generate an intentional stop error                
  Create a Dummy Thread On                
Dynamic DNS monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dynamic DNS Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitoring Timing When active (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Check Name Resolution On                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count 0 times                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
Process Name monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Process Name Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval 5 seconds                
  Timeout 60 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 0 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 3 seconds                
  Monitoring Timing Always                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Process name -                
  Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) 1                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count 0 times                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No operation                
AWS Elastic IP monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AWS elastic ip Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource awseip                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Action when AWS CLI command failed to receive response Disable recovery action(Do nothing)                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No Operation                
AWS Virtual IP monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AWS virtual ip Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource awsvip                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Action when AWS CLI command failed to receive response Disable recovery action(Do nothing)                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No Operation                
AWS Secondary IP monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AWS secondary ip Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 120 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 3 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource awssip                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Action when AWS CLI command failed to receive response Disable recovery action(Do nothing)                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No Operation                
AWS AZ monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AWS AZ Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Always (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
Availability Zone -                
Action when AWS CLI command failed to receive response Disable recovery action(Do nothing)                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Executing failover to the recovery target                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 0 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No Operation                
AWS DNS monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AWS DNS Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 300 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource awsdns                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Monitor Resource Record Set On                
  Action when AWS CLI command failed to receive response Disable recovery action(Do nothing)                  
  Check Name Resolution On                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No Operation                
Azure probe port monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Azure probe port Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource azurepp                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Action when Probe port wait timeout Disable recovery action(Do nothing)                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No Operation                
Azure load balance monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Azure load balance Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Always (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Target Resource -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 0 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Specify the count. [zero]                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No Operation                
Azure DNS monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Azure DNS Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 60 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource azuredns                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Check Name Resolution On                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target azuredns                
  Recovery Script Execution Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No Operation                
Google Cloud Virtual IP monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Google Cloud Virtual IP Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource gcvip                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Health Check Timeout Operation Disable recovery action(Do nothing)                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No Operation                
Google Cloud load balance monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Google Cloud load balance Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Always (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Target Resource -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 0 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Specify the count. [zero]                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No Operation                
Oracle Cloud Virtual IP monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Oracle Cloud Virtual IP Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource ocvip                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Health Check Timeout Operation Disable recovery action(Do nothing)                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No Operation                
Google Cloud DNS monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Google Cloud DNS Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 120 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 3 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource gcdns                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No Operation                
Oracle Cloud load balance monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Oracle Cloud load balance Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 0 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Always (fixed)                
  Target Resource -                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Target Resource -                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target -                
  Recovery Script Execution Count zero                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 0 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Specify the count. [zero]                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No Operation                
Oracle Cloud DNS monitor resource
Parameters Default How to change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Oracle Cloud DNS Monitor Resource Properties                    
  Monitor(common) Tab                    
  Interval 60 seconds                
  Timeout 180 seconds                
  Do Not Retry at Timeout Occurrence On                
  Action at Timeout Occurrence Do not recover                
  Retry Count 1 time                
  Wait Time to Start Monitoring 300 seconds                
  Monitor Timing Active (fixed)                
  Target Resource ocdns                
    Failure Detection Server                    
    Failure Detection Server All Servers                
    Servers that can run the Group (Add, Remove) -                
  Send polling time metrics Off                
  Monitor (special) Tab                    
  Check Name Resolution On                
  Recovery Action Tab                    
  Recovery Action Custom settings                
  Recovery Target ocdns                
  Recovery Script Execution Count 0 time                
  Execute Script before Reactivation Off                
  Maximum Reactivation Count 3 times                
  Execute Script before Failover Off                
  Failover Target Server Stable Server                
    When [Server] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count 1 time                
    When [Cluster] is selected for [Failover Count Method]                    
    Maximum Failover Count Set as much as the number of the servers                
  Execute Script before Final Action Off                
  Final Action No Operation                

2.9. Upper limits of registration


You can register up to


12.00 or later



12.00 or later


Server Group

12.00 or later



12.00 or later


Group resource
(Per one group)

12.00 or later


Monitor resource

12.00 or later


Heartbeat resource

12.00 or later


Witness heartbeat resource

12.10 or later


Network Partition Resolution Resource

12.00 or later


Mirror disk resources and hybrid disk resources (Per cluster) in total

12.00 or later


Mirror Disk Connect

12.00 or later