1. Preface

1.1. Who Should Use This Guide

The HA Cluster Configuration Guide for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Windows) is intended for administrators who want to build a cluster system, and for system engineers and maintenance personnel who provide user support.

The software and setup examples introduced in this guide are for reference only, and the software is not guaranteed to run.

1.2. Scope of application

For information on the system requirements, see "Getting Started Guide" -> "Installation requirements for EXPRESSCLUSTER".

This guide contains product- and service-related information (e.g., screenshots) collected at the time of writing this guide. For the latest information, which may be different from the content in this guide, refer to corresponding websites and manuals.

1.3. How This Guide is Organized

1.4. EXPRESSCLUSTER X Documentation Set

The EXPRESSCLUSTER X manuals consist of the following four guides. The title and purpose of each guide is described below:

EXPRESSCLUSTER X Getting Started Guide

This guide is intended for all users. The guide covers topics such as product overview, system requirements, and known problems.

EXPRESSCLUSTER X Installation and Configuration Guide

This guide is intended for system engineers and administrators who want to build, operate, and maintain a cluster system. Instructions for designing, installing, and configuring a cluster system with EXPRESSCLUSTER are covered in this guide.


This guide is intended for system administrators. The guide covers topics such as how to operate EXPRESSCLUSTER, function of each module and troubleshooting. The guide is supplement to the Installation and Configuration Guide.

EXPRESSCLUSTER X Maintenance Guide

This guide is intended for administrators and for system administrators who want to build, operate, and maintain EXPRESSCLUSTER-based cluster systems. The guide describes maintenance-related topics for EXPRESSCLUSTER.

1.5. Conventions

In this guide, Note, Important, See also are used as follows:


Used when the information given is important, but not related to the data loss and damage to the system and machine.


Used when the information given is necessary to avoid the data loss and damage to the system and machine.

See also

Used to describe the location of the information given at the reference destination.

The following conventions are used in this guide.





Indicates graphical objects, such as text boxes, list boxes, menu selections, buttons, labels, icons, etc.

Click Start.
Properties dialog box

Angled bracket within the command line

Indicates that the value specified inside of the angled bracket can be omitted.

clpstat -s [-h host_name]


Prompt to indicate that a Windows user has logged on as root user.

> clpstat


Indicates path names, commands, system output (message, prompt, etc.), directory, file names, functions and parameters.

C:\Program Files


Indicates the value that a user actually enters from a command line.

Enter the following:
> clpcl -s -a


Indicates that users should replace italicized part with values that they are actually working with.

> ping <IP address>

EXPRESSCLUSTER X In the figures of this guide, this icon represents EXPRESSCLUSTER.

1.6. Contacting NEC

For the latest product information, visit our website below:

2. Overview

2.1. Functional overview

This guide describes how to create an HA cluster based on EXPRESSCLUSTER X (hereafter described as EXPRESSCLUSTER) on a cloud service of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (hereafter described as OCI).
OCI allows virtual machines to be HA-clustered by using regions or availability domains, thus enhancing the operational availability.
  • Regions

    OCI allows each node to be deployed in physical or logical units called a region (e.g., Tokyo).
    It is possible to build all nodes in a single region. However, in such a case, a network failure or a natural disaster can cause all nodes to go down, discontinuing the operation.
    To increase availability, distribute nodes to multiple regions.
  • Availability domains

    OCI allows each node to be deployed in a logical group called an availability domain.
    Locating each node in a different availability domain minimizes the impact of planned OCI maintenance or unplanned maintenance due to a physical hardware failure.
For details on regions and availability domains, see the following website:
Regions and Availability Domains:

2.2. Basic configuration

This guide assumes HA clusters using a load balancer (a unidirectional standby cluster).
The following table describes EXPRESSCLUSTER resources to be selected and required OCI services for the HA cluster:


EXPRESSCLUSTER resource to be selected

Required OCI services

Accessing from a client by using a virtual IP address (private IP address)

Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource

Private load balancer

Accessing from a client by using a virtual IP address (global IP address)

Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource

Public load balancer

HA clusters using a load balancer

A client application can connect a virtual machine in the OCI environment to a node that constitutes a cluster, by using a virtual IP (VIP) address.
Using the VIP address eliminates the need for clients to be aware of switching between the virtual machines even after a failover or a group migration occurs.
For a private load balancer, an HA cluster built in the OCI environment in Fig. 2.1 HA cluster using a private load balancer is accessed by specifying the VIP address. This VIP address is a private IP address assigned to the OCI load balancer.
Two client VMs, two server VMs, and a load balancer

Fig. 2.1 HA cluster using a private load balancer

For a public load balancer, an HA cluster built in the OCI environment in Fig. 2.2 HA cluster using a public load balancer is accessed by specifying the VIP address. This VIP address is a global IP address assigned to the OCI load balancer.
The active node and the standby node of a cluster are switched through a health check by the OCI load balancer. The health check can be performed through a port provided by the Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource.
A client on the Internet, two server VMs, and a load balancer

Fig. 2.2 HA cluster using a public load balancer

For details on the load balancer, refer to the following:
Overview of Load Balancing:
The following table describes the EXPRESSCLUSTER resources and monitor resources required for an HA cluster configuration using the load balancer:

Resource or monitor resource type



Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource

Provides a mechanism to wait for the alive monitoring by a load balancer on a specific port of a node where operations are running (wait for an access to the health-check port).
Activating the Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource starts the control process on standby for the alive monitoring by the OCI load balancer.
Deactivating the Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource stops the control process on standby for the alive monitoring.


Oracle Cloud virtual IP monitor resource

Performs the alive monitoring of the control process, which starts upon the activation of the Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource, for a node where the Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource is running.


Oracle Cloud load balance monitor resource

Monitors whether the same number as the health-check port number has already been used, for a node where an Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource has not been activated.


Other resources and monitor resources

Depends on the configuration of applications, such as a mirror disk or a shared disk, which are used in an HA cluster.


2.3. Network partition resolution

Virtual machines constituting an HA cluster mutually perform alive monitoring through a heartbeat communication.
If the virtual machines reside in different subnets, an interruption of the heartbeat causes an undesirable event such as a service starting more than once.
To prevent double startup of the service, it is necessary to identify whether other virtual machines went down or whether the applicable virtual machine was isolated from a network (network partitioning: NP).
The network partition resolution feature (NP resolution) uses a ping command to be sent to a device (access destination) that is always activated and can respond to the ping command etc. If there is no reply to the ping command, it is determined that the device entered the NP status and the specified action (such as a warning, recovery action, or server shutdown) is executed.
For details on the configurations of the heartbeat and NP resolution, refer to the following.
The following heartbeat and NP resolution types correspond to the figures below:

Heartbeat or NP resolution type



Kernel mode LAN heartbeat resource


Kernel mode LAN heartbeat resource


Witness heartbeat resource
HTTP network partition resolution resource


DISK network partition resolution resource

Heartbeat and NP resolution configuration (mirror disk type cluster)

The Witness server and two server VMs

Fig. 2.3 Heartbeat and NP resolution configuration (mirror disk type cluster)

Heartbeat and NP resolution configuration (shared disk type cluster)

The Witness server, two server VMs, and a shared disk

Fig. 2.4 Heartbeat and NP resolution configuration (shared disk type cluster)

Using the Witness heartbeat resource allows the aliveness of the other server to be confirmed based on the information on an access to the Witness server.
With the Witness heartbeat resource in combination with the HTTP network partition resolution resource, when a failure occurs in all network channels (heartbeat) and network partitioning occurs, emergency shutdown takes place to protect data.
The target and method of NP resolution needs to be individually considered, in accordance with the locations of clients accessing the cluster system and with the conditions for connecting to an on-premise environment (e.g. using a leased line).
For details on the heartbeat resource and NP resolution, refer to the following:

2.4. Differences between on-premises and OCI

The following table describes the functional differences of EXPRESSCLUSTER between on-premises and OCI. "✓" indicates that the relevant function can be used and "n/a" indicates that the relevant function cannot be used.




Creating a shared disk type cluster

Creating a mirror disk type cluster

Using the management group


Using the floating IP resource


Using the virtual IP resource


Using the virtual computer name resource


Using an Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource


Using an Oracle Cloud DNS resource


There is no difference in the procedure for creating a cluster between an on-premise environment and an OCI environment except that OCI needs to be configured in advance.

4. Mirror Disk Type Cluster Creation Procedure

4.1. Creation examples

This guide introduces the procedure for creating a two-node unidirectional standby cluster in OCI using EXPRESSCLUSTER.
An HA cluster to be created is accessible from clients in the same virtual cloud network (hereafter described as VCN) in OCI.
This procedure is intended to create a mirror disk type configuration in which Server1 serves as the active server.
The following tables describe the parameters that do not have default values and the parameters whose values have been changed from the default values.
  • OCI settings (common to each instance)

    Setting item

    Setting value

    VCN settings

    • Name


    Load balancer settings

    • Load balancer name


    • Visibility type

    Private / public (*)

    • Virtual cloud network


    Load balancer settings (backend set settings)

    • Added backend: name

    server1, server2

    • Added backend: port

    8080 (the number of the port through which the application is available: cluster side)

    • Health check policy: protocol


    • Health check policy: port


    • Health check policy: interval (in milliseconds)


    Load balancer settings (listener settings)

    • Traffic type


    • Port through which a listener monitors

    80 (the number of the port through which the application is available: client side)

(*) Select Private when using a private load balancer, and Public when using a public load balancer.

  • OCI settings (individually configured for each instance)

    Setting item

    Setting value




    Compute instance settings

    • Instance name




    • Availability domain




    • Instance type

    Virtual machine

    Virtual machine

    Virtual machine

    • Virtual cloud network




    • Fault domain




    Block volume settings

    • Name




    • Availability domain




    Network settings

    • Private IP address

    • Private IP address


    • (*) Public IP address

(*) Set when using a public load balancer

  • EXPRESSCLUSTER settings (cluster properties)

    Setting item

    Setting value



    • Cluster name



    • Server name




    • Kernel mode

    • Kernel mode

    • Witness



    NP resolution

    • HTTP



  • EXPRESSCLUSTER settings (failover group)

    Resource name

    Setting item

    Setting value

    Mirror disk resource

    Resource name


    Details tab - drive letter of the data partition


    Details tab - drive letter of the cluster partition


    Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource

    Resource name


    Port number

    12345 (as specified in Health check policy: port)

  • EXPRESSCLUSTER settings (monitor resource)

    Monitor resource name

    Setting item

    Setting value

    Mirror disk monitor resource

    Monitor resource name


    Mirror disk connect monitor resource

    Monitor resource name


    Oracle Cloud virtual IP monitor resource

    Monitor resource name


    Recovery target


    Oracle Cloud load balance monitor resource

    Monitor resource name


    Recovery target


4.2. Configuring OCI

  1. Creating a VCN

Create a VCN and a subnet.
For details on the procedure, refer to the following:
Networking Overview:
Networking Scenarios:
  1. Creating an instance

Create as many instances as there are virtual machines constituting a cluster, by using platform images.
For details on the procedure, refer to the following:
Creating an Instance:
Configure a secondary VNIC.
For details on the procedure, refer to the following:
  1. Setting an instance

Connect to each of the created instances and log in.
For details on the procedure, refer to the following:
Connecting to an Instance:
  1. Creating a block volume

Add and attach a block volume to be used for mirror disks (cluster partitions and data partitions).
Access: select Read/Write.
For details on the procedure, refer to the following:
Overview of Block Volume:
Create a partition for mirror disk resources.
For details on the settings of partitions for mirror disk resources, refer to the following:
  1. Adding security lists for a load balancer

In creating a load balancer as shown below, the addition of a back-end server allows the Load Balancing service to automatically create security list rules.
For details on the procedure, refer to the following:
Security Lists:
Managing Load Balancers:
  1. Creating a load balancer

Create a load balancer.
Click Add Backends to add server1 and server2.
Set Interval in ms for the health check policy to be shorter than Health Check Timeout for the Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource.
For details on the procedure, refer to the following:
Managing Load Balancers:

Configure a route table and a security list as required.
  1. Adjusting the OS startup time, verifying the network settings, verifying the firewall settings, synchronizing the server clock, and turning off the power-saving function

For details on each procedure, refer to the following:

4.3. Configuring the EXPRESSCLUSTER settings

  1. Installing EXPRESSCLUSTER

For details on the installation procedure, refer to the following. Restart the OS upon the completion of the installation.
  1. Registering the EXPRESSCLUSTER license

For details on the license registration procedure, refer to the following:
  1. Configuring EXPRESSCLUSTER

For Cluster WebUI setup and connection procedures, refer to the following:

This section describes the procedure to add the following resources and monitor resources:

- Mirror disk resource
- Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource
- Oracle Cloud virtual IP monitor resource
- Oracle Cloud load balance monitor resource

For the settings of other resources and monitor resources, refer to the following:

  1. Creating a cluster

Start the Cluster generation wizard to create a cluster.

  • Creating a cluster

    1. Access Cluster WebUI, and click Cluster generation wizard.
    2. Cluster of Cluster generation wizard is displayed.
      Enter a desired name in Cluster Name.
      Select an appropriate language in Language. Click Next.
    3. Basic Settings is displayed.
      The instance connected to Cluster WebUI is displayed as a registered master server.
      Click Add to add the remaining instances (by specifying the private IP address of each instance). Click Next.
    4. The Interconnect window is displayed.
      Specify the IP address (the private IP address of each instance) to be used for interconnect, and a Witness heartbeat.
      For MDC, select mdc1 as the communication path to a mirror disk resource to be created later. Click Next.
      For more information, refer to the following:
    5. The NP Resolution window is displayed.
      Specify HTTPNP and click Next.
      For more information, refer to the following:
  1. Adding group resources

  • Defining a group

    Create a failover group.

    1. The Group List window is displayed.
      Click Add.
    2. The Group Definition window is displayed.
      In Name, enter failover1 as a failover group name. Click Next.
    3. The Startup Servers window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    4. The Group Attributes window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    5. The Group Resource List window is displayed.
      On this page, add a group resource following the procedure below.
  • Mirror disk resource

    Create a mirror disk resource.
    For more information, refer to the following:
    1. Click Add on the Group Resource List page.
    2. The Resource Definition of Group | failover1 window is displayed.
      From the Type box, select Mirror disk resource as a group resource type. In the Name box, enter the resource name. Click Next.
    3. The Dependency window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    4. The Recovery Operation window is displayed.
      Click Next.
    5. The Details window is displayed.
      In Data Partition Drive Letter and Cluster Partition Drive Letter, enter the drive letters of the partition created in "4. Creating a block volume". Click Finish to finish the settings.
  • Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource

    In using EXPRESSCLUSTER in OCI, provides a mechanism to wait for the alive monitoring by a load balancer on a specific port of a node where operations are running.
    For details on the Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource, refer to the following:
    1. Click Add on the Group Resource List page.
    2. The Resource Definition of Group | failover1 window is displayed.
      In the Type box, select Oracle Cloud Virtual IP resource as a group resource type. In the Name box, enter the resource name. Click Next.
    3. The Dependency window is displayed. Click Next without specifying anything.
    4. The Recovery Operation window is displayed. Click Next.
    5. In Port Number, enter the value specified in Health check policy: port in the load balancer settings (the backend set settings).
    6. Click Finish.
  1. Adding monitor resources

  • Oracle Cloud virtual IP monitor resource

    Provides a mechanism for monitoring the alive-monitoring port for the node where an Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource has been activated.
    Adding one Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource automatically creates one Oracle Cloud virtual IP monitor resource.
    For details on the Oracle Cloud virtual IP monitor resource, refer to the following:
  • Oracle Cloud load balance monitor resource

    For the node where an Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource has not been activated, provides a mechanism for monitoring whether the same port number as the health-check port number has already been used.
    Adding one Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource automatically creates one Oracle Cloud load balance monitor resource.
    For details on the Oracle Cloud load balance monitor resource, refer to the following:
  1. Applying the settings and starting the cluster

4.4. Verifying the operations

Verify whether the created environment works properly by generating a monitoring error to fail over a failover group.
If the cluster is running normally, the verification procedure is as follows:
  1. Start the failover group (failover1) on the active node (server1).
    In the Status tab on Cluster WebUI, confirm that the status of failover1 is Online at Server1.
    Access the IP address of the front-end from the client to confirm that the connection to the active node is available.
  2. Change Operation mode to Verification mode from the Cluster WebUI pull-down menu.
  3. In the Status tab on Cluster WebUI, click the Enable dummy failure icon of ocvipw1.
  4. Upon three times of reactivation of the Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource (ocvip1), the failover group (failover1) enters an error status and fails over to node Server2.
    In the Status tab on Cluster WebUI, confirm that the status of failover1 is Online at server2.
    Also make sure that, after the failover, the front-end IP address of the load balancer can be normally accessed.
Verifying the failover operation in case of a dummy failure is now complete. If necessary, perform operation checks for other failures.

5. Shared Disk Type Cluster Creation Procedure

5.1. Creation examples

This guide introduces the procedure for creating a two-node unidirectional standby cluster in OCI using EXPRESSCLUSTER.
An HA cluster to be created is accessible from clients in the same virtual cloud network (hereafter described as VCN) in OCI.
This procedure is intended to create a shared disk type configuration in which Server1 serves as the active server.
The following tables describe the parameters that do not have default values and the parameters whose values have been changed from the default values.
  • OCI settings (common to each instance)

    Setting item

    Setting value

    VCN settings

    • Name


    Load balancer settings

    • Load balancer name


    • Visibility type

    Private / public (*)

    • Virtual cloud network


    Load balancer settings (backend set settings)

    • Added backend: name

    server1, server2

    • Added backend: port

    8080 (the number of the port through which the application is available: cluster side)

    • Health check policy: protocol


    • Health check policy: port


    • Health check policy: interval (in milliseconds)


    Load balancer settings (listener settings)

    • Traffic type


    • Port through which a listener monitors

    80 (the number of the port through which the application is available: client side)

(*) Select Private when using a private load balancer, and Public when using a public load balancer.

  • OCI settings (individually configured for each instance)

    Setting item

    Setting value




    Compute instance settings

    • Instance name




    • Availability domain




    • Instance type

    Virtual machine

    Virtual machine

    Virtual machine

    • Virtual cloud network




    • Fault domain




    Block volume settings

    • Name




    • Availability domain




    Network settings

    • Private IP address

    • Private IP address


    • (*) Public IP address

(*) Set when using a public load balancer.

  • EXPRESSCLUSTER settings (cluster properties)

    Setting item

    Setting value



    • Cluster name



    • Server name




    • Kernel mode

    • Kernel mode

    • Witness



    NP resolution

    • HTTP



    • DISK



  • EXPRESSCLUSTER settings (failover group)

    Resource name

    Setting item

    Setting value

    Disk resource

    Resource name


    Details tab - drive letter


    Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource

    Resource name


    Port number

    12345 (as specified in Health check policy: port)

  • EXPRESSCLUSTER settings (monitor resource)

    Monitor resource name

    Setting item

    Setting value

    Oracle Cloud virtual IP monitor resource

    Monitor resource name


    Recovery target


    Oracle Cloud load balance monitor resource

    Monitor resource name


    Recovery target


5.2. Configuring OCI

  1. Creating a VCN

Create a VCN and a subnet.
For details on the procedure, refer to the following:
Networking Overview:
Networking Scenarios:
  1. Creating an instance

Create as many instances as there are virtual machines constituting a cluster, by using platform images.
For details on the procedure, refer to the following:
Creating an instance:
Configure a secondary VNIC.
For details on the procedure, refer to the following:
  1. Setting an instance

Connect to each of the created instances and log in.
For details on the procedure, refer to the following:
Connecting to an Instance:
  1. Creating a block volume

Add and attach a block volume to be used for shared disks (DISKNP and partitions for shared disks).
Access: select Read/Write and sharable.
For details on the procedure, refer to the following:
Overview of Block Volume:
Create a partition for disk resources.
For details on the settings of partitions for disk resources, refer to the following:
  1. Adding security lists for a load balancer

In creating a load balancer as shown below, the addition of a back-end server allows the Load Balancing service to automatically create security list rules.
For details on the procedure, refer to the following:
Security Lists:
Managing Load Balancers:
  1. Creating a load balancer

Create a load balancer.
Click Add Backends to add server1 and server2.
Set Interval in ms for the health check policy to be shorter than Health Check Timeout for the Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource.
For details on the procedure, refer to the following:
Managing Load Balancers:

Configure a route table and a security list as required.
  1. Adjusting the OS startup time, verifying the network settings, verifying the firewall settings, synchronizing the server clock, and turning off the power-saving function

For details on each procedure, refer to the following:

5.3. Configuring the EXPRESSCLUSTER settings

  1. Installing EXPRESSCLUSTER

For details on the installation procedure, refer to the following. Restart the OS upon the completion of the installation.
  1. Registering the EXPRESSCLUSTER license

For details on the license registration procedure, refer to the following:
  1. Configuring EXPRESSCLUSTER

For Cluster WebUI setup and connection procedures, refer to the following:

This section describes the procedure to add the following resources and monitor resources:

- Disk resource
- Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource
- Oracle Cloud virtual IP monitor resource
- Oracle Cloud load balance monitor resource

For the settings of other resources and monitor resources, refer to the following:

  1. Creating a cluster

Start the Cluster generation wizard to create a cluster.

  • Creating a cluster

    1. Access Cluster WebUI, and click Cluster generation wizard.
    2. Cluster of Cluster generation wizard is displayed.
      Enter a desired name in Cluster Name.
      Select an appropriate language in Language. Click Next.
    3. Basic Settings is displayed.
      The instance connected to Cluster WebUI is displayed as a registered master server.
      Click Add to add the remaining instances (by specifying the private IP address of each instance). Click Next.
    4. The Interconnect window is displayed.
      Specify the IP addresses (private IP address of each instance) for interconnect, a Witness heartbeat, and a disk heartbeat.
      For more information, refer to the following:
    5. The NP Resolution window is displayed.
      Specify HTTPNP and click Next.
      For more information, refer to the following:
  1. Adding group resources

  • Defining a group

    Create a failover group.

    1. The Group List window is displayed.
      Click Add.
    2. The Group Definition window is displayed.
      In Name, enter failover1 as a failover group name. Click Next.
    3. The Startup Servers window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    4. The Group Attributes window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    5. The Group Resource List window is displayed.
      On this page, add a group resource following the procedure below.
  • Disk resource

    Create a disk resource.
    For more information, refer to the following:
    1. Click Add on the Group Resource List page.
    2. The Resource Definition of Group | failover1 window is displayed.
      From the Type box, select Disk resource as a group resource type. In the Name box, enter the resource name. Click Next.
    3. The Dependency window is displayed.
      Click Next without specifying anything.
    4. The Recovery Operation window is displayed.
      Click Next.
    5. The Details window is displayed.
      In Drive Letter, enter the drive letters created in "4. Creating a block volume". Click Finish to finish the settings.
  • Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource

    In using EXPRESSCLUSTER in OCI, provides a mechanism to wait for the alive monitoring by a load balancer on a specific port of a node where operations are running.
    For details on the Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource, refer to the following:
    1. Click Add on the Group Resource List page.
    2. The Resource Definition of Group | failover1 window is displayed.
      In the Type box, select Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource as a group resource type. In the Name box, enter the resource name. Click Next.
    3. The Dependency window is displayed. Click Next without specifying anything.
    4. The Recovery Operation window is displayed. Click Next.
    5. In Port Number, enter the value specified in Health check policy: port in the load balancer settings (the backend set settings).
    6. Click Finish.
  1. Adding monitor resources

  • Oracle Cloud virtual IP monitor resource

    Provides a mechanism for monitoring the alive-monitoring port for the node where an Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource has been activated.
    Adding one Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource automatically creates one Oracle Cloud virtual IP monitor resource.
    For details on the Oracle Cloud virtual IP monitor resource, refer to the following:
  • Oracle Cloud load balance monitor resource

    Provides a mechanism for monitoring whether the same port number as the health-check port number has already been used, for a node where an Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource has not been activated.
    Adding one Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource automatically creates one Oracle Cloud load balance monitor resource.
    For details on the Oracle Cloud load balance monitor resource, refer to the following:
  1. Applying the settings and starting the cluster

5.4. Verifying the operations

Verify whether the created environment works properly by generating a monitoring error to fail over a failover group.
If the cluster is running normally, the verification procedure is as follows:
  1. Start the failover group (failover1) on the active node (server1).
    In the Status tab on Cluster WebUI, confirm that the status of failover1 is Online at Server1.
    Access the IP address of the front-end from the client to confirm that the connection to the active node is available.
  2. Change Operation mode to Verification mode from the Cluster WebUI pull-down menu.
  3. In the Status tab on Cluster WebUI, click the Enable dummy failure icon of ocvipw1.
  4. Upon three times of reactivation of the Oracle Cloud virtual IP resource (ocvip1), the failover group (failover1) enters an error status and fails over to node Server2.
    In the Status tab on Cluster WebUI, confirm that the status of failover1 is Online at Server2.
    Also make sure that, after the failover, the front-end IP address of the load balancer can be normally accessed.
Verifying the failover operation in case of a dummy failure is now complete. If necessary, perform operation checks for other failures.

6. Error Messages

For details on the error messages related to resources and monitor resources, refer to the following:

7. Notes and Restrictions

7.1. HA Cluster using a load balancer

7.1.1. Notes on OCI

  • In designing a performance-oriented system, keep this in mind: OCI tends to increase its performance deterioration rate in multi-tenant cloud environments, compared with that in physical environments or general and virtualized (non-cloud) environments.

7.1.2. Notes on EXPRESSCLUSTER

  • Set the OS startup time to be longer than Heartbeat Timeout.
    Refer to the following:
  • If a network failure occurs with the attachment method for a block volume set to be iSCSI, the deactivation of mirror disk resources or disk resources may fail.
    Therefore, if iSCSI is specified as the attachment method, set the operation in response to a resource deactivation failure to be a cluster service stop and OS shutdown.

Refer to the following: