1. Preface

This document "EXPRESSCLUSTER X for Windows SAP NetWeaver System Configuration Guide" describes how to create and start a cluster for SAP NetWeaver.

1.1. Who Should Use This Guide

This Guide is intended for administrators who want to build a cluster system, system engineers who want to provide user support, and maintenance personnel.
This guide introduces software whose operation in an EXPRESSCLUSTER environment has been verified.
The software and setup examples introduced here are for reference only. They are not meant to guarantee the operation of each software product.
The bundled scripts are for achieving failover.
Since these scripts are not designed to monitor all the SAP processes, check and (if necessary for their usage environments and their monitoring targets) customize their contents.

1.2. How This Guide is organized

This Guide consists of the following two sections.

1.3. Conventions

In this guide, Note, Important, See also are used as follows:


Used when the information given is important, but not related to the data loss and damage to the system and machine


Used when the information given is necessary to avoid the data loss and damage to the system and machine.

See also

Used to describe the location of the information given at the reference destination.

The following conventions are used in this guide.




Indicates graphical objects, such as fields, list boxes, menu selections, buttons, labels, icons, etc.
In User Name, type your name.
On the File menu, click Open Database.
Angled bracket within the command line
Indicates that the value specified inside of the angled bracket can be omitted.
clpstat -s [-h host_name]
Indicates path names, commands, system output (message, prompt, etc), directory, file names, functions and parameters.
c:\Program files\EXPRESSCLUSTER
Indicates the value that a user actually enters from a command line.
Enter the following:
# clpcl -s -a
Indicates that users should replace italicized part with values that they are actually working with.
clpstat -s [-h host_name]

EXPRESSCLUSTER X In the figures of this guide, this icon represents EXPRESSCLUSTER.

1.4. EXPRESSCLUSTER X Documentation Set (for Internal Version 11.3x/12.0x)

The EXPRESSCLUSTER X manuals consist of the following four guides. The title and purpose of each guide is
described below:

EXPRESSCLUSTER X Getting Started Guide

This guide is intended for all users. The guide covers topics such as product overview, system requirements, and known problems.

EXPRESSCLUSTER X Installation and Configuration Guide

This guide is intended for system engineers and administrators who want to build, operate, and maintain a cluster system. Instructions for designing, installing, and configuring a cluster system with EXPRESSCLUSTER are covered in this guide.


This guide is intended for system administrators. The guide covers topics such as how to operate
EXPRESSCLUSTER, function of each module, maintenance-related information, and troubleshooting. The guide is supplement to the Installation and Configuration Guide.

EXPRESSCLUSTER X Integrated WebManager Administrator's Guide

This guide is intended for system administrators who manage cluster systems using EXPRESSCLUSTER with Integrated WebManager, and also intended for system engineers who introduce Integrated WebManager. This guide describes detailed issues necessary for introducing Integrated WebManager in the actual procedures.

1.5. EXPRESSCLUSTER X Documentation Set (for Internal Version 12.1xor later)

The EXPRESSCLUSTER X manuals consist of the following four guides. The title and purpose of each guide is described below:

Getting Started Guide

This guide is intended for all users. The guide covers topics such as product overview, system requirements, and known problems.

Installation and Configuration Guide

This guide is intended for system engineers and administrators who want to build, operate, and maintain a cluster system. Instructions for designing, installing, and configuring a cluster system with EXPRESSCLUSTER are covered in this guide.

Reference Guide

This guide is intended for system administrators. The guide covers topics such as how to operate EXPRESSCLUSTER, function of each module and troubleshooting. The guide is supplement to the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Maintenance Guide

This guide is intended for administrators and for system administrators who want to build, operate, and maintain EXPRESSCLUSTER-based cluster systems. The guide describes maintenance-related topics for EXPRESSCLUSTER.

1.7. Terminology in this guide

Provides information of terminology used in this guide.

This product

EXPRESSCLUSTER X for Windows SAP NetWeaver

Configuration Guide

EXPRESSCLUSTER X for Windows SAP NetWeaver System Configuration Guide

Configuration Example

EXPRESSCLUSTER X for Windows SAP NetWeaver Configuration Example

Connector for SAP

The connecter which links with SAP included in this product.


SAP NetWeaver


ABAP SAP Central Services Instance


Enqueue Replication Server


Primary Application Server


Additional Application Server


Diagnostics Agent


Failover group for exclusive control of ASCS/ERS instance


Standalone Enqueue Server


Standalone Enqueue Server 2

2. Overview of the cluster system

2.1. Overview of SAP NW Cluster

2.1.1. Functional Overview

A cluster with the following configuration can be built by combining SAP NW and EXPRESSCLUSTER. SAP NW cluster configuration using EXPRESSCLUSTER

Set up the following components to EXPRESSCLUSTER as independent active-standby failover groups to perform failover from the active node to the standby node if a failure occurs in order to improve the availability of the SAP NW environment.
With ENSA2 used, Enqueue Replication Server Instance (hereinafter ERS) is also set as an Active-Standby failover group.
  • ABAP SAP Central Services Instance (hereafter, ASCS)

  • (With ENSA2 used) ERS

Set up the following components as failover groups for a single server configuration in which failover groups operate on each node.

  • (With ENSA used) ERS

  • Primary Application Server Instance (hereafter, PAS)

  • Additional Application Server Instance (hereafter, AAS)

  • Diagnostics Agent (hereafter, DA)

  • saphostexec

The diagram below shows the configuration with ENSA used.

Two nodes constituting an SAP Netweaver cluster

Fig. 2.1 SAP ABAP Platform Clustered System(for ENSA configuration)

The diagram below shows the configuration with ENSA2 used.

Three nodes constituting an SAP Netweaver cluster

Fig. 2.2 SAP ABAP Platform Clustered System(for ENSA2 configuration)(1)

Three nodes constituting an SAP Netweaver cluster

Fig. 2.3 SAP ABAP Platform Clustered System(for ENSA2 configuration)(2) Dependency between failover groups

The SAP NW components must be started and stopped in a specific order.
With EXPRESSCLUSTER the order in which the SAP NW components are started and stopped is controlled by specifying dependencies between failover groups. SAP NW monitoring using EXPRESSCLUSTER

In addition to the monitoring function provided by EXPRESSCLUSTER, the SAP NW cluster system uses a monitoring package that supports the SAP system and an SAP NW-specific monitoring command to monitor the SAP NW components for response errors and hang-ups. Illustration of linkage between SAP NW and EXPRESSCLUSTER

User requests to SAP NW are sent to EXPRESSCLUSTER via the Connector for SAP (clp_shi_connector). The EXPRESSCLUSTER cluster is operated by SAP NW.


Fig. 2.4 Cooperation System Illustration of exclusive control of ASCS/ERS instance by EXPRESSCLUSTER

EXPRESSCLUSTER handles the exclusive control of the ASCS/ERS instance that is required for SAP NW as follows.

Exclusive in the figure below indicates a failover group for exclusive control.

  1. Start both ASCS and ERS instances on different nodes. Start ERS instance on only one node. If ENSA is used, start the failover group for exclusive control on all nodes except the node which ERS instance starts.

    Two clustered nodes

    Fig. 2.5 Startup Cluster

    EXPRESSCLUSTER handles failover process of ASCS instance as follows.

  2. If ENSA is used, fail over the ASCS instance to the node where ERS instance was started before. If ENSA2 is used, fail over the ASCS instance to the node determined by the startup priority set in the failover group for ASCS.

    Two clustered nodes

    Fig. 2.6 Failover ASCS Instance

  3. If ENSA is used, ERS instance stops automatically by ASCS instance, after the failover of it is executed. If ENSA2 is used and the ERS instance has already been started on the failover target node of ASCS instance, the custom monitor resource of EXPRESSCLUSTER will execute the failover of ERS instance to another node.

    Two clustered nodes

    Fig. 2.7 Stop ERS Instance

  4. If ENSA is used, EXPRESSCLUSTER works as follows once the ERS instance got stopped.
    Start of the failover group for exclusive control on the node where ASCS instance was moved to.
    Start the ERS instance on the node that the ASCS instance is currently not working.
    Stop the failover group for exclusive control on the node where the ERS instance just started.
    Two clustered nodes

    Fig. 2.8 Startup ERS Instance on Other Node

    The above mechanism of exclusive control of ASCS/ERS instances by EXPRESSCLUSTER works similarly in the case of more than 3 nodes. Note on manual operation of the ERS instance

  1. The ERS instance is used for the replication of the lock table from the ASCS instance. To ensure its redundancy the ERS instance must work on the node where the ASCS instance is not running. The ERS instance should not even manually be launched on the node where the ASCS instance is running. Additionally the ERS instance should not be launched on more than two nodes at same time.

  2. The failover group of the ERS instance is not restarted automatically, when the node where the ERS instance was working recovers from a failure. After validating the health of the node a manual restart of the ERS instance failover group is required. ENSA2 (for Internal Version 12.10 or later)

In order to use ENSA2, SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP 7.52 or later is required.
Also, for SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP 7.52, ENSA can be used.
Difference occurs on the configuration of failover groups and bundled scripts by ENSA or ENSA2.
For details on failover groups, see "3.1.4. Creating failover groups". For details on bundled scripts, see "Bundled scripts" in the "SAP NetWeaver Configuration Example".

Differences in failover groups for the ERS instance are as follows:




Number of failover groups

One for each node

One for each cluster

Active node in a failover group

Only the nodes belonging to the failover group

Possible to start for all nodes. However, set the startup priority in reverse order of the startup priority of the failover group for ASCS.

Startup attribute

Manual startup

Automatic startup

Resources composing the failover group

The number in <> is the depth of dependency.
<1> EXEC resource for ERS instance service
<1> EXEC resource for ERS instance
The number in <> is the depth of dependency.
<0> Floating IP resource for ERS instance
<1> EXEC resource for ASCS startup check
<2> EXEC resource for ERS instance service
<2> EXEC resource for ERS instance

2.1.2. Operating Environment

This section describes the OS and SAP NW versions on which the operation of the Connector for SAP has been verified.


NW Version / ABAP Platform
SAP Kernel Version
Cluster Configuration


11.32 or later
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
SAN connection, shared disk type, mirror disk type


11.33 or later
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
SAN connection, shared disk type, mirror disk type

11.35 or later

Microsoft Windows Server 2016

SAN connection, shared disk type, mirror disk type

NW Version / ABAP Platform
SAP Kernel Version
Cluster Configuration


12.01 or later
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Windows Server 2016
SAN connection, shared disk type, mirror disk type


12.00 or later
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Windows Server 2016
SAN connection, shared disk type, mirror disk type


12.10 or later
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Windows Server 2016
SAN connection, shared disk type, mirror disk type


12.20 or later
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Windows Server 2016
Microsoft Windows Server 2019
SAN connection, shared disk type, mirror disk type


12.10 or later
Microsoft Windows Server 2016
SAN connection, shared disk type, mirror disk type


12.30 or later
Microsoft Windows Server 2019
SAN connection, shared disk type, mirror disk type
NW Version / ABAP Platform
SAP Kernel Version
Cluster Configuration


13.02 or later
Microsoft Windows Server 2022
SAN connection, shared disk type, mirror disk type


13.20 or later
Microsoft Windows Server 2022
SAN connection, shared disk type, mirror disk type

For the hardware and software requirements of SAP NW, see the SAP NW manuals.

2.1.3. Building Procedure

The flow of building the SAP NW cluster is shown below.

  1. Installation and basic setup of Windows OS

  2. Setup of disk and network

  3. Installation of EXPRESSCLUSTER

  4. Building of a cluster having CIFS resources and floating IP

  5. Installation of SAP NW


2.1.4. HA Database for SAP NW

Since SAP NW can run on several database technologies, e.g. SAP HANA, SAP MaxDB, IBM DB2, Oracle, Microsoft SQLSERVER, this guide assumes there is already a high available database setup in place. If you need help how create an HA setup for your database scenario please follow related EXPRESSCLUSTER documents on https://www.nec.com/en/global/prod/expresscluster/.

Throughout this document the HA database setup will be referred to as "database".

2.1.5. New features and improvements

The following features and improvements have been released.

EXPRESSCLUSTER Internal Version 11.3x

SAP Connector for SAP NetWeaver supports the following OS:
- Windows Server 2016

EXPRESSCLUSTER Internal Version 12.0xor later



The Connector for SAP now supports the following SAP NW:
- SAP NetWeaver 7.4


The Connector for SAP for SAP NetWeaver supports the following SAP NetWeaver:
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP 7.52


The Connector for SAP/the bundled scripts for SAP NetWeaver supports the following:
- Maintenance mode
- Standalone Enqueue Server 2


Improved the bundled scripts for SAP NW as follows:
- Added parameters to clp_shi_connector.conf and some bundled scripts in order to facilitate the customization
- Improved the quality of process alive monitoring of SAP Host Agent


SAP Connector for SAP NetWeaver now supports the following SAP NetWeaver:
- ABAP Platform 2020


Excluded compatible commands in the bundled scripts for SAP NW.

2.1.6. Corrected information

Modification has been performed on the following minor versions.

EXPRESSCLUSTER Internal Version 11.3x

Version in which the problem has been solved
/ Version in which the problem occurred
Occurrence condition/
Occurrence frequency
A failover group for the ERS instance of SAP NetWeaver may not link with a failover group for exclusive control in the same node.
* To deal with this problem, it is required to replace the script manually. The sample script can be obtained from the support portal (content ID: 9510100152).
Rarely occurs when starting up a failover group for ASCS instances.

EXPRESSCLUSTER Internal Version 12.0xor later

Version in which the problem has been solved
/ Version in which the problem occurred
Occurrence condition/
Occurrence frequency
11.30, 12.00
When a failure is detected by the Custom monitor resource with the bundled scripts for SAP NetWeaver used, the SAP service is started while it is being stopped.
This problem occurs when stopping the SAP service takes time.
11.30, 12.00
In the SAP NetWeaver configuration, starting up the ASCS service fails on the failover destination node when the first failover is performed for the ASCS failover group.
This problem occurs when the first failover is performed for the ASCS failover group in the AWS environment.
12.10 to 12.22

If the user starts/stops a SAP instance immediately after enabling the maintenance mode, the following occurs:

  • The maintenance mode fails to be disabled.

  • Inconsistency in the startup status occurs between the resource of EXPRESSCLUSTER for the SAP instance and the actual SAP instance.

This problem occurs when the user starts/stops the SAP instance immediately after enabling the maintenance mode.
12.20 to 13.12
In the maintenance mode-enabled state, executing Verify High Availability Config from SAP MMC results in a failed execution.
When the maintenance mode is enabled, this occurs when executing Verify High Availability Config.

2.2. OS Installation and basic settings

For the software that needs to be set up and installed before installing SAP NW on Node#1 and Node#2 please refer to the installation guide of SAP NW:

For SAP NOTE about the operating systems, refer to the following:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012

    • #1730102: Release Restrictions for SAP NetWeaver 7.4

    • #1732161: SAP Systems on Windows Server 2012 (R2)

    • #0855498: Installation Prerequisite Checker

    • #2109662: Windows returns wrong IP address as source IP

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016

    • #2384179: SAP Systems on Windows Server 2016

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019

    • #2751450: SAP Systems on Windows Server 2019

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2022

    • #3143497: SAP Systems on Windows Server 2022

For examples of settings in this manual refer to "OS Setting Example" in the supplied "SAP NetWeaver Configuration Example ".

2.3. Setting of Shared Disk and Network

This manual describes a configuration, where Node#1 is the active node, Node#2 is the standby node, and a shared disk is used to provide a shared file system.

2.3.1. Setup of a Shared Disk

Set up the shared disk that can be accessed from each node before installing SAP NW.

In this manual, the shared disk is set up so that the disk resource in EXPRESSCLUSTER is used to switch the disk during failover.

Please refer to "Shared Disk" in the "SAP NetWeaver Configuration Example" document for further details.

2.3.2. Network Settings

Assign the floating IPs shown below before installing SAP NW.

  • For WebManager (for Internal Version 11.3x/12.0x)

  • For Cluster WebUI (for Internal Version 12.1xor later)

  • For ASCS instance

  • For ERS instance (for ENSA2 configuration)

Please refer to "Floating IP" in the "SAP NetWeaver Configuration Example" document for further details.

When creating a cluster on a cloud environment such as AWS and Microsoft Azure, use the AWS virtual ip resources and Azure DNS resources instead of the Floating IP resources.

Note that name resolution must be possible for host names associated with the floating IP (or virtual IP) for ASCS instance and ERS instance.

3. Installation of EXPRESSCLUSTER and SAP NW

3.1. Configuration of EXPRESSCLUSTER

Please refer to the "Installation and Configuration Guide" for additional information how to build an EXPRESSCLUSTER environment.

Create a cluster environment with two nodes in the order shown below.

Completely install EXPRESSCLUSTER, build a cluster with a CIFS resource and a floating IP, and start EXPRESSCLUSTER before installing SAP NW.

Preparations before installing SAP NW

  • Installation of EXPRESSCLUSTER

  • License Registration

  • Creating a cluster

    • Creating a cluster

    • Creating failover groups

    • Adding additional group resources

  • Specifying dependencies between failover groups

For details of the settings used in this manual please refer to "An example of setting EXPRESSCLUSTER" in the supplied "SAP NetWeaver Configuration Example".

After completing the above processes continue with "3.2. Setup of SAP NW Environment", and then "3.3. Setup of EXPRESSCLUSTER".

3.1.1. Installation of EXPRESSCLUSTER

Install EXPRESSCLUSTER on Node#1 and Node#2.

For details about the installation of EXPRESSCLUSTER please refer to the following document:

If an older version of this product is already installed, back up the bundled scripts and the configuration file of the Connector for SAP.

> xcopy C:\Program Files\CLUSTERPRO\etc\clp_shi_connector.conf D:\backup
> xcopy C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\services D:\backup
> xcopy <Folder where sample script is expanded> D:\backup

After installing EXPRESSCLUSTER please install the Connector for SAP. Unzip the Connector for SAP media (clp_shi_connector.zip), and then copy the following files.

<Zip folder>\clp_shi_connector\bin\clp_shi_connector.exe
    -> C:\Program Files\EXPRESSCLUSTER\bin\clp_shi_connector.exe

<Zip folder>\clp_shi_connector\bin\clp_shi_rsc.exe
    -> C:\Program Files\EXPRESSCLUSTER\bin\clp_shi_rsc.exe

<Zip folder>\clp_shi_connector\etc\clp_shi_connector.conf
    -> C:\Program Files\EXPRESSCLUSTER\etc\clp_shi_connector.conf

3.1.2. License Registration

You must register the EXPRESSCLUSTER licenses to use EXPRESSCLUSTER.

For details about how to register the EXPRESSCLUSTER licenses please refer to the following document:

This product consists of the following three licenses.

License Product Name


EXPRESSCLUSTER X Database Agent for Windows

EXPRESSCLUSTER X System Resource Agent for Windows

3.1.3. Creating a cluster

Create a cluster from EXPRESSCLUSTER WebManager (hereafter referred to as "WebManager") (for Internal Version 11.3x/12.0x), Cluster WebUI (for Internal Version 12.1xor later).

For details about how to create a cluster please refer to the following document:

Set up the HBA to connect the shared disk by using WebManager or Builder (for Internal Version 11.3x/12.0x), Cluster WebUI (for Internal Version 12.1xor later).

For details, refer to the following document:

3.1.4. Creating failover groups

Create the failover groups to which each node will belong by using WebManager (for Internal Version 11.3x/12.0x), Cluster WebUI (for Internal Version 12.1xor later).

For details about how to create a failover group please refer to the following document:

In this section, the following failover groups are created:

  • For the ASCS instance

  • For the ERS instance (for ENSA2 configuration)

  • For the ERS1 instance (for ENSA configuration)

  • For the ERS2 instance (for ENSA configuration)

  • For the PAS instance

  • For the AAS instance

  • For the DA1 instance

  • For the DA2 instance

  • For hostexec1

  • For hostexec2

  • For Exclusive1 (for ENSA configuration)

  • For Exclusive2 (for ENSA configuration)

For Node#1, specify " ERS1" for ERS, " DA1" for DA, " hostexec1" for saphostexec, and " Exclusive1" for Exclusive.
For Node#2, specify " ERS2" for ERS, " DA2" for DA, " hostexec2" for saphostexec, and " Exclusive2" for Exclusive.

When ENSA2 is used, create only one failover group for the ERS instance. Failover group for exclusively controls

When ENSA is used, it is required to create a failover group for exclusive control of ASCS and ERS instances described below.

The name of the failover group that exclusively controls must consist of the failover group name common to all nodes and a number as shown below.

The number following the name must be set in the order of the nodes to which the ERS1 and ERS2 instances have been installed.

<Common failover group name><Number>

Setting examples in this guide:

Exclusive-Group1 (Node#1)
Exclusive-Group2 (Node#2)


The failover group name must not contain any spaces.


If the name the failover group that exclusively controls the ASCS and ERS instances does not conform to the naming conventions, exclusive control cannot be normally performed.

For details about how to control the ASCS and ERS instances exclusively please refer to " Illustration of exclusive control of ASCS/ERS instance by EXPRESSCLUSTER". Startup attribute of a failover group

Set the startup attribute depending on the configuration as follows:

failover group



failover group for ERS instance

Manual Startup

Auto Startup

failover group for others

Auto Startup

Auto Startup

3.1.5. Adding additional group resources

Add floating IP resources, disk resources and CIFS resources to the failover groups created in the previous section.

For details about how to add group resources please refer to the following document:

In this section, the following group resources are added to each failover group.

ASCS instance group

- Add floating IP resources, and then assign the IP address that was set in "2.3.2. Network Settings".
- Add disk resources.
- Add CIFS resources.

For examples of the settings in this manual please refer to "An example of setting EXPRESSCLUSTER" in the supplied "SAP NetWeaver Configuration Example" document.

3.1.6. Specifying dependencies between failover groups

Set up the dependency among the failover groups.

The following shows the dependency (startup order) among SAP NW instances.






Be sure to stop the instances in reverse order.


As outlined in "2.1.4. HA Database for SAP NW" it is assumed there is a database available. This database is a prerequisite for the above dependencies and needs to be available initially. If this is not the case, then you cannot continue from here.


It is not necessary to set up the dependency for DA and hostexec.

For details about how to set up the dependency among failover groups in EXPRESSCLUSTER please refer to the following document:

for Internal Version 11.3x/12.0x

"Reference Guide"
- "Starting and stopping a group resource"
- "Understanding the settings of dependency among group resources (common to group resources)"

for Internal Version 12.1xor later

3.2. Setup of SAP NW Environment

Terminology used in "3.2. Setup of SAP NW Environment", "3.3. Setup of EXPRESSCLUSTER", and "3.4. Connector for SAP".


SAP System ID


Diagnostics Agent System ID


Instance Number

The installation path and installation procedure for the product files of SAP NW may vary depending on your configuration.
For how to build the SAP NW environment please refer at least to the following document:

Master Guide

Installation Guide

The installation guide for each database and OS type supported by SAP NW can be downloaded from the following URL:
Please make sure to review the appropriate guide for environment in detail.
Build the environment for SAP NW in the order shown below.
For details how to install SAP NW please refer SAP's official documentation (see above URL).


Before you start the following procedure please make sure to have the database installed according to SAP's documents and it is available.

  1. Preparing the installation (3.2.1. Preparing the installation)

  2. Creating Operating System Users and Groups (3.2.2. Creating Operating System Users and Groups)

  3. Changing the ASCS instance host name registries (3.2.3. Changing the ASCS Instance Host Name Registries)

  4. Installation of ASCS Instance (Node#1) (3.2.4. Installation of ASCS Instance (Node#1))

  5. Adding sapstartsrv definition (Node#2) (3.2.5. Adding sapstartsrv definition (Node#2))

  6. Installation of ERS Instances (Node#1 and Node#2) (3.2.6. Installation of ERS Instances (Node#1 and Node#2))

  7. Installation of Database Instance (Node#1) (3.2.7. Installation of Database Instance (Node#1))

  8. Installation of PAS Instance (Node#1) (3.2.8. Installation of PAS Instance (Node#1))

  9. Installation of AAS Instance (Node#2) (3.2.9. Installation of AAS Instance (Node#2))

  10. Installation of DA Instances (Node#1 and Node#2) (3.2.10. Installation of DA Instances (Node#1 and Node#2))

  11. Addition of Symbolic Links (Node#1 and Node#2) (3.2.11. Addition of Symbolic Links (Node#1 and Node#2))

  12. Registration of the SAP License registration (3.2.12. Registration of the SAP License)

  13. Changing the SAP Instance Service Settings (3.2.13. Changing the SAP Instance Service Settings)

  14. Disabling Auto Startup for the SAP Instances (3.2.14. Disabling Auto Startup for the SAP Instances)

  15. Enabling Auto Stop for the ERS Instance (3.2.15. Enabling Auto Stop for the ERS Instance)

  16. Changing start parameters for (3.2.16. Changing start parameters for ENSA)

For an example of setting up the instance name and instance number in this manual, refer to "An example of setting the SAP NW" in the supplied "SAP NetWeaver Configuration Example" document.


A SAP NW instance number must be unique across the cluster nodes. If some SAP NW instances have duplicate numbers, starting and stopping of the SAP NW instances cannot be controlled correctly.
If an instance number is duplicated inside a node or between nodes, reinstall a SAP NW component and reassign an instance number in either of the nodes.

For how to update SAP NW, refer to "4.1. SAP NW Update".

3.2.1. Preparing the installation

Before installing SAP NW be sure to start EXPRESSCLUSTER and activate the floating IP resources and CIFS resources on Node#1.

The location to save the SAP software logistics tool including the sapinst command described later depends on your environment and the installation media used (DVD-ROM or downloaded files). The sapinst command is a command used to install SAP NW.

3.2.2. Creating Operating System Users and Groups

Perform this work on Node#1 and Node#2.

Run sapinst.

> sapinst

In the Software Provisioning tool select Generic Installation Options > <your database> > Preparations > Operating System Users and Groups to create the OS users and groups.

In this guide NEC is used as SID and DBSID, and only ABAP is selected for Software.



Based On As




3.2.3. Changing the ASCS Instance Host Name Registries

Change the ASCS instance host name registries. Change 1

DisableStrictNameChecking( <DWORD value> )
Value: 0x1


"DisableStrictNameChecking"=dword:00000001 Change 2

BackConnectionHostNames( <multi-line string value> )

    <ASCS_Hostname (shortname)>
    <ASCS_Hostname (FQDN)>
  • Enter SAP Virtual instance Host associated with the floating IP of ASCS instance in shortname.

  • Enter SAP Virtual instance Host associated with the floating IP of ASCS instance in FQDN.

  • Enter the shortname and the FQDN on separate lines.

Example: Change 3

DisableLoopbackCheck( <DWORD value> )
Value: 0x1


"DisableLoopbackCheck "=dword:00000001

3.2.4. Installation of ASCS Instance (Node#1)

Perform this work on Node#1.

Run sapinst with specifying a host name associated with the floating IP of ASCS instance for the environment variable SAPINST_USE_HOSTNAME.

> sapinst SAPINST_USE_HOSTNAME=<ASCS_Hostname>


Specify a host name associated with the floating IP of ASCS instance for <ASCS_Hostname>.

In the Software Provisioning tool select <SAP NW to be installed> > <your database> > SAP Systems > Application Server ABAP > Distributed System > ASCS Instance to install the ASCS.

The SID (SAP System ID) and INO (instance number) for the ASCS specified during installation are used in 6.1.1 (ASCS).

In this manual, SID and INO are set as follows:




Instance name





3.2.5. Adding sapstartsrv definition (Node#2)

Perform this work on Node#2.

  1. Copy the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\services file of Node#1 to Node#2.

    This file includes the following port number definitions according to the parameters set at installation.
    Both nodes of the cluster must share this file.
    saphostctrl 1128/tcp # SAPHostControl over SOAP/HTTP
    saphostctrl 1128/udp # SAPHostControl over SOAP/HTTP
    saphostctrls 1129/tcp # SAPHostControl over SOAP/HTTPS
    saphostctrls 1129/udp # SAPHostControl over SOAP/HTTPS
    sapmsNEC 3610/tcp # SAP System Message Server Port
    sapdp00 3200/tcp # SAP System Dispatcher Port
    sapdp01 3201/tcp # SAP System Dispatcher Port
    sapdp02 3202/tcp # SAP System Dispatcher Port
  2. Add the ASCS10 sapstartsrv definition to Node#2.

    Add the sapstartsrv service to Node#2 by referring to the service definition of Node#1.
    Use the following command to check the service definition.
    C:\>sc qc SAP<SID>_<INO>
    [SC] QueryServiceConfig SUCCESS
        TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
        START_TYPE         : 3   DEMAND_START
        ERROR_CONTROL      : 1   NORMAL
        BINARY_PATH_NAME   : "S:\usr\sap\<SID>\ASCS<INO>\exe\sapstartsrv.exe"
        LOAD_ORDER_GROUP   :
        TAG                : 0
        DISPLAY_NAME       : SAP<SID>_<INO>
        DEPENDENCIES       : RPCSS
                            : LanmanServer


Specify the SID and INO of the ASCS instance for <SID> and <INO>, respectively.
Specify a host name associated with the floating IP of ASCS instance for <ASCS_Hostname>.

By referring to the displayed service definition, run the following command on Node#2 to add the same service definition to Node#2.

C:\>sc create SAP<SID>_<INO>                                   \
    binpath= "\"S:\usr\sap\<SID>\ASCS<INO>\exe\sapstartsrv.exe\"         \
    pf=\"\\<ASCS_Hostname>\sapmnt\<SID>\SYS\profile\<SID>_ASCS<INO>_<ASCS_Hostname>\""    \
    type= own start= demand depend= "RPCSS/LanmanServer"             \
    obj= AD\SAPService<SID> password= "********"
[SC] CreateService SUCCESS


Specify the SID and INO of the ASCS instance for <SID> and <INO>, respectively.
Specify a host name associated with the floating IP of ASCS instance for <ASCS_Hostname>.

3.2.6. Installation of ERS Instances (Node#1 and Node#2)

Perform this work on Node#1 and Node#2.

If ENSA is used, execute sapinst as follows:

> sapinst

In the Software Provisioning tool select <SAP NW to be installed> > <your database> > Additional SAP System Instances > Enqueue Replication Server Instance to install the ERS.

If ENSA2 is used, execute sapinst with the specification of the host name associated with the floating IP for the ERS instance to the environment variable SAPINST_USE_HOSTNAME:

> sapinst


Enter the host name associated with the floating IP of ERS instance for ERS_Hostname.

When ENSA is used, the SID (SAP SID) and instance number for ERS specified along with the installation are used in " Setting up the ERS1 (Node#1) resource (for ENSA configuration)" (ERS1) and " Setting up the ERS2 (Node#2) resource (for ENSA configuration)" (ERS2). When ENSA2 is used, they are used in " Setting up the ERS resource (for ENSA2 configuration)".

In this manual, SID and INO are set as follows:




Instance name



for ENSA configuration (Node#1): 21




for ENSA configuration (Node#2): 21




for ENSA2 configuration: 21


3.2.7. Installation of Database Instance (Node#1)

Perform this work on Node#1.

> sapinst

In the Software Provisioning tool select <SAP NW to be installed> > <your database> > SAP Systems > Application Server ABAP > Distributed System > Database Instance to install the database instance.

The DBSID (Database ID) specified during installation is used in "Script resources" and "Custom monitor" in the supplied "SAP NetWeaver Configuration Example" document.

In this manual, DBSID is set as follows:

Data Base


SQL Server


3.2.8. Installation of PAS Instance (Node#1)

Perform this work on Node#1.

Run sapinst.

> sapinst

In the Software Provisioning tool select <SAP NW to be installed> > <your database> > SAP Systems > Application Server ABAP > Distributed System > Primary Application Server Instance to install the PAS.

The SID (SAP System ID) and INO (instance number) for PAS specified during installation are used in " Setting up the ERS resource (for ENSA2 configuration)".

The DASID (Diagnostics Agent System ID) and INO (instance number) for DA specified during installation are used in " Setting up the DA1 (Node#1) resource" (DA1).

In this manual, SIDs and INOs are set as follows:




Instance name










Depending on the version of SAP Software Provisioning Manager / SWPM the DA instance (Diagnostics Agent) may or may not be installed within the PAS instance installation. If it is not installed within this step, then please manually install as described later, otherwise skip the manual installation.

3.2.9. Installation of AAS Instance (Node#2)

Perform this work on Node#2.

Run sapinst.

> sapinst

In the Software Provisioning tool select <SAP NW to be installed> > <your database> > SAP Systems > Application Server ABAP > High-Availability System > Additional Application Server Instance to install the AAS.

The SID (SAP System ID) and INO (instance number) for AAS specified during installation are used in " Setting up the AAS resource".

The DASID (Diagnostics Agent System ID) and INO (instance number) for DA specified during installation are used in " Setting up the DA2 (Node#2) resource" (DA2).

In this manual, SIDs and INOs are set as follows:




Instance name










Depending on the version of SAP Software Provisioning Manager / SWPM the DA instance (Diagnostics Agent) may or may not be installed within the AAS instance installation. If it is not installed within this step, then please manually install as described later, otherwise skip the manual installation.

3.2.10. Installation of DA Instances (Node#1 and Node#2)

Perform this work on Node#1 and Node#2.


Perform this step only if sapinst did not offer the installation of DA instances during the PAS / AAS installation as described in the previous two chapters. If the DA instances already got installed, then please skip this chapter and proceed to the next item.

Run sapinst.

> sapinst

In the Software Provisioning tool select <Diagnostics Agent to be installed> > Install Diagnostics Agent with 7.45 Kernel to install the DA.

In this manual, SIDs and INOs are set as follows:




Instance name









3.2.12. Registration of the SAP License

For details about how to register the SAP license, refer to the installation guide of SAP NW.

3.2.13. Changing the SAP Instance Service Settings

Perform this work on Node#1 and Node#2.

Change the startup type of SAP related processes to manual, because each process of SAP instances should be started by EXPRESSCLUSTER.

  1. Select Start Button > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

  2. If Startup Type is Automatic for the following instance services, open Properties, and then change Startup Type to Manual.

    • SAPHostControl

    • SAPHostExec

    • SAP<SID>_<INO>

    • SAP<DASID>_<INO>

3.2.14. Disabling Auto Startup for the SAP Instances

Perform this work on Node#1 and Node#2.

To disable auto startup by the SAP interface for the ERS and DA instances, change the relevant configuration in the profile of these instances.

The ERS instance profile is placed in the following location.


The DA instance profile is placed in the following location.


Change the Autostart value in each profile to 0.


3.2.15. Enabling Auto Stop for the ERS Instance

Perform this work on Node#1 and Node#2.

To enable auto-stop feature of the ERS instance when ASCS had a failover to the node where the ERS instance is working.

The ERS instance profile is placed in the following location.


Change the enque/enrep/poll_interval value in each profile to 0.


Add the enque/enrep/hafunc_implementation = script value in each profile.

enque/enrep/hafunc_implementation = script

Comment out the line Restart_Program_03 = local $(_ER) pf=$(_PFL) NR=$(SCSID) in each profile.

Add Start_Program_03 = local $(_ER) pf=$(_PFL) NR=$(SCSID) in each profile.

#Restart_Program_03 = local $(_ER) pf=$(_PFL) NR=$(SCSID)
Start_Program_03 = local $(_ER) pf=$(_PFL) NR=$(SCSID)

3.2.16. Changing start parameters for ENSA

Perform this work on Node#1.

To enable proper detection of failures in the ENSA (part of ASCS) and trigger switchover correctly, the following parameter in the ASCS instance profile needs to be changed:
The ASCS instance profile is placed in the following location.
Comment out the line Restart_Program_03 = local $(_EN) pf=$(_PFL) in the profile.
Add Start_Program_03 = local $(_EN) pf=$(_PFL) in the profile.
#Restart_Program_03 = local $(_EN) pf=$(_PFL)
Start_Program_03 = local $(_EN) pf=$(_PFL)


3.3.1. Setup of Resources

Add the script resource to the failover groups created in "3.1.4. Creating failover groups".

Set up the script resource to control starting and stopping of each instance.

A script to control starting and stopping of various SAP instances is available.
To control starting and stopping of each SAP instance using this sample script, set up the script resource.
Since the sample scripts that control starting and stopping an instance use resource names as keys for control, so it is necessary to specify resource names appropriate to the control target.

Include the following string in the resource name:


The words in <> indicate the following items:

  • SID: SAP System ID

  • INO: Instance number


The resource name must not contain any spaces.


If the resource name does not conform to the naming conventions, starting and stopping of SAP NW instances cannot be normally controlled.

For setting examples in this manual, refer to "An example of setting EXPRESSCLUSTER" and "Script resources" in the supplied "SAP NetWeaver Configuration Example" document.

The sample script specified for the script resource is included in the installation media of this product.


Modify the supplied sample scripts according to your environment.

For how to add the script resource, refer to the following document: Setting up the ASCS resource

Add the following two script resources to the group for which the floating IP for ASCS is specified.

  • Add the script resource for controlling SAP instance services.

  • Add the script resource for starting SAP instances.

    * Include the SID (SAP System ID) and INO (instance number) specified in "3.2.4. Installation of ASCS Instance (Node#1)" in the resource name.

    Example in this manual

    script-ascs-SAP-instance_NEC_10 Setting up the ERS1 (Node#1) resource (for ENSA configuration)

Add the following two script resources for the group for ERS1.

  • Add the script resource for controlling SAP instance services.

  • Add the script resource for starting SAP instances.

    * Include the SID (SAP System ID) and INO (instance number) specified in "3.2.6. Installation of ERS Instances (Node#1 and Node#2)" in the resource name.

    Example in this manual

    script-ERS1-SAP-instance_NEC_21 Setting up the ERS2 (Node#2) resource (for ENSA configuration)

Add the following two script resources for the group for ERS2.

  • Add the script resource for controlling SAP instance services.

  • Add the script resource for starting SAP instances.
    * Include the SID (SAP System ID) and INO (instance number) specified in "3.2.6. Installation of ERS Instances (Node#1 and Node#2)" in the resource name.

    Example in this manual

    script-ERS2-SAP-instance_NEC_22 Setting up the ERS resource (for ENSA2 configuration)

Add the following three script resources to the group for which the floating IP for ERS is specified.

  • Add the script resource to check the ASCS startup node

  • Add the script resource for controlling SAP instance services.

  • Add the script resource for starting SAP instances.
    * Include the SID (SAP System ID) and INO (instance number) specified in "3.2.6. Installation of ERS Instances (Node#1 and Node#2)" in the resource name.

    Example in this manual

    script-ERS-SAP-instance_NEC_21 Setting up the PAS resource

Add the following two script resources for the group for ERS2.

  • Add the script resource for controlling SAP instance services.

  • Add the script resource for starting SAP instances.
    * Include the SID (SAP System ID) and INO (instance number) specified in "3.2.8. Installation of PAS Instance (Node#1)" in the resource name.

    Example in this manual

    script-PAS-SAP-instance_NEC_31 Setting up the AAS resource

Add the following two script resources for the group for AAS.

  • Add the script resource for controlling SAP instance services.

  • Add the script resource for starting SAP instances.
    * Include the SID (SAP System ID) and INO (instance number) specified in "3.2.9. Installation of AAS Instance (Node#2)" in the resource name.

    Example in this manual

    script-AAS-SAP-instance_NEC_32 Setting up the DA1 (Node#1) resource

  • Add the script resource for controlling SAP instance services.

  • Add the script resource for starting SAP instances.
    * Include the SID (SAP System ID) and INO (instance number) specified in "3.2.8. Installation of PAS Instance (Node#1)" in the resource name.

    Example in this manual

    script-DA1-instance_DAA_97 Setting up the DA2 (Node#2) resource

  • Add the script resource for controlling SAP instance services.

  • Add the script resource for starting SAP instances.
    * Include the SID (SAP System ID) and INO (instance number) specified in "3.2.9. Installation of AAS Instance (Node#2)" in the resource name.

    Example in this manual

    script-DA2-instance_DAA_96 Setting up the hostexec1 (Node#1) resource

Add the following script resource for the group for hostexec1.

  • Add the script resource for controlling saphostexec. Setting up the hostexec2 (Node#2) resource

Add the following script resource for the group for hostexec2.

  • Add the script resource for controlling saphostexec. Setting up the Exclusive1 (Node#1) resource (for ENSA configuration)

  • Add no group resources. Setting up the Exclusive2 (Node#2) resource (for ENSA configuration)

  • Add no group resources.

For examples of setting up in this manual, refer to "An example of setting EXPRESSCLUSTER" and "Script resources" in the supplied "SAP NetWeaver Configuration Example" document.


Specify a resource name that conforms to the naming conventions for the exec resource that controls starting and stopping of SAP NW instances. If the resource name does not conform to the naming conventions, starting and stopping of SAP NW instances cannot be normally controlled.

3.3.2. Setup of Monitor Resources

Add the following monitor resources to the group resources created in the previous section.

  • Custom monitor resource

  • Disk TUR monitor resource

  • CIFS monitor resource

For examples of setting in this guide please refer to "An example of setting EXPRESSCLUSTER" and "Custom monitor" in the supplied "SAP NetWeaver Configuration Example" document.

The sample script specified for the custom monitor resource is included in the installation media of this product.


Modify the supplied scripts according to your environment. Adding custom monitor resources

For how to add the custom monitor resources please refer to the following document: Setting up the SAP NW instance monitor resources
The custom monitor resource is used to monitor SAP NW instances.
Specify the sample script included in this product for the custom monitor resource to monitor the following instances:
  • ASCS

  • ERS1 (for ENSA configuration)

  • ERS2 (for ENSA configuration)

  • ERS (for ENSA2 configuration)

  • PAS

  • AAS

  • DA1

  • DA2 Setting up the SAP NW instance service monitor resources

The custom monitor resource is used to monitor SAP NW instance services.
Specify the sample script included in this product for the custom monitor resource to monitor the following instance services:
  • ASCS

  • ERS1 (for ENSA configuration)

  • ERS2 (for ENSA configuration)

  • ERS (for ENSA2 configuration)

  • PAS

  • AAS

  • DA1

  • DA2

  • hostexec1

  • hostexec2 Adding disk TUR monitor resources

The disk TUR monitor resource is used to monitor the shared disk described in this manual.

For how to add the disk TUR monitor resources, refer to the following document:

This resource is automatically registered when a disk resource is added. The disk TUR monitor resource corresponding to each disk resource is automatically registered.

The disk TUR monitor resource has default values. If necessary change them to appropriate values.


This resource cannot be used for a disk or disk interface (HBA) that does not support SCSI Test Unit Ready. Even if your hardware supports it, check the driver specifications because the driver may not support it. Adding a CIFS monitor resource

Add a CIFS monitor resource for ASCS.

For how to add the CIFS monitor resources please refer to the following document:


This monitor resource is automatically registered when a CIFS resource is added. The CIFS monitor resource corresponding to each CIFS resource is automatically registered.


When access check is performed, the specified access method must be permitted for the local system account in the CIFS resource to be monitored.

3.4. Connector for SAP

3.4.1. Installation of Connector for SAP

Perform this work on Node#1 and Node#2.

The Connector for SAP and sample scripts is contained in the installation media.

<media>:\Windows\<Version of EXPRESSCLUSTER>\common\tools\x64\clp_shi_connector.zip

Extract the zip file in any folder. The file constitution of the zip file is shown below.


Copy the extracted Connector for SAP to the following locations in the EXPRESSCLUSTER installation folder.

C:\Program Files\CLUSTERPRO\bin\clp_shi_connector.exe
C:\Program Files\CLUSTERPRO\bin\clp_shi_rsc.exe
C:\Program Files\CLUSTERPRO\etc\clp_shi_connector.conf

3.4.2. Activation of Connector for SAP

Perform this work on Node#1 and Node#2.

Perform the following setup to use the Connector for SAP Setting up the SAP profiles

Add the following specification to the default profile for SAP instances (DEFAULT.PFL) and the instance profile for each SAP instance to activate the SAP HA Connector and combine it with EXPRESSCLUSTER.

A setting example in this manual is shown below.

The path and a setting example of the default profile

service/halib_cluster_connector = C:\Program Files\CLUSTERPRO\bin\clp_shi_connector.exe

The path and a setting example of the instance profile of ASCS instance

<sharedisk>:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\profile\<SID>_ASCS<INO>\_\ <ASCS_Hostname>
service/halib = <sharedisk>:\usr\sap\<SID>\ASCS<INO>\exe\saphascriptco.dll


Specify a host name associated with the floating IP of ASCS instance for <ASCS_Hostname>.

The path and a setting example of the instance profile of ERS instance


service/halib = C:\usr\sap\<SID>\ERS<INO>\exe\saphascriptco.dll

The path and a setting example of the instance profile of PAS instance


service/halib = C:\usr\sap\<SID>\DVEBMGS<INO>\exe\saphascriptco.dll

The path and a setting example of the instance profile of AAS instance


service/halib = C:\usr\sap\<SID>\D<INO>\exe\saphascriptco.dll

The path and a setting example of the instance profile of DA instance


service/halib = c:\usr\sap\<DASID>\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\saphascriptco.dll
service/halib_cluster_connector = C:\Program Files\EXPRESSCLUSTER\bin\clp_shi_connector.exe


The SAP instance services need to be restarted after the setting is changed. Restart the cluster for instance. Granting administrator permissions to SAP NW users

To make SAP HA Connector executable, give full control permissions to the following registry to SAP NW users (SAP_<SID>_GlobalAdmin, SAP_<DASID>_LocalAdmin).



To combine SAP NW and EXPRESSCLUSTER, give full control permissions to the specified registry to the group that was automatically created when SAP NW was installed. If full control permissions to the registry are not given to SAP NW users, starting and stopping of SAP NW instances cannot be normally controlled.

3.4.3. Configuration File

This section describes the configuration file for the Connector for SAP.

The configuration file for the Connector for SAP is placed in the following location. Edit this file using a text editor.

C:\Program Files\EXPRESSCLUSTER\etc\clp_shi_connector.conf Setting items

For the Connector for SAP the following parameters in the configuration file can be changed to configure the log level, log size, and group resources for which to refuse the start/stop request from the SAP interface.


Only one-byte characters can be used in the configuration file.
Set each setting item in the key=value format.
If a key which can be set only once is set more than once, the last setting value is effective.
Any lines beginning with a string other than the valid keys, and any blank lines are skipped.
Any spaces and tabs before and after the key/value are skipped.
The maximum length of one line is 1023 bytes.
If there is no configuration file or setting values are invalid, the default values are used.

Parameter name

Setting value



(default: INFO)
Specify the output log level.
Output logs of the error level and information level.
Output logs of the warning level and information level.
Output logs of the information level.
Output logs of the internal trace and information level.


1 to 2147483647
(default: 1000000)
Specify the log size in bytes.
If the size of the current log file exceeds the specified log size, log rotation is performed.
The number of log file generations is two (the current log and the log of the previous generation).


Group resource name in EXPRESSCLUSTER
(default: None)
As the setting value (group resource name in EXPRESSCLUSTER), specify the name of the script resource that controls a SAP instance for which to refuse the start request from the SAP interface.

To set more than one group resource name, set more than one REFUSE_START_GROUP_RESOURCE parameter.


Group resource name in EXPRESSCLUSTER
(default: None)
As the setting value (group resource name in EXPRESSCLUSTER), specify the name of the script resource that controls a SAP instance for which to refuse the stop request from the SAP interface.

To set more than one group resource name, set more than one REFUSE_STOP_GROUP_RESOURCE parameter.


1 - 60
(default: 30)
The number of retries EXPRESSCLUSTER will try to obtain product information when the cluster is started. The interval between these attempts is set by GVI_CHECK_INTERVAL as stated below.
Even if the count does not reach to the setting, obtaining product information finishes when one attempt succeeded.


1 - 60
(default: 10)
The interval in seconds between EXPRESSCLUSTER attempts to obtain product information. If obtaining product information will be done only once (GVI_CHECKCOUNT=1), then this value will be ignored.


1 - 60
(default: 30)
The number of retries to check the status of the group resource when the Rolling Kernel Switch is done. The interval between the check is set by FRA_CHECK_INTERVAL as stated below.
Even if the count does not reach to the setting, the status check finishes when one attempt succeeded.


1 - 60
(default: 10)
The interval in seconds between checks of the status of the group resource. If the status check will be done only once (FRA_CHECKCOUNT=1), then this value will be ignored.


Folder to store the files which the Connector for SAP uses for the maintenance mode (default: none)
(Internal Version 12.1x or later can be specified)
Specify this when using maintenance mode.
Set the folder to store the files which the Connector for SAP uses for the maintenance mode. Specify the folder on which each cluster node is allowed to write. Under the specified folder, do not manually create files or folders. Only use up to 240 single-bite characters.
SMM_PATH=\\<host name for ASCS instance>\sapmnt\sapmm


1, 2
(Default: 1)
(Internal Version 12.1x or later can be specified)
Specify the version of ENSA to use.
Make sure that the version of ENSA matches the setting on the SAP NW side.
Set to 1 with ENSA used.
Set to 2 with ENSA2 used.
0, 1
(Default: 0)
(Internal Version 12.1x or later can be specified)
The bundled scripts allow you to check the statuses of processes composing each instance with sapcontrol -function GetProcessList. To determine whether the result is abnormal or not, you can choose from the following two patterns:
- Judge the result as abnormal when not all the process statuses are GREEN.
- Judge the result as abnormal when not all the process statuses are GREEN or YELLOW.
Specify either of the patterns with this parameter.
If a different pattern is to be set for a specific process, customize the bundled script (e.g. for judging the result as normal when Process A is YELLOW, for judging as abnormal when Process B is YELLOW).

Set the value to 1 to judge the result as abnormal when not all the process statuses are GREEN. In this case, YELLOW leads to judging the result as abnormal.
Set the value to 0 to judge the result as normal even if any of the process statuses is YELLOW.


Obtaining product information of EXPRESSCLUSTER when the cluster is started may fail due to a timing issue, as well as checking the group resource status when performing a Rolling Kernel Switch. In such a case adjust timing values and repetition count for GVI and FRA parameters.

A configuration example is shown below. This example sets the log level to INFO and the log size to 1000000 bytes.


3.4.4. Log Files

This section describes the log file used for the Connector for SAP.

For information about the logs in EXPRESSCLUSTER, refer to the following document: Log files

The Connector for SAP log is output to the following location:

C:\Program Files\EXPRESSCLUSTER\log\clp_shi_connector0.log
C:\Program Files\EXPRESSCLUSTER\log\clp_shi_connector1.log

clp_shi_connector0.log is always the current log file; clp_shi_connector1.log is the log file of the previous generation. Log format

The format of a log output from the Connector for SAP is shown below.

Log format

yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS LEVEL[P:PID][T:THREADID] __FILE__:__LINE__ FUNCTION MESSAGE Error messages

Error messages that the Connector for SAP outputs to the log file are described below.




GetModuleFileName() failed. (%1)

GetModuleFileName() failed. (%1: error code)

Check whether EXPRESSCLUSTER is correctly installed.

%1 does not exist. (%2)

The configuration file is not found. (%1: file path, %2: error code)

Check whether C:\Program Files\EXPRESSCLUSTER\etc\clp_shi_connector.conf exists.

fopen() failed (errno=%1).
The file could not be opened. (%1: error code)
Check the following possible causes:
- SAPservice<SID> has no access permission for the configuration file.
- The file system is corrupted.

fclose() failed (errno=%1).

The file could not be closed. (%1: error code)

Check whether the file system is corrupted.

Length of line exceeds maximum length. see line %1

The line is too long. (%1: line number)

Check the indicated line in the configuration file.

Value of LOGLEVEL is false. see line %1

The value for LOGLEVEL is invalid. (%1: line number)

Check the indicated line in the configuration file.

LOGSIZE is not in the setting range. see line %1

The value for LOGSIZE is out of the valid range. (%1: line number)

Check the indicated line in the configuration file.

Value of LOGSIZE is false. see line %1

The value for LOGSIZE is invalid. (%1: line number)

Check the indicated line in the configuration file.

The number of REFUSE_START_GROUP_RESOURCE exceeds the maximum number. see line %d

The number of REFUSE_START_GROUP_RESOURCE parameters is too many. (%1: line number)

Check the indicated line in the configuration file.

The number of REFUSE_STOP_GROUP_RESOURCE exceeds the maximum number. see line %d

The number of REFUSE_STOP_GROUP_RESOURCE parameters is too many. (%1: line number)

Check the indicated line in the configuration file.

Hyphen could not be used at beginning and end of group resource name. see line %d

Hyphen "-" cannot be used at the beginning and end of the group resource name. (%1: line number)

Check the indicated line in the configuration file.

Length of group resource name exceeds the maximum length. see line %d

The group resource name is too long. (%1: line number)

Check the indicated line in the configuration file.

Invalid character is used in group resource name. see line %d

The group resource name contains an invalid character. (%1: line number)

Check the indicated line in the configuration file.

Failed to get module file path.

The module path could not be acquired.

Check whether EXPRESSCLUSTER is correctly installed.

Failed to combine path.

Paths could not be combined.

Check whether EXPRESSCLUSTER is correctly installed.

Invalid options.
Options for the Connector for SAP are invalid.
Correctly specify the option referring to the usage.

Module not found.

The module is not found.

Check whether EXPRESSCLUSTER is correctly installed.

Cluster commands are not installed correctly. (%1)

EXPRESSCLUSTER is not correctly installed. (%1: error code)

Check whether EXPRESSCLUSTER is correctly installed.

Error during detection of cluster status. (%1)

An error has occurred during detection of cluster status. (%1: error code)

Check whether EXPRESSCLUSTER is correctly installed, as well as whether the cluster configuration information is correct.

Cluster commands are installed correctly but cluster framework is not running. (%1)

EXPRESSCLUSTER is correctly installed, but the cluster is not running. (%1: error code)

Start the cluster.

Failed to initialize apicl. (%1)

apicl could not be initialized. (%1: error code)

Check whether EXPRESSCLUSTER is correctly installed.

Failed to connect to the server. (%1)

The server could not be connected. (%1: error code)

Check whether the cluster configuration information is correct.

Failed to get group resource status. (%1: %2)

The group resource status could not be acquired. (%1: error code, %2: group resource name)

Check whether the cluster configuration information is correct, as well as whether the group resource name conforms to the naming conventions.

Group resource status is abnormal. (status: %1)

The group resource status is abnormal. (%1: status)

Check whether the cluster configuration information is correct.

Failed to get server names. (%1)

The server name could not be acquired. (%1: error code)

Check whether the cluster configuration information is correct.

Failed to get hostname. (%1)

The host name could not be acquired. (%1: error code)

Check whether the cluster configuration information is correct.

Failed to get cluster group names. (%1)

The group name could not be acquired. (%1: error code)

Check whether the cluster configuration information is correct.

Cluster group does not exist.

The group is not found.

Check whether the cluster configuration information is correct.

Failed to get group resource names. (%1)

The group resource name could not be acquired. (%1: error code)

Check whether the cluster configuration information is correct, as well as whether the group resource name conforms to the naming conventions.

Failed to get cluster group status. (%1: %2)

The group status could not be acquired. (%1: error code, %2: group name)

Check whether the cluster configuration information is correct.

Failed to start group resource %1. (%2)

The group resource could not be started. (%1: group resource name, %2: error code)

Check the following possible causes: high system load, memory shortage, and OS resource shortage.

Failed to start group resource %1 because group resource is not OFFLINE.

Because the group resource was not offline, the group resource could not be started. (%1: group resource name)

Check the status of the group resource.

Failed to stop group resource %1. (%2)

The group resource could not be stopped. (%1: group resource name, %2: error code)

Check the following possible causes: high system load, memory shortage, and OS resource shortage.

Failed to stop group resource %s because group resource is not ONLINE.

Because the group resource was not online, the group resource could not be stopped. (%1: group resource name)

Check the status of the group resource.

Failed to create cluster resource name. (res: %1)

The group resource name could not be generated. (%1: group resource name)

Check whether the cluster configuration information is correct, as well as whether the group resource name conforms to the naming conventions.

Failed to create cluster resource name. (SID: %1, INO: %2)

The group resource name could not be generated. (%1: SAP System ID, %2: instance number)

Check whether the cluster configuration information is correct, as well as whether the group resource name conforms to the naming conventions.

Failed to get resource status. (%1: %2)

The group resource status could not be acquired. (%1: error code, %2: group resource name)

Check whether the cluster configuration information is correct, as well as whether the group resource name conforms to the naming conventions.

Not found resource name. (name: %1)

The group resource name is not found. (%1: group resource name)

Check whether the cluster configuration information is correct, as well as whether the group resource name conforms to the naming conventions.

Not found ONLINE server index.

The online server index is not found.

Check whether the cluster configuration information is correct.

Resource %s is not ONLINE.

The group resource is not online. (%1: group resource name)

Check the status of the group resource.

Failed to get all server status. (%1)

The status of all servers could not be acquired. (%1: error code)

Check whether the cluster configuration information is correct.

Failed to open output file. (filename: %1)

The output file could not be opened. (%1: output file)

SAPservice<SID> has no access permission for the output file.

The file system is corrupted.

Failed to write file. (filename: %1, message; %2:%3:%4:)

Writing to the file failed. (%1: output file, %2: group resource name, %3: group name, %4: current node)

Check whether the disk is running out of space.

Failed to write file. (filename: %1, message; <separate>)

Writing to the file failed. (%1: output file)

Check whether the disk is running out of space.

Failed to write file. (filename: %1, message; %2)

Writing to the file failed. (%1: output file, %2: active node)

Check whether the disk is running out of space.

Failed to write file. (filename: %1, message; %2:%3:%4:%5:)

Writing to the file failed. (%1: output file, %2: SAP System ID, %3: instance number, %4: group resource name, %5: group name)

Check whether the disk is running out of space.

Failed to open log file. (%1, %2)
The log file could not be opened. (%1: error code, %2: log file)
Check the following possible causes:
- SAPservice<SID> has no access permission for the log file.
- The file system is corrupted.

Failed to set the file pointer to the end of log file. (%1)

The file pointer could not be moved to the end of file. (%1: error code)

The file system may be corrupted. Check it.

Failed to rotate logfile.
Log rotation could not be performed.
Check the following possible causes:
- SAPservice<SID> has no access permission for the log file.
- The file system is corrupted.
Failed to get log file size. (%1)
The log file size could not be acquired. (%1: error code)
Check the following possible causes:
- SAPservice<SID> has no access permission for the log file.
- The file system is corrupted.
Failed to delete old log file. (%1)
The old log file could not be deleted. (%1: error code)
Check the following possible causes:
- SAPservice<SID> has no access permission for the log file.
- The file system is corrupted.
- The old log file is locked.
Failed to rename log file. (%1)
The log file could not be renamed. (%1: error code)
Check the following possible causes:
- SAPservice<SID> has no access permission for the log file.
- The file system is corrupted.
- The old log file exists.
- The current log file is locked.
SMM_PATH is not defined.
(For Internal Version 12.1x or later)
Parameter SMM_PATH and the value for it have not been defined.
Set the value to "SMM_PATH", which is the parameter of clp_shi_connector.conf.
Failed to delete lock file. (filename: %1)
(For Internal Version 12.1x or later)
The files under the directory specified by the parameter SMM_PATH could not be deleted (%1:file name).
Check if the value for the parameter "SMM_PATH" in clp_shi_connector.conf is correct.
Failed to resume cluster. (SID: ${sid}, INO: ${ino}).
(For Internal Version 12.1x or later)
Cluster could not be resumed.
Check the cluster status.
Failed to create lock file. (filename: %1)
(For Internal Version 12.1x or later)
The files under the directory specified by the parameter SMM_PATH could not be created (%1:file name)
Check if the value for the parameter "SMM_PATH" in clp_shi_connector.conf is correct.
Failed to suspend cluster. (SID: ${sid}, INO: ${ino})
(For Internal Version 12.1x or later)
Cluster could not be suspended.
Check the cluster status.

4. Miscellaneous

4.1. SAP NW Update

To update SAP NW, use Software Update Manager (hereafter referred to as SUM). The update procedure with SUM involves restarting SAP instances and therefore it may interfere with EXPRESSCLUSTER which tries to keep the SAP components available. To avoid such interference with EXPRESSCLUSTER, suspend EXPRESSCLUSTER's monitoring for all SAP components that SUM has to restart.

Please select from the following two options to suspend EXPRESSCLUSTER's monitoring.

  • Suspending the whole cluster

  • Suspending monitor resources related to SAP instances and instance services

Update SAP NW with SUM while the cluster or the monitor resources are suspended. After the update is completed, resume the suspended cluster or the suspended monitor resources.

For how to suspend and resume a cluster or a monitor resource, please refer to the following document.

for Internal Version 11.3x/12.0x

  • "Reference Guide"
    - "Chapter 1 Functions of the WebManager"
    - "Operations from the WebManager"

for Internal Version 12.1xor later

  • Cluster WebUI online manual

4.1.1. Maintenance mode (for Internal Version 12.1x or later)

The maintenance mode can be switched on/off by the sapcontrol command or from the SAP management console. For details on the maintenance mode and the sapcontrol command, see the SAP documents.

When the maintenance mode is enabled, the cluster is suspended from the Connector for SAP.
When the maintenance mode is disabled, the cluster is resumed from the Connector for SAP.
When the maintenance mode is used, avoid suspending or resuming the cluster from Cluster WebUI or with the clpcl command in order to avoid conflicts.

The following is an example to enable the maintenance mode with the sapcontrol command:

sapcontrol -nr <SID> -function HASetMaintenanceMode 1

The following is an example to disable the maintenance mode with the sapcontrol command:

sapcontrol -nr <SID> -function HASetMaintenanceMode 0

In order to use the maintenance mode, add the account SAPService<SID> to the Administrators group of each cluster node.

4.2. Notes and Restrictions

  • Notes on starting/stopping groups (for Internal Version 11.3x/12.0x)
    Refer to the following sections in the "Reference Guide":
    "Group resource details"
    -> "Group start dependence and group stop dependence"
    -> "Notes"
  • Notes on starting/stopping groups (for Internal Version 12.1xor later)

  • Restriction of using spaces
    A node name , a failover group and a resource name must not contain any spaces. If they contain some spaces, starting and stopping of SAP NW instances cannot be controlled correctly.
  • Naming conventions for failover groups
    Specify a failover group name according to the naming conventions for the failover group for exclusive control of ASCS/ERS instance. If the failover group name does not follow the naming conventions, exclusive control of ASCS/ERS instance cannot function correctly.
  • Naming conventions for script resources
    Specify a resource name according to the naming conventions for the exec resource that controls starting and stopping of SAP NW instances. If the resource name does not follow the naming conventions, starting and stopping of SAP NW instances cannot be normally controlled.
  • SAP NW instance number
    A SAP NW instance number must be unique across the cluster nodes. If some SAP NW instances have duplicate numbers, starting and stopping of the SAP NW instances cannot be controlled correctly.
    If an instance number is duplicated inside a node or between nodes, reinstall a SAP NW component and reassign an instance number in either of the nodes.
  • Note on manual operation of ERS instance
    The ERS instance replicates the lock table from the ASCS instance. The ERS instance must work on the node where the ASCS instance is not performing, to ensure its redundancy.
    ERS instance should not be launched on the node where ASCS instance is performing even if it is manual operation.
    Additionally the ERS instance should not be launched on more than two nodes at same time.
  • Attention when one node recovers
    When the node where ERS instance was working gets recovered and joins the cluster, then the failover group of the ERS instance is not restarted automatically.
    You need to validate the node is working healthy and then restart the failover group of ERS instance manually.
    When the node where the ASCS instance was previously running on crashed and recovers, it may display that it is still sharing the <shareddisk>:\sapmnt folder. However this share is locally inaccessible since it is running on the node, which is currently running the ASCS failover group. In this case it is necessary to manually delete this inaccessible share on the recovered node, otherwise a failback of the ASCS group to this node will fail.
  • Restriction of using virtual computer name resource
    A virtual computer name resource must not be used with this product. If a virtual computer name resource is used, starting and stopping of SAP NW instances cannot be controlled correctly.
  • When the disk resource for ASCS is failed over or stopped, the following warning message may be output to WebManager (for Internal Version 11.3x/12.0x), Cluster WebUI (for Internal Version 12.1xor later). Ignore this message.

    Type: Warning
    Module name: sdfunc
    Event ID: 3201
    Message: Disconnection of disk %1 is being retried. The disk may be in use. Check the disk.
  • The mirror disk or shared disk belonging to the failover group for ASCS also stops, if the failover group for ASCS is stopped while PAS instance or AAS instance is running (e.g. manual failover). As a result, startup of ASCS instance service or ASCS instance on a failover target server may fail.

  • When creating a cluster on a cloud environment such as AWS and Microsoft Azure, use the AWS virtual ip resources and Azure DNS resources instead of the Floating IP resources. Note that name resolution must be possible for host names associated with virtual IPs for ASCS instances by the AWS virtual ip resource.

  • When a shared folder is published by CIFS resource in AWS environment, startup of ASCS instance service on the failover target node may fail.
    This is due to the fact that a process which accesses <\\Virtual Hostname\Shared Name> during the time period for failover exists and that an access attempt to file share fails when newly connecting to <\\Virtual Hostname\Shared Name> after failover.
    This phenomenon occurs due to the specification of Windows OS.
    In this case, it may be avoided by either of the configuration changes in CIFS resources as listed below:
    • Turn off the "Cache Enable" in CIFS resource

    • Change the Cache Setting into "Automatic cache" in CIFS resource

    If either of the configuration changes above does not work, customize the bundled script as described below:

    • Insert timeout before sapcontrol -function StartService in the bundled script (SAP-Service\start.bat) for starting ASCS instance service, so that it waits for the shared folder to be referable (already included in the bundled script for 12.1xor later).
  • Maintenance mode (for Internal Version 12.1x or later)
    When the maintenance mode is used, avoid suspending or resuming the cluster from Cluster WebUI or with the clpcl command in order to avoid conflicts.
    For the "SMM_PATH" parameter in clp_shi_connector.conf, specify the directory on which each cluster node is allowed to write. Under the specified directory, do not manually create files or directories.
  • The minimum SAP kernel patch level
    You must use the following SAP kernel patches level which include fixes for known issues.
    For details of SAP kernel patches please refer to SAP Note 1693245.
    • SAP Kernel Version 749: patch level 800 or later

    • SAP Kernel Version 753: patch level 515 or later

    • SAP Kernel Version 773: patch level 225 or later

    • SAP Kernel Version 777: patch level 32 or later

    • SAP Kernel Version 780: patch level 0 or later